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Question: is the charge-up of a railgun linear with respect to its output? In other words, are two half-charge shots equal to one full charge?


Yep they are. Railguns do the % of charge as the same % of their maximum damage.


Couple of bonus comments.


1: Ion Railguns Energy drain component is also linear with the charge. (It wasn't at launch and was abused like crazy)


2: While the initial hit of a Plasma Railgun shot is linear with charge the Damage Overtime component of it isn't. A 25% charge shot of Plasma Railgun will do 25% damage of the initial impact but the full Damage Overtime.


I hope that helps. :)

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Speaking of Ion weapons, but Ion Cannon on the strikes in this case:


For the tier 5 upgrade, do you recall whether that 40/hit drain is


40 from the shield arc that gets hit,

20 from both shield arcs for a total of 40,

or 40 from each shield arc for a total of 80?

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Speaking of Ion weapons, but Ion Cannon on the strikes in this case:


For the tier 5 upgrade, do you recall whether that 40/hit drain is


40 from the shield arc that gets hit,

20 from both shield arcs for a total of 40,

or 40 from each shield arc for a total of 80?


Or maybe it drains 40 from the shield arc it hits, except if it's empty, then the other gets drained.

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Speaking of Ion weapons, but Ion Cannon on the strikes in this case:


For the tier 5 upgrade, do you recall whether that 40/hit drain is


40 from the shield arc that gets hit,

20 from both shield arcs for a total of 40,

or 40 from each shield arc for a total of 80?


I really can't think of a way to test this well, so I never have.


I would guess it's 40 from the shield arc that gets hit, but that's just a guess based on how other things resolve.

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It may have already been asked, but is quad and cluster a valid combo in sting/ff?


It always just depends on what you're trying to do with it. That was Sanic's build for a really really long time. All he ever did was peel Gunships and Scouts off us so he didn't need the armor pen.


I think it can definitely work, just don't expect to be killing Bombers or stripping satelites very quickly. The more important one is don't try to win a turning fight vs another Scout that has Burst lasers.

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Oh my, not only awesome thread but you're still around! Been watching some of your vid's after this recent thread, they're fantastic.


1) Been playing once in a while for 2 years, and here's a noob question: do vanilla satellites repair ships and possibly energy levels or only when some bomber has planted a repair drone?



2) here's an advanced question. Is it TRUE that shields only regen AFTER DAMAGE HAS CEASED, instead of after blaster hit one? If so I can't fathom why anybody would implement that.



Thanks! :)

Edited by BenduKundalini
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wanted to ask too, but its a pretty general question.


I have a Strike Fighter with maxed stuff (just miss last upgrade on missiles) but when i played now after like 1 year i was getting litteraly one-shoted! I have the ability to regen shields and slightly repair, but i didnt even get to pop these things and was already dead! Am I doing something wrong? Was it just by chance? Well it was done pretty often with me, but not sure if i wasnt also globalled by more figthers.


Overall, please let me know if there are oneshot possibilites even in case you are maxed out.


Thank you.

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1) Been playing once in a while for 2 years, and here's a noob question: do vanilla satellites repair ships and possibly energy levels or only when some bomber has planted a repair drone?


2) here's an advanced question. Is it TRUE that shields only regen AFTER DAMAGE HAS CEASED, instead of after blaster hit one? If so I can't fathom why anybody would implement that.


1) Satellites neither repair you, nor affect the regen rates of your energy. Repair drones repair your hull and, if upgraded, refill ammo or shields.


2) Everytime a shield arc takes damage of any kind, it stops regenerating for some seconds. So yes, as long as you take damage every few seconds, your shields won't regnerate.

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I have a Strike Fighter with maxed stuff (just miss last upgrade on missiles) but when i played now after like 1 year i was getting litteraly one-shoted! I have the ability to regen shields and slightly repair, but i didnt even get to pop these things and was already dead! Am I doing something wrong? Was it just by chance? Well it was done pretty often with me, but not sure if i wasnt also globalled by more figthers.


Overall, please let me know if there are oneshot possibilites even in case you are maxed out.


I think the only way to actually one-shot a strike is a slug railgun by a gunship with damage overcharge. However, depending on your construction, even that might not be enough and it has to be a critical hit too.

If it "was done pretty often" then it's more likely you got focused by more than one gunship or a scout with cooldowns (or DO, or both) killed you. A scout with DO needs less than a second to kill a Strike, which might feel like you got one-shotted. There is no DO on domination type maps, so if it happened there too, you certainly didn't get one-shotted.


