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And now, the gospel truth about GSF.


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This sermon brought to you today by Kalphitis - and also by the great taste of Charleston Chew.


The records, for the most part, are meaningless. I don't really know why they're in the game. Two things:


1) If you care that much about them, and it bothers you, you need to just chill. Chill man :cool: It's a game.


2) Nobody else will ever care what your records say. If you have a really impressive K/D ratio, or W/L ratio, it means absolutely nothing. If you have a really bad K/D or W/L ratio, it means absolutely nothing. There is no competition in this game. There is no realistic matchmaking.


If you care about competition, GSF isn't the game for you. If you have fun flying around and shooting stuff, it is.


I knew this back in December. Forgot about it after I got named a server Ace. Wish I hadn't.


The moral?


We're not responsible for game balance. We're not responsible for matchmaking. We're responsible for getting out there and having fun.


Thanks for the reminder, Kal. -bp

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This sermon brought to you today by Kalphitis - and also by the great taste of Charleston Chew.




I knew this back in December. Forgot about it after I got named a server Ace. Wish I hadn't.


The moral?


We're not responsible for game balance. We're not responsible for matchmaking. We're responsible for getting out there and having fun.


Thanks for the reminder, Kal. -bp


The day they introduced the statistical part of the GSF which is alot more detailed then the ground combat it basically sucked the majority of the fun I had with it. It's hard to enjoy something if you know before the match begins it's already a loss and then you have something reporting to you how many losses you have. With ground combat because I refuse to group my wins sitting around (892) 102 for some reason when I just looked but I have almost 3726 losses according to my Excel spreedsheet I keep on all my matchs.


Now with GSF its usually me solo queing again and getting into matchs where its a determined outcome as the match I just got out of. 1 Veteran and 7 rookies with two ships and 1 three ship verse 6 veterans and two rookies with two ships. The team I was on determined that this match was about to suck and the other side even said we let you have 1 sattellite but the team just couldnt take another sattellite from them no matter how hard they tried. To me I said half way thru, I'll take my loss, goto the next match take another loss and call it a day with GSF as I have for the basically last few months since statistics where added.


What they really need to do is throw everyone into a pool and assign them to a team weither it be imperial or republic this way teams can be evened out somewhat. No more imp vs. republic matchs unless enough people que of equal ships per person but more or so war games. This would probally help ground combat as well because all servers seem to have one dominate side for ground and space combat. With this system at least people have a better chance at winning then having a predertemined match because of the faction you rolled.

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I both agree and disagree with the points being made.

as a measure of my skill level now as compared to when I started I can track a real improvement in my abilities.

hit ratios, K/D ratio and other stats show me in hard numbers how my skills have improved over time and what I may need to work on.


as far as the match making system, I have been in some wildly mismatched games and many that were very evenly matched. over time and many matches these things even out. and the stats tend to reflect this.


I strongly disagree with the idea that there is "no competition in this game". the game is all about "competition", how to best your opponents and adjust to their different tactics and play styles.


what I do agree with is the fun part. if it wasn't fun and a real challenge I simple wouldn't play. it's called a game for good reason.


should another player care about my stats? that's up to them. I find other pilots stats interesting as a comparison. there are some really good pilots on my server (most are on the "aces" list) and I judge my abilities in part by how well I do against them in any given match and how my stats stack up compared to theirs. but that's just me.


I strongly agree with this moral...

"We're not responsible for game balance. We're not responsible for matchmaking. We're responsible for getting out there and having fun". that's the meat and potatos of GSF, everything else is gravy :p

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As an addendum...


There is no preset build for fun. There is no one component to maximize fun. The amount of fun one person has with a certain ship, component, or playstyle does not invalidate the fun another can have with any other ship, component or playstyle.


Read the forum suggestions on components and loadouts if you must, but when you log in, build for fun, play for fun.

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FUN! Head on collisions! Actually all the crashes make me giggle. I've watched several "ace" pilot videos, and even THEY crash. More physics for hitting other ships would be even more fun, person with less shields loses :eek:


GSF Derby 4tw :D

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