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What types of players irritate you in Flashpoints?


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Inquisitors/Consulars who believe their knock-back is the most powerful ability in the game and must be used on CD religiously.


This makes me rage. With the frequency that those classes spam that knockback you'd think there'd be some crazy skinner box conditioning going on. What makes that ability so appealing?! Does it dispense chocolate every time they dutifully disperse the enemies like scattered leaves?

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This makes me rage. With the frequency that [inquisitors/Consulars] spam that knockback [Overload for Inqs] you'd think there'd be some crazy skinner box conditioning going on. What makes that ability so appealing?!


1) Instant

2) Costs no Force

3) If in heal spec, heals yourself and every ally in the cone while also damaging mobs.

4) Stuns weak mobs

5) Forces melee DPS mobs to spend time coming back to you

6) Interrupts mob channel unless mob has boss immunity

7) For Sorcs, makes a satisfying "BAMM" noise, and

8) Knocks mobs off cliffs/bridges/whatever to their doom.


Like any AoE there are times when it is inappropriate.

But this versatile ability is more often underused than overused. Y'all just jealous. :p

Edited by BuriDogshin
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1) Instant

Because they have no other instants :rolleyes:

2) Costs no Force

So does saber strike

3) If in heal spec, heals yourself and every ally in the cone while also damaging mobs.

Every time I hear "I was using it to heal" I want to cave in the healer's face. L2SituationalAwareness. If you're doing it for damage, you're doing it wrong. So very wrong.

4) Stuns weak mobs

Mobs are even more stunned if they're dead, and they'd die much faster if you didn't spread them apart and send them flying away from the melee

5) Forces melee DPS mobs to spend time coming back to you

That's what healers and tanks are for

6) Interrupts mob channel unless mob has boss immunity

That's what interrupts are for

7) For Sorcs, makes a satisfying "BAMM" noise, and

This explains things

8) Knocks mobs off cliffs/bridges/whatever to their doom.

This and pushing mobs together are the only real uses


Like any AoE there are times when it is inappropriate.

It's always inappropriate

But this versatile ability is more often underused than overused. Y'all just jealous. :p

Every use is an overuse.


I'd like to say I was joking for those, but I can only claim half joking, as there is a certain seething hatred I have for people who use this ability incorrectly. So many people.

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I think I am getting sick of people complaining about space barring as soon as they get in the flash point. They even complain in Kuat which has only like a 1 minute dialog at the being. Don't get me wrong, I space bar almost everything even my first time through a fp. I just don't want to hear these whiners any more.


Another thing that bothers me is pure stupidity. I was doing a flash point as a healer and had 2 to 3 times the health of the tank and yet he was still guarding me. Why?


Or how about the idiot tank that decides to run the flash point without a chest piece because he's on the high end of the mission range (IE a level 20 doing hammer station)? So you want to make it more of a challenge but does the healer want more of challenge too?


The worst is tanks who don't know what their rotation is and never taunt or those who try to tank in DPS spec. DPS shouldn't have to dump threat as often as possible thus messing up their rotation. LTP people.


You want those spacebarrers to leave? Don't spacebar and then pretend you are spacebarring so no one knows you arn't by agreeing with them. They will likely leave.

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I like to be unreasonable and demand everyone does everything my way or I won't group with them because in a group the only opinion that matters is my own.


Fixed ;)

Edited by NeoWolf
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This makes me rage. With the frequency that those classes spam that knockback you'd think there'd be some crazy skinner box conditioning going on. What makes that ability so appealing?! Does it dispense chocolate every time they dutifully disperse the enemies like scattered leaves?


It's AoE. Does it matter on trash though? Just shrug it off and reposition yourself.

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It's AoE. Does it matter on trash though? Just shrug it off and reposition yourself.


Yeah, just pretty much the worst AoE damage you could possibly do, that also effectively negates all other AoE abilities. No biggie. That and you end up spending most of your time on trash chasing down mobs.

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Yeah, just pretty much the worst AoE damage you could possibly do, that also effectively negates all other AoE abilities. No biggie. That and you end up spending most of your time on trash chasing down mobs.