You should know that strike fighters are the weakest class currently, because they lack several things other ships have. Strikes are slower and have lower evasion, lower speed, and less engines than scouts, which makes strikes easy targets. Strikes don't have the range of gunships and they also lack the standing power of bombers.

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wanted to ask too, but its a pretty general question.


I have a Strike Fighter with maxed stuff (just miss last upgrade on missiles) but when i played now after like 1 year i was getting litteraly one-shoted! I have the ability to regen shields and slightly repair, but i didnt even get to pop these things and was already dead! Am I doing something wrong? Was it just by chance? Well it was done pretty often with me, but not sure if i wasnt also globalled by more figthers.


Overall, please let me know if there are oneshot possibilites even in case you are maxed out.


Thank you.


When you mention " regen shields and slightly repair" Did you mean quick charged shields? Cause they have lower base shield value, that most popular directional shields (40% is the difference i think) Which makes you more vulnerable to burst dmg. So it can quite often feel like you are one shooted.

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When you mention " regen shields and slightly repair" Did you mean quick charged shields? Cause they have lower base shield value, that most popular directional shields (40% is the difference i think) Which makes you more vulnerable to burst dmg. So it can quite often feel like you are one shooted.


That's a good point.


Also, almost all damage reduction upgrades are meaningless because most commonly used weapons have armor penetration.

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1) Satellites neither repair you, nor affect the regen rates of your energy. Repair drones repair your hull and, if upgraded, refill ammo or shields.


2) Everytime a shield arc takes damage of any kind, it stops regenerating for some seconds. So yes, as long as you take damage every few seconds, your shields won't regnerate.


Hey thanks!


- So it seems ship's regen/repair is kinda fast outside of combat.


- There's one shield/shield upgrade which is an exception to that rule right? Starts replenishing during combat. Can't remember which.


- Pretty sure the answer is no but is there a way to target allies? That would be real useful.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Hey thanks!


- So it seems ship's regen/repair is kinda fast outside of combat.


- There's one shield/shield upgrade which is an exception to that rule right? Starts replenishing during combat. Can't remember which.


- Pretty sure the answer is no but is there a way to target allies? That would be real useful.


- Regen rates of the 3 energy pools depend on the class, components, and upgrades of a ship and the energy distribution that's selected. Standard keybinds are F1-F4 and they're pretty important. Ships do not repair themselves.


- The upgrade you're referring to is a part of Quick Charge Shields, however QCS are considered to be weak. I also wouldn't call it "outside of combat" as that's not exactly what it is - for shield and engine energy the rule of thumb is: if you spent some of the energy, it's regeneration is negatively affected. (I'm not sure about blasters)


- It's not possible to target allies.


As you seem interested in learning, I recommend to read the Stasiepedia. It's important to know that some components (or upgrades) are much stronger than others, and it's almost impossible to find out by the information the game provieds. There is a lot of information in GSF which would take a lot of time and effort to figure out by yourself, so feel free to ask as many questions as you want here.

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- Regen rates of the 3 energy pools depend on the class, components, and upgrades of a ship and the energy distribution that's selected. Standard keybinds are F1-F4 and they're pretty important. Ships do not repair themselves.


- The upgrade you're referring to is a part of Quick Charge Shields, however QCS are considered to be weak. I also wouldn't call it "outside of combat" as that's not exactly what it is - for shield and engine energy the rule of thumb is: if you spent some of the energy, it's regeneration is negatively affected. (I'm not sure about blasters)


- It's not possible to target allies.


As you seem interested in learning, I recommend to read the Stasiepedia. It's important to know that some components (or upgrades) are much stronger than others, and it's almost impossible to find out by the information the game provieds. There is a lot of information in GSF which would take a lot of time and effort to figure out by yourself, so feel free to ask as many questions as you want here.


Thanks much, really appreciate.


Heard of Stasie but haven't spent the time to take it all in yet. This thread on the other hand is a dream come true ;) but I'll go and read Stasie, promise.


So hulls don't repair at all like player's health bars do on ground? Unless you take a rpeairing copilote of course. I really must have been next to a repair probe and - by lack of targetting allies button - missed it.

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Thanks much, really appreciate.


Heard of Stasie but haven't spent the time to take it all in yet. This thread on the other hand is a dream come true ;) but I'll go and read Stasie, promise.


So hulls don't repair at all like player's health bars do on ground? Unless you take a rpeairing copilote of course. I really must have been next to a repair probe and - by lack of targetting allies button - missed it.


