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Remove rating for yoloqueue


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Please prove me wrong :) but your implying your better then the healers I listed when you have played only 11 ranked games :/


I never had the chance to really play team ranked and if I played I wasnt healing. Because I am tired of trying to find mates I focus on solo ranked atm. I do believe that I am equal or atleast pretty close to their level. OFC I make mistakes. OFC these mistaked cost me games. OFC I dont play perfect. But I try to do my best and improve wherever I can. I'd love to play team ranked, there was just never a good oppurtunity to do so.

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I agree with this thread. So tired of getting 25k hp game breakers on my team. I had that 6x in a row the other night. They also would just stand there and let themselves be killed. How or why is something like that ... able to effect your ranking for something?
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All I see here are selfish people that feel like removing something from other people just so their choice in game style get's a bonus, pathetic.


Better yet how about we remove team ranked and keep solo rank? I don't care for team ranked like the OP does not care for solo rank so why not?



PS. They will never remove solo.

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better comms and slightly different armor skins didnt bring people to ranked 8s, why would you think it would bring people to 4s?


People dont play 4s because the game plays completely different than regs, because they are devoid of good tank/healer combos. adding coordinated tank healer combos does elevate the strategy needed to win in warzones when playing against them. A lot of people dont like playing in games that require ' hard switches" and timed stuns. Call it panzy, or make up some other reason to treat your ego, but you guys are never going to get the amount of 4s you think your going to get if your request goes through. Most people can get 4 people together, but they usually consist of 4 dps, or if your luky 3 dps and a healer. Straight tanks just dont play pvp in abundance. Which means most small groups of people are SoL in terms of finding a four man ranked team.


by all means make the change though, doesnt change much for most of us anyway.

Edited by Haystak
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better comms and slightly different armor skins didnt bring people to ranked 8s, why would you think it would bring people to 4s?


People dont pkay ranked because the game plays completely different than regs, which for the most part are devoid of good tank/healer combos.


The only way I see them forcing people to play rank is by giving rank only gear with better stats then the one from normal.

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All I see here are selfish people that feel like removing something from other people just so their choice in game style get's a bonus, pathetic.


Better yet how about we remove team ranked and keep solo rank? I don't care for team ranked like the OP does not care for solo rank so why not?



PS. They will never remove solo.


I didn't say remove solo,I said remove the rating.

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I didn't say remove solo,I said remove the rating.


Oh I did not stop there, later people wanted other rewards just as well and keep it just as a com grind. Even daily should be removed apparently. Also I would not agree even with raitings. You have team and solo raiting. Everybody has raiting for what he is playing.


So let me change this, let's remove raiting from team, same with daily and everything else people said here. Let's keep team just for gear grind. How about that?

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Oh I did not stop there, later people wanted other rewards just as well and keep it just as a com grind. Even daily should be removed apparently. Also I would not agree even with raitings. You have team and solo raiting. Everybody has raiting for what he is playing.


So let me change this, let's remove raiting from team, same with daily and everything else people said here. Let's keep team just for gear grind. How about that?


I'm not in the mood to argue with an idiot.Yoloqueue is based on rng,Group is based on skill.Therefor yolo should have no rating and group should.

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I'm not in the mood to argue with an idiot.Yoloqueue is based on rng,Group is based on skill.Therefor yolo should have no rating and group should.


THAT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE? Since group is determined by skill and solo by rating doesn't that mean rating is not important for groups? According to your post skill is more important than rating so why does group need rating again. PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR LOGIC ranked team master.

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I'm not in the mood to argue with an idiot.Yoloqueue is based on rng,Group is based on skill.Therefor yolo should have no rating and group should.


Oh nice, insults. That is the point when you know the other guy has no worth wile arguments.


Also raiting has nothing to do with the random element. Perhaps you can find me some definition somewhere that states only premade groups can have ranking. Makes no sense really were you got the idea that only something with no RNG in team piking can have a ranking, just lol. In case you don't know many mechanics of this game are random, like chance to dodge, or chance to trigger and effect and so on. You still have random elements.

