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PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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As some have already mentioned, I think it really comes down to Risk vs. Reward.


There is NO Risk in PvP. You enter a match, and there is no possible way that you will lose credits. Even if you die repeatedly, and lose the match, you still receive some (albeit, paltry) rewards.*


Now, in PvE, there IS Risk of losing credits. Just sticking to PvE Dailies (not counting Operations), no matter how easy they may be to some players, you do have a risk of not completing the mission and it costing you credits.



The risk so so minimal that it is really not a factor. If you were in in full 180 rating gear you repair cost would have been about 12K on a 30K payout for completing the quest. Subsequent runs on that quest would not see you dying now that you know the mechanic.


When it comes to planetary dailies vs PVP (the premise of this thread) the risk/reward argument falls flat on its face when you look at the number of times and cost incurred. I go weeks at a time without dying while doing dailies (well, tbh, when I used to do them). That would include going solo on the Oricon Heroic.


I guess I can understand some players being adverse to PVP focused players making good credits by just doing what they enjoy while PVE players have to grind planetary dailies. My point earlier in the thread was that it would be nice if EVERYONE had more options for grinding credits to help alleviate burnout.

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Ranked pvp dailies only reward wins. I received 30 comms which is near nothing.... not even enough to buy a credit box worth 1500 credits max.


and you said "Simply increasing the payouts because people demand it will most likely cause more problems than it will fix, as others have already demonstrated in this thread."....show me!


And I have never asked for the option to pvp and no matter how well I do I make big money..... I specifically asked for pvp'ers to have "the opportunity" through pvp to make big money equal to that of the pve'er (minus repair costs.) Opportunity does mean all pvp'ers will make millions, but it does mean it would be equally possible.


Okay, fair enough; I didn't know about the dailies' criteria. Still, you received 30 comms, which, while I'll agree is pathetic, it is still certainly more than someone receives from not completing a PvE daily.


Sigh, several people have already posted about the detrimental effects of simply giving PvP "MOAR CREDITS!!" (in this thread even), and I certainly will not "show you!". If you cannot be bothered to read your own thread, then I surely cannot be bothered to go back and quote/link them for you. However, they're there, because I've been reading this thread since it's inception, and I recall several.


Okay, that's cool. However, as I've already said before, if PvP wants the opportunity to make millions, then PvP should have the opportunity to lose money as well. Nothing tied in with repair costs (simply because I think that would open a nastier and wackier can-o-worms), but some risk. Otherwise, PvP would be equal to PvE in terms of reward, but PvP would still carry no risk, as it does now.

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And lets not act like pvp can't become a grind. Sometimes days can go by where one side just keeps kicking your butt.....I assure you that gets old fast. Pvp is no more or less a grind than pve....it simply boils down to personal preference.
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Okay, fair enough; I didn't know about the dailies' criteria. Still, you received 30 comms, which, while I'll agree is pathetic, it is still certainly more than someone receives from not completing a PvE daily. Did I not COMPLETE the pvp match?...yes indeed I did!.... now there are lots of people who do not complete the match and leave early...they get no reward.


Sigh, several people have already posted about the detrimental effects of simply giving PvP "MOAR CREDITS!!" (in this thread even), and I certainly will not "show you!". If you cannot be bothered to read your own thread, then I surely cannot be bothered to go back and quote/link them for you. However, they're there, because I've been reading this thread since it's inception, and I recall several. I am not asking for pvp'ers to simply get "moar credits"....I am asking for the opportunity to get them as I have made clear a hundred times now. And you wish to say go back and look....I did...and there are none that haven't been clearly derailed...if you have some to bring to the table...then do it! I took the tie to bring back points previously made in the thread per one of the opposers requests.... you can too.


Okay, that's cool. However, as I've already said before, if PvP wants the opportunity to make millions, then PvP should have the opportunity to lose money as well. Nothing tied in with repair costs (simply because I think that would open a nastier and wackier can-o-worms), but some risk. Otherwise, PvP would be equal to PvE in terms of reward, but PvP would still carry no risk, as it does now.

As I have also said a hundred times, give us the opportunity to make money equal to what the pve'ers make after repair costs. And there is already plenty of risk in pvp as I have shown recently in this thread. Edited by Malckiah
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As I have also said a hundred times, give us the opportunity to make money equal to what the pve'ers make after repair costs. And there is already plenty of risk in pvp as I have shown recently in this thread.