Take your time, it's a lot of information. Some of us have spent thousands of games acquiring it. There are two things important to know as a new player. 1) Controls, including how weapons work. 2) What ships, components, and upgrades are good and why they are - most of the second point is in the Stasiepedia.


Hulls don'r repair at all, only shields will recharge over time automatically. There are 3 possibilites to repair your hull. First, Hydrospanner, a copilot ability. Second, Repair Probes, you can see when you're getting repaired by one by a green beam emmiting from the probe to your ship and also a small drone appearing close to your ship. Third, an ability (I forgot the name) of the T3 strike (Clarion/Imperium), I think a small drone will appear close to you if you're affected by it. All three of those have buffs which will appear on your buff bar, this includes not only repair effects but also ammo/shield refill, if upgraded.

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Thing is, I'm not a new player, I have recently unlocked all non-cartel ships on my main, but I don't have a single mastered ship and anyway I realize I lack in several areas even though I also can be a pain in the neck to the enemy with a stock ship (guarded the middle sat by myself yesterday on a brand new Rampart on a new server, destroyed defenses with a stock nova dive).


Even AIMING. I was looking for a youtube tutorial going above and beyond as it seems I still don't fully get the hang of it. For instance my cursor is always on the reticle ahead of the enemy ship. I think some people just fire away as long as it's in the circle? Also unable to launch anything other than rocket pods, the guys always break lock. And even pods don't hit that often...

For the life of me I can't finish an enemy. He passes me by, I lose track of him, pretty much always. Even with burst laser cannons... perhaps a matter of accuracy vs added evasion?

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Alright lets clear some stuff up!


Regeneration on different systems works as follows:


The default numbers for each are:

Weapons: Pool capacity 100, regen 10/s, recently consumed 4/s, delay 1.5s

Engines: Pool capacity 100, regen 5/s, recently consumed 2/s, delay 3s

Shields: Pool capacity varies, regen 5%/s, recently consumed 0/s, delay 6s



Recently consumed amounts are the amount your energy of that type will regenerate while you're using/losing some of that energy.


Once the amount of time of the delay is passed you will then receive your maximum regen again.


There are many components/upgrades that affect these numbers. This is not an exaustive list or even a well written one I just wanted to give you some examples.


Weapon power:

-Regeneration Extender (minor component) increases the regeration of your weapon pool, both while in the recently consumed and full regeneration phases.


-Combat Command (System component on the Imperium/Clarion and Bloodmark/Spearpoint) Can be activated, giving all allied ships 5 weapon power every 4 seconds and can be doubled with an upgrade.


-Blaster Overcharge (System component on the Sting/Flashfire) Gives you 15% more weapon power regeneration and can be upgraded to give another 14%.


Engine power:

- Regeneration Thrusters (Minor component) Increases regeneration of your engine power.


- Booster Recharge (System component on the Blackbolt/Novadive and Sting/Flashfire) Can be activated giving 5% engine power per second, and later upgraded to give 7.5% per second and give you 10% more regeneration permanently.


-Tensor Field (System component on the Bloodmark/Spearpoint) Can be upraded to grant 2 Engine power per second.


-Quick Charge Shields (Shield component on many ships) Increases the regeneration of your engines by 45% but only when your in the recently consumed range (which is all the time you're not in full regen)



Shield Power:

-Regeneration Reactor (Minor component) Increases the regeneration of your Shield power.


-Quick Charge Shields (Shield component on many ships) Increases the regeneration of your Shields by 45%. It can also be upgraded to continue regenerating for 60% of your total regen during the recently consumed part of your shields. (Shields normally don't regenerate in the recently consumed part)


-Directional Shields (Shields component on many ships) While these shields don't help with the actual regeneration rate, they can be upraded to lower the delay to 3 seconds so that once you stopped getting shot at or using your shields you will begin regenerating quicker.



You should also know that your power settings affect your regeneration ALOT. Here are the numbers for how those work.


Increasing power to a pool boosts its regeneration rate by 50%, and reduces the regeneration rate of the other two pools by 25%.


Increasing weapon power boosts damage by 10%, while increasing shield or engine power reduces weapon damage by 5%

Increasing shield power boosts max shield capacity by 20%, while increasing weapon or engine power reduces shield capacity by 10%

Increasing engine power boosts max speed by 20%, while increasing weapon or shield power reduces max speed by 10%



The only ways to repair a ships hull are:


-Hydrospanner a copilot ability that heals a measily 245 hull over 6 seconds with a 1 min cooldown.


