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Ok, lets set up some ground rules:


1. SGRA's are Same gender romance arcs. OGRA's are Opposite Romance Arcs.


2. Bioware has stated that they will have SGRA's in the future.


3. If you are arguing against SGRA's keep it civil and leave religion out of it. I know that is impossible, so the best you will probably have to do is just state "I am against SGRA's", other whys you are likely to get am infraction and get your post taken down.


4. SGRA's appeal to more than just the LGBT community.


Now that it is settled, I want to talk about SGRA's, while they are being introduced later on I thought originally it was ok, that I could live without them, but as I am playing the game I realize that it is directly effecting my storyline.


Just looking over the options for most classes romance arcs, they are very limited, because they are supposed to be very in depth. Adding in new character's means adding in more content that some will think is a waste of time, where just fixing it so that flirt options are allowed for either gender will hasten the time to add this feature in the game.

No new dialogue, or at least a very few amounts of dialogue vs 2 new companions per class.


For those that don't want to see the options of flirting with SGRA:

I am not opposed to the idea of having an option in game that flips romance arcs on, off, just SGRA, or just OGRA. If you can't even get on board this idea, then you should really just not post here at all, because you have nothing to add to the discussion.


Just a few questions unresolved:

Yes, they say they will add this in, but is this before or after capital ships? How about in the first major content patch? or somewhere in between? They say they want to add in the SGRA's with new companions, how many new companions is Bioware have in store for us?

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So no new information on this topic.


I am still wondering when they will be added. Or at least when we will get more information regarding the date or how they are planning to add them.


I do not actually think that it will be added by giving every class two new bisexual companions since that would be a lot of work that could not realistically be done before a full expansion and I really hope that we will get SGRAs sooner than that.

More likely is that every class will get one completely new romanceable companion and one of the existing companions and several existing flirtable NPCs as well will get adjusted to now be romanceable by both sexes. That way it is much less work and you do not have to wait until level 40 or longer so that you can flirt with a member of the same sex.


It really is annoying when you cannot play a character the way you want it or one does not dare to start the class that one is wanting to play (smuggler in my case) just because one is afraid that by the time the "gay patch"comes out to already have missed many flirts/ a big part of the relationship because you are already too friendly with the NPC in question.


I hope that we will get an update on this topic before February (actually Valentin´s day would be a nice date to go live with that content)

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look, im religious and i don't have a problem with this.


my stance on that issue in real life aside, an MMO and RPG's in particular are supposed to mimic and imitate real life, this is a part of life, it's not forcing you to follow that path, it's just an option like it is in real life.


i woun't talk about what i believe in real life, because this is about the game, so there it is.

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I'd greatly prefer being able to romance current companions, but I'm doubtful about it ever happening. I just hope whatever new SGRA companions they introduce don't suck, and that it comes soon. Like, before spring. Part of why I love BW games is the fact that I get the chance to pursue romance options that interest me, and I bought this game with the expectation that it would be there too...eventually.


I've only been playing for 10 days and it's already annoying me that my BH will never get to romance Mako. Blue balls. :(


Also, the ability to turn off SGRA would annoy the crap out of me. I'd deal with it, but I think it's a totally unnecessary move that caters to a small percentage of people who shouldn't be encouraged. Literally all you have to do to avoid it is to not click a blatantly obvious dialogue option. That option being there itself isn't harming you. Get over it. Of course, if that's the only way to get it into the game, that's fine, but it's still incredibly lame. And the opposite, the ability to turn off OGRA, will never happen.

Edited by dilinaga
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i really hope i don't have to pursue a new companion once this is added, that would really suck. i really got my heart set on kira :(


I really wish Bioware would just rip off the bandage already and tell us what the plan is. So far on all my characters, I've got my eyes set on a lovely lady that is off-limits. I am *dying* to hook my trooper up with Dorne, and would prefer to know one way or the other what the plan was.


Of course, this is what I want, not deserve. :p I'd just prefer to hear now whether s/s romance will *only* be with new companions, or if they will patch in dialogue for the current ones. Of the two, I'd say the latter would be easier... I mean, you already have all the character dialogue there for the main game (besides the romance bits) which will need to be completely added for a new character. To get the old ones, all they'd have to do is record the actual romance-dialogue with different pronouns, and perhaps broaching the topic of two women or men hooking up in a very broad sense?