I didn't realize walking two to five feet was chasing down enemies...

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For me, the two big ones are: 1.) Not wanting to do all of the content in a flashpoint, i.e. wanting to skip around, ignore bonuses, move past whole rooms full of XP-granting mobs; and 2.) People who yell "Spacebar!" It's a story-centered MMO. If it's been a while since I've done an FP, I want to actually listen to the cut scenes.
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For me, the two big ones are: 1.) Not wanting to do all of the content in a flashpoint, i.e. wanting to skip around, ignore bonuses, move past whole rooms full of XP-granting mobs; and 2.) People who yell "Spacebar!" It's a story-centered MMO. If it's been a while since I've done an FP, I want to actually listen to the cut scenes.


There are a few different levels of "doing (or not doing) all of the content" in a flashpoint. There's skipping everything conceivably possible, even at the expense of wasted time, there's killing just the stuff in the way, there's skipping the bonus bosses, and then there's killing every mob in every nook and cranny. It kind of sounds like you want to kill every single thing you can find like someone in a genocidal rage. You'll get far more experience for your time by doing the flashpoint again than spending that time killing every mob you come across. IMO, things like skipping bonus bosses is fine as long as no one needs/asks for it.


As for "spacebar" it's rather douchey to yell at people to get them to skip, but it's also courteous if everyone considers what the other members are looking for. Communication is key here, as well as compromising sometimes.

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[this color]

[this color]

1) Instant

Because they have no other instants

No other AoE instants, and only one other instant heal of others. Healing on the run matters a lot in some fights

2) Costs no Force

So does saber strike

What's that? ;) Whatever it is, it doesn't belong in a Sorc Healer's keybindings IMO.

3) If in heal spec, heals yourself and every ally in the cone while also damaging mobs.

Every time I hear "I was using it to heal" I want to cave in the healer's face. L2SituationalAwareness. If you're doing it for damage, you're doing it wrong. So very wrong.

Mobs with boss immunity don't knockback, so why not? And then there are mobs up against walls...

5) Forces melee DPS mobs to spend time coming back to you

That's what healers and tanks are for

Did I mention my HM raiding toon is a sorc healer? :D

6) Interrupts mob channel unless mob has boss immunity

That's what interrupts are for

a) Sorc's interrupts have long cooldowns; b) the mobs with the mass Whirlwind in DP are not affected by the normal interrupt. They are affected by 4-sec stuns and anything that knocks them back.

7) For Sorcs, makes a satisfying "BAMM" noise, and

This explains things

Yup, it's all about the "bammage," as Alton Brown likes to call it.

Yes, it gets overused. But it also gets underused. HM raiding sorcs should be using it whenever it is off cooldown and it won't disrupt the DPS. Which is pretty often if you position and point yourself correctly.

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Of course you do.


But "Grow Up", and "You shouldn't be playing" is FAR from friendly advice.


It's internet. Some people like to be someone else they're not in real life.


Also some of these "Grow up!"/"It's just a game." players have had bad experiences in other MMOs. Like for example getting suicide ganked in that one space sandbox and didn't handle it well.

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Things that prompt me to issue a vote-kick, in no particular order:


  • DPS who queue as tanks or healers, number one annoyance with a bullet.
  • Players who don't know how to play their role is a big second. Anyone but a tank who pulls is a good example.
  • Players who don't follow others who clearly know the best path through the flash point, most recently those who quickly do a random build of the star-fighter in KDY because they simply can't be bothered to wait for someone to read the tooltips on the table.
  • Players who roll Need on stuff they don't need / can't use.
  • Players who refuse to keep up / participate.


Exctly this.


Also I would like to add:


People who que for a flashpoint but keep AFKing for various stupid reasons (if you had to eat your dinner/feed your cat/burp your baby then why did you put yourself in LFG?!?)

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It's internet. Some people like to be someone else they're not in real life.


Also some of these "Grow up!"/"It's just a game." players have had bad experiences in other MMOs. Like for example getting suicide ganked in that one space sandbox and didn't handle it well.


Lol What?

