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Has SWTOR gotten any better?

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queueing for specific flashpoints can still take a lot of time, especially in lvl 43 to 49 range, but earlier flashpoints pop more. HM lvl 50 flashpoints can be hit or miss depending on a time of the day. new tactical flashpoints tend to be hopping.


personally, I'm enjoying pvp and even gotten used to new huttball map (hated it at first)


galactic star fighter is... well.. if you enjoy free flight small fighter ship pvp? you may enjoy it. stories are still great and while Makeb is not my favorite, smaller additional stories they have added since then (tied to daily areas and either flashpoints or ops) are pretty good. ops are still fun and there are a lot more cosmetic things to chase - toys, pets, gear, mounts.


a fair amount of quality of life features has been added, from better GTN UI, to more flexible personal UI, to earlier cheaper mount training (as subscriber) to a whole slew of legacy perks.


2 new shared between classes companions (I think you missed both of them) HK- 51 quest chain is alternately awesome and horrible (gathering parts is just... bleh, but other sections of the chain are pretty fun) Treek is just buy and watch a quick intro to get, but she's a tank/healer companion which can be pretty awesome for certain class/ac/spec combo's early on.


few new events. some recurring, some random. housing and legacy storage coming by the end of summer.


honestly? regardless of what people say, only you can decide if the game has improved or not. for YOU. so I wouldn't listen much to opinions of other people if I were you, good or bad (and a few of those in here are just bitter people who apparently have too much money on their hands, spending it on a game they hate, since you cannot post on a forums as f2p). just go explore and see for yourself.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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LOL... P2W he says... you know he can't be serious when he says SWTOR is P2W... that's just so silly it's hilarious...


in honesty the game has gotten better for PvE people as it's very PvE'centric, unfortuntly they stopped the Class Stories in favor of an overall story arc... as for the PvP, i'm sorry to tell ya but it's not gotten any better and prolly never will... but that doesn't really matter, it's just PvP...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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no it hasn't it's gotten much worse.


the pve is still boring, quests are still some of the most boring things out there. the 'class' stories range from so so to awful, flashpoints still have lots of broken parts in them, and bioware has decided no more new raids rather they are just going to rehash old raids by giving the mobs more health. pvp is awful as well, no open world pvp, ranked pvp is roll a assassin or op. really if you want to pvp just roll one of the two the other classes don't do nearly as much damage or healing as sins and ops. and bioware is nerfing the other classes and beefing up sins and ops why? i guess the devs play those two.


gsf is a full on failure and is dead on just about every server, maybe you'll get a match or two popping once every few hours but if that's what you want go play war thunder. the cartel market is the only thing that really gets updated with more p2w systems that are milking the player base dry of money. strongholds is all about the cartel market. any new content comes in the form of tactical flashpoints that are some of the most easy content ever, i have friends that solo them for fun. and events like the gambling event that puts in slot machines that people are reporting spending millions of credits on and winning nothing.


i'd look at games like wildstar, eve, the secret world and the swg emu.


I can't take your argument seriously when you claim the CM is P2W when it isn't.

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AshenK has way too much money to spend on a game he doesn't play, and spends too much time on these forums rather than playing wildstar. As above you should take no notice of any player who claims that SWTOR is P2W, of all the MMOs out now, SWTOR is one of the few which is genuinely not P2W (including, I am going to guess from some of the statements made by Carbine, Wildstar).
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Hey all, I have a serious question that needs answering, after playing FFXIV for a longtime I am starting to slowly get bored with it and wanting to come back to SWTOR for its unique storytelling and PvP as PvP in any game is quite a big importance for me. So i have stuff to do really.

I stopped being a sub since January 2012 but added some more time to my account today. But onto my main question


But I am wondering since then, has the game gotten any better with endgame and pvp?


Also are finding groups much quicker now? I remember I used to sit on group finder for 2-8 hours and never find a group for a good week.


Endgame and PVP have improved immensely IMO, and que times are much faster now. There are still improvements to be had, but since the time you unsubbed (jan 2012) the improvements are substantial to say the least.

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Yes. But the problem for him is that he said PvP was very important to him. PvP has has Open World removed, 8x8 removed, and only 3 new maps added since launch almost 3 years ago. So if PvP is very important to him... then well... lolz


Open world PvP wasn't removed, the Ilum area was redesigned and removed as a daily. 8v8 wasn't removed, ranked 8v8 was. 3 maps is a lot compared to many PvE based MMOs. SWTOR launched December 20, 2011, or about 2 years, 5 months ago.


Since you have such a terrible skewed vision of reality, I don't think any of your opinions are very trustworthy.

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Open world PvP wasn't removed, the Ilum area was redesigned and removed as a daily. 8v8 wasn't removed, ranked 8v8 was. 3 maps is a lot compared to many PvE based MMOs. SWTOR launched December 20, 2011, or about 2 years, 5 months ago.


