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Darth revan vs exar kun who would win?


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Revan needed Meetra Surik's help to resist the Emperor. Even then he went nuts.


But if you want to play it that way. The entire Jedi Order needed to use the most powerful Light Side ability to contain Exar Kun on Yavin. If you want to bring post-ROTJ in the mix, it took a second Wall of Light spearheaded by Luke Skywalker (practically fresh off of besting the Reborn Emperor) to banish him forever.


On the other hand, Revan was bested by a strike team of four Jedi during the Jedi Civil War.


Collective Jedi Order > 4 Jedi.


You dont understand, Kun used the massasi warriors to feed him so he could live trapped forever until NJO.


Revan Faced an Emperor already Immortal and so powerful that an entire jedi Order couldnt stop and had to pact with him.

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Tales of the Jedi. Rayla has more in her posts in our Real Most Powerful series (the revisit thread)


That rather seems a tad exaggeration, otherwise I don't think what happened to him would have happened to him. Plus it doesn't really add up with his showings and those he fought.

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You dont understand, Kun used the massasi warriors to feed him so he could live trapped forever until NJO.


Revan Faced an Emperor already Immortal and so powerful that an entire jedi Order couldnt stop and had to pact with him.


I don't understand? The comic states that the Jedi realized what Exar Kun was going to do, so they concentrated their power in a massive Wall of Light to imprison him on the planet.


Revan could barely stand up to Vitiate to the point that he needed saving twice and he needed a moment of Oneness with the Force to do anything.

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I don't understand? The comic states that the Jedi realized what Exar Kun was going to do, so they concentrated their power in a massive Wall of Light to imprison him on the planet.


Revan could barely stand up to Vitiate to the point that he needed saving twice and he needed a moment of Oneness with the Force to do anything.



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the sad part is:


Kun only was a worthy Sith until he was trapped, in life he was bested and equalled by powerful Jedi.

He achieved part of Vitiates power trapped and he could now possess people at will.

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the sad part is:


Kun only was a worthy Sith until he was trapped, in life he was bested and equalled by powerful Jedi like Ulic, Nomi and others.


He achieved part of Vitiates power trapped and he could now possess people at will.


Your point being what exactly?

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Should be there. If not the quote, then just her commentary on it.


It seems the rage thing was more or less helped with Yavin IV which is a darkside nexus ontop of absorbing the power of Massai Warriors on Yavin. I'm not sure that Kun can just pull out the 100X Force Rage whenever.

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the sad part is:


Kun only was a worthy Sith until he was trapped, in life he was bested and equalled by powerful Jedi.

He achieved part of Vitiates power trapped and he could now possess people at will.


I'm not sure what you're saying here, could you elaborate?


Please see my post on page 2, I'm very confident that Kun will win and is vastly superior. To be honest Kun vs Vitiate would be a closer match than Kun vs Darth Revan.


Remember, the OP is Kun vs Darth Revan not Kun vs Reborn Revan so the Vitiate fight shouldn't be mentioned. In any case whatever Revan you have vs Kun it would not matter

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I'm not sure what you're saying here, could you elaborate?


Please see my post on page 2, I'm very confident that Kun will win and is vastly superior. To be honest Kun vs Vitiate would be a closer match than Kun vs Darth Revan.


Remember, the OP is Kun vs Darth Revan not Kun vs Reborn Revan so the Vitiate fight shouldn't be mentioned. In any case whatever Revan you have vs Kun it would not matter


Let be go ahead an elaborate a bit:


True Sith mainly Vitiate >Kun, because we know at some point Kun, Kresh and Naga Sadow faced the True Sith Empire and failed.


Hence the future with the Rule of two and so on.


So Revan >Kun because of that reason, wont bring vitiate no more but its a fact Vitiate>Kun maybe except after been trapped in Yavin 4

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True Sith mainly Vitiate >Kun, because we know at some point Kun, Kresh and Naga Sadow faced the True Sith Empire and failed.




I'm not sure I understand this at all. The True Sith Empire was after Kresh and Sadow. There's no material that states that Vitiate ever came into contact with those two. Vitiate and Ragnos had met but that's it. During the Great Hyperspace War, Vitiate chose not to involve himself and this was not a big deal as he was known as a reclusive scholar who was lord of an insignificant planet. The True Sith Empire was formed with the remains of the Golden Age of the Sith Empire. Kun also never came into contact with Vitiate or his Empire. In fact, by Marka Ragnos and other ancient sith lords proclaiming Kun to be the future of the Sith they are directly undermining Vitiate's authority and claim to being Lord of the Sith. There was a big thread on this at an earlier time. In the SWTOR Galactic Timeline videos, they state that Vitiate was afraid of the threat that the ancient Sith posed when he returned to battle the Republic.


