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Battle of the Droids. HK-47 VS. IG-88

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what are you guys talking about?


R2-D2 and C3PO hacked the deathstar. HK-47 cant be hacked like a spacestation.


IG-88 hacked the Second Death Star (second in the movies, actually). I'm pretty sure he was the reason the Death Star could actually hit anything.

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IG-88 hacked the Second Death Star (second in the movies, actually). I'm pretty sure he was the reason the Death Star could actually hit anything.


:D right...

Edited by ZahirS
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what are you guys talking about?


R2-D2 and C3PO hacked the deathstar. HK-47 cant be hacked like a spacestation.


R2 didn't hack into the deathstar really, he just went into the computer and was able to get into the Imperial network. Which...should be possible, or I would hope considering it's the Death Star which is an Imperial station. Plus that was one computer, IG-88 was the whole 2nd Death Star which was superior to the 1st.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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R2 didn't hack into the deathstar really, he just went into the computer and was able to get into the Imperial network. Which...should be possible, or I would hope considering it's the Death Star which is an Imperial station. Plus that was one computer, IG-88 was the whole 2nd Death Star which was superior to the 1st.


But there is a difference between Death Star Computer, which handles the defenses and HK, you cant hack HK unless you defeat him in combat and IG88 is not even up to that, HK uses shields, stealth and many more tools IG88 never used or had with him.

Edited by ZahirS
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ZahirS, I believe there has been actual cited information demonstrating IG-88's superior processing power, strength, intelligence, accuracy, and versatility. If you could provide some actual sources and examples of your claims that'd be swell. Otherwise it'd be best to leave you to your delusions.


It should also be mentioned that you said, and I quote,

he literally avoided destruction and was reassembled multiple times

which means he was defeated multiple times and only returned to existence after having to be reassembled by someone else.


IG-88 quite literally downloaded his consciousness into other droids, hacked an entire planet, tricked Vader himself, took control of the Death Star, and along the way he worked as an extremely successful bounty hunter and hacked into some of the most secure files on the flagship of the most powerful imperial fleet in existence commanded by the Emperor's right hand man.


Oh, and he did it all singlehandedly and without being detected. Had the rebels not blown up the second Death Star IG-88 would never have been destroyed.


What exactly has HK-47 actually accomplished that compares?

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Ok here it goes, also please dont erase wookiepedia that explains a lot...


HK-47, was unique construct using Czerca Designs but upgraded and unique in its "time withstanding self-repairing programming"


Also some accomplishments of HK-47:


    • Single handely killed many Mandalorians during the Jedi Civil War and many assassins targeting Revan and Malak.
    • was able to track an assasinate political opponents in many planets flawlessly
    • Managed to learn from his masters abilities, and find weaknesses in its targets.
    • profesional sniper and could kill targets at distance and show proficiency in many heavy weaponry
    • Considered the best assasin Revan had among many Sith assasins
    • Translated multiple languages even more than an ordinary protocol droid
    • Used Stealth and Granades during combat
    • Created an Army of an "upgraded HK design of his own", new HK units to serve purpose of his Master

Extra Characteristics:


HK-47 auto-upgrades if necessary and unique capabilities allow him to defeat opponents in different eras with most efficiency.


HK-47 is unhackable, durable and has the unique ability to think for himself and find solutions to problems other droids require hacking to.


HK-47 doesnt need to hack other droids, he learned from the exile how to defeat them even the most technological vanguard models.


In a fight with IG88, HK-47 would win by sheer intelligence and efficiency ratio.

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HK-47 was specially designed to assassinate Jedi and it was heavily-armed, could lay waste to entire surroundings in pursuit of a target. It was so durable that it destroyed several B2 droids and a Droideka with ease without weapons in a clash after getting activated on Mustafar.


HK-47's AI was also extremely advanced and could take control of any kind of system, be it part of a large cruiser or something else.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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HK-47 was specially designed to assassinate Jedi and it was heavily-armed, could lay waste to entire surroundings in pursuit of a target. It was so durable that it destroyed several B2 droids and a Droideka with ease without weapons in a clash after getting activated on Mustafar.


HK-47's AI was also extremely advanced and could take control of any kind of system, be it part of a large cruiser or something else.


Tell me something IG-88 hasn't already done please...


Ok here it goes, also please dont erase wookiepedia that explains a lot...


HK-47, was unique construct using Czerca Designs but upgraded and unique in its "time withstanding self-repairing programming"


Also some accomplishments of HK-47:


    • Single handely killed many Mandalorians during the Jedi Civil War and many assassins targeting Revan and Malak.
    • was able to track an assasinate political opponents in many planets flawlessly
    • Managed to learn from his masters abilities, and find weaknesses in its targets.
    • profesional sniper and could kill targets at distance and show proficiency in many heavy weaponry
    • Considered the best assasin Revan had among many Sith assasins
    • Translated multiple languages even more than an ordinary protocol droid
    • Used Stealth and Granades during combat
    • Created an Army of an "upgraded HK design of his own", new HK units to serve purpose of his Master

Extra Characteristics:


HK-47 auto-upgrades if necessary and unique capabilities allow him to defeat opponents in different eras with most efficiency.


