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Actual weapons vs. cutscene weapons


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Why is it that even though, for example, I've bought my commando a freaking massive assault cannon, during every cutscene he pulls out some stupid wimpy pistol? Why doesn't the cutscene show him using the weapon I bought him?


For many reasons.

Firstly, though, it's because it would look silly to whip out your freaking massive assault cannon in a cutscene when it's a half-body shot showing only the top of your body.

Secondly, it's because of the fact that Assault cannons, Sniper rifles and Blaster rifles are very varying in size and the camera zoom would have to be dynamic to fit them in the screen properly (which would be way too much of a hassle to do).

Thirdly, it's because you don't need a huge frikkin assault cannon to shoot one guy in the head or whatever you are doing in the scene.

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I would imagine it's largely due to the animations in the cutscenes.


A riffle or assault cannon is held differently. Heck, apparently you don't even aim an assault cannon, just sort of hang it from your hip.


But by going with the pistol, they only have to do the animation once.


Really, every class should just use a pistol, because all combat essentially takes place at pistol range.

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Why is it that even though, for example, I've bought my commando a freaking massive assault cannon, during every cutscene he pulls out some stupid wimpy pistol? Why doesn't the cutscene show him using the weapon I bought him?


The cutscene is the same for both Advanced Classes so a neutral weapon needs to be used.


It's the same for all of the gun toting classes.


Trooper: Vanguard (Blaster Rifle); Commando (Assault Cannon): Cutscene (One Pistol)

Smuggler: Scoundrel (One pistol); Gunslinger (Two Pistols): Cutscene (One Pistol)

Imperial Agent: Operative (Blaster Rifle); Sniper (Sniper Rifle): Cutscene (One Pistol)

Bounty Hunter: Powertech (One Pistol); Mercenary (Two Pistols): Cutscene (One Pistol)


For those classes that have a pistol as their primary weapon (Bounty Hunter and Smuggler) if you don't have a pistol equipped the cutscene will put in a default one.


It's a shame that the non-pistol wielding gun glasses don't have a place to put a gun model that can be used in cut scenes.


It can get weirder for the lightsabre wielding classes. The cutscenes after the starting world presume you will have a lightsabre equipped. It can look a little odd when your character draws their vibrosword and tries to ignite it ;)

Edited by Vhaegrant
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I'd like my jedi and sith to have blaster pistols. Not to use them, in game or in cutscenes, but simply to have them, even if it's simply to remain holstered on the belt in perpetuity. We saw Luke use a rifle in the first movie (Episode IV), and a pistol would not have looked out of place in that black outfit he wore, even if he never employed it, so I don't think I'm being unreasonable.
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I'd like my jedi and sith to have blaster pistols. Not to use them, in game or in cutscenes, but simply to have them, even if it's simply to remain holstered on the belt in perpetuity. We saw Luke use a rifle in the first movie (Episode IV), and a pistol would not have looked out of place in that black outfit he wore, even if he never employed it, so I don't think I'm being unreasonable.





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