Purely guessing, on my part. Perhaps Bioware already recorded s/s romance lines for the current characters to patch in, or maybe they even recorded all the lines for new companions. :confused:


I'm just curious and impatient. :D

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I really wish Bioware would just rip off the bandage already and tell us what the plan is. So far on all my characters, I've got my eyes set on a lovely lady that is off-limits. I am *dying* to hook my trooper up with Dorne, and would prefer to know one way or the other what the plan was.


Of course, this is what I want, not deserve. :p I'd just prefer to hear now whether s/s romance will *only* be with new companions, or if they will patch in dialogue for the current ones. Of the two, I'd say the latter would be easier... I mean, you already have all the character dialogue there for the main game (besides the romance bits) which will need to be completely added for a new character. To get the old ones, all they'd have to do is record the actual romance-dialogue with different pronouns, and perhaps broaching the topic of two women or men hooking up in a very broad sense?


Purely guessing, on my part. Perhaps Bioware already recorded s/s romance lines for the current characters to patch in, or maybe they even recorded all the lines for new companions. :confused:


I'm just curious and impatient. :D


The worst part is if you try to ask BioWare, your thread will probably be locked and you'll be given the generic "We'll be adding it later!" response, completely ignoring the question of HOW they'll do it.


Will they reset companion conversations? Will it only be for brand new companions that will be then added? If it's for existing ones, can have already locked ourselves out of it?

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The worst part is if you try to ask BioWare, your thread will probably be locked and you'll be given the generic "We'll be adding it later!" response, completely ignoring the question of HOW they'll do it.


Will they reset companion conversations? Will it only be for brand new companions that will be then added? If it's for existing ones, can have already locked ourselves out of it?



... You are mean. :eek:

I didn't even think that in-depth on it. My worst fears had been whether my trooper would be able to get herself some strict, Imperial-lovin', and now I don't even know if she will be able to, should it even be added?! :confused:

Now I'm even MORE paranoid about how they'll implement it! :mad:


(No hard feelings. <3)


I'll wait patiently for Bioware's word on the matter, but that doesn't mean I'll like it. >_> It's like Christmas morning all over again, only I'm now not sure whether I have a present under the tree, if I'll be able to open the present, or if I'll even like the present! :(

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... You are mean. :eek:

I didn't even think that in-depth on it. My worst fears had been whether my trooper would be able to get herself some strict, Imperial-lovin', and now I don't even know if she will be able to, should it even be added?! :confused:

Now I'm even MORE paranoid about how they'll implement it! :mad:


(No hard feelings. <3)


I'll wait patiently for Bioware's word on the matter, but that doesn't mean I'll like it. >_> It's like Christmas morning all over again, only I'm now not sure whether I have a present under the tree, if I'll be able to open the present, or if I'll even like the present! :(


See, now you know how I feel. :p

It's been nagging me for days now, and it's a horrible gnawing, nagging feeling. I can't make it go away... D:

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See, now you know how I feel. :p

It's been nagging me for days now, and it's a horrible gnawing, nagging feeling. I can't make it go away... D:


Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts...


My trooper... may be stuck with Aric Jorgen.


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I really wish Bioware would just rip off the bandage already and tell us what the plan is. So far on all my characters, I've got my eyes set on a lovely lady that is off-limits. I am *dying* to hook my trooper up with Dorne, and would prefer to know one way or the other what the plan was.


Of course, this is what I want, not deserve. :p I'd just prefer to hear now whether s/s romance will *only* be with new companions, or if they will patch in dialogue for the current ones. Of the two, I'd say the latter would be easier... I mean, you already have all the character dialogue there for the main game (besides the romance bits) which will need to be completely added for a new character. To get the old ones, all they'd have to do is record the actual romance-dialogue with different pronouns, and perhaps broaching the topic of two women or men hooking up in a very broad sense?


Purely guessing, on my part. Perhaps Bioware already recorded s/s romance lines for the current characters to patch in, or maybe they even recorded all the lines for new companions. :confused:


I'm just curious and impatient. :D


I totally agree with you, and I really hope that some of our old companions will be availible for SGRA. It is totally pissing me off that I cant romance Vette with my Sith Warrior, for the sake of BW fans that has been with them since KOTOR get SGRA in the game soon(and do not dare making only one companion of each gender availible for SGRA, we want to be able to choose and not to be forced into choosing one)

Edited by Darth_Firon
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I totally agree with you, and I really hope that some of our old companions will be availible for SGRA. It is totally pissing me off that I cant romance Vette with my Sith Warrior, for the sake of BW fans that has been with them since KOTOR get SGRA in the game soon(and do not dare making only one companion of each gender availible for SGRA, we want to be able to choose and not to be forced into choosing one)


To be completely fair, some classes get screwed horribly in the romance department for heterosexuals as well. I mean, the trooper gets a grand total of... one choice, per gender. Males get Dorne (:mad:) while females get Catman (:(). So in some cases, they might not have much choice other than to just give you one more choice.


i.e., Females can now get Dorne as well as Jorgen, while males would get Jorgen as well as Dorne.