-Repair Drone (Shield component on the Legion/Warcarrier and Bloodmark/Spearpoint) This is a static drone that a player leaves behind that can be killed by your opponents it will heal any friendly ship in range for 120 hull every 3 seconds.


-Repair Probes (System component on the Imperium/Clarion) This is a buff applied to you and any allied ship within 4500m on activation. It heals for 75 hull every 4 seconds for it's duration, it can be upgraded to heal 95 every 4 seconds.

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wanted to ask too, but its a pretty general question.


I have a Strike Fighter with maxed stuff (just miss last upgrade on missiles) but when i played now after like 1 year i was getting litteraly one-shoted! I have the ability to regen shields and slightly repair, but i didnt even get to pop these things and was already dead! Am I doing something wrong? Was it just by chance? Well it was done pretty often with me, but not sure if i wasnt also globalled by more figthers.


Overall, please let me know if there are oneshot possibilites even in case you are maxed out.


Thank you.


While it is theoretically possible to get one shotted on a Strike Fighter it's very hard to do. It involves getting a buff in Death match that gives you +100% damage and using a very high burst damage weapon.


However Strikes fighters sadly are very weak as a class and it's very easy to get overwhelmed. It's more likely you were indeed getting "globalled" by multiple ships or even just one ship blowing all it's cooldowns and melting you inside 1-2 seconds.


If you have the ability to record yourself I'd be happy to take a look, you can send it to me privately or you can post it publicly and we will easily be able to tell you exactly what is happening.


I hope that helps. :)

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Even AIMING. I was looking for a youtube tutorial going above and beyond as it seems I still don't fully get the hang of it. For instance my cursor is always on the reticle ahead of the enemy ship. I think some people just fire away as long as it's in the circle? Also unable to launch anything other than rocket pods, the guys always break lock. And even pods don't hit that often...

For the life of me I can't finish an enemy. He passes me by, I lose track of him, pretty much always. Even with burst laser cannons... perhaps a matter of accuracy vs added evasion?


I know you said you checked out my Youtube videos already, was there maybe something specific in one of them I could go over to help you out?


Do you by chance have the ability to record yourself, I often get together with all sorts of people and we watch recordings of them playing and I can help point out what went wrong or right in all sorts of situations to help people learn.



Many popular ship builds currently use multiple missile lock breaks so it's possible you are firing off many missiles and they are just breaking them all because of their builds. As for firing and missile a lot, do you understand how tracking penealties and evasion/accuracy works in the game? If not I'd be happy to go over it with you just let me know.


You seem to have a lot of questions about the game, would you be interested in getting together on mumble or some other voice program and you could fire off as many questions as you'd like? I'd be happy to answer whatever questions you have.


I hope that helps :)

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I know you said you checked out my Youtube videos already, was there maybe something specific in one of them I could go over to help you out?


Do you by chance have the ability to record yourself, I often get together with all sorts of people and we watch recordings of them playing and I can help point out what went wrong or right in all sorts of situations to help people learn.



Many popular ship builds currently use multiple missile lock breaks so it's possible you are firing off many missiles and they are just breaking them all because of their builds. As for firing and missile a lot, do you understand how tracking penealties and evasion/accuracy works in the game? If not I'd be happy to go over it with you just let me know.


You seem to have a lot of questions about the game, would you be interested in getting together on mumble or some other voice program and you could fire off as many questions as you'd like? I'd be happy to answer whatever questions you have.


I hope that helps :)


Hey thanks so much. Very kind of you!


Well, that would be awesome. What server are you on? I don't have recording software installed but could try to dl one. I do have mumble and TS and ofc Skype.


As for missile locks, it's not only abilities that break lock - I know them, use them myself - but them simply exiting the aiming circle leaving my lock incomplete.


Accuracy I sort of know the ranges and yes, I find myself firing at maximum range more than I'd like to (target often goes grey) so it has the worst penalty on accuracy (and also damage, just read that tonight on Dulfy, agh!). Could also be my mouse missing clicks (it does, but once in a while).

Finally it could also be that I still have Rapid-fire laser cannons on my Nova (I love my nova!) and just realized they have a shytty accuracy... wish I had known that before investing into tier 5. But you feel all Jango Fett lol!

Edit - reading Rapid Fire Lasers are an embarassment and they say aiming with this is a pain, as well as with... Heavy laser which is the other laser I use on my ships (Strike I, Rampart). Though I suck with BLCs too. Hell, dunno. Need to try quads and LLCs.