HK-47 is unhackable, durable and has the unique ability to think for himself and find solutions to problems other droids require hacking to.


HK-47 doesnt need to hack other droids, he learned from the exile how to defeat them even the most technological vanguard models.


In a fight with IG88, HK-47 would win by sheer intelligence and efficiency ratio.


First I'll tackle the list

  • IG-88 killed storm troopers, elite ones at that. Then he programmed droid replicas of those troopers, and boarded the Death Star undetected with them.
  • IG-88 is an assassin droid too, woopty-do... Mind naming me specific people? Perhaps examples like I asked for might be nice.
  • Killed his masters within seconds, then proceeded to exceed his programming and mastermind a plot (that almost succeeded) to take over the galaxy. IG-88 also learned from his targets, even going so far as to admire them at times and adjust to the new threats exceedingly quickly...
  • And IG-88 could deflect blasters, move at blinding speeds, carried poisons, gasses, grenades, rockets, rifles, and other assorted heavy armament.
  • IG-88 was an accomplished bounty hunter and also was able to evade and deceive two of the most powerful sith ever to exist.
  • IG-88 took over a planet in the space of less than a day iirc. That planet also happened to make some of the Empire's more important droid and computer systems... Languages are cute, not really helpful, but cute I guess. Oh, and it should be noted that after 4 thousand years, you'd think IG-88's computers would be far more powerful and sophisticated compared to HK-47's ancient systems...
  • Used grenades, rockets, poison, gas, and could deflect lasers. Not to mention blindingly fast to boot.
  • Took over thousands of droids (an entire planet worth of them), had several bodies of his own, created stormtrooper droids good enough to fool the Imperial security on the Death Star, and was about to send a signal starting a new Droid Revolution when the rebels managed to take out the Death Star.


As for the Extra Characteristics:


All advanced AI would do this, though it'd make sense that the newer one would have more processing power and speed...


HK-47 has been hacked (G0-T0) and I'm still waiting on examples of his durability. Also, Wolf cited earlier an actual example of IG-88 doing exactly what you claim HK-47 can do. So far, IG-88 is the only one with actual support for his claims.


What? IG-88 isn't an ancient war droid for one, and Meetra isn't here to show HK how to kill IG-88.


I have seen zero reason to assume in even the most remote sense that HK-47 has even the slightest bit more intelligence than IG-88 and as for efficiency, what are you smoking? HK-51 was more efficient than HK-47 models so obviously as technology progressed the newer models would be more efficient culminating in IG-88...


So far none of your arguments have been supported by examples except one, and that one had little bearing on this matchup. If I were merely to sit here and weigh the evidence that has actual substance, it'd fall overwhelmingly on the side of IG-88.


Now I know HK has done some impressive stuff, but I'm admittedly not a massive fan and therefore am not fully caught up on his exploits. I need you to instead of saying "He is smart", tell me "This -event- shows how smart he is"...


The ball is in your court good sir.

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Please read previous posts, HK-47 and IG88 are bound to universality rule.


Also I citied things HK-47 can do that IG88 can't like:


Design a new HK droid, based on him not just replicas of "himself".

Use stealth during combat

And many more..

Also HK-47 respect authority and learns from them, while IG88 is a wacko.


IG88 is a killing machine, HK-47 is an efficient killing machine.

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Please read previous posts, HK-47 and IG88 are bound to universality rule.


Also I citied things HK-47 can do that IG88 can't like:


Design a new HK droid, based on him not just replicas of "himself".

Use stealth during combat

And many more..

Also HK-47 respect authority and learns from them, while IG88 is a wacko.


IG88 is a killing machine, HK-47 is an efficient killing machine.


There is no such rule in place, it's not a concrete rule, that rule has just been applied to the battle threads Beni puts up which involves factions of varying capability.


Ok but HK can't do things that IG-88 either such as...


- See complete 360 degrees(which this makes any stealth attempt pointless)


- Being able to move in blurs.


- Being able to deflect blaster bolts back at the shooter, calculating where the bolt will be.


- Showing great strength.


- Having advanced sensors


- Multiple optic lenses to see in a variety of spectral filters(this would also make stealth useless)


- Integrated weapons in it's body.


On top of this, IG-88 is noted as being built to be the ultimate assassin droid.


The IG assassin droid is the most coldly efficient killing machine ever invented


-Taken from The Essential Guide to Droids.


