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Summer of SWTOR Update

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Whoa, now all this is my kind of content I have to say I am very excited about the summer of SWTOR! :D Can't wait to play at the casino! I was gonna jump ship when Wild Star hit in June but now what can I say.... just when I thought I was out they pull me back in! :cool:


This is slightly off-topic but here it goes regardless...


Even though Doc says that in the city of Tombstone, that line is uttered by the Doc from the "Wyatt Earp" movie starring Dennis Quaid, not the "Tombstone" movie with Val Kilmer.

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New class stories? Frak that. Off the window, lads.


New operations? Frak that. Have a new difficulty setting for nine(!!!) months old Dread Palace.


New flashpoints, that could be both tactical and trinity-driven? Frak that too. Here's a new event for you to grind; You have to wait until August for them story-driven Forged Alliances.


My faith is wavering more and more, with each passing day. I don't even believe we'll be getting the new Makeb-like expansion this year or a new Operation before late-October.


Well, I'd imagine the "big event" could be pushed to January, easily, especially given how after the first week in December the devs go into a hole and you really don't see them again until the third week of January.



The big thing is, the "makeb" style expansion - if it is just the same size as makeb, people will have it done in a week.


This big expansion, I got a feeling a LOT is riding on it. Bioware stands to lose a LOT of goodwill if they don't get that right. The story people aren't going to keep waiting around for forever.

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You should thank them. Instead of saying nothing, they are basically saying nothing is coming. It is not that road map is partial. This is the whole road map and there is nothing in it.


Honesty is a lie, there is only misleading; Through misleading, I waste my time; Through wasting my time, I become frustrated; Through frustration, I gain bitterness; Through bitterness, I unsub; My chains are broken = I uninstall the game? :cool:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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This big expansion, I got a feeling a LOT is riding on it. Bioware stands to lose a LOT of goodwill if they don't get that right. The story people aren't going to keep waiting around for forever.


They will and Bioware knows it. They will keep drinking the cool-aid until Dragon Age comes out in October, which probably they will announce the end of Swtor as we know it on the behalf of another EA MMO.

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They will and Bioware knows it. They will keep drinking the cool-aid until Dragon Age comes out in October, which probably they will announce the end of Swtor as we know it on the behalf of another EA MMO.


Keep dreaming.


MMO's don't die like that. They fade away and right now, there's still enough subs to keep this thing going.


Not to mention their major expansion comes out in December, with a shot to be pushed to January. Nothing will be decided before that hits.

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I can be totally off here but I think the Average Joe in his game is a person who tries a little of this and a little of that without being super hardcore about anything. We know that only a few are keeping ranked Arena floating and NiM raids are far from catering to or being an option for everyone.

So based on that assumption I'd say that I'm an Average Joe and it really makes me wonder what I'm paying for. Other than oricon, or more specifically DF/DP sm/hm, I can't think of a single thing that has targeted the majority of players in a long time. Events are great but they go away or become fads after a while and GSF was far too niched.

Edited by MidichIorian
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fail. Been a subscriber since day 1, this spells the end of SWTOR for me. Nightmare mode isn't new content, and expecting my guild to survive another 3 months of running dread fortress and palace is not going to happen, to many of us are still struggling with trying to get excited for harder versions of the same stuff we've been clearing for months.
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So much for getting any info on the higher level expansion.


Why would anyone expect info about the next major expansion in the "Summer" update, when the Strongholds expansion doesn't even have an official launch date until AFTER the Summer ends? Strongholds doesn't even officially launch until Oct. 14th. Obviously, the next major expansion after that is still a ways off.

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Well, I'd imagine the "big event" could be pushed to January, easily, especially given how after the first week in December the devs go into a hole and you really don't see them again until the third week of January.



The big thing is, the "makeb" style expansion - if it is just the same size as makeb, people will have it done in a week.


This big expansion, I got a feeling a LOT is riding on it. Bioware stands to lose a LOT of goodwill if they don't get that right. The story people aren't going to keep waiting around for forever.


My current assumption right now, based on "you know who and where" is...


Bothawui for Republic players, Ziost for Imperial players and Sleyheron for both factions. One new playable species. More character slots per server, a couple of new operations, as well as the final showdown concerning the Forges Alliances story arc.




Anything less and I'll be disappointed. Severely.

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Why would anyone expect info about the next major expansion in the "Summer" update, when the Strongholds expansion doesn't even have an official launch date until AFTER the Summer ends? Strongholds doesn't even officially launch until Oct. 14th.


As I've mentioned here...




