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Seriously, I don't get it...


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Why do people need to create threads saying things like " I'm cancelling my sub and leaving... " or " This game doesn't have this and that and so I'm leaving... " even after months or years " wasted " here?


I really don't get it... the only reason that comes to my mind is that the person wants to show off.


If you're really not satisfied with the game, just pack up and leave!



There... I said it... :rolleyes:

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yeah, it's silly how some people think they have to make a scene as they leave... but what i find sillier are the ones that apparently hate this game yet fork up the $15 a month to complain about it... defamation agenda maybe?.. they usually go out spitting vitriol and misinformation...
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Not going to name anyone in particular but don't you like the ones who every few months come and say how one game is going to destroy this game and then, it doesn't so they move onto another doomsday theory? And then when we point out how (insert other games name here) has bombed or gone below expectations they get defensive. I pointed out to a guy who said eso did a lot of damage to this game and that wildstar was going to destroy what was left by telling him of some of the shortcomings of eso such as with bots in the pvp, a trusted client ( which makes it very susceptible to hacks and bots), lots of goldsellers ( of which random people got banned for because they had a tough time differentiating them from clean players), item duplication issues that screwed the in game economy a bit ( and more bans), and from what a friend says a slow leveling process, and problems early on that prevented people from logging in. It may be a good game, but this guy just said "it doesn't matter wow revolutionized mmos which is what wildstar is doing". Funny because months before I think that unnamed guy said the same thing about eso.


TL; DR, They are like the guys who thought the world would end on the year 2000, then again in 2006, and AGAIN in 2012, and I remember I heard somewhere the world will now be "destroyed" in 2018. All I know is, I'm still alive! :rolleyes:

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I much prefer they leave one rant thread rather spamming the same **** over and over again like a broken record.


yeah, I mean, if someone announces they are done with this game, its their right to state why as a paying customer. But if they already unsubbed and are waiting for the remaining time they paid for to run out, they seem to spend largely inordinate amounts of time on the forums of the game they shout in each thread is terrible and that they hate instead of well, doing something they feel is enjoyable.

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@ Sangrar


I know right... every time I come to the general discussion part of the forum, that's 85% of what I see... rant threads about people leaving, people getting shafted about this and that or that (insert game name here) is going to doom SWTOR...


Don't get me wrong, Wildstar is awesome, I played the open beta and I loved it and will probably play it too, but this is from a guy that have never played WoW.


But like I said... if a person thinks the game is not worth to play anymore, just pack and freaking leave! Such person would be wasting time trying to convince others of the same.

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yeah, I mean, if someone announces they are done with this game, its their right to state why as a paying customer. But if they already unsubbed and are waiting for the remaining time they paid for to run out, they seem to spend largely inordinate amounts of time on the forums of the game they shout in each thread is terrible and that they hate instead of well, doing something they feel is enjoyable.


I think I maybe a bit irrational but when I'm done with a game series because I don't enjoy it and I know there isn't anything I say that will change the direction of the game, I just leave. No need to make others feel badly for enjoying a game I don't.

Edited by Nickious
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I think I maybe a bit irrational but when I'm done with a game series because I don't enjoy it and I know there isn't anything I say that will change the direction of the game, I just leave. No need to make others feel badly for enjoying a game I don't.


they can give feedback, the devs do want to know that stuff that is technically part of the community teams job, but at the same time there is a difference between a constructive " I unsubscribed because I feel that..." and an loud, abrasive, vague "FU Bioware this game sux all of you are mindless defenders this game will die when wildstar comes out!!!", followed by repeating that in every thread.

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It's because sometimes, these people seek validation when they create these kind of threads. They're looking for partisans to their reasons for leaving so they can have a "yeah, I'm not the only one who thinks so" moment. I've seen plenty of those in all mmos I've played and it will never stop.



One thing though is that I've learned to give value to quitting threads who aren't necessarily ranting but rather write them as 'letter' of farewell to forum friends. Some of those threads don't even mention game comparison, they simply state how long they've played a game (usually something like 5+ years), they'll mention the fun times they had during certain X and Y event and leave everyone with good will. Those are the kind of threads I don't mind.