Since you have such a terrible skewed vision of reality, I don't think any of your opinions are very trustworthy.


Doesn't negate the fact that PvP has seen content removed. If you were to poll PvP'ers, they don't want maps, they want PvP content that keeps them around. OWPvP is a failure in TOR, period. 8 Man Rankeds were removed because the Dev team never built the system like the one we have with Arenas. I'm sure the person you quoted was speaking of 8 man rankeds, it doesn't take much to deduce that much. :rolleyes:

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Granted that this is my opinion and highly subjective but I think they've broken the PvP to the point that i hardly ever play it anymore. It's a different story if you like Arenas I guess, if that's the case you'll have a new venue.


BUT, for someone who doesnt like Arenas it's pretty much down to the following now:

*You'll always be considered a 2nd grade player if you don't participate in Arenas. It doesnt matter that you slap all the Arena "pros" silly in normal, you'll still hear about your lack of rating or how you opinion doesnt matter if you refer to a balance issue etc.

*Arena in normals is the most lopsided gamemode I've played in any game, ever, and I've played a lot of games. At no point will it ever be even remotely compeitive.

*You are constantly thrown in to Arena in the normal playlist, with no way of turning this off, despite that you originally subbed for 8 vs 8 and never asked for Arena.

*It's futile to solo queue. This is the main reason I'm hardly PvP'ing anymore because between all the backfills and Arenas, which i insta-quit, I more or less never get to play a proper 8 vs 8 match from start. Even the days I actually queue I'm usually quitting after 30 minutes on behalf of not having played a game yet.


End-game PvE is a lackluster in terms of content. They might hace added some stuff since you were last here but it's noweher near the content we could have had if they had focused and skipped all the extra BS that no one really cares about for more than 5 minutes anyway. GSF was a massive failure and so will housing be. I would have been totally indifferent to the things I just mentioned IF it hadnt been for the fact that BW is seemingly stuck with a 5-man staff so whenever they create something it means that something els isnt created. People are too stupid to understand this so they're still lobbying these crazy ideas that would have been fine in a sucessful game with a staff of 200. It doesnt work that way in this game.

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no it hasn't it's gotten much worse.


the pve is still boring, quests are still some of the most boring things out there. the 'class' stories range from so so to awful, flashpoints still have lots of broken parts in them, and bioware has decided no more new raids rather they are just going to rehash old raids by giving the mobs more health. pvp is awful as well, no open world pvp, ranked pvp is roll a assassin or op. really if you want to pvp just roll one of the two the other classes don't do nearly as much damage or healing as sins and ops. and bioware is nerfing the other classes and beefing up sins and ops why? i guess the devs play those two.


gsf is a full on failure and is dead on just about every server, maybe you'll get a match or two popping once every few hours but if that's what you want go play war thunder. the cartel market is the only thing that really gets updated with more p2w systems that are milking the player base dry of money. strongholds is all about the cartel market. any new content comes in the form of tactical flashpoints that are some of the most easy content ever, i have friends that solo them for fun. and events like the gambling event that puts in slot machines that people are reporting spending millions of credits on and winning nothing.


i'd look at games like wildstar, eve, the secret world and the swg emu.



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You're subscribed now, else you couldn't post to this forum. Why not play it for a month and form your own opinion?


You could even read the patch notes history and get a feel for what new things you could try.

Edited by DarthTHC
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no it hasn't it's gotten much worse.


the pve is still boring, quests are still some of the most boring things out there. the 'class' stories range from so so to awful, flashpoints still have lots of broken parts in them, and bioware has decided no more new raids rather they are just going to rehash old raids by giving the mobs more health. pvp is awful as well, no open world pvp, ranked pvp is roll a assassin or op. really if you want to pvp just roll one of the two the other classes don't do nearly as much damage or healing as sins and ops. and bioware is nerfing the other classes and beefing up sins and ops why? i guess the devs play those two.


gsf is a full on failure and is dead on just about every server, maybe you'll get a match or two popping once every few hours but if that's what you want go play war thunder. the cartel market is the only thing that really gets updated with more p2w systems that are milking the player base dry of money. strongholds is all about the cartel market. any new content comes in the form of tactical flashpoints that are some of the most easy content ever, i have friends that solo them for fun. and events like the gambling event that puts in slot machines that people are reporting spending millions of credits on and winning nothing.


i'd look at games like wildstar, eve, the secret world and the swg emu.


Interesting advice... you direct people toward other games, some of which aren't even out yet, but here you are, still paying a subscription to this one and posting to its forums.


If those other games are all that and a bag of chips, what is it about this game that holds such an intense draw for you that you simply can't escape from it?