I really am praying to the gods (AND I'M A DYSTHEIST) that Bioware makes the current companions available for s/s romance, as the only other alternative is to make two whole new squadmates. :confused: One male, one female. And I'm guessing they wouldn't do it for each class, either. So they'd be catch-all companions, and I feel their personality may suffer for it. (Why would the new male and female interest join a Jedi as well as a Trooper, and a Sith? :rolleyes:)

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As an LGBTIQ reporter, I should say that BioWare might want to let us all know what their game plan is ASAP since there are a lot of people who will be a might bit ticked off if this does not get implemented fairly soon, or at least know what is going to happen soon. I love my trooper, but I also love my two Jedi. i figure i'll play my Jedi since they are not suppose to romance at all and get them down the path to lvl 50 first.


But still, it would be nice if they gave us the heads up and soon.


I also think that some of the current companions should be romanceable by both sides. There are some like Kalyo that I suspect would be willing to go with any side that will advance her interests. Vette is going to be beholden and besooten to whomever treats her well. I think that adding in some bisexual characters- who are just naturally bisexual- would also help out.


I think that it would add in a lot of variety.


The option that was mentioned up top, though, about a switch that you can throw to flip the responses kind of sounds nice since every time I see a flirt option with a male NPC I tend to scowl.

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We know that from Stephen "Rockjaw" Reid's comment that in fact, it is going to be new companions, he has already stated that if you simply read his post, now it would only be fair if they made two new companions per class as well.


And Site Admins, please don't just close our threads, it feels like you just gave us the most obscure statement then shoved us under the stairs like the unwanted child and want to shut us up till you can be bothered feeding us again.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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I want SGRA but they will have to be voiced & animated and knowing EA I suspect that SGRAs along with new races, new classes, macros, new planets and various other things won't happen unless SWTOR utterly curbstomps WoW instead of just competing.


No, EA won't hold BioWare back, the game is already record-breaking and is steadily growing, they easily would've made their money back twice now, 500,000 subs would make the game profitable.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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We know that from Stephen "Rockjaw" Reid's comment that in fact, it is going to be new companions, he has already stated that if you simply read his post, now it would only be fair if they made two new companions per class as well.


And Site Admins, please don't just close our threads, it feels like you just gave us the most obscure statement then shoved us under the stairs like the unwanted child and want to shut us up till you can be bothered feeding us again.


The problem is one person always comes along and derails everything, so the topics get locked. Same-gender romance is a very volatile subject and it quickly gets out of hand if they let it.


And did Reid really confirm that? All I've heard is they can't discuss it.

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The problem is one person always comes along and derails everything, so the topics get locked. Same-gender romance is a very volatile subject and it quickly gets out of hand if they let it.


And did Reid really confirm that? All I've heard is they can't discuss it.


I know that but why dont we flag and they delete, is that so hard?


And yes, his post clearly states such at the end.

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And yes, his post clearly states such at the end.


One; your text is hideous, and rough on my eyes. So, the incoming hostility is a result of mild-blindness after trying to read your bright, glowing red text over a background of mellow blue. :rolleyes:


Two; please, provide me a link. I have one myself. From 13 hours ago.


To quote-

Question: "I read your tweet regarding same gender romance. If it is added in the future will it be available to current companions or limited to future companions."


Answer: "As it's a future feature, I've got no info to share on that right now, but I know that the question you're asking will be considered by the developers."



That is the exact definiton of not confirmed in any way, shape, or form.

It seems to me like Bioware is playing their cards close to their chest, so as to avoid "lying" to their fans. It'd be a nasty backlash if they came out and said "Yup, Jorgen'll be ready for man-loving" only to go back and say "Sorry, too much trouble. Here's a new companion instead!"


Now, I very well may have missed the actual announcement you are referring to, so please, provide a source and I will glady put my foot in my mouth. :p

Edited by Raiellyn
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First of all, i care less what you think of my text, Secondly http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=91212&page=3


The end of that clearly states more companions with additional options will be added


Much better than the bright red, though I hope you caught my tongue-in-cheek there. :p


And yes, that is the only official quote on the matter, which I already contextually dissected in another thread (could have sworn it was this one, though I suppose they all blend together.)