In a Warzone or Arena, there is z e r o risk of walking away from the match (even if you quit it early) with less credits than you started.


[/Hyperbole]You could be the worst Leeroy Jenkins/Jar Jar Binks illegitimate offspring (read: unbelievably bad), trying to do a PvE daily, and never finish it. Die a million times to the standard-level critter you need to kill (to collect his gambling chit to give to the Jedi Master who desperately needs it!), and never manage to kill him and finish the daily mission. Guess what? Leeroy Binks is now poorer than he was when he started the mission. [/Hyperbole off]


Sorry, just felt a little silly just then. Ahem, back on topic. :)


I do agree that PvP rewards are pathetic, and I agree with others about how it all (PvE dailies, PvP queue marathons, etc) can become a grind. However, I truly do not think that handing out more money to a part of the game that has no risk of losing it (in itself, by simply doing the activity for the daily mission) is a good idea.


Implement some kind of credit risk to PvP, and I'm all for increased rewards. Otherwise, we're not talking about trying to give equal opportunity to PvP at all.

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In a Warzone or Arena, there is z e r o risk of walking away from the match (even if you quit it early) with less credits than you started.


[/Hyperbole]You could be the worst Leeroy Jenkins/Jar Jar Binks illegitimate offspring (read: unbelievably bad), trying to do a PvE daily, and never finish it. Die a million times to the standard-level critter you need to kill (to collect his gambling chit to give to the Jedi Master who desperately needs it!), and never manage to kill him and finish the daily mission. Guess what? Leeroy Binks is now poorer than he was when he started the mission. [/Hyperbole off]


Sorry, just felt a little silly just then. Ahem, back on topic. :)


I do agree that PvP rewards are pathetic, and I agree with others about how it all (PvE dailies, PvP queue marathons, etc) can become a grind. However, I truly do not think that handing out more money to a part of the game that has no risk of losing it (in itself, by simply doing the activity for the daily mission) is a good idea.


Implement some kind of credit risk to PvP, and I'm all for increased rewards. Otherwise, we're not talking about trying to give equal opportunity to PvP at all.


1. We are talking about different things. They indeed should not allow people to leave a match without a penalty (ie....not being able to queue for 15 minutes or something)...this has been a debate already, but separate from this thread. And to some degree they did lose....time was lost and wasted and they received no rewards.

2. Being that the changes that I have proposed in this thread do not include your repair bills your argument has no places here. I have said several times already that I am asking for "the opportunity to make near equal to what the pve'ers can make minus repair costs."

3. As another poster had made the point..."In this game, time is money." ...using that idea here... when someone goes into pvp and loses matches all day long, much was lost!....time which could have been used elsewhere to make money.

Edited by Malckiah
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1. We are talking about different things. They indeed should not allow people to leave a match without a penalty (ie....not being able to queue for 15 minutes or something)...this has been a debate already, but separate from this thread. And to some degree they did lose....time was lost and wasted and they received no rewards.

2. Being that the changes that I have proposed in this thread do not include your repair bills your argument has no places here. I have said several times already that I am asking for "the opportunity to make near equal to what the pve'ers can make minus repair costs."

3. As another poster had made the point..."In this game, time is money." ...using that idea here... when someone goes into pvp and loses matches all day long, much was lost!....time which could have been used elsewhere to make money.


So, wait. If someone bangs their head against a wall on a PvE daily, and receive NO rewards (unlike PvP, where you can lose, lose, lose, lose, etc. and still get a (paltry) amount of comms), then their (the PvE daily runner) time was not wasted? And, yet, the PvPer's was? Even though the PvE mission carries risk with it, and PvP doesn't? :scratch head:


Once again, I must reiterate to you that PvP carries absolutely NO credit risk, therefore it simply is not logical to increase the opportunity of credit rewards without implementing a risk. And, no, I'm not talking about repair costs; I've already clearly stated that tying repair costs to PvP is a whole other mess. However, if there's no risk involved, they should simply make the PvP queue button pay out credits and comms when you hit it. Why bother with the matches at all?


