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Bioware: Most of your players are pvp'ers.... figure it out!


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Oh I agree it is. I know people who only PvE or only PvP or only GSF now too...personally, I feel as though they're missing so much that the game has to offer beyond the little thing they enjoy, but I don't think they're bad people...I just wish they could find the enjoyment I do in all 3.


People like different things. Always has been this way, always will be. I personally enjoy the leveling process in MMOs. Like, once a character of mine hits the highest level I quickly lose interest in them in terms of gameplay and start a new character... and only ever use the highlevel chars for occasional dungeons and Roleplay.

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People like different things. Always has been this way, always will be. I personally enjoy the leveling process in MMOs. Like, once a character of mine hits the highest level I quickly lose interest in them in terms of gameplay and start a new character... and only ever use the highlevel chars for occasional dungeons and Roleplay.

I find it odd you would say that...I have just the opposite problem. I could never finish single player games because they'd just end...I hated that. SWG was my 1st MMO and it blew me away when I realized that I could continue playing my toon after maxing his skills (then leveling him with CU/NGE). Probably part of the reason I don't have many alts here...I like playing my max gear/level character far more than anything else. /shrug :)

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As far as most of the people being pvp'ers. Only Bioware could answer that to be sure and to be honest it doesn't really matter. You guys could argue the title statement all day like idiots and get nowhere. Food for the trolls I suppose. Though I do believe still that there are more pvp'ers than there are people that play operations and the like. And I do think the forum numbers reflect this....LOL!


If what you say is true wouldn't that mean you'd almost never be waiting on a PVP queue? If the majority of people playing were playing PVP the queues would pop instantly almost every time right? So why is it that they don't if/when the majority of people are playing PVP?


Why is it that the Kuat Drives Flashpoint queues pop nearly instantly every time people queue for it?


Also wouldn't the PVE servers be way under populated in comparison to the PVP servers if what you said is true?


As far as most of the people being pvp'ers. Only Bioware could answer that to be sure


Yeah, that's not true, and everyone here knows it. You're just grasping at anything you can to try and not look worse. Why you're trying to do any damage control at this point is beyond me though.

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Whilst I agree partly with what you're saying, your example is flawed. KDY required 4 people whereas a Warzone match requires a minimum of 8 and depending on which role you take up, the queue times aren't too dissimilar.


However, its absurd to assume that the majority of players on this game are PVPers. PVP on this game doesn't require huge amounts of skill, nor a high end gaming machine but where it differs is the fact its set in the Star Wars universe. When I first joined this game, I found the actual PVE aspect very interesting and fun, as I wasn't that much into SW prior to this, however once I discovered PVP and found I was good at it, I was hooked. But, I started this game with 4 friends and 3 of those 4 play a handful of games just for the dailies and its because they are so engrossed in the Story.


Very few games which have detailed story's cater have larger PVP populations and SWTOR is no different I believe.


For all you and I know I could be completely wrong and there could be 100 regular PVPers to ever 10 PVEers, but common sense would tell me that on such an expansive game PVE would reign King.

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If what you say is true wouldn't that mean you'd almost never be waiting on a PVP queue? If the majority of people playing were playing PVP the queues would pop instantly almost every time right? So why is it that they don't if/when the majority of people are playing PVP?


Why is it that the Kuat Drives Flashpoint queues pop nearly instantly every time people queue for it?


Also wouldn't the PVE servers be way under populated in comparison to the PVP servers if what you said is true?




Yeah, that's not true, and everyone here knows it. You're just grasping at anything you can to try and not look worse. Why you're trying to do any damage control at this point is beyond me though.


1. You are not comparing apples to apples. Warzones pop random, you can not queue for your favorite one. Also A lot of my time I have to spend doing things I would rather not just to make money....so I am not queue'd while doing so.

2. I primarily pvp and love it, yet I would never play on a pvp server. Most people want to pvp when they want to... and most people don't want to be ganked when they don't. So your logic is very flawed.

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If what you say is true wouldn't that mean you'd almost never be waiting on a PVP queue? If the majority of people playing were playing PVP the queues would pop instantly almost every time right? So why is it that they don't if/when the majority of people are playing PVP?


Why is it that the Kuat Drives Flashpoint queues pop nearly instantly every time people queue for it?


Also wouldn't the PVE servers be way under populated in comparison to the PVP servers if what you said is true?




Yeah, that's not true, and everyone here knows it. You're just grasping at anything you can to try and not look worse. Why you're trying to do any damage control at this point is beyond me though.


PvP warzones always do pop more frequently than KDY. Any time of the day, be it 3 am in the morning, or 9 pm in the night. Any time, and every time, no exceptions. And this is not me exagerrating. I have literally never had any occasion except double XP events where any form of PvE has faster pop times than PvP. In fact, I'd go so far as to say RANKED PvP pops more frequently than Flashpoints do. Even though us PvPers always complain about how long the queue times are for Ranked.


And server population does not reflect number of PvPers or PvErs. It reflects the number of Open-world PvPers in the game, since there is no difference between the servers except the capability of doing that during events.