Not sure about tracking penalty. This is about position of target in the arc, right? I try to keep them in the center.

(Then again if I knew what it is that I don't know/misunderstood I wouldn't be asking questions) :p


Short range seriously doesn't work for me. Dogfight ensues and most of the time I'm "where the hell is he??", even with target camera - but at close range I really fail to aim, it's so easy to exit the arc.


I pretty much only get kills (not assists) with my Quarrel and Rampart. And on my rampart it's the drones doing the killing, not me...


Oh and WOW I HAD ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA that power setting gave a PENALTY to the other energy levels! Might be using default once in a while now.

Thanks a LOT for explaning "recently consumed". Why didn't they call that "currently consumed?". So misleading. I get it's because of the cd but seriously...


Thanks again! You rock :)

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Hey thanks so much. Very kind of you!


Well, that would be awesome. What server are you on? I don't have recording software installed but could try to dl one. I do have mumble and TS and ofc Skype.


As for missile locks, it's not only abilities that break lock - I know them, use them myself - but them simply exiting the aiming circle leaving my lock incomplete.


Accuracy I sort of know the ranges and yes, I find myself firing at maximum range more than I'd like to (target often goes grey) so it has the worst penalty on accuracy (and also damage, just read that tonight on Dulfy, agh!). Could also be my mouse missing clicks (it does, but once in a while).

Finally it could also be that I still have Rapid-fire laser cannons on my Nova (I love my nova!) and just realized they have a shytty accuracy... wish I had known that before investing into tier 5. But you feel all Jango Fett lol!

Edit - reading Rapid Fire Lasers are an embarassment and they say aiming with this is a pain, as well as with... Heavy laser which is the other laser I use on my ships (Strike I, Rampart). Though I suck with BLCs too. Hell, dunno. Need to try quads and LLCs.


Not sure about tracking penalty. This is about position of target in the arc, right? I try to keep them in the center.

(Then again if I knew what it is that I don't know/misunderstood I wouldn't be asking questions) :p


Short range seriously doesn't work for me. Dogfight ensues and most of the time I'm "where the hell is he??", even with target camera - but at close range I really fail to aim, it's so easy to exit the arc.


I pretty much only get kills (not assists) with my Quarrel and Rampart. And on my rampart it's the drones doing the killing, not me...


Oh and WOW I HAD ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA that power setting gave a PENALTY to the other energy levels! Might be using default once in a while now.

Thanks a LOT for explaning "recently consumed". Why didn't they call that "currently consumed?". So misleading. I get it's because of the cd but seriously...


Thanks again! You rock :)


I use Open Broadcaster Software to record videos, although I don't upload them. If you happen to have an nVidia graphics card, you can also use Shadowplay to record your games.


If you're having problems with missile locks, there can be several reasons. The longer your missile takes to lock, teh easier to actively evade it, therefore Cluster Missiles are the easiest to lock on. Utility missiles (EMP, Ion, etc) have long lockons and are usually easy to evade. Concussion missiles are somewhat ok, but they don't do well in close combat. Torpedos have a small firing arc but usually they are easily evaded actively and due to the long lockon and flight time it's often possible to just boost away and wait for a maneuver to come off cooldown.

Another problem with lock on missiles has to do with lag. Usually you can't lock a missile at max range or close to the edge of the firing arc, because due to lag the game sometimes consideres these to be outside the arc or range. I try to stay at least 500m closer than necessary for Clusters as well as having some space between my target and the edge of my missile's firing arc.

Also missiles don't lock on to the lead indicator but directly to the enemy ship, so it has to be the ship that's inside the missiles firing arc and not the indicator, which can lead to some conflict with firing blasters simultaneously.


Different lasers have different advantages and synergize with some secondary weapons.

BLC synergizes well with Clusters, because both are close combat weapons. BLCs have the advantage of AP, which is extremely useful against bombers with CP or some other sort of armor and satellite turrets. BLC schouldn't be used over 3km; they're best within ~1500m. BLC also have the highest accuracy and lowest penalty.

HLC are the best choice for "long" range as they don't have the harsh dropoff of accuracy and damage like other lasers. And again, they have AP.

Quads and LC are somewhat similar, both synergize well with Pods. Quads are basically a more powerful version of LC. Both do not have AP and need their targets to be centered well.

