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Also, just curious but are Screenshots not a thing anymore? Because if not, <My Guild> is 5/5 Ravagers and 5/5 TOS HM, and uhh... oh yea, we killed that thing on Yavin while we're at it, Ancient Threat or something? Edited by DonovanSWsaga
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Others still update and track it too, it is still relevant doesn't matter what gear your in if you do mechanics wrong your still going to die. I did not break any rules or guidelines, it still shows who did it on tier and who did not, don't see what's wrong with it.



Edited by chiefsnjet
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Yes mechanics are being done to not die however a lot of them are easily cheesed and avoidable simply by being five levels above with copious gear levels above the requirement for said operations. If you look at the thread your guild, Army of Light, currently sits above Nebula, PD, and Nemesis (for example) in regards to Scum and Villainy Nightmare because you got the timed run months after 3.0 has been released, allowing level and gear to play a crucial role in your ability to clear said operation post 3.0 versus your inability to clear it prior to 3.0. So tell me why you should be "ranked" above said guilds who achieved their "rankings" ON TIER.


Granted, I still think that these operations are not completely "face roll" like some of the classic ones, so maybe create a new set of key on the progression document to decode said achievements/kills for previous tier content on current tier and place them sub guilds who cleared/killed them on tier even if a guild has cleared more bosses then them post said tier.


I also would like to bring up another issue, when did this forum stop requiring proof of kills for on tier content? A lot of kills recently have been claimed without any backing may it be picture, achievement, video, or whatever. A lot of guilds have been posting said proofs and those who have not are claiming similar if not greater accomplishments without any sort of affirmation.


My question to you is why don't they just go get a timed run then? Might I also add 2/3 of these guilds are dead now?

Edited by GhOsTPrOz
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So tell me why you should be "ranked" above said guilds who achieved their "rankings" ON TIER.


We shouldn't. Add me to the list of those who think older content shouldn't be tracked anymore, as it leads to false impressions. Preventing those false impressions would just bloat the document needlessly.


Quite the upsurge of mistrust today, too, and not even over server firsts: Bodes well for the future. Unfortunately, I got all of my ToS/Ravagers HM achievements on Aerre before I got them on Newte, so someone else from AoL will have to do the legwork.

Edited by Damastes
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This screen shot thing has come up several times and it's never really been required outside of server firsts and certainly not for server 6ths or something along those lines... Particularly for hard modes. Sounds like somebody is grumpy tonight.


Here's a screen shot for the non believers...


Edited by ML_DoubleTap
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Yes mechanics are being done to not die however a lot of them are easily cheesed and avoidable simply by being five levels above with copious gear levels above the requirement for said operations. If you look at the thread your guild, Army of Light, currently sits above Nebula, PD, and Nemesis (for example) in regards to Scum and Villainy Nightmare because you got the timed run months after 3.0 has been released, allowing level and gear to play a crucial role in your ability to clear said operation post 3.0 versus your inability to clear it prior to 3.0. So tell me why you should be "ranked" above said guilds who achieved their "rankings" ON TIER.


Granted, I still think that these operations are not completely "face roll" like some of the classic ones, so maybe create a new set of key on the progression document to decode said achievements/kills for previous tier content on current tier and place them sub guilds who cleared/killed them on tier even if a guild has cleared more bosses then them post said tier.


I also would like to bring up another issue, when did this forum stop requiring proof of kills for on tier content? A lot of kills recently have been claimed without any backing may it be picture, achievement, video, or whatever. A lot of guilds have been posting said proofs and those who have not are claiming similar if not greater accomplishments without any sort of affirmation.


I don't believe anybody has claimed a server first without a screen shot. Had we been server first I'd have taken one with a

UTC clock and all that. However, we weren't even faction first so I'm not sure what has everyone's panties in a bunch.


For those curious the raid members were:

Jaedon, guardian tank

Karander, guardian tank

Newte, vanguard dps

Rydarus, guardian DPs

Russiank, commando dps

Bonk, commando dps

Ludwig, commando heals

Stampede, commando heals


For future kills I'll be sure to have a picture of me standing next to my computer holding a current newspaper with the achievement and loot clearly in the shot as my toon tea bags the boss. Wait, no I probably won't because it probably won't be a sever first and I don't care that much. Lighten up folks.

