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PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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Uh oh, he's played the Special Snowflake card now. Watch out guys, he's implying that he has a dev in his pocket now, so we're all doomed.


Regarding that last line, you're not. You get to complete your dailies win or lose, and have no expenses to cover for a whole day of activity. Congratulations, you're not being gimped in your pocket book for doing it.


he is pushing the pvp agenda for all its worth.

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That is a huge difference...so ya when I pvp I am being gimped in the pocketbook!

Nobody is stopping you from doing anything. Do your dailies and earn money or don`t do your dailies and don`t earn money. Do a one time OP and get an armoring RE and craft it for cash or don`t. Slice, sell mats, prostitute yourself for all I care, but the CHOICE is there. Your refusal to make that choice isn`t a valid reason, sorry.


Because if I have raiding evening and I`m spending 200k on repairs alone AND I`m levelling an alt, even with Slicing, it won`t make money. So, for that evening, I can HOPE at even, assuming I can slice my way to about 10 Thermals and a crit for mission schematic. I am not even going into alts that need augments and augment kits and the need for off-spec gear.


You don`t have any of these expenses - you just pick-up and play with no worries in the world. You are paid enough for what you are doing - pew pew fun with no drawbacks.


Yea, it is easier to look at the big "Crafting +750k fee" messages, but the average player is not a millionaire. And in PvP you can get good money in this regard - on par with casuals on PvE side.

Edited by Styxx
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OP, pretty much all I do is PvP and I make plenty of credits. If you don't, you're doing it wrong. If you don't want to do simple things to make credits, you have only yourself to blame.


Besides, if you only PvP, what do you even need credits for? :eek:

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OP, pretty much all I do is PvP and I make plenty of credits. If you don't, you're doing it wrong. If you don't want to do simple things to make credits, you have only yourself to blame.


Besides, if you only PvP, what do you even need credits for? :eek:

Lemme guess...you're one of those garishly colored toons that make me wonder if you're colorblind or F2P before a match starts? EVERY PvPer should be buying good looking gear. If you don't look good, you won't do good. FACT!

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Lemme guess...you're one of those garishly colored toons that make me wonder if you're colorblind or F2P before a match starts? EVERY PvPer should be buying good looking gear. If you don't look good, you won't do good. FACT!


My main PvP character is in a very tasteful black and pink outfit. I spend plenty on useless cosmetic items, especially for companions who never even see any action!


But that strengthens my point. I have plenty of credits to do that stuff and almost none of it is from PvE stuff.

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I never said or implied I have a dev in my pocket....they would never fit. And as far as your other comment...I am gimped in the pocketbook and have shown throughout this thread very clearly how. To reiterate for you. If I spend the whole day pvp'ing and I put all my comms toward buying pvp credit boxes....I would be lucky to walk away with a total earning potential of 200k for the whole day. If I spend that same day doing pve dailies (and yes I can spend the whole day doing dailies....I have more than one character.) I can make easy 1 million credits and that is pure profit....but wait... I also get to turn in my basic comms for isotope 5 and sell them at 100k each! In a week it works out to around this:

pvp: Max: 1.4 million for the week.

pve dailies: 8.5 million between daily payout and selling isotope 5's.


That is a huge difference...so ya when I pvp I am being gimped in the pocketbook!


If I spend all my day working my job then I put the rewards from it into magic beans, I'm just as screwed as you are, right?


The point is: you're making decisions that you know result in less money. Let me say it again in bigger words:




So, in the immortal words of the Schwarzenegger: Stop whining.

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My main PvP character is in a very tasteful black and pink outfit. I spend plenty on useless cosmetic items, especially for companions who never even see any action!


But that strengthens my point. I have plenty of credits to do that stuff and almost none of it is from PvE stuff.


I was just teasing you...I just like using the Word of the Day (garish). I'm certain you have a well dressed toon ;)

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If I spend all my day working my job then I put the rewards from it into magic beans, I'm just as screwed as you are, right?

That didn't work out too bad for Jack...he got a golden goose outta it...just sayin.

Edited by TUXs
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Man, I am so angry at my neighbor!

He keeps going to work every day and making money, but I choose to stay at home an play SW:TOR instead but I don't get the money he does!




Haha, this, a thousand times this!