Hence the future with the Rule of two and so on.


The Rule of Two has nothing to do with Vitiate or his Empire. It only dealt with the failings of the Brotherhood of Darkness both in their claim to be Lords of the Sith and their unsuccessful war with the Jedi/Republic.


So Revan >Kun because of that reason, wont bring vitiate no more but its a fact Vitiate>Kun maybe except after been trapped in Yavin 4


What reason? The Rule of Two? All Revan said was one apprentice to one master. It was Bane who had the idea of making 2 Sith exclusively.


Also I do think in general Vitiate is more powerful than Kun. But in combat setting I think it would be really close. Remember, Vitiate is all sorcerer and not a warrior. The Revan novel directly says Vitiate did not hold a lightsaber correctly and suffered from severe tunnel vision.

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Then you're just going to have to deal. I'm not going to spend a few hours looking for a few statements in a game.

You made a claim, you need to verify it if requested to. Don't take this the negative way, I am pointing out a debating norm.


First question, and I mean this with honest intentions and a calm head (of which I am never without :)); Have you read Tales of the Jedi and particular Volume 2? Most of the evidence/answers I'm going to provide are in there.

I haven't checked this sourcebook yet. I will look in to it, if I find it.


1. (Aurbree already countered this, not going to restate)

He haven't verified his claim yet. I have also played KoTOR and I don't recall such a claim.


2. I said in terms of innate ability with Sith Sorcery Exar Kun compares with Vitiate. I was not comparing their feats. It is critical to keep in mind that Exar Kun only actively trained in the Dark Side of the Force for 2-3ish years and not 100 years that Vitiate did before the Nathema ritual or the 1000+ years before meeting Revan & Malak and other events of the Great Galactic War period.

Emperor Vitiate's performance during (Nathema) ritual outshines anything Exar Kun have pulled off with dark sorcery. Emperor Vitiate can influence entire worlds with his dark sorcery, he is arguably the greatest sorcerer to grace the galaxy.


Also, during the short time that Exar Kun was the Lord of the Sith, he was VERY active in his war against the Republic. Kun called all the shots and carried out his own missions. Per the information we have at the moment, Vitiate before the Nathema ritual was a reclusive scholar devoting all his time to studying and while he was Emperor, he was the master of delegation only mildly intervening on rare occasion still spending most of his time studying.

Emperor Vitiate concentrated on honing his talents in the dark arts and did not participate in politics. He might have usurped even Marka Ragnos to rule the ancient Sith Empire if he wanted to but he chose not to. He took the matters in to his hands after the disaster of Great Hyperspace War and relocated/reconstituted the ancient Sith Empire in unexplored regions during that era due to safety reasons. He prevented his followers to get involved in galactic affairs for a long long time because of the lessons learned from Great Hyperspace War. This is why many Sith serving him did not had the option to demonstrate their talents to the entire galaxy, they didn't had the freedom enjoyed by Kun.


Lord Scourge obtained the rank of Dark Lord in Vitiate's Empire then was handpicked to intervene in Nyriss' affairs. Yet even Scourge had never met Vitiate until later. In my opinion, obtaining such a rank and being asked to carry out missions by someone you've never met illustrates the massive delegation that took place. My point being that Vitiate had far more favorable conditions to further his knowledge in Sith Sorcery than Kun did. Despite these less favorable conditions, Kun was able to:

-enslave the Massassi race and create cratures through Alchemy for his army

-insta-killed Odan Urr, a knowledge Jedi Counselor Force based attacks type master, using some Sith spell that is still not understood

-freeze the entire Galactic Senate with another during Ulic's trial and the succeeding dual with Baas.

-sacrifice the entire Massassi race to release his spirit from his body thus to preserve it forever. Kun only began to learn this spell when the Republic began to attack Yavin 4. So he learned this extremely complex ritual quickly and not understanding it completely (as it is stated in the comic) but yet executed it to perfection. If it were not for Nomi Sunrider (extremely underrated) and 10,000, Kun would've been able to do whatever he wanted throughout the galaxy.

