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Maraurder force kick and pommel not working in pvp issue


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I'm at level 36 playing a marauder and both force kick and pommel strike do not work in pvp. i've tried in pve and they work fine but they dont work at all in pvp. i have talked in game to others and they have the same problem.


does anyone else have this issue? has anyone heard of a up coming patch to fix this issue?


it really hinders the amount of damage we could do in pvp since both would be very nice for killing blows and would do alot of one hit damage.


any info would be helpful!

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Not being able to use the abilities in PvP is pretty lame. But what really burns my bacon is the fact that both the kick and the pommel strike hit about 3 times harder than any saber attack I have.

So if you see a sword made out of lasers swinging at you, don't worry, but if you see my foot, or the metal handle of my lightsaber coming at you, look the !@#$ out. Seriously I might as well be fighting with a couple of mag lights.

Edited by Novacayne
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This is very lame...Any other class got these restrictions? How can i feel like Darth Maul if i cant use my class abilities...how abour removing all push effects from other classes while we on the nerf train!


Easy way to feel like Maul is to delete your Mara and roll a Zabrak dps Sin.

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This is very lame...Any other class got these restrictions? How can i feel like Darth Maul if i cant use my class abilities...how abour removing all push effects from other classes while we on the nerf train!


exactly! this is just an example of why one should not role a warrior if they enjoy pvp

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Not being able to use the abilities in PvP is pretty lame. But what really burns my bacon is the fact that both the kick and the pommel strike hit about 3 times harder than any saber attack I have.

So if you see a sword made out of lasers swinging at you, don't worry, but if you see my foot, or the metal handle of my lightsaber coming at you, look the !@#$ out. Seriously I might as well be fighting with a couple of mag lights.


i agree completely


also now it makes sense so thank all of your that answered and explained this.

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i guess everyone is wrong and you are right because... well i guess because youre smarter then every other person with and opinion out there...




actually, there are more people out there now saying that they are awesome in pvp with a marauder than there are people that say marauder is broken


so "everyone" is closer to his side of the argument, not yours


ps. i rock warzones, marauders is badas*, they are not broken

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actually, there are more people out there now saying that they are awesome in pvp with a marauder than there are people that say marauder is broken


so "everyone" is closer to his side of the argument, not yours


ps. i rock warzones, marauders is badas*, they are not broken


So tell us your build / strats / etc. Enlighten us almighty pvp one. We want to know your secrets.


Just stating you are bad *** does nothing but show you can just toss out words. Show us screen shots / strats / builds / what ever else. Make us believe you actually can do what you say.

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So tell us your build / strats / etc. Enlighten us almighty pvp one. We want to know your secrets.


Just stating you are bad *** does nothing but show you can just toss out words. Show us screen shots / strats / builds / what ever else. Make us believe you actually can do what you say.


Maybe YOU can provide all of the things you ask for to show HIM Mar is UP. I find your use of sarcasm funny considering you said nothing useful in your post. If you read more than one post thoroughly you will see that most high level Mar's are not complaining and the ones that are most likely have a hard time using their abilities fully. I'm level 24 now and after every skill and TT upgrade I feel like my toon comes more into it's own. I've played WoW for I guess around 6 years. I mostly played ret/holy pally and played a lot on my DK as well. I usually had around 10 keybinds, I already have that with my Mar and am scared to be getting more but in no way have I felt under powered so far. Anyone saying otherwise is quite simply wrong. I don't need to hear why you think it's UP because I play the class and know it to be untrue. If you want to continue to play the class then you need to get used to using more binds. I'm not trying to make a "omg learn to play" post but it is simply a necessity with this class in pvp. If you're not comfortable with doing that then switch classes. Not trying to be mean it's just true. I have a buddy brand new to MMO's and told him to absolutely NOT play this class to start off.

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