It's true.

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Well I'm back, unexpectedly.


The idea that "I should be able to make just as much money doing what I love as other people doing what they love" is ok at first glance, but doesn't really hold up to good old logic. I love ganking lowbies. Should I make as much money as WZ players by doing what I love? No. Making ganking lowbies reward as much money would be disastrous. Heck, what if I love walking into trees? It just doesn't make sense.


If all you want to do is PvP, well, you're making enough money to augment, buy consumables and swap mods. If you want more, you're going to have to do more.


I have yet to see a proper response to this argument. Saying that people should be able to make equal amounts of credits doing what they love, is flawed. As people have pointed out, PvE dailies like CZ are not intended as PvE content. They're intended to make money through grinding. PvErs enjoy doing dailies just as much as PvPers, which is to say, not much at all. So comparing doing WZ's to dailies is also a flawed premise.

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Malckiah, most of the forumites of GD are cheerleaders for EAware. Moreover they are devout PvE'ers. They don't have the skills to understand the complexity of PvP.


I understand it just fine:


1. Pay a sub for a game you hate.

2. Come to the forums QQing about poorly treated you are/how much the game needs nerfed to cater to you.

3. ?????

4. Profit.


PvPers in a nutshell, not much to understand, and frankly, it applies across the board, no matter what game it is. You have people qqing about PvP in a PvP only game, so it's unsurprising that they'd qq here.

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Man, I am so angry at my neighbor!

He keeps going to work every day and making money, but I choose to stay at home an play SW:TOR instead but I don't get the money he does!




+1, Thumbs up, up-voted, etc


As to the OP: After 23 pages, you are still defending your position. Good for you. Oh, as to the Devs responding, there is a 250 page thread for people wondering about AC swapping. A 2 year old topic with almost 50 threads, and no gold font to be found... anywhere.


I know you will simply use words like "lol", or thank me for my opinion, or simply for stopping by. So, since I know you are busy fending off the people who have valid points, I will let you get back to what you have been doing so far.

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Except most of that is lel PvE. Sorry but PvP'ers SHOULD have the same money making options PvE'ers/crafters do. This is one of the many reasons why EAware lost their PvP playerbase.


crafters are not neccessarily pveers. I am a pvpers who sells augment kits for instance, never had to pve to get the material. And if pvpers were not encouraged to craft then why are there pvp vendors in the outlaws den and to the left of the pvp terminal who sell crafting items


plus that guide was written by one of the top pvp experts on the forums, so you would be very wise to listen to him.

Edited by Sangrar
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Except most of that is lel PvE. Sorry but PvP'ers SHOULD have the same money making options PvE'ers/crafters do. This is one of the many reasons why EAware lost their PvP playerbase.


Even assuming PvP gear is made craftable(which is a pretty reasonable suggestion to address some of the inequity), due to competition, the price they command won't be remotely comparable. Just saying.

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Except most of that is lel PvE. Sorry but PvP'ers SHOULD have the same money making options PvE'ers/crafters do. This is one of the many reasons why EAware lost their PvP playerbase.


You do. In fact, you have the exact same access that PvEers do. Choosing to dismiss it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and refusing to participate in it shouldn't mean you should be compensated for choosing to ignore fully 2/3 of the game. Especially when you want the increased rewards, but are adverse to any kind of potential sinks.


So, if it were set up that you could make PvE daily rewards, from 50+, but if you lost, you didn't earn anything, would you accept it? If not, why not? Is it because you feel like you're entitled to extra income with no risk whatsoever? I sincerely hope that if BW ever considers this, they put something in place to control the inflation it would cause. They are going to have to balance it some how, and I understand why you might be adverse to repair costs.

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so, page 46, hmm?


this was just brutal, and it never had to be. TBH i just kept coming back to see the verbal hissy fights, i am sure everyone had; they are just amusing enough to make the thread worth coming to after first seeing what it was like. considering the productivity of this thread, what other reasons to come back would there be? education? naw!!!

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Another thread, another illogical, useless, hissy fit discussions/defending oneself. We can do better than this guys cmon. What's with the influx of these type of threads lately any way?


Funny how the pro pvp threads are still here but the pro pve threads were removed. no preferential treatment at all no sir.

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