Kun have excellent feats but Emperor Vitiate outshined him, he managed to utilize one of the most dangerous rituals to have ever been attempted to his advantage and consumed the entire biota of his homeworld to transform himself in to an immortal being. 8000 other Sith Lords participated in this ritual and perished.


I think it is very clear that Kun's innate/natural ability with Sith Sorcery is very comparable to Vitiate.

Unfortunately, no.


3. Kun absorbed and redirected & amplified an attack from Aleema Keto.

How formidable was Keto's power?


4. There are Star Wars trading cards out there. I have bought a handful of Sith ones and put them in front of the book they appear on my bookshelf, it looks pretty cool :D. I have the Darth Revan and Exar Kun cards and on the back it will rate the person's Force Power, Strengh, and a few other categories. Exar Kun rates higher than Dart Revan does (remember the OP is Darth Revan vs Kun, not Reborn Revan vs Kun)

I advice you to consult Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide sourcebook.


Exar Kun and (Darth) Revan have comparable stats. In-fact, Darth Revan have been acknowledged as one of the most powerful Sith Lords in galactic history as well.



From Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide


Darth Revan was one of the most powerful Sith Lords in galactic history. At the height of the Jedi Civil War, the Sith Empire covers nearly one-third of the known galaxy, with many worlds hotly contested between the Republic and the Sith Empire. Some worlds join the Sith Empire willingly, while others are taken by force. Dozens if not hundreds of Sith apprentices learn the ways of the dark side of the Force, and a few even rise to the rank of Sith Master, training students of their own. With legions of armored troopers, spreading throughout the galaxy, all led by masters of the Force, the Sith Empire seems unstoppable.





5. I believe Exar Kun was used as a reference in this jail scene to illustrate the acknowledgement that Kun is more powerful than Malgus and Revan. After all, Revan and Malgus are both BioWare products, Kun is not a BioWare product, the SWTOR game itself is a BioWare product; yet they chose to reference Kun instead of referencing their own product. BioWare couldn't escape the fact that Kun is the man :D. I am not taking anything away from Malgus and Revan as they are both very powerful to say the least. PS in the Book of Sith, which you are referencing with Darth Sidious, that is more a collection of people with very different views of the Dark Side than a stack of Sidious personnel "Best Sith List".

I don't recall that Kun have been explicitly stated to be stronger then Revan and Malgus. But yes, Kun is popular among Sith and noted for his abilities/accomplishments.


6. I didn't mean you, but just fans in general can forget/not know of Kun as Kun was created long ways back relatively speaking.



What did Darth Revan even DO? Because I'm not recalling much from him battle prowess wise, except him fighting against Mandalore the Ultimate which...isn't really impressive when comparing to Kun, I guess you could also count his first fight with Bastila before being mind wiped but...eh...still Kun is better.

Revan wasn't a Sith when he confronted Mandalore the Ultimate but he was very powerful at this point:



From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan


In battle after battle, Revan had led the Jedi and Republic forces to victory. Realizing defeat was inevitable, Mandalore the Ultimate had challenge Revan to single combat, and Revan had accepted. Though the Mandalorian fought valiantly, in the end he was no match for the Jedi Order's most powerful champion.



Revan was among the most powerful Sith Lords in galactic history as well, see the top spoiler above.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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You made a claim, you need to verify it if requested to. Don't take this the negative way, I am pointing out a debating norm.


That would take hours. I have neither the time nor the patience to chase down a few statements that you will simply disregard.

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I haven't checked this sourcebook yet. I will look in to it, if I find it.


Tales of the Jedi Volume 1 & 2 are a collections of comics. I thought Vol 1 was alright but Vol 2 was awesome! I would highly recommend it just for the entertainment factor alone.


Emperor Vitiate's performance during (Nathema) ritual outshines anything Exar Kun have pulled off with dark sorcery. Emperor Vitiate can influence entire worlds with his dark sorcery, he is arguably the greatest sorcerer to grace the galaxy.


I think my phrasing of my argument was not clear, my statement was comparing Kun and Vitiate's natural affinity for Sorcery. I was not comparing their feats but I was stating Kun's feats to back my claim that the two's natural talent is similar.


I am not arguing whose feats are better as I agree that Vitiate's are more impressive. However a feat in itself is a product of the individual's natural talent plus the work ethic/time spent honing their talent. Much like how things work in real-life. Putting it in a mathematical framework:


Vitiate Talent+Vitiate Studying = Vitiate Feats

Kun Talent+Kun Studying = Kun Feats.