Again, to be given equal opportunity for credit gain, there some be at least equal opportunity for credit loss (even if PvE's is small and mostly laughable), which there is none in PvP at the moment. Otherwise, it won't be equal opportunity.


As to your third point, sure, if someone loses all day in PvP, then they can feel their time was lost. It's no different if you try to do, say, the H4 for Section X and the people you're grouped with end up wiping on every mob group. You can't finish the weekly for Section X without it, so, yes, time can be wasted in multiple aspects of the game. It is an MMO, after all...

Edited by Fractal_Eye
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In green below again...


So, wait. If someone bangs their head against a wall on a PvE daily, and receive NO rewards (unlike PvP, where you can lose, lose, lose, lose, etc. and still get a (paltry) amount of comms), then their (the PvE daily runner) time was not wasted? And, yet, the PvPer's was? Even though the PvE mission carries risk with it, and PvP doesn't? :scratch head: As mentioned already we have been comparing it to pve dailies... if you are as you say "lose, lose, lose, lose, etc" while trying to do pve dailies then the problemis bigger than this thread. Fact is that pve dailies are easy and do not bring about death, and if they do it is rare.

Once again, I must reiterate to you that PvP carries absolutely NO credit risk, therefore it simply is not logical to increase the opportunity of credit rewards without implementing a risk. And, no, I'm not talking about repair costs; I've already clearly stated that tying repair costs to PvP is a whole other mess. However, if there's no risk involved, they should simply make the PvP queue button pay out credits and comms when you hit it. Why bother with the matches at all? It is logical under the premises that pvp'ers should have been making more already. It woud be increased because it would be right to increase it! Because it would be good for the game to do so. Because adding more money making opportunity for pvp'ers as I have described would not harm the game in any way. And As I already showed there is risk with pvp you just choose not to see it.


Again, to be given equal opportunity for credit gain, there some be at least equal opportunity for credit loss (even if PvE's is small and mostly laughable), which there is none in PvP at the moment. Otherwise, it won't be equal opportunity. /sigh


As to your third point, sure, if someone loses all day in PvP, then they can feel their time was lost. It's no different if you try to do, say, the H4 for Section X and the people you're grouped with end up wiping on every mob group. You can't finish the weekly for Section X without it, so, yes, time can be wasted in multiple aspects of the game. It is an MMO, after all...

I am a pvp'er and I do the pve dailies. There is no excuse for wiping on any of them unless it is a rare occasion. Edited by Malckiah
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Thank you for showing your true colors again! I just didn't think you would point the finger at yourself. :eek:


On the serious side, you are doing a lot of posturing. Such as compiling a list of posts that support your viewpoint, while completely disregarding posts that follow them, sometimes immediately following them to support your "getting the shaft" position. Maybe posturing is a bad word, but there is a very definite defined behavior to this:


cherry picking.

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On the serious side, you are doing a lot of posturing. Such as compiling a list of posts that support your viewpoint, while completely disregarding posts that follow them, sometimes immediately following them to support your "getting the shaft" position. Maybe posturing is a bad word, but there is a very definite defined behavior to this:


cherry picking.


THANK YOU now I have the perfect word to describe this thread! :rak_03:

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On the serious side, you are doing a lot of posturing. Such as compiling a list of posts that support your viewpoint, while completely disregarding posts that follow them, sometimes immediately following them to support your "getting the shaft" position. Maybe posturing is a bad word, but there is a very definite defined behavior to this:


cherry picking.


You apparently fail to see the huge number of posts where I take the time to respond to each so called rebuttle with a real answer. The posts I listed have in no way been shown wrong... so until you can show how my plan is wrong and would not work, I will continue to show that it is right.

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You apparently fail to see the huge number of posts where I take the time to respond to each so called rebuttle with a real answer. The posts I listed have in no way been shown wrong... so until you can show how my plan is wrong and would not work, I will continue to show that it is right.



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In green below again...


I am a pvp'er and I do the pve dailies. There is no excuse for wiping on any of them unless it is a rare occasion.




AGAIN, while there is no excuse for wiping on any PvE daily, there is still the RISK of doing so, and thereby not only not receiving any credits, but having to pay credits out.


AGAIN, PvP has NO SUCH RISK. Period. There is no risk of credit loss going into a PvP warzone/arena, whereas there is a risk to PvE. So, please, tell me why PvP should be special and make the same amount of money, without the RISK of losing some, even if it is pitiful, money?