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they can give feedback, the devs do want to know that stuff that is technically part of the community teams job, but at the same time there is a difference between a constructive " I unsubscribed because I feel that..." and an loud, abrasive, vague "FU Bioware this game sux all of you are mindless defenders this game will die when wildstar comes out!!!", followed by repeating that in every thread.


I'm all for constructive criticism that is working within the natural constructs of the game but I find a certain futility of trying to change a game into something it will never was or will be.

Edited by Nickious
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One thing though is that I've learned to give value to quitting threads who aren't necessarily ranting but rather write them as 'letter' of farewell to forum friends. Some of those threads don't even mention game comparison, they simply state how long they've played a game (usually something like 5+ years), they'll mention the fun times they had during certain X and Y event and leave everyone with good will. Those are the kind of threads I don't mind.


My thoughts are the same... as well as constructive threads to give the devs an insight of what to improve. These I agree completely.

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...That's what she said. /hide


Had to do it, it was screaming at me. I've seen this pattern repeatedly though, in every MMO I've played. I don't feel the need to come here and proclaim what I'm going to do. I just talk with my wallet. When a game isn't giving me what I'm looking for from it any more, I just move on. If you don't see me for a month, I probably moved on to "greener" pastures.

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It's because sometimes, these people seek validation when they create these kind of threads. They're looking for partisans to their reasons for leaving so they can have a "yeah, I'm not the only one who thinks so" moment. I've seen plenty of those in all mmos I've played and it will never stop.



One thing though is that I've learned to give value to quitting threads who aren't necessarily ranting but rather write them as 'letter' of farewell to forum friends. Some of those threads don't even mention game comparison, they simply state how long they've played a game (usually something like 5+ years), they'll mention the fun times they had during certain X and Y event and leave everyone with good will. Those are the kind of threads I don't mind.


You hit the nail on the head. Its the same thing the OP is doing the same thing with this thread. Seeking validation from other people. What difference does it make why people are leaving? If you don't care don't read the thread and don't comment on it. Soon it will fall off the 1st page and no one will look at it. Posting your wrong its the greatest game in the world and you find those issue in (blank game) only keeps it on page one and gets more people to read it. Ignore the thread and it will go away.

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At least there is sometimes also "Returning player or new subscriber" threads :p

And vast majority of players do not visit forums and judging TOR based on only amount of subscribers isn't valid because Preferreds and f2p aren't dead mass, they make cartel purchases and some even subscribe to game. I did at least do so, I started out as f2p, liked it so that I decided to subscribe. For now I'm pleased. New operation would be sweet but I still have things to do anyway ^^

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I saw a "SWTOR quitters" thread on battlenet. No idea how I got there since I have no intention of ever wasting time with warcraft but it seemed odd that this game needed its own quitter thread on another game's forum. It's cute how juvenile the internet generation actually is that there is a constant need for affirmation.

Thumbs down.




Maybe we should start selling t-shirts.


When I have quit this game, I didn't need to seek out attention by making threads about it, I just stopped paying and playing. It's happened multiple times, and will happen again. As has happened with every other MMORPG I've played.

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One of the worse parts is that they act like no one can play two games, they act like once you start playing another game you *have* to stop logging int o the other game anymore, I mean seriously, if I wanted to try Wildstar ( I don't but thats not the point ) I would still play this game while playing Wildstar on the side to try it out, maybe dedicate a full day or two to trying it out and contribute more time to it if I like it but that would not stop me from regularly logging into and playing swtor either. I mean seriously, why does it have to be either/ or?
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One of the worse parts is that they act like no one can play two games, they act like once you start playing another game you *have* to stop logging int o the other game anymore, I mean seriously, if I wanted to try Wildstar ( I don't but thats not the point ) I would still play this game while playing Wildstar on the side to try it out, maybe dedicate a full day or two to trying it out and contribute more time to it if I like it but that would not stop me from regularly logging into and playing swtor either. I mean seriously, why does it have to be either/ or?


Agreed, you'd think playing a game was the equivalent of taking an oath of fealty.

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Look I'll say say this. On the one hand it is attention seeking and ego driven. But on the other hand, I kind of understand why people make leaving threads. See it is human nature to want to discuss why something makes you unhappy and a casing in point is games. If a game that you really love is well bad, you want tell people about it. Not necessarily to hate on said game but to inform people.