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To solve this little problem, syth could add a little thing for older content that says ON tier or NOT on tier that way people know. There was no problem when aisthesis or RHG posted old tier kills, if it's still being tracked why not keep it accurate right? Obviously who cares about old 50 NiM you could probably 2man all of them and anyone can get them, but there are still only a handful of people who have done timed runs of the 55 NIM tier still. When we are all 65 I agree it doesn't matter anymore. As for us lying, if you want to come find me in game I will show you achievements and the titles. Edited by GhOsTPrOz
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Aisthesis and RHG are no exception either. I agree there should either be a new color or just don't track anything not on-level since at this point I believe most people *could* do it, therefore it's not really progression anymore. Just seems like unnecessary work, besides afaik level 50 content wasn't tracked when we were all 55s so why not stick with that same method? Edited by DonovanSWsaga
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I don't believe anybody has claimed a server first without a screen shot. Had we been server first I'd have taken one with a UTC clock and all that. However, we weren't even faction first so I'm not sure what has everyone's panties in a bunch.


For those curious the raid members were:

Jaedon, guardian tank

Karander, guardian tank

Newte, vanguard dps

Rydarus, guardian DPs

Russiank, commando dps

Bonk, commando dps

Ludwig, commando heals

Stampede, commando heals


For future kills I'll be sure to have a picture of me standing next to my computer holding a current newspaper with the achievement and loot clearly in the shot as my toon tea bags the boss. Wait, no I probably won't because it probably won't be a sever first and I don't care that much. Lighten up folks.


To solve this little problem, syth could add a little thing for older content that says ON tier or NOT on tier that way people know. There was no problem when aisthesis or RHG posted old tier kills, if it's still being tracked why not keep it accurate right? Obviously who cares about old 50 NiM you could probably 2man all of them and anyone can get them, but there are still only a handful of people who have done timed runs of the 55 NIM tier still. When we are all 65 I agree it doesn't matter anymore. As for us lying, if you want to come find me in game I will show you achievements and the titles.


M8 plz

Edited by chiefsnjet
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I don't believe anybody has claimed a server first without a screen shot. Had we been server first I'd have taken one with a

UTC clock and all that. However, we weren't even faction first so I'm not sure what has everyone's panties in a bunch.


For those curious the raid members were:

Jaedon, guardian tank

Karander, guardian tank

Newte, vanguard dps

Rydarus, guardian DPs

Russiank, commando dps

Bonk, commando dps

Ludwig, commando heals

Stampede, commando heals


For future kills I'll be sure to have a picture of me standing next to my computer holding a current newspaper with the achievement and loot clearly in the shot as my toon tea bags the boss. Wait, no I probably won't because it probably won't be a sever first and I don't care that much. Lighten up folks.

Just screw off you paranoid crybaby



Edited by chiefsnjet
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Definitely stop with the insults.


The way off tier kills have been handled in the past is with different coloring and lower ranking. We don't really have to argue about what we want to do here, because we came to a consensus years ago! Whoever is updating the spreadsheet may not be observing that consensus now, but that's a very different issue.


Ultimately, all of us know who did things on tier and who didn't. We know who cleared 10/10 pre-nerf, who cleared it post-nerf at level 55, and who didn't clear it until level 60. This isn't a huge community; it isn't hard to keep track. As someone who did clear things at level (apex post-nerf), I don't feel any "loss of respect" now that other guilds are on the board. People should enjoy the content and have fun with the elements of the fight that remain challenging, even over leveled. That is healthy for the community.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Ok, so a few things:


1. I know I should have stopped recording 55 level ops after 3.0, but I wasn't playing the game at the time of the launch and thus wasn't really thinking about how the progression rules should change. My bad.


2. I am going to stop recording all pre-60 operations, but there are two options in dealing with the old records:


a. I could go back through the revision history of the spreadsheet and update guild clears if they were either Post-Oricon or Post-3.0 (I already did this on the TFB sheet if you want an example). I'll then just leave the sheets up if people are curious about who cleared the old operations.


b. I could delete the old operations entirely from the sheet.


Leave your feedback on which option you would prefer.


3. As to the screenshot issue, technically the progression rules only request screenshots for "new NM content". However, considering how difficult these HM operations are compared to previous tiers, I'll update the rules to request screenshots for HM as well. If you posted an HM ToS or Ravagers clear without a screenshot, please provide one of the achievement.

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Just screw off you paranoid crybaby


I don't know who you are, nor why you have a problem with me. Apparently though you're unable to detect sarcasm. I was simply following the rules of the thread. I also didn't call anyone out. This is all for fun.

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I don't know who you are, nor why you have a problem with me. Apparently though you're unable to detect sarcasm. I was simply following the rules of the thread. I also didn't call anyone out. This is all for fun.


He's just a bad troll, not worth a response.

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