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Is SWTOR a 'big-boy' MMO now?


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no its not and never will be.


it failed as a pay to play game and its failed as a p2w title. the dev team is tiny, the playbase is leaving faster then any other player base. theres no new content coming in outside some poorly planned events and rehashes of old content. ops are not getting anything new. pvp is broken and is not getting fixed or any new pvp maps. you will never see class stories bioware can't even get voice actors back into the game. everything is about the cartel market and conning the players out of more money.


tor is only on the way to getting sunset by the end of the year. other games like wildstar, tsw, eve are growing and will be huge. tor? it's just going to be something people point at laugh at.


It was never trying to be P2W to begin with...

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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no its not and never will be.


it failed as a pay to play game and its failed as a p2w title. the dev team is tiny, the playbase is leaving faster then any other player base. theres no new content coming in outside some poorly planned events and rehashes of old content. ops are not getting anything new. pvp is broken and is not getting fixed or any new pvp maps. you will never see class stories bioware can't even get voice actors back into the game. everything is about the cartel market and conning the players out of more money.


tor is only on the way to getting sunset by the end of the year. other games like wildstar, tsw, eve are growing and will be huge. tor? it's just going to be something people point at laugh at.




Is SWTOR a `big-boy`MMO now?

Yes it is.

If Reno_Tarshil say "YES IT IS" , nobody can argue with that! Period. Full stop.


SWTOR is growing! ESO is a failure. WildStar is for 3-5 years old. WoW is out-of-print + boring.

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Meh, I'm enjoying ESO. It's something different to do instead of farming the same old operations. I'm never going to be a NIM raider so "new" DP doesn't hold any appeal. I'll definitely be coming back for more of Forged Alliances (as long as the NPCs don't continue to look like plastic)
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Meh, I'm enjoying ESO. It's something different to do instead of farming the same old operations. I'm never going to be a NIM raider so "new" DP doesn't hold any appeal. I'll definitely be coming back for more of Forged Alliances (as long as the NPCs don't continue to look like plastic)

I dont like Medievel stuff , maybe that is the reason to find ESO boring. The only cool thing about this game is the First Person Mode. It would be nice if we have that in here. First Person lightsaber fight :cool: I know its it's impossible , but ... we can dream :o What was the name of this "helmet" for more realistic gameplay ?

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I dont like Medievel stuff , maybe that is the reason to find ESO boring. The only cool thing about this game is the First Person Mode. It would be nice if we have that in here. First Person lightsaber fight :cool: I know its it's impossible , but ... we can dream :o What was the name of this "helmet" for more realistic gameplay ?


Was it this?



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I feel, for the "addicted to shiny pixel stuff delivered to my character via gambling box dropped from the sky"-crowd

this game is quite popular. But I feel for the folks that started playing for the heavily advertised fourth pillar "story"

the game lost its luster quite some time ago....

The game probably had a shift in target demographic somewhere along its timeline. :rolleyes:

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I feel, for the "addicted to shiny pixel stuff delivered to my character via gambling box dropped from the sky"-crowd

this game is quite popular. But I feel for the folks that started playing for the heavily advertised fourth pillar "story"

the game lost its luster quite some time ago....

The game probably had a shift in target demographic somewhere along its timeline. :rolleyes:


I'm both of those crowds.

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SWTOR unfortunately will not get better than this. It will never get a sudden rush of players. Limited investments will be focused on activities where ROI is highest mainly CM. This explains the things like Strongholds, guild capital ships etc.. where they can make more money compared to new Fp, Ops or Storyline. Sure, they will add those too, but in a very slow pace. My view is the user base we have currently will decline slowly (compared to other MMOs) and probably will last couple more years unless EA decides to pull the plug on behalf of another MMO
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Funny but I think the hate is squarely placed on ESO right now, I genuinely can't remember a release getting such a bad response for a good long time.

Well, when you launch with a retail price, sub fee, cash shop, and you make Mt. Everest jealous with the amount of buggy and broken crap you have is it any wonder?

Edited by Bugattiboy
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I am so freaking sick of elves and magic spells. There's nothing wrong with them? But I am just sick of it. The gaming industry has too much of a hardon for High/Low Fantasy in RPG design.

+1. I can't stand 1st person perspective (Planetside?) or getting ganked (EvE). Where are all the sci-fi RPG's?


Even WildStar doesn't really feel like SciFi. I can't explain it, but I feel like WS is just WoW Burning Crusade — SciFi vibe covering basically the same stock Fantasy stuff we always get from MMOs / RPGs.

Yeeeeah. That's intentional, they're trying to woo the WoW kids. I was sorely disappointed when they announced Spellslingers. Espers could have been cool (psionics rawr!) but they defined them in terms of magic (gag me). The world story involves a lot of Elemental Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, etc. *sigh*


But the utter kicker is... currency. Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum. wat? Yes it's dumb but it's something that really rubs me wrong.