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I'm not in the mood to argue with an idiot.Yoloqueue is based on rng,Group is based on skill.Therefor yolo should have no rating and group should.


I agree, thats why we see few good players are on top of the solo queue, because its all RNG... :rolleyes:

Edited by kaimelion
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So your idea is that if you remove the option of solo queue that will force people to play group ranked and that will get group ranked queues popping? Interestingly, some of the same people that "/signed" mock other posters objecting to competitive teams farming regs, but that is another argument.


Group ranked has never popped, and won't ever pop. The reason is simple. Once the pecking order has been established there is no longer a point for most teams to participate. And so players go back to a system where rng allows them a chance to win, (not to mention they can sync queue and gain an advantage).


Making skill the holy grail of game play is fine for tournaments, where you want the best to win. But making a game where only a very few can win means everyone else loses. And that is not good for continued interest and participation. Pro sports leagues, who have billions of dollars at stake, know that parity (another way of saying that anyone can win) is the key to fan involvement and big revenues.


It sounds noble to try and make warzones skill based, but it's bad for business. If you want to fill a casino everyday, you do it by attracting people with fun rng based games, not skill based tournament style play. Game developers really need to sit up and take notice of this. There is a middle ground where a player's talents are more skill based but events and objectives in a warzone are more rng based, but that too is another long discussion.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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So your idea is that if you remove the option of solo queue that will force people to play group ranked and that will get group ranked queues popping? Interestingly, some of the same people that "/signed" mock other posters objecting to competitive teams farming regs, but that is another argument.


Group ranked has never popped, and won't ever pop. The reason is simple. Once the pecking order has been established there is no longer a point for most teams to participate. And so players go back to a system where rng allows them a chance to win, (not to mention they can sync queue and gain an advantage).


Making skill the holy grail of game play is fine for tournaments, where you want the best to win. But making a game where only a very few can win means everyone else loses. And that is not good for continued interest and participation. Pro sports leagues, who have billions of dollars at stake, know that parity (another way of saying that anyone can win) is the key to fan involvement and big revenues.


It sounds noble to try and make warzones skill based, but it's bad for business. If you want to fill a casino everyday, you do it by attracting people with rng based games, not skill based tournament style play. Game developers really need to sit up and take notice of this. There is a middle ground where a players talents are more skill based but events and objectives in a warzone are more rng based, but that too is another long discussion.


Exactly. You my friend deserve an award for your post! :D

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So your idea is that if you remove the option of solo queue that will force people to play group ranked and that will get group ranked queues popping? Interestingly, some of the same people that "/signed" mock other posters objecting to competitive teams farming regs, but that is another argument.


OK MotorCityMan read slowly and with understanding, look at the thread name and answer where you can see words "remove the option of solo queue because group rateds doesn't pop".

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OK MotorCityMan read slowly and with understanding, look at the thread name and answer where you can see words "remove the option of solo queue because group rateds doesn't pop".


If you read any of his other posts he says keep solo Q but dont have rating. *** does that mean then? Isn't solo q without rating called REGS?

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OK MotorCityMan read slowly and with understanding, look at the thread name and answer where you can see words "remove the option of solo queue because group rateds doesn't pop".



Now see if you can read slowly and with understanding .,....The OP says "Group ranked is suffering because of these people too scared to play competitive and want easy rating yolo queue.If we remove rating they will be forced to play proper ranked". One can deduce that in this case suffering is being used synonymously with not popping or slow popping. Follow?


If you remove ratings from solo ranked then it is no longer ranked. Get it? .... ok keep going... you can do it...... Now if solo queue is no longer ranked then it is.....come on... almost there..... REGS!! Bingo ! Ya made it.


(don't ya just hate it when some random person is condescending)

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OK! Keep sync queue 4ever :) Much competetive matches, if you've got 2+ ppl in your team against pug :) I wish you good luck and to be at top in leaderboard :)


Really? Even you are this retarded? Hadn't expected that...

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