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Game still stutters...


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I just resubbed after taking a break for about a year and a half. I find that the game still stutters, has hiccups when running my character around. And its not that I have a crappy PC. My specs are AMD FX 6 core 3.4ghz, HD 6870 card, 8gb ram, windows 7 ultimate. And my fps sits around 40-50 on Tython so I dont think its the graphic settings.


Is it the game engine that cant be fixed? The stuttering is annoying. Wish the game ran smooth like WoW.

Edited by Balbosa
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Hmm, I don't seem to have this issue, and my PC sucks next to yours. The only place I lag really bad is fleet, when I get stuck in the full channels.


Its not lag. The game runs choppy when moving around. My fps is 50-60 but still when I climbing a hill or just running around on Tython, the game has a stutter to it. There is only like 15 people on Tython too.

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Its not lag. The game runs choppy when moving around. My fps is 50-60 but still when I climbing a hill or just running around on Tython, the game has a stutter to it. There is only like 15 people on Tython too.


You could try enabling Vsync I guess.

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Some people will blame your AMD video card. Don't know if that's actually the reason or not. Still, my machine is worse than yours in pretty much every objective way and mine runs more than smooth enough for a pleasant game experience.


Are all your drivers updated? Where is that video card on the scale of power? I can't keep up with a the new card numbers they've been pushing in the last few years. You might try turning off "bloom" or high-quality shadows as a quick and easy fix.

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I just resubbed after taking a break for about a year and a half. I find that the game still stutters, has hiccups when running my character around. And its not that I have a crappy PC. My specs are AMD FX 6 core 3.4ghz, HD 6870 card, 8gb ram, windows 7 ultimate. And my fps sits around 40-50 on Tython so I dont think its the graphic settings.


Is it the game engine that cant be fixed? The stuttering is annoying. Wish the game ran smooth like WoW.


its your graphics card and computer


I use to have a 1 gig Raedon vid card and ran everything at max perfectly

card recently fried itself so bought a new 2 gig Raedon card (but screwed up and didnt look at other specs) and end result is I had to turn some of the higher end options down and do get some stuttering now.



not the game

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Try this app -> SWTOR Unleashed -> http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5128822

Its really helpful to me. It will decrease your WZ and Fleet lag.


A RAM disk won't do much at all to help graphical stutters. The point of the RAM disk is to reduce the loading time of disk resources. Unless your disk has some serious troubles, the only time this will make a noticeable improvement is in planet/instance loading (and in that case, it should make a notable improvement).


Most people who report that SWTOR Unleashed improved their FPS or graphical stutters are subjects of the placebo effect.


To actually address the OPs problem, I see a number of possible minor issues:


1) Their CPU isn't bad, but it isn't good, either. It still has noticeably lower performance than a 2500k, which is three years old now. Furthermore (sadly) it is an AMD chip, and from a generation that had weaker-than-expected performance in games (possibly due to underperforming memory interface?)


2) Their GPU isn't fantastic, and it sounds like they might be running at high detail, full shadows, etc. Some cards handle various versions of the high-quality settings in different ways. They may need to drop some settings or fiddle with them (move antialiasing control to the card's control panel rather than the game).


3) It is an AMD GPU and (sadly) there are still reports of some card/driver combinations that simply hate scaled nameplates. OP should try turning them off and seeing if the stutters go away.

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