To yank myself back on topic: TOR is in a gaping content drought. Vague promises with no detail on what's coming or when don't cut it. I've done all the stories, most of them twice. I'm going to have to find something else to do until the devs do what I'm paying them for.

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unless EA decides to pull the plug on behalf of another MMO

If they did I would EA does their next one right and doesn't cheap out with some broken third party engine. But then this is EA, "done right" and "EA" are mutually exclusive.

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And the hard fact you've missed is where I pointed out, most of those returning are free to play. I also pointed out, if you are judging this games 'success' as a paid MMO, you can't because it didn't.


Even as a freemium MMO compared to others it's a tough call. As for your 'observations' you don't really point anything out that has improved the experience. GSF is all but dead, Strongholds won't hold attention spans long enough especially IF everything is tied to the Cartel Market - which is the only thing important to Bioware.



^^^^ This is entirely YOUR opinion and you have ZERO to back it up.

I know that myself and (9) other people returned as Paying subscribers. Furthermore I know if 6 other players who also returned. Those are hard facts. Everyone I meet in Group finder as well as dozens of friend are all subs. This does not mean that the majority of players are subbed. It is only an observation. From what I see personally in game, most of the players I meet are subbed ones.

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I remember when you could go to the store to buy cartel coins and subscription cards for this game. Now you can't. I even asked the guy at Gamestop he said they don't even carry a hard copy of this game anymore. >.>


You still can. Gamestop will print the codes directly to your receipt. So will Best Buy. And Amazon. And probably a few others I've missed. Why does the lack of physical copies matter anymore?


On the main topic, who cares?


Whether SWTOR is a success or not is completely irrelevant. It only matters if you and an individual gamer still like playing the game and feel it's worth the money. I do, so I still play and pay. If you don't, then find something you do like. It's really not that hard.

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I guess it depends on how big you need to be to be "big-boy"


The way i see it, SWTOR is easy to get back into as preffered when you got your unlocks. It's something to do while you wait for the next big thing.


Looking at WoW every other MMO is a nobody. There's realy only 1 "big-boy" GW2/TSW/SWTOR/STO and all the rest is mostly just games we play while we wait for the next "big-boy"

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Personally, I think they're well on their way out of the woods, so to speak, but they're not there yet.


When I think of TOR's history, I see it akin to this: A bad beginning, wandering in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights, the cynical and fickle and easily angered falling to the wayside first, then more and more of the dedicated washing their hands of TOR as problems mount and persist and linger. Developers don't listen to the players who respond by abandoning the game in ever increasing numbers.


Then something happens. A shift in the winds. The old faces are gone, new faces are seen and the game's direction changes. A new focus is found, one that doesn't rely on sheer numbers in order to have the revenue needed to fix the game. Breathing room is found and the new faces and minds go to work.


Problems are addressed, issues are tended to, and the players are listened to. The Wall of Crazy slowly turns into the Wall of Here's What's Next. The first expansion isn't amazing, but it's solid and it gives the game a fresh new 'beginning.' End game is nurtured, but isn't the sole focus. The SSSP suddenly isn't just talk and theory, but a new addition.


"Bugs suck! Fix em!"


"Working on it."


"Give us a Group Finder thingy for HM FPs and Ops!"




"Give us more customization options!"


"Alright. Have a ton of new Cartel Packs. And a Dye module system."


"Bah! Let us get the stuff through in-game activities!"


"Okay, here's some new reps and new rep vendors."


"Nice. Now, let us have the old events again!"


"Done. Old events, but with new rewards. And here's a free-flight space sim PVP thing. Go nuts."


"Awesome! Hey, we need some more new PVE stuff!"


"Here's some new FPs, some new HM FPs, a couple new Daily zones, a few new Operations and vendors for all the requisite reps."


"Sweet! Hey PVP sucks! Fix the balance!"


"Working on it. Have some new Zones and Arena Maps and oh, here's a Rancor for the really good Ranked PVPers."


"$#@!##!@! RANCORS!"


"Cool, huh? Oh yeah, we're doing Housing in a few months, along with Guild Ships, some mini-games and a Legacy Bank. And we're working on a new expansion for the end of the year. Hit us up with new ideas for what you're wanting. Just be patient, code monkeys need time to work."

Edited by Infernixx
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I think threads like this are very interesting. Obviously you have the people that stay with the facts, the reality and the truth which is that the game is here to stay, is growing, getting more content and overall just a great game. Lots of things are going to be coming on top of all the stuff there is now. Everybody else has a planet to do stuff on, we have a whole galaxy to build off of!