Makeb was unveiled in E3 2012 or so. That was June 2012. It was released on April 2013.


2.8 is around the corner. 2.9 is in August and 3.0... You know absolutely nothing about it, supposedly less than seven months away or so.


Obviously, the next major expansion after that is still a ways off.


Last I checked, the other Makeb-like expansion is bound to hit this year still, since Bruce hasn't said otherwise. Unless you know something we don't, please share.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Heh. Pretty much as expected given the push out of early access of Strongholds etc.


I am looking forward to the Nar Casinos. It looks like we are finally getting there. Just need some table games and I'll be making my home on Nar.


So... I think I spied a Rak clue in there and I hope that happens soon and more than once.


As for the grumbling from those underwhelmed, not sure what you were expecting. It was all smiles around here when they decided to gut 2.8 in favor of more features and planets for Strongholds. What did you think whas going to happen? Lol!

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Bruce, your team really, really needs to add NEW content to the end game sooner than your "roadmap" implies. By new content, I'm mostly referring to operations, but I'm also referring to anything that improves gear for the end game player. Some will say that the new flashpoints should be counted as end game content, but that's really only true for the most casual of players...the once a week players...the ftp player that you don't make any money on any way. Your subscribers have consumed that FP content and it's old and stale, because it doesn't advance your character.


As a reminder, the existing end game operations include one that is almost 2 years old, one that is over a year old, and 2 that are 9 months old. This roadmap says you are planning to make this old content more accessible, which over the life of the game will serve you well. Kudos to that. But you don't need this overly easy and stale content to be more accessible today. Down the road, sure...but not today. If I were in your shoes, I would have saved this feature for the next level cap expansion, at the earliest...or even the first major update AFTER that expansion.




speak for yourself, i have been a subscriber since prelaunch and frankly i am looking forward to the content they are presenting. not everyone is a lootwhore out for nothing new lewts d00d. I have probably spent more money on the game than you have as well via subs, CE, CM etc...


I do agree that the game needs newer and faster content, but dont assume everyone is like you

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Slotmachines working in Nar Shaddah casino. That's pretty nice. Seems quite odd to make it an event though. It's not like the casino's close after the event is over.


I would have preffered a type of minigame you could play against a friend though, a dart type game, or a card game or maybe a boardgame. Even just a raffles game. Still it's a start i guess.


Not much else realy peaked my interest i'm sad to say. Fingers crossed we'll be surprised by something special. Even if it would just be ex Red Reaper beeing made a 55 hard mode or a hard mode version of the new tacticals.

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Slotmachines working in Nar Shaddah casino. That's pretty nice. Seems quite odd to make it an event though. It's not like the casino's close after the event is over.


I would have preffered a type of minigame you could play against a friend though, a dart type game, or a card game or maybe a boardgame. Even just a raffles game. Still it's a start i guess.


Not much else realy peaked my interest i'm sad to say. Fingers crossed we'll be surprised by something special. Even if it would just be ex Red Reaper beeing made a 55 hard mode or a hard mode version of the new tacticals.


We can assume that will most likely be the case when 3.0 hits, concerning Red Reaper and Collicoid War Game I mean. I wouldn't be surprised if stuff such as Eternity Vault, Karagga's Palace and Explosive Conflict offer a new difficulty setting at level 60 or are simply bumped like TFB was.

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It isn't super exciting. I see what Bioware is trying to do though. Core content such as operations and warzones are the main draw, but in order to have an engaged and active community they need filler content in between that stuff and that is the role of mini games, housing and customization in general. So this update and Galactic Strongholds will provide for that and position the game in a great spot for the future especially as we draw ever closer to Episode VII's marketing push. It is pretty clear that new ops and probably new core content will come with the bigger expansion in 3.0. So again I understand where Bioware is going with this.


Nonetheless this is pretty light on content. Events are great, but only last for so long and mini games are great as well, but we need more core content to keep us busy on top of the new mini games. Guild conquest might be something that will keep many busy. Bioware has been making a push lately to get people to join guilds and now they are making a push for people to do ops. The casual player will probably find the game more appealing, but please don't forget about those in the middle. The hardcore have nightmare and ranked. The casuals will have bolster ops and tactical flashpoints. The casual hardcore who use their limited time to push for harder content are not quite up to the hardcore level of nightmare, but will get there with time. Nonetheless these people most likely need new operations to keep motivation alive. I play this game all the time, but my raid team suffers from limitations at times and while we may be progressing towards nightmare in the next few weeks we would like to have other options as well. I love the Dread Ops, but I need more! I'm addicted goddammit! lol

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Well, you're correct in that it is titled an update. But until it was posted it was being called a roadmap. That's why I was expecting a roadmap. I wasn't able to instantly change my expectations upon reading the title of the thread.