Also IG-88 has a blaster resistance body.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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There is no such rule in place, it's not a concrete rule, that rule has just been applied to the battle threads Beni puts up which involves factions of varying capability.


Ok but HK can't do things that IG-88 either such as...


- See complete 360 degrees(which this makes any stealth attempt pointless)


- Being able to move in blurs.


- Being able to deflect blaster bolts back at the shooter, calculating where the bolt will be.


- Showing great strength.


- Having advanced sensors


- Multiple optic lenses to see in a variety of spectral filters


On top of this, IG-88 is noted as being built to be the ultimate assassin droid.




On top of this IG-88 has a blaster resistance body.


Yet, IG88 is weak to plasma torpedoes.


IG88 didnt move in blurs.


Calculating shots and seeing in 360 degree would be epic, but HK vision is superior as he is a sniper and doesnt require 360 degree vision.


Also IG88 was defeated by Boba Fett, while HK-47 can stand against multiple bounty hunters of any era.

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Boba Fett had to lie, cheat, and steal in order to beat IG-88. That's some Guererro tactics right there.


No way, a bounty hunter who didnt fight fair? :eek:


You guys are seriously the legends of the IG-88 fanclub.


Edit: Rofl, I mean the word Legend, not the person XD

Edited by Selenial
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No way, a bounty hunter who didnt fight fair? :eek:


You guys are seriously the legends of the IG-88 fanclub.


Edit: Rofl, I mean the word Legend, not the person XD


And IG-88 is gonna appear in Star Wars #19 come July, so he'll show even more stuff!

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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No way, a bounty hunter who didnt fight fair? :eek:


You guys are seriously the legends of the IG-88 fanclub.


Edit: Rofl, I mean the word Legend, not the person XD


But he's cool! He's a god-like avatar of the Droid Side! He's the most powerful droid to ever exist!

Edited by Aurbere
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But he's cool! He's a god-like avatar of the Droid Side! He's the most powerful droid to ever exist!

You are learning well, my padawan. :cool:


Embrace the dark side in all its glory and become a disciple of the Emperor.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Yet, IG88 is weak to plasma torpedoes.


IG88 didnt move in blurs.


Calculating shots and seeing in 360 degree would be epic, but HK vision is superior as he is a sniper and doesnt require 360 degree vision.


Also IG88 was defeated by Boba Fett, while HK-47 can stand against multiple bounty hunters of any era.


I try, I seriously do, but you make it very hard for someone to take you seriously.


What exactly is IG-88 again? Oh thats right, an Assassin droid. He has the same extreme vision as HK-47 (if not better) seeing as IG-88 is also a sniper but on top of that he can see 360 degrees.


Second, I am still waiting on you to actually tell me times HK-47 has actually accomplished any of the things you claim he is capable of. You are not an official representative of Lucasarts/Disney so your opinion is worthless to me unless supported by actual evidence.


It isn't hard to provide evidence. Just tell me of a time he did what you claim and I can start to believe you.


Ya know, I remember a Bounty Hunter in that group that spanked HK-47 in the Foundry and he isn't anywhere near the level of Boba Fett... Not to mention HK-47 has died quite a few times.


IG-88 didn't die when Boba took down IG-88B and it took blowing up the Death Star to actually destroy him. And as is, Boba is pretty much the best BH ever and even he had trouble taking down IG-88 so that comparison is ridiculous.


Try again.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Another discussion that's happening that shouldn't happening?


IG-88 is just a better model, he's got more stuff and his stuff is better. Its just that simple.


I mean come on, name one thing HK-47 has the IG-88 doesn't.


Stealth......programmed to killed Jedi, which I might add, is completely USELESS in this fight, not to mention I don't think HK has killed any notable Jedi, it's all been just stating that he could, not that he hasn't, even if he has there isn't any actual records, just off panel things. Which really given IG-88's adaptability, he could probably do the same anyway in regards to that.


But stealth(which is useless as I noted in a previous post of mine) and programmed to kill Jedi(which is not applicable in this fight at all).


Everything else?


Strength- IG-88


Programming- IG-88


Sensors- IG-88


Durability- IG-88


Speed- IG-88


Reflexes- IG-88


Weaponry- IG-88


Designed and noted by source in being built as the Ultimate Assassin Droid- IG-88

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No way, a bounty hunter who didnt fight fair? :eek:


You guys are seriously the legends of the IG-88 fanclub.


Edit: Rofl, I mean the word Legend, not the person XD


As a character, I prefer HK-47, who I'm a massive fan of., and TBH I've always though that I Think Therefore I Am was rather silly. But the evidence in IG-88s favor is overwhelming. He was simply the superior killing machine.


HK vs 4-LOM would be more fair in my personal opinion.

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