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Removing DoT Smash spec from Sith Marauders


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I just don't understand the point of removing this spec. what was wrong with it existing. it's not like it was viable in pvp, and it did equal numbers comparing it to carnage or annihilation. Comparing this to other hybrids, it's not like it would cheat the system like having an assasin dps who's actually a tank in dark maul spec, or a sorcercer dps who's actually a healer. DoT smash was just a fun hybrid that a lot of marauders mastered for PVE content. Please Bioware, rethink removing this spec. it's doing no harm to the community.


P.S. Just to be clear, if this spec actually is removed and it takes 2 years for bioware to get rid of the other hybrids like Dark maul assassins. I'm gonna be done with SWTOR. Wildstar seems pretty comfy

Edited by ocullus
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The devs have said time and time again that they are working on getting rid of all hybrids. They are still working on making the full trees more desirable as well.


P.S. If you want to go to Wildstar, then do it, but throwing it in as a threat (even idly) makes you look like a self-entitled child.

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I just don't understand the point of removing this spec. what was wrong with it existing. it's not like it was viable in pvp, and it did equal numbers comparing it to carnage or annihilation. Comparing this to other hybrids, it's not like it would cheat the system like having an assasin dps who's actually a tank in dark maul spec, or a sorcercer dps who's actually a healer. DoT smash was just a fun hybrid that a lot of marauders mastered for PVE content. Please Bioware, rethink removing this spec. it's doing no harm to the community.


P.S. Just to be clear, if this spec actually is removed and it takes 2 years for bioware to get rid of the other hybrids like Dark maul assassins. I'm gonna be done with SWTOR. Wildstar seems pretty comfy


So your saying something that shouldnt exist in the first place should be removed? Genious... Bioware has stated NUMEROUS times that Hybrids arent supposed to exist. Full Specs are always supposed to be better than Hybrids, and for the most part they are.

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DoT smash was just a fun hybrid that a lot of marauders mastered for PVE content.


Mastered? It's painfully easy to play anyway. Besides that, everyone else has already covered it. Hybrids are not meant to exist (As much as I like Sniper hybrid)

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I don't think the issue so much is it doing too high dps, but rather that it's a multi purpose spec doing both great sustained damage, burst and AOE. So you have no reason to ever use another spec. Without it we have (in simple terms) annihilation for sustained, carnage for burst and rage for AOE. Having to respec to do the best DPS depending on the situation gives the game much more depth. For a more indepth analysis of the issues with having this spec you can read KBN's thread here.


I understand where you are coming from though, I think it's a fun spec and not having to respec all the time is easier of course.

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I don't think the issue so much is it doing too high dps, but rather that it's a multi purpose spec doing both great sustained damage, burst and AOE. So you have no reason to ever use another spec. Without it we have (in simple terms) annihilation for sustained, carnage for burst and rage for AOE. Having to respec to do the best DPS depending on the situation gives the game much more depth. For a more indepth analysis of the issues with having this spec you can read KBN's thread here.


I understand where you are coming from though, I think it's a fun spec and not having to respec all the time is easier of course.


The issue is it had better sustained DPS than Annihilation, better burst damage than Carnage, and better AoE potential to Rage.


Well not really, but it still had more raw DPS power than the other specs with only slightly less AoE potential than rage and a bit less Burst than carnage, all for a 0-RNG spec with almost no set up time either.

Edited by TACeMossie
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