Kun Feats less than Vitiate Feats, but at the same time Kun Studying SIGNIFICANTLY less than Vitiate Studying. Thus in my opinion their natural talents are very comparable and the feats attributed to Kun with the less favorable/quantitative time to study the Dark Arts speaks to his talent. I am defining talent as what was available to that individual at birth, not what Vitiate obtained after artificial means such as Nathema.


Emperor Vitiate concentrated on honing his talents in the dark arts and did not participate in politics. He might have usurped even Marka Ragnos to rule the ancient Sith Empire if he wanted to but he chose not to. He took the matters in to his hands after the disaster of Great Hyperspace War and relocated/reconstituted the ancient Sith Empire in unexplored regions during that era due to safety reasons. He prevented his followers to get involved in galactic affairs for a long long time because of the lessons learned from Great Hyperspace War. This is why many Sith serving him did not had the option to demonstrate their talents to the entire galaxy, they didn't had the freedom enjoyed by Kun.


Vitiate did not participate in politics or warfare. I also don't think he could've challenged Ragnos. If Ragnos viewed him as a threat to his throne, do you think he would've given Vitiate an insignificant planet to rule? Ragnos understood the way of the Dark Side and how it affects its practitioners thinking, hence why Ragnos died of natural causes/old age and not murdered by a rival. Why would Ragnos give a powerful individual an insignificant planet? This would cause said individual some jealously and would threaten Ragnos rule. It makes sense to think Ragnos would keep the power players happy by giving them appropriate standing and not care what scrubs thought. There is little information on Vitiate's pre-Nathema ritual, but still a Lord of the Sith, life to say at the moment.


Vitiate began delegating the instant they touched down in Dromund Kass. Also, I don't think the Sith of Vitiate's Empire were forced not to venture out from Sith space as much as they simply chose not to on their own accord. The fundamental rule of the Sith is survival. Remember from the Revan novel, when Scourge first heard that Vitiate wanted to fight the Republic was Scourge felt fear and anger because he knew there was no way they would win. Nyriss and the others kept plotting and plotting to prevent this war also for the sake of their survival.


Kun have excellent feats but Emperor Vitiate outshined him, he managed to utilize one of the most dangerous rituals to have ever been attempted to his advantage and consumed the entire biota of his homeworld to transform himself in to an immortal being. 8000 other Sith Lords participated in this ritual and perished.


Unfortunately, no.


(see above, was comparing their talents not feats)


How formidable was Keto's power?


Was just illustrating that he had absorbed and redirected attacks before. In the grand scheme of things though I would put her at a "Dark Lord of Sith" but not "Dark Council" level. Kun redirected it so easily though and was taunting her while doing it.


I advice you to consult Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide sourcebook.


Exar Kun and (Darth) Revan have comparable stats. In-fact, Darth Revan have been acknowledged as one of the most powerful Sith Lords in galactic history as well.



From Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide


Darth Revan was one of the most powerful Sith Lords in galactic history. At the height of the Jedi Civil War, the Sith Empire covers nearly one-third of the known galaxy, with many worlds hotly contested between the Republic and the Sith Empire. Some worlds join the Sith Empire willingly, while others are taken by force. Dozens if not hundreds of Sith apprentices learn the ways of the dark side of the Force, and a few even rise to the rank of Sith Master, training students of their own. With legions of armored troopers, spreading throughout the galaxy, all led by masters of the Force, the Sith Empire seems unstoppable.



Is this sourcebook in-universe up until 3950 BBYish? If so, then yes Darth Revan would be one of the most powerful Sith Lords in galactic history at that time but this is largely because there is such little information available. Per the moment it would be Vitiate, Kun, and Darth Revan but there really is not much info on Darth Revan.


Revan wasn't a Sith when he confronted Mandalore the Ultimate but he was very powerful at this point:



From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan


In battle after battle, Revan had led the Jedi and Republic forces to victory. Realizing defeat was inevitable, Mandalore the Ultimate had challenge Revan to single combat, and Revan had accepted. Though the Mandalorian fought valiantly, in the end he was no match for the Jedi Order's most powerful champion.



To be honest, I've never thought that beating any Mandalorian is that impressive for someone that is at the top of the Jedi Order. Plus there is little information MTU's specifics anyway.


