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Darth Mickey and Star wars Rebels

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The trailer doesn't look awful, I kinda like it. But this is Disney...now I admit, I don't watch Disney, but most networks that market to the younger audiences as far as I know, follow the trope, Never say die to awkward lengths. This is taking place between 3 and 4, and I say this without having watched all the clone wars (just starting) but there is no such thing as a kid friendly war, isn't this about Rebellion? I have this picture in my mind, that Disney is the worst about death in todays world. That being said, I'm morbidly curious about how they are going to go about it.
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They also produce adult movies.


Such as:






Captain America



Some of their more notable studios that might interest you are


Touchstone Pictures


Marvel Pictures





You are right about that. It's my fault, I should have been more clear. I meant to say Disney Channel. Isn't Disney XD geared towards 13 and under something like that? Those movies you mentioned, to my knowledge hasn't been aired on Disney channel.

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Disney XD is aimed at 6 - 14 year old's no different from cartoon network really.


source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disney_XD


True, but Disney has always seemed the safer of the two. I can't recall anything as demented as Courage the Cowardly dog on Disney. For the record, I am not intending any hate towards Disney. Though I refuse to see Mickey Mouse as anything other than a Dark Lord of the Sith.

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Powerpuff Girls was on Cartoon Network yet this didn't seem to hinder TCW in anyway. Just because a channel targets a certain age group doesn't mean that they won't divide the interest of the age group into subcategories (or even break the age groups down further) and make shows to satisfy each subcategory. When you watch Mark Hamill in the OT are you thinking of the Joker or just seeing his character Luke Skywalker? I'm confident when the show begins no one will be thinking of Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck during the Rebels' episodes.


At the end of the day, we (fans) literally have no control over the content that will be in Rebels or Ep VII. So we may as well be optimistic or indifferent in the meantime instead of Negative Nancies :D

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The trailer doesn't look awful, I kinda like it. But this is Disney...now I admit, I don't watch Disney, but most networks that market to the younger audiences as far as I know, follow the trope, Never say die to awkward lengths. This is taking place between 3 and 4, and I say this without having watched all the clone wars (just starting) but there is no such thing as a kid friendly war, isn't this about Rebellion? I have this picture in my mind, that Disney is the worst about death in todays world. That being said, I'm morbidly curious about how they are going to go about it.


have u not seen UP or lion king disney may be evil but their stance on kids and death is worse, always cry over there death scenes.

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The shows creators have already said "rebels will not be as dark as TCW". I honestly don't have high expectations for rebels, sooooooo I'm going in expecting it to be bs & hoping to be pleasantly surprised.


But the producers has also said that it'll go to dark places. TCW wasn't totally dark, there were episodes that were totally aimed toward childs, this is obvious on the first two seasons, but even in the finals, anyone forgot the Droid Squad?

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But the producers has also said that it'll go to dark places. TCW wasn't totally dark, there were episodes that were totally aimed toward childs, this is obvious on the first two seasons, but even in the finals, anyone forgot the Droid Squad?


I thought they said that the show at first will be more light n fun and then after I think...the 1st season? It'll go into more darker territory...or at least that's what I remember about reading in an article.

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TCW has droids as bad guys, and destruction of droids isn't as violent as killing the living. In Rebels, they'd be up against human stormtroopers.


Who are (now thanks to EU lifting) just clones so they could scrape it by saying its ok they aint real people :D

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Who are (now thanks to EU lifting) just clones so they could scrape it by saying its ok they aint real people :D


I'm not sure on that, the Clones still have the problem of aging quicker compared to regular humans(as said in AtoC). At any rate, we don't really see the Stormtroopers face and even in the trailer you see Stormtroopers getting shot with no issues. So I think it's all good.

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I'm not sure on that, the Clones still have the problem of aging quicker compared to regular humans(as said in AtoC). At any rate, we don't really see the Stormtroopers face and even in the trailer you see Stormtroopers getting shot with no issues. So I think it's all good.


will there be an episode where the audience finds out why storm troopers cant hit water standing on a dock?

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No because Stormtroopers can actually hit things, barring of course main characters unless the plot calls for it.

To be fair, they don't seem to be that adept at hitting teddy bears either... although on the other hand I suppose Treek might be evidence that it's more a matter of the teddy bears just being able to take a couple shots without much harm done :p.

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To be fair, they don't seem to be that adept at hitting teddy bears either... although on the other hand I suppose Treek might be evidence that it's more a matter of the teddy bears just being able to take a couple shots without much harm done :p.


We never really see Stormtroopers blasting apart Ewoks....so..

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