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Fleet Admiral Bey'wan Aygo vs Admiral Zasha Ranken


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Too often this forum has been cluttered with senseless threads discussing the power, or lack of power, of individual ships. Worse, it's often bogged down with pointless banter regarding individual components.


The truth is, individual components do not count for much. Ships do not count for much. We don't count for much. We are all just pawns on a dejarik board, being controlled by mysterious, and powerful Admirals.


Who are these Admiral puppet-masters? What is their end-game? What is so important about the communications network we constantly fight for? Why place us in random asteroid fields to duke it out in seemingly senseless combat? We will probably never know the answers to these questions, but we do have enough information to begin to analyze who has the advantage. So with that in mind, let's break it down.


Fleet Admiral Bey'wan Aygo:

First Impressions: Unless you have done the KDY flashpoint, you've probably never met Aygo, and assume that he is human based on his voice. You would be wrong. Aygo is the game's first (and only) Bothan! He will henceforth be referred to as 'Goat-Man'.


Significant Facts: Unlike his Imperial counterpart, Goat-Man is referred to as 'Fleet' Admiral, not just 'Admiral'. Does that make him special? Considering that each of us has the opportunity to easily acquire the title of Fleet Admiral, color me unimpressed.


Power/Authority: See him in action at the end of this

. By no means does he seem very authoritative, but he's probably not a guy you want to screw with. As far as Republic leadership goes, he's very....typical and what you'd expect. He may be the Goat-Man, but he's certainly not the GOAT (Greatest of all Time).


Sex Appeal: As a heterosexual male, I will have to defer to others on this one. Does the Goat-Man do it for ya?


Admiral Zasha Ranken:


First Impressions: Grand Moff Kilran was a bad-***. Ranken clearly learned a thing or two from him, and being present at the sacking of Coruscant makes for quite the resume bullet.


Significant Facts: She leads Imperial Forward Command. Is that more impressive than Goat-Man leading the Republic First Fleet? I have no idea, but it sounds cooler to me.


Power/Authority: Here is where Ranken really shines - check out this

. Yes, you saw that right. She has a Sith servant that can force-choke opponents on command. While not force-sensitive herself, she has Sith that obey her and isn't afraid to make prominent Sith shut their faces. Admiral Ranken is like the Old Republic era version of Grand Moff Tarkin. When Tarkin told Vader to shut up, Vader shut the **** up!


Sex Appeal: On more than one occasion while playing GSF, my girlfriend has walked by and said, "Hey, that girl is talking to you again..." She is right to be jealous, if I had the chance to get with Ranken, you bet I would! She is hot, and she sounds hot. Sexy dominatrix all the way.


Final Verdict: The Goat-Man's got nothing on Ranken. I am forced to assume that the Goat will die in a future patch, due to the obvious superiority of his Imperial opponent.


Agree/Disagree? Did I miss anything important? Do you feel the Goat-Man deserves more sex appeal points?

Edited by Kalphitis
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Final Verdict: The Goat-Man's got nothing on Ranken. I am forced to assume that the Goat will die in a future patch, due to the obvious superiority of his Imperial opponent.


Agree/Disagree? Did I miss anything important? Do you feel the Goat-Man deserves more sex appeal points?


They'll never kill Aygo because they don't want to create a paradox. He's not Schroedinger's cat.

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After hearing Ranken for months and imagining a face and body to go with that sexy voice, I have to admit I was disappointed when I finally saw her :( She needs to drop the hat and let her hair down or something...
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After hearing Ranken for months and imagining a face and body to go with that sexy voice, I have to admit I was disappointed when I finally saw her :( She needs to drop the hat and let her hair down or something...


Don't like girls in uniform? D:

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Bey'wan Aygo = Dog-face.


He's the go-to general.


I just think he sounds like Andronicus Revel after a night out on the ****. ( same voice-actor no ?)


Zasha Ranken:


She's a little too stiff and uptight for me. Nice smooth voice though. - Maybe she was Elara Dorn's C/O at one point.

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I just think he sounds like Andronicus Revel after a night out on the ****. ( same voice-actor no ?)


Same voice actor. Steve Blum. Also Spike from Cowboy Bebop, the present voice of Wolverine, Darcia from Wolf's Rain, and Roger from The Big O, to name a few.


Ranken, I'm having a harder time pinning down her voice actress. I mean, Steve's pretty distinct, and I'm leaning towards Laura Bailey on Ranken, but I'm second-guessing myself. Schmidtty? Eric? Could I get some confirmation on the prominent voice overs in GSF? Pretty please? Credits seem to be difficult to find. I'm also really wondering about who did Lord Krovos, it doesn't seem like it's her normal range, but I'm wondering if we're going to hear more from her!

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Same voice actor. Steve Blum. Also Spike from Cowboy Bebop, the present voice of Wolverine, Darcia from Wolf's Rain, and Roger from The Big O, to name a few.


Ranken, I'm having a harder time pinning down her voice actress. I mean, Steve's pretty distinct, and I'm leaning towards Laura Bailey on Ranken, but I'm second-guessing myself. Schmidtty? Eric? Could I get some confirmation on the prominent voice overs in GSF? Pretty please? Credits seem to be difficult to find. I'm also really wondering about who did Lord Krovos, it doesn't seem like it's her normal range, but I'm wondering if we're going to hear more from her!

Krovos is Lani Minella, the woman who voices the female dark elves in Skyrim and Ivy from Soulcalibur. That's what I know her from at least.

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Ranken, I'm having a harder time pinning down her voice actress. I mean, Steve's pretty distinct, and I'm leaning towards Laura Bailey on Ranken, but I'm second-guessing myself. Schmidtty? Eric? Could I get some confirmation on the prominent voice overs in GSF? Pretty please? Credits seem to be difficult to find. I'm also really wondering about who did Lord Krovos, it doesn't seem like it's her normal range, but I'm wondering if we're going to hear more from her!


It's Grey DeLise. They have her on retainer. I rarely go a planet without encountering her voice twice.

Edited by MCaliban
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It's Grey DeLise. They have her on retainer. I rarely go a planet without encountering her voice twice.


Is that suspicion, or certainty I hear in your voice?


Because I think I've just been shamed on my usually perfect ear for voice actors and actresses.

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  • 4 months later...
i have to admit, i heard her voice the first time in GSF. My very first think in my mind. What! How awesome Sertine Kryze. And still i allways think she sounds so clearly like the Duchess of Mandalor. It cut be Anna Graves, cut it? Its just a guess.
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