That being said, then you see those "sky is falling" posters continuously disagree with the game and then keep saying bad things about it. If you don't like it, why keep paying for something you don't like? Or do you just pay to troll the forums? Immature and illogical if so. And no, regardless if you are saying your opinion, that's not something you do. Staying on the forums of a thing you dislike SO much? Cmon now... All you do is instigate and say negative things about the game on it's own forums to cause a stir. That is not constructive criticism so no matter how you spin it, it's not welcomed or looked kindly upon.


Star Wars: The Old Republic has more players than you think. Hundreds of thousands of subscribers, even more preferred players and then even way more free to players than that. The game is in a very healthy state. Moving on you can expect to see more of what the community wants. Strongholds is a huge patch with A LOT of stuff in it and that's not even the best part. The best part comes at the end of year ;)


So yes, regardless of what naysayers want and how they finesse things around to make it look like the game is dying or dead, SWTOR is doing great, will do great, has been doing great. Period. There are no arguments to that. And no, being in a delusional world where because YOU think it's dead/dying doesn't count. Demographics and reality show it different.


Also, I feel the need to add. No, the casino event isn't tied to the Cartel Market nor is Strongholds. The majority of stuff that you will get and decorate in your Stronghold will be able to be crafted and bought with in game credits. So it's not directly tied to the cartel market. Sorry to burst your pessimism bubble those who thought different :(


Star Wars: The Old Republic is a great game that will go on and keep getting better with time.

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I would NOT call this MMO a "big boy" in the slightest. Over 1.7 million subscribers lost? Switch to F2P in less than a year to justify implementation of a cash shop? Loss of almost all the original dev teams? Almost nothing this game has accomplished screams "success."


/Agree btw


Dwelling on the past will never get you truly happy for the future.

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Personally, I think they're well on their way out of the woods, so to speak, but they're not there yet.


When I think of TOR's history, I see it akin to this: A bad beginning, wandering in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights, the cynical and fickle and easily angered falling to the wayside first, then more and more of the dedicated washing their hands of TOR as problems mount and persist and linger. Developers don't listen to the players who respond by abandoning the game in ever increasing numbers.


Then something happens. A shift in the winds. The old faces are gone, new faces are seen and the game's direction changes. A new focus is found, one that doesn't rely on sheer numbers in order to have the revenue needed to fix the game. Breathing room is found and the new faces and minds go to work.


Problems are addressed, issues are tended to, and the players are listened to. The Wall of Crazy slowly turns into the Wall of Here's What's Next. The first expansion isn't amazing, but it's solid and it gives the game a fresh new 'beginning.' End game is nurtured, but isn't the sole focus. The SSSP suddenly isn't just talk and theory, but a new addition.


"Bugs suck! Fix em!"


"Working on it."


"Give us a Group Finder thingy for HM FPs and Ops!"




"Give us more customization options!"


"Alright. Have a ton of new Cartel Packs. And a Dye module system."


"Bah! Let us get the stuff through in-game activities!"


"Okay, here's some new reps and new rep vendors."


"Nice. Now, let us have the old events again!"


"Done. Old events, but with new rewards."


"Hey, we need some more new PVE stuff!"


"Here's some new FPs, some new HM FPs, a couple new Daily zones, a few new Operations and vendors for all the requisite reps."


"Sweet! Hey PVP sucks! Fix the balance!"


"Working on it. Have some new Zones and Arena Maps and oh, here's a Rancor for the really good Ranked PVPers."


"$#@!##!@! RANCORS!"


"Cool, huh? Oh yeah, we're doing Housing in a few months, along with Guild Ships, some mini-games and a Legacy Bank. And we're working on a new expansion for the end of the year. Hit us up with new ideas for what you're wanting. Just be patient, code monkeys need time to work."


A good description of SWTOR's lifetime, I certainly feel that two year baptism of fire has turned the game around, the amount of new features coming into the game recently is quite stunning to me.

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A good description of SWTOR's lifetime, I certainly feel that two year baptism of fire has turned the game around, the amount of new features coming into the game recently is quite stunning to me.


A true test of any project (be it a game, some new innovation, in whatever market) is NOT how well it launches, but how well it matures and endures.


A testament to how well SWTOR has matured to date is the very fact that we are down to a handful of perpetual naysayers working the forum.. and the case they continue to make for the games pending doom is two year old information.


SWTOR is either number 2 or number 3 (endless tussle in the internet between EVE and SWTOR) western market MMO. And it's the number 1 flexible access MMO in the western market at this time. So yeah.....it's in the "show".


In fact.. SWTOR appears to be SO GOOD... that even people who spend all their time hating on it and declaring it's failure and pending shuttering in this forum STILL subscribe. :D

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