Edited by EzioMessi
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Oh...OP...you so did not open this can of worms. *wags finger like Queen Latifah*


Do not go there, or I'll go Story Players get the shaft mode on your *****, and really no one wants me to do that. Really.


At least they give you guys new arenas and funky rewards for playing them well, and new huttball crap and GSF, even if some don't consider the wee ships true pvp. At least you get that. There are many who want story. Where is it? *sniffs around* It's all gone...


There are probably other groups that like certain things too and feel like they've been left behind. I just know it. *waits*

Edited by Lunafox
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Oh...OP...you so did not open this can of worms. *wags finger like Queen Latifah*


Do not go there, or I'll go Story Players get the shaft mode on your *****, and really no one wants me to do that. Really.


At least they give you guys new arenas and funky rewards for playing them well, and new huttball crap and GSF, even if some don't consider the wee ships true pvp. At least you get that. There are many who want story. Where is it? *sniffs around* It's all gone...


There are probably other groups that like certain things too and feel like they've been left behind. I just know it. *waits*


Very well played Luna.

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Oh...OP...you so did not open this can of worms. *wags finger like Queen Latifah*


Do not go there, or I'll go Story Players get the shaft mode on your *****, and really no one wants me to do that. Really.


At least they give you guys new arenas and funky rewards for playing them well, and new huttball crap and GSF, even if some don't consider the wee ships true pvp. At least you get that. There are many who want story. Where is it? *sniffs around* It's all gone...


There are probably other groups that like certain things too and feel like they've been left behind. I just know it. *waits*


/Cheers for Lunafox! :D


And OP.. you could learn a few things from Lunafox about how to express you needs/wants/desires. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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/Cheers for Lunafox! :D


And OP.. you could learn a few things from Lunafox about how to express you needs/wants/desires. ;)


Very well played Luna.



:o *bows* I feel quite chuffed up now. Gonna quit while I'm ahead lol.

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Oh...OP...you so did not open this can of worms. *wags finger like Queen Latifah*


Do not go there, or I'll go Story Players get the shaft mode on your *****, and really no one wants me to do that. Really.


At least they give you guys new arenas and funky rewards for playing them well, and new huttball crap and GSF, even if some don't consider the wee ships true pvp. At least you get that. There are many who want story. Where is it? *sniffs around* It's all gone...


There are probably other groups that like certain things too and feel like they've been left behind. I just know it. *waits*


And? Did I say pvp'ers were the only ones getting the shaft? No. Obviously story lovers are getting it as well.

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Just fyi....the community would be a lot better and far more productive if you guys focused less on attacking people and trying to belittle people and more time trying to actually discuss things in civilized manner.
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Just fyi....the community would be a lot better and far more productive if you guys focused less on attacking people and trying to belittle people and more time trying to actually discuss things in civilized manner.


You the one who started antagonizing people when you make such a frivolous statement about what the majority of the games population is. So therefore it is your fault people respond to you so badly.

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You the one who started antagonizing people when you make such a frivolous statement about what the majority of the games population is. So therefore it is your fault people respond to you so badly.


Really?... So people didn't make the choice to do what they do?...I made them? Pretty sad.

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Really?... So people didn't make the choice to do what they do?...I made them? Pretty sad.


I didn't say people did not make a choice, I simply said that it was you who started it. In fact yes pretty sad, pretty sad how you make such bogus statements and then assume they fact.

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Really?... So people didn't make the choice to do what they do?...I made them? Pretty sad.


I'd say its more of a situation of pot calling the kettle black. you attack people that disagree with you. calling them trolls, etc etc.


and you are still incorrect. majority of SWTOR players are NOT pvpers, they are people who participate in multiple activities but may prioritize one type of them over others. which is how your poll got pvp as high as it did (and it STILL wasn't the highest by far, not was it in a majority of the answers). becasue you didn't ask people to pick one thing. you asked them to pick out 5. so there wasn't really conflict of interest.

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I didn't say people did not make a choice, I simply said that it was you who started it. In fact yes pretty sad, pretty sad how you make such bogus statements and then assume they fact.


Pretty sad is right... pretty sad that you didn't read the first post in this thread apparently. If you don't have anything nice to say just move on.

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I'd say its more of a situation of pot calling the kettle black. you attack people that disagree with you. calling them trolls, etc etc.


and you are still incorrect. majority of SWTOR players are NOT pvpers, they are people who participate in multiple activities but may prioritize one type of them over others. which is how your poll got pvp as high as it did (and it STILL wasn't the highest by far, not was it in a majority of the answers). becasue you didn't ask people to pick one thing. you asked them to pick out 5. so there wasn't really conflict of interest.


Really...who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Malckiah
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As you can see I have tried to turn this into a productive thread and you guys keep attacking me and being rude. Just stick to the topic mentioned in my first post if you are interested in keeping the thread going. Otherwise just stop responding and let it die already! If you can't say anything nice just be quiet.
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