And.... you guessed it... AGAIN, I agree with the need for raising credit opportunities for PvP. However, I wholeheartedly do NOT support turning PvP into a bigger 100% profit, 0% risk scenario any more than it already is now.


Also, there is not a single credit drain that PvP activities have (mod swapping, consumables, augments, frilly pixels to outfit characters with, etc) that PvE activities do not. What's more, PvE activities have an additional credit drain (repairs), that is possbily insignificant but still there. Again, why should PvP activities have the same credit opportunities as PvE activities when PvP has less credit drains?


Raise the credit opportunity for PvP? Sure, yeah, great idea that I can (honestly, I do think they should be raised) totally get behind. Giving equal opportunity for earnings potential while not adding some kind of additional credit drain for PvP? No, sir, that is not a good idea at all.


As I've said, make it a tithe or tribute that the losing team has to pay the winning team, on par with repair costs (also, as I've mentioned, whatever that would mean; I assume BW would have some kind of metric in place to see how many credits are spent on repair costs), and I'm all for equal earnings potential. And, if you keep losing over and over again in PvP, well, maybe you have problems playing just as the PvE daily runner has problems if they incur massive repair costs.


Equal opportunity for rewards is great, but there should be equal opportunity for risk as well. Otherwise, all you will have is a system that is exactly the same as it is now, except skewed in the opposite direction. And that can't be good, because it's the reason (inequality of earnings) this thread was started... Right? ;)

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In green....




AGAIN, while there is no excuse for wiping on any PvE daily(<THIS, take your own words and stop there!), there is still the RISK of doing so, and thereby not only not receiving any credits, but having to pay credits out. I could get hit by a meteor, but not a good thought to live by.


AGAIN, PvP has NO SUCH RISK. Period. There is no risk of credit loss going into a PvP warzone/arena, whereas there is a risk to PvE. So, please, tell me why PvP should be special and make the same amount of money, without the RISK of losing some, even if it is pitiful, money? Your risk is not a factor here....It is not even in the equation!!! I have said several times...."give pvp'ers the opportunity to make near equal to what the pvp'er can make MINUS REPAIR COSTS!!! This takes your risk out of the equation!

And.... you guessed it... AGAIN, I agree with the need for raising credit opportunities for PvP. However, I wholeheartedly do NOT support turning PvP into a bigger 100% profit, 0% risk scenario any more than it already is now.


Also, there is not a single credit drain that PvP activities have (mod swapping, consumables, augments, frilly pixels to outfit characters with, etc) that PvE activities do not. What's more, PvE activities have an additional credit drain (repairs), that is possbily insignificant but still there. Again, why should PvP activities have the same credit opportunities as PvE activities when PvP has less credit drains? I again will use your own words listed here above..."PvE activities have an additional credit drain (repairs), that is possbily insignificant but still there." So ya...As I said, repair costs are not a part of the equation since I am asking for less money than you make in total. As well it is your own words that agree that repair costs with dailies are ..."insignificant."


Raise the credit opportunity for PvP? Sure, yeah, great idea that I can (honestly, I do think they should be raised) totally get behind. Giving equal opportunity for earnings potential while not adding some kind of additional credit drain for PvP? No, sir, that is not a good idea at all.


As I've said, make it a tithe or tribute that the losing team has to pay the winning team, on par with repair costs (also, as I've mentioned, whatever that would mean; I assume BW would have some kind of metric in place to see how many credits are spent on repair costs), and I'm all for equal earnings potential. And, if you keep losing over and over again in PvP, well, maybe you have problems playing just as the PvE daily runner has problems if they incur massive repair costs.


Equal opportunity for rewards is great, but there should be equal opportunity for risk as well. Otherwise, all you will have is a system that is exactly the same as it is now, except skewed in the opposite direction. And that can't be good, because it's the reason (inequality of earnings) this thread was started... Right? ;)


Post addressed.

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It was on topic again until post #390. I wonder who might have thrown it off? Easy...simply watch as a perfectly on topic thread gets thrown off topic, then look at who posted that post... in this case #390.


To get it back on track again. I am still awaiting real reasons why my idea would not be a good idea? And if you answer with something that has already been addressed and shown inadequate it will prove a waste of your time...Please read through the thread before you post.