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One things that bugs me is what I call "The Eternal Pushers". Those people who can't stop for absolutely anything, they never heal, and when they die or what not, they get angry. It's not bad when I'm playing heals, but when I'm DPS'ing...healing is part of the game. Especially in pug Kuat runs where everyone's a DPS. I also agree with the previous "SPACEBAR" complaint, because while yes, sometimes I get where I want to just kill things, some people like the story and I can respect that. Overall, it feels a lot of times that people forget that this is a multiplayer game and that the people around them are living, breathing people.
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I had both ends of the spectrum last night. Did a hard mode (first time since I just play through the story mostly) and the group was like clockwork. Shadow and myself (Scoundrel) sapped targets, no one broke CC (well not very often), we made a smooth push through the instance. We had brief discussion as we came up to bosses on strats, nothing to long-winded, but enough to be on the same page. Perfection.


Then I ran a TFP and had three DPS (two of which were also able to heal) and they constantly divebombed packs of mobs, before I could CC and regardless of CC. They stood in the fire. They didnt self heal when they were getting pummeled. They made little effort to get any agro or DPS down mobs on me. Now I know TFPs are not designed to need a tank or healer but these guys were throwing themselves around knowing I was actively healing. It was a bit frustrating. We got through it because they pulled the numbers and I was able to keep them alive.

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Stopped playing one month after the game came out.


Just started playing again this week.


Did the black talon OP and ran into someone spamming "SPACE BAR SPACE BAR"


That was pretty annoying for me since it was my first time doing the OP.... I wanted to see the story of the mission.


Glad to see I am not alone in that. In heroic modes or what not.. sure I get it.. you have done it one million times.


.....in an OP during levelling?

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One things that bugs me is what I call "The Eternal Pushers". Those people who can't stop for absolutely anything, they never heal, and when they die or what not, they get angry. .


LOL About 2 years ago (maybe more) I joined a Ops guild and they had this one DPS commando who played exactly like you saying.


Now he thought he was gods gift to DPS (but at level 50 he still couldnt solo the Voss Bonus Series) and everyone else was sub par


So Id JUST joined the guild as my sage healer when he asked me to help him do the Voss Bonus series.

He assumed I still needed to do it as well (I did it long time earlier solo) and was rather put off when I told him I soloed it already.


So he starts to lead (because I'm a healer and its my job to follow of course :rolleyes: ) and refuses to heal after a fight. Just runs from 1 fight to next.


So I told him to slow down and heal after fights

At which he replied "Your the healer, its your job to keep me alive. That's your only concern"

So magically I stopped healing and he died.


You could just tell he was steaming mad behind his computer and I just said

Geeee guess you should have taken the 15 secs and healed that damage after last fight huh?


We finished Bonus series and I dont think he said more then 3 words the rest of time


We get to fleet for ops and suddenly his story is all about how he soloed the Voss Bonus Series and solo'd champions that I stated I couldnt solo at time (which is true, I did say there was 1 champion that spanked me every time I tried to solo him. But buddy boy declined to show me how he could solo it when offered the chance).


So yeah I so seen the type your speaking of Ahin.


Legends in their own minds

LOL, guarentee you that player is in some other game now bragging (falsely) about how he was a top ranked DPSer and people looked to his build and rotation to improve their DPS amounts.

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That still wouldn't irritate me. It's just a game, you shouldn't be playing if you get easily irritated.


Clearly you're not a HM / Nightmare ops player, and can't see the difference between a challenge and a moronic waste of colossal time. Someone thinking they know better based on a lack of experience speaks volumes about that person. YOU shouldn't assume that everyone has infinite time to waste and infinite credits to blow. I DONT have the time to wipe multiple times due to someone thinking they know more than the experienced group members rocking the right gear in a basic HM FP. Go pug an op and tell me how that goes :) Try HM DF. Hell, try pugging SnV even. You're going to get nowhere. You're going to waste your time. You're going to come out behind where you started. THAT is frustrating. I'm a competitive person by nature, and losing because some scrub thinks he's superman in a star wars game IS IRRITATING! Telling people to grow up isn't a valid argument. Glad my guilds don't PUG :)

Edited by SammyGStatus
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