Revan was among the most powerful Sith Lords in galactic history as well, see the top spoiler above.




Tales of the Jedi Volume 2 really is a great read if you've got the free time to enjoy its awesomeness!

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Tales of the Jedi Volume 1 & 2 are a collections of comics. I thought Vol 1 was alright but Vol 2 was awesome! I would highly recommend it just for the entertainment factor alone.



I think my phrasing of my argument was not clear, my statement was comparing Kun and Vitiate's natural affinity for Sorcery. I was not comparing their feats but I was stating Kun's feats to back my claim that the two's natural talent is similar.


I am not arguing whose feats are better as I agree that Vitiate's are more impressive. However a feat in itself is a product of the individual's natural talent plus the work ethic/time spent honing their talent. Much like how things work in real-life. Putting it in a mathematical framework:


Vitiate Talent+Vitiate Studying = Vitiate Feats

Kun Talent+Kun Studying = Kun Feats.


Kun Feats less than Vitiate Feats, but at the same time Kun Studying SIGNIFICANTLY less than Vitiate Studying. Thus in my opinion their natural talents are very comparable and the feats attributed to Kun with the less favorable/quantitative time to study the Dark Arts speaks to his talent. I am defining talent as what was available to that individual at birth, not what Vitiate obtained after artificial means such as Nathema.

Vitiate was absolutely natural with the dark side:



From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia


The child who will come to be known as the Sith Emperor is born. Black-eyed, heartless, and supremely strong in the dark side of the Force, the boy seizes control of his homeworld by the age of 13 and earns the title Lord Vitiate.



It is like as if Vitiate was willed by the Force to be an agent of the dark side from birth. Without even formal training, he began to manifest powers that are learned through formal training only.


I don't think that Kun's affinity with the dark side was great as that of Vitiate, most fall short in this respect in comparison to Vitiate actually. Vitiate humiliated/eliminated proper Sith Lords when he was just a child. Do the math.


Kun relied on trinkets to pull off his most impressive feats, he doesn't holds a candle to Vitiate. Yes, Kun significantly improved and achieved great mastery of esoteric talents but Vitiate is on a whole new level in comparison.


Vitiate did not participate in politics or warfare. I also don't think he could've challenged Ragnos. If Ragnos viewed him as a threat to his throne, do you think he would've given Vitiate an insignificant planet to rule? Ragnos understood the way of the Dark Side and how it affects its practitioners thinking, hence why Ragnos died of natural causes/old age and not murdered by a rival. Why would Ragnos give a powerful individual an insignificant planet? This would cause said individual some jealously and would threaten Ragnos rule. It makes sense to think Ragnos would keep the power players happy by giving them appropriate standing and not care what scrubs thought. There is little information on Vitiate's pre-Nathema ritual, but still a Lord of the Sith, life to say at the moment.

Vitiate might have usurped Ragnos if he wanted to but he didn't do so due to his lack of interest in politics at that time. Ragnos noted that Vitiate was immensely powerful but didn't wanted to gain his enmity without reason, Ragnos may have realized that Vitiate wasn't interested in politics and granted Vitiate his wishes to not give latter a reason to act against him.


Vitiate began delegating the instant they touched down in Dromund Kass. Also, I don't think the Sith of Vitiate's Empire were forced not to venture out from Sith space as much as they simply chose not to on their own accord. The fundamental rule of the Sith is survival. Remember from the Revan novel, when Scourge first heard that Vitiate wanted to fight the Republic was Scourge felt fear and anger because he knew there was no way they would win. Nyriss and the others kept plotting and plotting to prevent this war also for the sake of their survival.

Actually Vitiate prevented his followers from taking action against Republic and Jedi without his permission. An entire Dark Council rebelled against Vitiate for this reason alone but Vitiate destroyed this Council with a single blast of power, ouch.


(see above, was comparing their talents not feats)

Covered above


Was just illustrating that he had absorbed and redirected attacks before. In the grand scheme of things though I would put her at a "Dark Lord of Sith" but not "Dark Council" level. Kun redirected it so easily though and was taunting her while doing it.

Well, Revan pulled off such a feat against a Dark Council member which is incredible display of power. But this is Revan at his prime.


Is this sourcebook in-universe up until 3950 BBYish? If so, then yes Darth Revan would be one of the most powerful Sith Lords in galactic history at that time but this is largely because there is such little information available. Per the moment it would be Vitiate, Kun, and Darth Revan but there really is not much info on Darth Revan.



