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Ceremonial Jedi Robes

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Since Bioware hates traditional brown and whites here is something uber sexy for Jedi knights while not being a prequel stuff:


Lore from the Force Unleashed:


Since a time before memory to the Order's demise, the most ethical and commendable of Jedi Masters wore Ceremonial Jedi Robes. The Ceremonial Jedi Robe was a traditional brown robe with parts of the robe made of pure white cloth that could only be worn by the most honorable Jedi Masters. The robe was only given to Jedi that gave everything to serve and protect the Galaxy, and would sometimes be rewarded after death.



Request for the hood to be made a headpiece like in Hasbro's figures.




http://s1133.photobucket.com/user/JediMM/media/TFU2%20Ref%20Photos/marekfull-1.png.html - excellent set of pics




Hood is not a hood in this set, it's more of a cloth that's covering the head which is tucked into the tunic. You can see it in the picture set. Please, if you decide to go for this outfit, make it a separate head piece. :)


I think it would be an excellent addition. It is a traditional design and, by looking at the pictures, it doesn't feature any problematic challenges:


- No need for baggy sleeves. Regular "tight" sleeves will be covered by "puffy" wraps (gloves).

- The brown tabard can be made in the same way as the vest on the recent Humble Hero or the Kell Dragon gear.

- Bioware makes sets with butt flaps so it could make a set with one on the side instead.

- Unlike the Voss mystic set (which features a permanent cloth covering your head) Bioware could make the white rag a separate armor piece which would be amazing - it would give both hood up and off looks.


If Bioware only made breeches for this set :)

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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That suggestion does as well :) I don't care how is it made, if I just can keep my hair visible.

I like that outfit a lot, actually :) it is not just boring robe, it has nice fitting colors etc.

Plz devs add that outfit :cool:

Edited by Adaliaya
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Golly man, haven't you posted enough threads about the 'awesome traditional robes you just have to have' by now? I really think Bioware has PROBABLY noticed your signature... the various posts in general chat... the various posts in this area as well lol


Not trying to be rude or anything, but you're kind of obsessing by this point

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I'd love to see Jedi robes like this in the game! There is so little of them and this looks absolutely amazing. Bioware, get it together and give us some love! There were barely any Jedi-themed light-looking robes since the introduction of cartel market. pls
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