The way I read it, the two subjects are seperate. He states that new romance options will be added post-launch. Then he goes on to state that it is an MMO, and that is part of the design, before jumping back to the topic by saying that companion characters will add new options.


Call me a hyper-analyst, but I deal with tricky word-play on a daily basis, and that seems quite non-definitive. Yes, he states that new companions will add new romance options. But he does not even state that they will be the ones (or only ones) who will have the homosexual-romance option. Of couse, given the topic that brought the question, it is implied that the new ones *will* offer the option, but the complete lack of mention on current characters either way, even in the newer post that I had, really make me think that Bioware is still tossing the matter around a bit.


Wishful thinking? Very likely. But that is the way I took it.


And seriously, no hard feelings. ;) I just wanted to see if there was a new post on the topic that I had missed.

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Well I sincerely hope they don't change the currents into Dragon Age 2 where every single companion is bisexual, now not that bisexuality is a bad thing, but the credibility of those characters hit a nose dive when you realised they were PC-sexual, I think there should be Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian and Straight companions in this game, why? Much more realistic, and I suppose you could analyse that quote in multiple ways, so fair enough, a valid interpretation of the statement.

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Well I sincerely hope they don't change the currents into Dragon Age 2 where every single companion is bisexual, now not that bisexuality is a bad thing, but the credibility of those characters hit a nose dive when you realised they were PC-sexual, I think there should be Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian and Straight companions in this game, why? Much more realistic, and I suppose you could analyse that quote in multiple ways, so fair enough, a valid interpretation of the statement.


I'm so tempted to agree with that notion, but the picky part of me just doesn't want to be stuck into a choice.


I mean, each class has at the very least two romances, a male and female. I think Trooper has the absolute minimum of two, Elarra and Aric. Now, if they added two more, I'd assume that would be a gay male, lesbian female, along with Elarra and Aric. And if they make the female, for example, a lady-version of Aric (I cannot stand him, personally), I'm still out of luck.


Might just be because I'm already so interested in some of the romances that I'll never see, such as Vette, Dorne, and Mako. New companions would be great, but I fear that the quality will be lesser, as the cost of voicing two whole new characters through the entire game would already be big enough... But what about each class? Would all classes share these two LGBT companions? Would it just be Empire gets two, and Republic gets another two? Why would the characters join a Trooper as well as a Jedi Knight, and perhaps a Sith?


I feel for Bioware. It is really not a great position to be in with this. :confused:

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I'm so tempted to agree with that notion, but the picky part of me just doesn't want to be stuck into a choice.


I mean, each class has at the very least two romances, a male and female. I think Trooper has the absolute minimum of two, Elarra and Aric. Now, if they added two more, I'd assume that would be a gay male, lesbian female, along with Elarra and Aric. And if they make the female, for example, a lady-version of Aric (I cannot stand him, personally), I'm still out of luck.


Might just be because I'm already so interested in some of the romances that I'll never see, such as Vette, Dorne, and Mako. New companions would be great, but I fear that the quality will be lesser, as the cost of voicing two whole new characters through the entire game would already be big enough... But what about each class? Would all classes share these two LGBT companions? Would it just be Empire gets two, and Republic gets another two? Why would the characters join a Trooper as well as a Jedi Knight, and perhaps a Sith?


I feel for Bioware. It is really not a great position to be in with this. :confused:



I can agree there, I mean when i found out Ashley Massarro and Miranda Lawson were both straight, i kicked a brick barefooted, i felt even angrier that my gay friends have to wait till ME3 before even getting a gay romance to choose, and i doubt a Turian was in their top 3 dream romances either...


Thing is, Dragon Age 2's companions were beyond easy to romance, no consequences and no requirements, 3 <3 choices later you were banging Mirrell, not my idea of a lesbian romance, don't even get me started on Isabella, dear god.


my point being, make well written companions and you have a platinum medal from the LGBT community, look at Liara's popularity, no one was disappointed with her, best Lesbian romance i've ever seen in a game and most people forget she was bisexual not Lesbian exclusive, see how easy it is to please everyone?


As far as the amount, i think they HAVE to do at least 2 companions per class, otherwise, how's that fair at all? 2 multi-class companions and thats it? hell no.


A bit off topic, but i hope they add many more like Jaesa, were you can choose her alignment, that would be fantastic, i was beyond disappointed with Ashara Zavros.

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