RFL and LLC are designed for close combat, however they have severe disadvantages compared to BLC. LLC is the better choice of those two. BLC can fire even if the target is in LoS for just a short time, while RFL and LLC need a long time on a target to be effective. Neither RFL nor LLC have AP.


You're correct about tracking penalty. The further away your reticle is from the center, the less likely you are to hit.


Don't use target camera in dogfights, just go by the triangle indicator on the edge of your blaster firing arc whenever you can't see a target. Personally I never used target camera. When I get hit, I press R to see what hit me, while I evade or prepare an attack.


Personally I don't use the neutral power setting ever. When I'm shooting, I divert power to weapons. When I'm flying, I divert power to engines. I only divert power to shields when a fight is over and there are no enemies left and I want to regenerate shields - or when I'm guarding a satellite with a bomber to have more shield power to absorb a surprise railgun hit.

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Hey thanks so much. Very kind of you!


Well, that would be awesome. What server are you on? I don't have recording software installed but could try to dl one. I do have mumble and TS and ofc Skype.


As for missile locks, it's not only abilities that break lock - I know them, use them myself - but them simply exiting the aiming circle leaving my lock incomplete.


Accuracy I sort of know the ranges and yes, I find myself firing at maximum range more than I'd like to (target often goes grey) so it has the worst penalty on accuracy (and also damage, just read that tonight on Dulfy, agh!). Could also be my mouse missing clicks (it does, but once in a while).

Finally it could also be that I still have Rapid-fire laser cannons on my Nova (I love my nova!) and just realized they have a shytty accuracy... wish I had known that before investing into tier 5. But you feel all Jango Fett lol!

Edit - reading Rapid Fire Lasers are an embarassment and they say aiming with this is a pain, as well as with... Heavy laser which is the other laser I use on my ships (Strike I, Rampart). Though I suck with BLCs too. Hell, dunno. Need to try quads and LLCs.


Not sure about tracking penalty. This is about position of target in the arc, right? I try to keep them in the center.

(Then again if I knew what it is that I don't know/misunderstood I wouldn't be asking questions) :p


Short range seriously doesn't work for me. Dogfight ensues and most of the time I'm "where the hell is he??", even with target camera - but at close range I really fail to aim, it's so easy to exit the arc.


I pretty much only get kills (not assists) with my Quarrel and Rampart. And on my rampart it's the drones doing the killing, not me...


Oh and WOW I HAD ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA that power setting gave a PENALTY to the other energy levels! Might be using default once in a while now.

Thanks a LOT for explaning "recently consumed". Why didn't they call that "currently consumed?". So misleading. I get it's because of the cd but seriously...


Thanks again! You rock :)


I play on many servers, so it would be easier for me to ask you which one you play on. Most of the time I play on Harbinger though because of the bigger population. (Makes streaming more viewer friendly if you're not sitting waiting long times between games)


If you're willing to get the recording software Open Broadcaster is pretty easy to use, and we could go over some of the footage while in mumble or what not.


As Danalon mentioned Locking missiles can be tricky because lag. There are a couple of helpful tips I can offer to for locking missiles.


- Remember that it's the ship your locking onto not the reticule with missiles.


- When locking onto a ship instead of trying to center the target try to give as much space in the firing arc as possible in the direction the ship is heading.

For example if the ship is going left on your screen try to hold the ship in the right side of your firing arc circle.

If the ship is going up, try to hold them in the bottom of your firing arc circle.


Sometimes even when their ships haven't crossed the line of your firing on your screen, because missile locks use both the other players position and what you're seeing on the screen the lock will drop anyways. Because the target wasn't actually in that position that's just what you're seeing on your screen because of lag. Holding their ship further from the firing arc line gives you more leeway with the lag, even if they are a bit further towards the edge because you've held more room to play with you'll get more locks.



Sadly Rapid fire lasers are indeed the worst lasers in the game. I'd definitely work on swapping them at your earliest convenience.


The quick definition of tracking penalty is each weapon loses accuracy the further you are away from the absolute center of your firing arc. Some weapons have absolutely devastating penaltys. For example both Rocket pods and Railguns lose a whopping 5% accuracy for every single degree off center.


Glad the power setting stuff helped you out. :)

I'd still avoid using default power though, in 99% of cases it's better to be in a focused power setting. (It's figuring out which one that is at all times and keeping that up that's the hard part) When helping out players generally the #1 thing they all have to work on is power management, it really is one of if the biggest skill to work on when practicing.


You're welcome, let me know when's a good time to get together and chat and we can get that setup. :)

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