I admit that most the threads that are made here do not serve that purpose and are mainly avenues for people to vent their frustration about how the game did not live up to their expectations etc. Yet, saying that their are a few threads that were mellow in tone and did discuss why that person wants to leave in a calm and reasonable way. So in that regard some people can in fact create a thread for good reasons.


I look over leaving threads with a fine toothed comb in the sense that if I feel the poster is being productive in their approach to why the game was not for them, then I will accept it. However, and I admit i get very heated when this happens, is when people make I leave threads just to bash the game and the developers. That infuriates me, and I make a thing about calling them out on it.


I just want to make one final point. In regards to what the OP said, the posters who make the claims that x game is going to kill this game for x reason are the most annoying. As well as posters who literally spend 15$ a month just to bad mouth this game. I simply do not understand those people. Oh well.

Edited by theUndead
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At one time or another I guess I've been guilty of all the above, and I think anyone who's been doing MMOs for any length has done the same, even if they refuse to admit it. Like Pavlov's dog, I've learned not to leave parting shots, however well intentioned; they will only garner a buttscorching.


I think when someone has played a particular MMO for a protracted period, certainly over the course of months or even years, they develop a certain affinity with the game's community, more so if they've been active on the forums in a favorable context. Unfortunately, this involvement leads some people to think the community actually cares whether they exist or not -- this would be true in a real life setting, but is usually not the case in the context of any Internet community. As such, parting remarks fall on deaf ears, frequently incur retorts from the virtual sociopaths online, and achieve nothing, particularly any degree of empathy.


It is sad that players feel compelled to make parting remarks, but it's equally telling about the state of the community when these remarks are met with little more than abject scorn and ridicule.

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U know what's funny?


I once made an "I'm leaving" type thread.

I was out of a job and couldn't afford to renew my subscription.


So I basically wrote an "I'm going to have to leave the game for a while, but it's been fun playing and I hope to be back soon" thread.


Day 1: thread is filled with "well don't let the door hit you on the *** on the way out" or "OMG who cares!" type posts.

Day 2: thread gets deleted.


At the same time there were three other farewell threads that were written by people who were basically puking their guts out over the game and whining about everything.


So my harmless "bye, hope to be back soon" thread gets murdered by the community and then deleted by the mods, but the others were left despite being hateful...


Sometimes I just don't get it :/

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So my harmless "bye, hope to be back soon" thread gets murdered by the community and then deleted by the mods, but the others were left despite being hateful...


Sometimes I just don't get it :/


Exactly... people ranting and trying to make other people's minds that the game is bad is ok, but someone making a "bye bye, hope to come back soon" thread gets harassed.

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I do not think they are making the threads for the sake of people who are happy with the game (or happy trolling the forums.) In addition to this being a place for the 'community' to discuss the game it's also a place to get your issues with the game potentially screened by a Bioware employee (while they are locking the thread most likely.) Very often, people leave out of frustration, but would prefer to have that frustration removed so they can continue playing. Instead of telling everyone to 'let the door hit them' and the game population dwindling further. You could consider that you (in this situation I'm using 'you' as a word for the forum bullies) are not the representative voice for all of the swtor customers and that it's not up to you to prevent people from trying to get their voice heard or to marginalize other people's concerns.


I do think it would be better for them to make detailed posts in proper forums (feedback, bugs, ask for help in respective forums if their issue is with pvp or operations.) However, I get it, they come to the forums out of frustration and then they are met with forum dwelling bullies. It's really a toxic situation that only breeds more frustration. If you really are so pleased with every single aspect of the game then ignore their threads and let them speak their peace and talk to others with the same concerns or move on. There really is no need to exacerbate the situation with trolling replies or mocking threads like this one.

Edited by Jessabeans
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yeah, it's silly how some people think they have to make a scene as they leave... but what i find sillier are the ones that apparently hate this game yet fork up the $15 a month to complain about it... defamation agenda maybe?.. they usually go out spitting vitriol and misinformation...


first off, that text burnt my retinas. secondly, i think people just want attention, and they may have wanted to hurt the game, which i hate because other people enjoy it. point is:


people who feel bad like making others suffer as much as they do, it is human nature, and i don't get the advantage of such a trait.

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