Edited by DarthTHC
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no it hasn't it's gotten much worse.


the pve is still boring, quests are still some of the most boring things out there. the 'class' stories range from so so to awful, flashpoints still have lots of broken parts in them, and bioware has decided no more new raids rather they are just going to rehash old raids by giving the mobs more health. pvp is awful as well, no open world pvp, ranked pvp is roll a assassin or op. really if you want to pvp just roll one of the two the other classes don't do nearly as much damage or healing as sins and ops. and bioware is nerfing the other classes and beefing up sins and ops why? i guess the devs play those two.


gsf is a full on failure and is dead on just about every server, maybe you'll get a match or two popping once every few hours but if that's what you want go play war thunder. the cartel market is the only thing that really gets updated with more p2w systems that are milking the player base dry of money. strongholds is all about the cartel market. any new content comes in the form of tactical flashpoints that are some of the most easy content ever, i have friends that solo them for fun. and events like the gambling event that puts in slot machines that people are reporting spending millions of credits on and winning nothing.


i'd look at games like wildstar, eve, the secret world and the swg emu.


what server you on at the most my que time for gsf takes 15 minutes on Bastion, 5 at the least


also, how the **** is the cartel market pay to win? Does wearing male stripper gear into pvp make me invincible!?


and "milking the player base dry of money", really!? I have not spent A DIME on cc's in my entire history playing this game, only my sub, so how am I getting "milked"!


learn to read the housing page, it shows the complimentary nar shadaa housing as CREDIT VALUES, so while there is going to be stuff like housing decorations on the cartel market, there will still be stuff sold FOR CREDITS



and the gambling event, oh I'm sorry, you know, because we all know you can spend all your money on casinos and always win. While I am not for the event entirely either still you cannot use "spending millions and getting nothing" as any evidence other than the fact that those people might have impulse control problems.

Edited by Sangrar
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Doesn't negate the fact that PvP has seen content removed. If you were to poll PvP'ers, they don't want maps, they want PvP content that keeps them around. OWPvP is a failure in TOR, period. 8 Man Rankeds were removed because the Dev team never built the system like the one we have with Arenas. I'm sure the person you quoted was speaking of 8 man rankeds, it doesn't take much to deduce that much. :rolleyes:


6 WZ maps

3 arena maps

solo rated arenas

group rated arenas


gree event PVP( more fun than old ilum kill trading zergs )

lots of open world PVP happens in the daily 55 areas( more fun than old ilum kill trading zergs ).


8 person rated was replaced by 4 person rateds which was a big improvement. so nothing was actually taken away.

Edited by MiaRB
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Good catch... Something doesn't seem right, now.


His forum number is 8810516..... not a new number.... but not a launch number either.


In fact, check his post history... first post made here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6845297#post6845297 on 10/13/13... which is just much closer to the right range for an 8.8M+ member.


Yeah... we appear to be receiving some chirping from under a bridge somewhere.

Edited by Andryah
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His forum number is 8810516..... not a new number.... but not a launch number either.


In fact, check his post history... first post made here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6845297#post6845297 on 10/13/13... which is just much closer to the right range for an 8.8M+ member.


Yeah... we appear to be receiving some chirping from under a bridge somewhere.


so what is this thread then? why is the op apparently lying? it doesn't seem like one of those threads to purposefully get people very angry, what is this? :rak_02:


and how do you figure out someones forum number?

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so what is this thread then? why is the op apparently lying? it doesn't seem like one of those threads to get people angry, what is this? :rak_02:


and how do you figure out someones forum number?


Hover over their name. I think the OP just doesn't remember when he used to play.

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His forum number is 8810516..... not a new number.... but not a launch number either.


In fact, check his post history... first post made here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6845297#post6845297 on 10/13/13... which is just much closer to the right range for an 8.8M+ member.


Yeah... we appear to be receiving some chirping from under a bridge somewhere.


slight aside, but what is the cutoff number for prelaunch vs launch vs way after launch? approximately? just curious

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slight aside, but what is the cutoff number for prelaunch vs launch vs way after launch? approximately? just curious


Around 3 million and lower are launch(ish) players. Below 2.4 million were definitely here at launch. Above 4 million is f2p. After that it gets a bit fuzzier. I believe we broke 10 million somewhere between spring and summer of last year.

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Since we are way off topic with the whole number fixation...


PVP has not improved. If that is your focus you are better off with another MMO. GW2 is fairly decent. Maybe try a MOBA.


Other than PVP, almost every aspect of this game is substantially better than it was at launch. I think they should have a FF 14 ARB style relaunch of the game. It's probably the best MMO from a PVE perspective out right now.


One note, don't bother with the supposed 'Free To Play'. It's a bad trial. This game is more than worth a subscription.

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6 WZ maps

3 arena maps

solo rated arenas

group rated arenas


gree event PVP( more fun than old ilum kill trading zergs )

lots of open world PVP happens in the daily 55 areas( more fun than old ilum kill trading zergs ).


8 person rated was replaced by 4 person rateds which was a big improvement. so nothing was actually taken away.


Stop using logic. Logic doesn't make sense to hyperbole prone forum warriors.

Edited by Arkerus
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