You missed some part of the conversations somewhere, because I was always aware this was just an update on the roadmap due to the changes announced for Galactic Strongholds.

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Why would anyone expect info about the next major expansion in the "Summer" update, when the Strongholds expansion doesn't even have an official launch date until AFTER the Summer ends? Strongholds doesn't even officially launch until Oct. 14th. Obviously, the next major expansion after that is still a ways off.


You missed some part of the conversations somewhere, because I was always aware this was just an update on the roadmap due to the changes announced for Galactic Strongholds.


I will make sure we get it noted in the roadmap!




That is in reference to the unannounced expansion. So yeah, from Eric calling it a roadmap over and over again, and them saying they will note it in the roadmap, I expected more.

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Stop acting like this is the last information they are ever going to give us about patches and what's to come. Just be patient and the information will come. It always happens. No need to get bent out of shape on it.
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That is in reference to the unannounced expansion. So yeah, from Eric calling it a roadmap over and over again, and them saying they will note it in the roadmap, I expected more.


Don't worry Collinc :) They will keep giving us information about stuff as time goes on. It always works out in the end. I can understand you though.

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You missed some part of the conversations somewhere, because I was always aware this was just an update on the roadmap due to the changes announced for Galactic Strongholds.


That's exactly what is has always been. Just misunderstandings here. It was always slated to be an update to the roadmap.

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Why is it not possible to talk about what "a lot of folks" (probably most of the team) are working on"? Is it something Bioware is saving for E3?


Please, give me a reason to be excited Bioware. Give me something other than fluff and recycling content that's already there.

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It isn't super exciting. I see what Bioware is trying to do though. Core content such as operations and warzones are the main draw, but in order to have an engaged and active community they need filler content in between that stuff and that is the role of mini games, housing and customization in general.


It's simpler then that in my view:


Bioware has been getting relentlessly beaten up on the forum here for not having lots of little content nuances that people crave. Of course this is no pleasure or importance to the hardcore OPs crowd.... but that goes directly to the point here..... SWTOR is a broad appeal MMO.


The challenge with broad appeal MMOs is they tend to not meet the expectations of hardcore-niche players. But they do offer play diversity for a broad audience.. and broad audiences is where the revenue is in MMOs (WoW made the market chase broad appeal). You can go broad appeal, or you can tune for niche players. In today's market... you make broad appeal content, and you let the hardcore extreme need players find that in an MMO designed specifically for their desires.


SWTOR plays best for players that take time to explore and play all parts of the game, not just one or two things. Thing is.. many MMO players really do not understand the difference in design philosophy between niche games and broad appeal games. MMO players are their own worst enemies when they continue to play an MMO that simply does not provide the niche content they desire.

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It isn't super exciting. I see what Bioware is trying to do though. Core content such as operations and warzones are the main draw, but in order to have an engaged and active community they need filler content in between that stuff and that is the role of mini games, housing and customization in general. So this update and Galactic Strongholds will provide for that and position the game in a great spot for the future especially as we draw ever closer to Episode VII's marketing push. It is pretty clear that new ops and probably new core content will come with the bigger expansion in 3.0. So again I understand where Bioware is going with this.
I really hope this is true and it would make a lot of sense to IMO "waste" one big patch for the sake of building a foundation. It might suck to some of us now but if means that they can go back to what i would consider core content then I'm willing to look past it. It would be nice to know that this is their intention though because I don't want it to be followed up by yet another"big" update to turns out to be more highly niched content a la GSF.


Speaking of core content, do we really need a big backstory for everything? Am I the only one who would be satisfied with "we picked up a transmission, head to X to check it out" and when you get there it's another operation? They should be able to pump out atleast five operations per year if they ignored all the side-stuff, such as story and an associated area. Just add some entrances on existing planets and let us play already. I read books for story.

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Personally I'm looking forward to the upgraded ops system. I've just been made guildless and rejoined my old guild which is severely suffering in numbers. This is a chance to teach noobs the ropes, get more people into endgame, and recruit.


This new "tactical operation" mode doesn't sound like progress to me. Before, when you had an actual gear requirement on SM (ok small gear requirement, but still it was there), you could reasonably expect that you might be able to use it as a "bunny hill" to get people acclimated before tossing them into HM ops. But now that you will be bolstered and walk into any operation in your level 45 greens and expect to clear it, the gap between these and HM operations seems to be a bit large.

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