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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Most Desired Classes by PvP Teams?


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Hey all, I was wondering if there is a comprehensive list of all the classes/trees which depicts their order of most desired to least desired by the "more competitive" PvP teams?

Like:(Examples only...obviously)

1-Concealment Op

2-Arsenal Merc

3-Lethality Op

4-Engineering Sniper

5-Corruption Sorc



I have never had much exposure to the Ranked crowd but suspect they have their fingers on the pulse of how this order would "really" be as opposed to my "make believe" order above.

Is there such a directory already in existence that's somewhat accurate in 2.7? A link would be awesome if this is the case?

If I had the class knowledge, which I do not with many of the classes, I would put my own list here for ya'll to tweak.

I only have 2 classes that are over the 70 Valor range so I would be guessing at many of the class/specs viability.


Anyone with the proper credentials willing to put such a list together if none currently exists?



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Here's what I like, in no particular order.


- Scoundrel / Operative healers

- Guardian / Juggernaut

- Vanguard / Powertech

- Good Shadow / Assassin


Here's what I typically focus on the other team:


- Gunslinger / Sniper

- Commando / Merc

- Sage / Sorc

Edited by teclado
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1. Vanguard

2. Vanguard

3. Vanguard

4. Commando


I dunno about everyone else but that's how I do my ranked. :D


I lol'd.


A better grouping would be ranking by dps/tank/healer. Keep in mind that Solo Ranked and Group Ranked are vastly more different and is severly less balanced. Sorcs are by far more deadly in Solo's due to their Hybrid off-heals and Juggs are so deadly because of their Heal to Full button.



1.) Operative

2.) Sorc

3.) Commando



-Really anything. Player skill is the greatest factor of winning, not the class. My 28k HP sniper is rank 16 in grouped rank. While my commando is rank 12 in grouped rank. The hardest part is finding people to keep q'ing against you after you beat them.



-Really Depends what you are up against. If the team tank tunnels go with a full tank jugg or shadow. If you're dps is lacking go with a hybrid of any tank.

Edited by ManiacDavis
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This list is for team ranked.

1. Operative healer

2. Madness sorc

3. Hybrid sorc

4. Arsenal merc

5. Lethality sniper

6. Tank juggernaut

7. Tank assassin

8. Vengeance juggernaut

9. Carnage marauder

10. Pyro PT


After patch 2.8 is launched, pyro PT will be better than carnage marauder. Sorc healer is not playable for arenas.

Edited by TheCourier-
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This list is for team ranked.

1. Operative healer

2. Madness sorc

3. Hybrid sorc

4. Arsenal merc

5. Lethality sniper

6. Tank juggernaut

7. Tank assassin

8. Vengeance juggernaut

9. Carnage marauder

10. Pyro PT


After patch 2.8 is launched, pyro PT will be better than carnage marauder. Sorc healer is not playable for arenas.


...and commando healer?

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Pro team roster:


1: Hybrid tank sin

2: Vengence Jugg (to guard the sin when he is tank tunneled)

3: Vengence Jugg (to guard the sin when the first jugg's DCDs are on CD)

4: Operative healer


It's like having three tanks/dps and one healer, advanced pot5 pro strats.

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