Revan was a genuinely impressive Sith, Bane was in awe of Revan's knowledge and command of the dark arts after discovering the latter's holocron. And Bane is not easy to impress.


To be honest, I've never thought that beating any Mandalorian is that impressive for someone that is at the top of the Jedi Order. Plus there is little information MTU's specifics anyway.

Mandalorian the Ultimate is not any Mandalorian, he was immensely skilled combatant. His strength and skill was such that he once subdued a Jedi with a single blow. Canderous pointed out that Mandalore the Ultimate was the toughest/strongest among the Mandalorians and this was an era when Mandalorians were at their prime in the mythos.




Tales of the Jedi Volume 2 really is a great read if you've got the free time to enjoy its awesomeness!


Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Why is the Sith Emperor even being discussed here? We all know that Revan was no match for him.


In regards to the debate, there really isn't much to be discussed here. The fact of the matter is, Exar Kun has two distinct advantages over Revan that he himself lacks, to summarise plainly:


The unorthodoxy of his style, Exar Kun's mastery over Niman is unprecedented at the time and remained legendary even in Revan's era. Revan is going to be caught completely off-guard by something totally alien as Baas was.


Exar Kun's Force Blast, Kun is capable of unleashing blasts of raw dark side energy made from potent Sith Magic which has proven strong enough to burn straight through its targets. And as demonstrated in Darth Bane such attacks are impossible to defend against via conventional means, and Revan has no affinity in Sith Magic, he is totally vulnerable.


Revan is an impressive duelist and Force wielder, however nothing in his repertoire indicates a definitive superiority in terms of Force power of lightsaber skills over Kun, and he lacks any stylstic advantages.


I have little doubt Exar Kun would win such a contest.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Revan wasn't a Sith when he confronted Mandalore the Ultimate but he was very powerful at this point:




Not the point, seeing as we are using Darth Revan for this battle we can use the things he did before becoming Darth Revan not after. Which is what I'm saying, he doesn't have anything near as impressive in combat wise compared to Kun.

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Why is the Sith Emperor even being discussed here? We all know that Revan was no match for him.


In regards to the debate, there really isn't much to be discussed here. The fact of the matter is, Exar Kun has two distinct advantages over Revan that he himself lacks, to summarise plainly:


The unorthodoxy of his style, Exar Kun's mastery over Niman is unprecedented at the time and remained legendary even in Revan's era. Revan is going to be caught completely off-guard by something totally alien as Baas was.


Exar Kun's Force Blast, Kun is capable of unleashing blasts of raw dark side energy made from potent Sith Magic which has proven strong enough to burn straight through its targets. And as demonstrated in Darth Bane such attacks are impossible to defend against via conventional means, and Revan has no affinity in Sith Magic, he is totally vulnerable.


Revan is an impressive duelist and Force wielder, however nothing in his repertoire indicates a definitive superiority in terms of Force power of lightsaber skills over Kun, and he lacks any stylstic advantages.


I have little doubt Exar Kun would win such a contest.


Beni your wrong in all accounts,


Niman was a practiced style in Revan's time, he studied it and master it someone consider it Revan's main to be Niman/Makashi, Shien and Juyo all in one style.


Thats why Revan could use single or double-bladed lightsaber in combat.


Tutamis is a defense to darkside attacks like raw darkside energy, proven by many like Satele and doesnt require Sith Magic, also Revan was proficient user of tutamis.

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Beni your wrong in all accounts,


Niman was a practiced style in Revan's time, he studied it and master it someone consider it Revan's main to be Niman/Makashi, Shien and Juyo all in one style.


Thats why Revan could use single or double-bladed lightsaber in combat.


Tutamis is a defense to darkside attacks like raw darkside energy, proven by many like Satele and doesnt require Sith Magic, also Revan was proficient user of tutamis.


Exar Kun mastered Niman to its highest extent, completely forgoing the Form's predilection towards balance and moderation and transforming it into a brutally aggressive and unrelenting fighting style. Even more impressive is the fact that he also incorporated a mastery of Ataru and Juyo into his fighting style.


Who is this 'someone' who commented on Revan's fighting style?


Source that Tutaminis can deflect outbursts of raw Dark Side power, please. And, no, Force Lightning is not the same as a Force Blast.

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