Now back to the topic of the thread...


Allow me to use your technique then: Your suggestion is inadequate, and has been shown to be such for the following reasons:


1. It adds rewards with no risk. The "but dailies risk (an artificial limiter cherry picked by you so that you would have some kind of leg to stand on)is minimal, and shouldn't figure in", or "I subtracted that amount from my estimates" doesn't float because your estimates themselves are cherry picked to give you the most favorable results you could get to support your claim.


2. Adding major income to PvP w/out adding any downsides will create more problems than it solves. People are already looking as the recent wave of class nerfs based around PvP balancing as resulting from PvP QQ. You are not asking for game balancing here, you are asking for preferential treatment because you choose to PvP.


3. You frequently imply that people running PvE dailies are getting paid for doing something they enjoy, despite the number of people that have indicated that don't enjoy them. Again, you chose to leave these responses out of your cherry picking because it does not match the tone you want to set. Not having valid arguments against a position does not mean that sweeping it under the rug will make it go away and prove you right. You're wrong, especially regarding people doing dailies because they enjoy them.


4. When confronted with these positions, you respond with "nuh uh", or a more wordy equivalent, or outright attack posters as trolls for not seeing things your way, and then posture about the people trolling you in the thread.


5. You have yet to show a valid reason why PvP rewards should be increased on the scale of the PvE dailiy rewards, again, an artificial limit set by you because dailies are not the sum total of end game PvE, in the first place, other than, of course, you think you need it/don't want to run PvE dailies(as if you're unique in that).


So by all means, bring some legitimate concerns to the table. To do this, you will need to stop cherry picking posts to suit your claims, and actually provide some very real responses other than "you've got to be a troll", or "this isn't valid because I said so".

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Answers in green....


Allow me to use your technique then: Your suggestion is inadequate, and has been shown to be such for the following reasons:


1. It adds rewards with no risk. The "but dailies risk (an artificial limiter cherry picked by you so that you would have some kind of leg to stand on)is minimal, and shouldn't figure in", or "I subtracted that amount from my estimates" doesn't float because your estimates themselves are cherry picked to give you the most favorable results you could get to support your claim. (my estimates are not cherry picked. Infact they are estimates that can easily be duplicated and were posted by others besides me.)


2. Adding major income to PvP w/out adding any downsides will create more problems than it solves. People are already looking as the recent wave of class nerfs based around PvP balancing as resulting from PvP QQ. You are not asking for game balancing here, you are asking for preferential treatment because you choose to PvP. (you made the statement here that it would create more problems than it solves but conveniently chose to list none.)


3. You frequently imply that people running PvE dailies are getting paid for doing something they enjoy, despite the number of people that have indicated that don't enjoy them. Again, you chose to leave these responses out of your cherry picking because it does not match the tone you want to set. Not having valid arguments against a position does not mean that sweeping it under the rug will make it go away and prove you right. You're wrong, especially regarding people doing dailies because they enjoy them. (um...I did respond to this in this thread...your failure to see it was not my fault. Lots of people find pvp a grind as well, but indeed it is a part of the game (just like pve) and all parts of the game are worth playing.)


4. When confronted with these positions, you respond with "nuh uh", or a more wordy equivalent, or outright attack posters as trolls for not seeing things your way, and then posture about the people trolling you in the thread. I answered every rebuttle. The only time I resorted to anything less than being on topic was when I was attacked.... see for yourself.


5. You have yet to show a valid reason why PvP rewards should be increased on the scale of the PvE dailiy rewards, again, an artificial limit set by you because dailies are not the sum total of end game PvE, in the first place, other than, of course, you think you need it/don't want to run PvE dailies(as if you're unique in that). In the beginning of the thread I was using many facets of pve to show how they can make money. I later switched it to pve dailies to simplify what I am saying. How about you show me some valid reasons why pvp rewards should not be increased!... After all to increase them does not hurt the game. And as pointed out it would indeed help the game as a whole by possibly bringing more people on board. By increasing money making opportunities in pvp you would increase queue pop which is a major issue for pvp'ers. Anything that is a major issue for any one part of the game will hurt the game as a whole.


