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A few questions about this server


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I am looking for a PvP server with a good republic pvp community.


My question are;


1. What are the WZ queue times like on off hours and prime time?


2. What is the population difference like between the factions?


3. How are GSF queues?


4. Does republic actually cooperate here?


5. Are there any decent casual republic pvp/leveling guilds?


6. Does one side dominate WZ or GSF or is it pretty evenly matched?


Thanks in advance for any that answer.

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Just know the Harb is a PvE server, so if all you're gonna do is PvP, this isn't for you.


Server designations hardly apply anymore to TOR (other than maybe RP). :rolleyes: Plenty, if I may say so, PvP happens whether Regs and rankeds. Matter of fact, it's more active around the clock than the other 2 US PvP servers. Only thing the PvP servers may have more of is Group Rankeds, which is dying there also anyways.


Now to the OP:



My question are;


1. What are the WZ queue times like on off hours and prime time?


Abundant. Lot of Aussies come on after server "primetime", but it pops pretty fast throughout the day/night.


2. What is the population difference like between the factions?


Plenty of fleets between both factions, although not sure which side actually has more "bodies".


3. How are GSF queues?


Not sure.


4. Does republic actually cooperate here?


Indeed, as far as PvP WZ's are concerned. Plenty of decent guilds to choose from, and while they enjoy some light trolling, they typically always try and win matches.


5. Are there any decent casual republic pvp/leveling guilds?




6. Does one side dominate WZ or GSF or is it pretty evenly matched?


In regards to WZ's Pubs usually do better than the Imperials, but there are some Imperial guilds who do well, and some Pubs who have Imp alt guilds. Regardless, it's not uncommon to have a lot of matches Pub vs Pub, so the competition is actually not bad at all.


Thanks in advance for any that answer.





Edited by Pistols
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From what I've heard, queue times on Harbinger can be a lot shorter than other designated PVP servers. But then again, I don't have any personal experience to back up my claim. If you're interested in solo ranked, the queue times aren't bad, but there is an ebb and flow to when people queue so you've gotta figure out the pattern. As for PVP guilds there are lots, both on pub and imp sides, so you can find one you like.
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