So by all means, bring some legitimate concerns to the table. To do this, you will need to stop cherry picking posts to suit your claims, and actually provide some very real responses other than "you've got to be a troll", or "this isn't valid because I said so".


Again I am sorry that you have chosen to ignore the many things in this thread that have already been answered clearly. As you can see I answered your post.

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1. So you're fine with rewards with no risk, seeing that as a positive, instead of a negative. Despite there being another alternative to the risks stated earlier in this thread, and again in your other now identical thread: If you lose, you don't get paid, anything, no comms, no credits, and no credit for your daily. BTW, I'm done with the artificial limits, if I don't finish an Op due to wipes, I eat my repair costs. If I don't finish a HM FP, I lose/potentially lose credits, and I don't get credit for the daily or weekly. You want equal treatment, then let's get real with it. If you lose, you don't get paid. Risk vs Reward.


2. The problem is the economy: http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt201/robertthebard/th_Borkedeconomy.jpg This is what happens when it goes unchecked, and adding mega profits to PvP with no overhead is doing just that, a massive influx of credits with no sinks.


3. That doesn't change the fact that they are unfun, and that some have even stated that they only run them to make up credits sunk in repairs from Ops or FPs. After all, if you truly enjoyed the content, we wouldn't be having this discussion, would we?


4. You answered one such rebuttal by cherry picking 2 or 3 different posts that support your position, with no counterpoints to them and then linking to that post stating that "this has been addressed and proven false", even though it truly hasn't. In fact, we are here now discussing these "refuted" points.


5. The entire post that you quoted does just that. Shows you why "simply increasing the rewards for PvP with no overhead" is a bad idea. You can look at the screenshot posted in #2 of this post for an example of what happens to credits once inflation is allowed to run rampant. Maybe you don't care about the rest of the game. I do. I have seen rampant inflation kill games that I enjoyed playing because new players cannot get a foothold when starter gear costs more on the AH than they are capable of earning.


So tell me again why increasing rewards with no overhead is good for the game, and not just good for somebody that's too undermotivated to get out and run dailies for spot cash? Because so far, that's what your whole suggestion has come down to: I don't want to make money like everyone else, I want to make money just for showing up.

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Yes I do PvP. I am just saying while multiple posters have brought up that PvP rewards need to be up to par with PvE then the PvE'ers feel the need to compare apples to oranges and think that PvP needs to have repairs. PvP is vastly different to PvE in gameplay and it takes lots more skill.


Then it shouldn't be an issue then, should it? If PvP rewards are set on par with PvE rewards, then you'll have plenty of cash.


I like my other idea better though: If you lose, you don't get credit for your daily or weekly, and you don't get paid, at all. No comms, no nothing. This makes you earn those credits instead of spending the entire instance dead and still getting paid. After all, it doesn't matter how much time I spend standing around in the base on Oricon, if I don't actually run the dailies(win), I'm not getting paid. See: Balance.

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Okay, OP, you've converted me.


Make PvP rewards on par with PvE ones, even though PvP comes with no risk. Don't add any, either.


I, too, want a button I can click, not have to wait or travel (since queue times would dramatically decrease, right?), then run around in circles hitting random buttons for a few minutes, and walk out with the same payout as doing the time equivalent for a PvE activity. Jolly great idea, and I can't imagine why I was against it to begin with! /sarcasm


I swear, with all the namecalling that goes on in these (and, in-fact, almost every gaming) forums, I would think that (some of) the PvPers here were the true 'carebears,' considering it seems that reward without risk (however small) is what is truly being asked for here. (Not that I would call anyone a 'carebear,' simply because it's a stupid way to label anyone, but dayum...)


Also, I've been floating in and out of this thread while I've been amassing mah mahoosive PvE lootz, but this might (might! I say lol) be my last response. I do want to say that this thread has kept me very entertained over this weekend, and I'll be kind of sad to see it go tomorrow (because, let's all be honest, it will be lol). So, yeah, snarky reply, but, frankly, it doesn't seem that logic and true equality are welcomed in this thread; unless, it's cherry picked, of course. ;)

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So being that It has been shown that implementing big money opportunities near equal to that of what he pve side has already in place would not have a negative, but instead a positive effect on things.... what other rebuttles might you think of that can be brought to the table... or what other benefits do you see coming from pvp'ers having the options to make more money. ??


shown? you have not shown anything

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