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Humble Hero set is not Jedi robes.


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I won't Oddball. Not anymore, I've done it dozens of times. It's ridiculous that you link Old Republic comic, in which there was a number of traditional outfits.


Actually pretty few compared to the number of non-traditional ones.


But hey, who's counting eh?

As long as there is one or two in there, they must be the "traditional" way jedi dress and thus this look MUST be implemented in the game. :rolleyes:

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Actually pretty few compared to the number of non-traditional ones.


But hey, who's counting eh?

As long as there is one or two in there, they must be the "traditional" way jedi dress and thus this look MUST be implemented in the game. :rolleyes:


Don't mind the three Jedi Council members wearing the traditional whites and browns. Yup. Screw this, I give up. I am tired of it. Don't think I give up because of your false arguments :[ I'll stick to the ambitious warrior I guess.

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Actually pretty few compared to the number of non-traditional ones.


But hey, who's counting eh?

As long as there is one or two in there, they must be the "traditional" way jedi dress and thus this look MUST be implemented in the game. :rolleyes:


So, your own perception of what is "traditional" is causing you to post a thousand times about this matter?


You know, I'd love to take you seriously. But I really can't. Sorry. How about you go and enter "Traditional Jedi Robes." into Google images and see what's coming out? You'll see that the simple tunic look is actually what people consider just that.


You've got a notion of how a Jedi should look. You feel that "Traditional Jedi robes!" is a bad term. Yes, we get it. Could you please stop bothering people about it? If you think your personal sense of lore has been crushed, then I've got news for you:


Just because you think that the term doesn't fit...well...it doesn't make the term less usefull. What are we supposed to call them? "Robes that look like the ones in the movies?"... "Brown cloaks with tunics and boots which seem to be Jedi robes.".


Face it. Go to a random, non Star Wars fan person. Ask them to tell you what a Jedi looks like. If anyone describes Zayne Carrick, Uliq Qel-droma or Arka Jeth...well, you've won then.


I'll keep calling them "traditional Jedi robes.". Disagree with that all you want, but finally call it quits. Just because you think it's wrong doesn't mean IT IS.

Edited by Alssaran
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Old Republic era Jedis are numerous, defined by their timeline.


The Cold War era Jedi are either armored warriors for battlefront, or diplomats with robes that is still combat grade.


Mando Wars era Jedi had a lighter attire until Revan took his sect into war, which was outfitted by Republic with combat armor for most of them.

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Don't mind the three Jedi Council members wearing the traditional whites and browns. Yup. Screw this, I give up. I am tired of it. Don't think I give up because of your false arguments :[ I'll stick to the ambitious warrior I guess.


Oh you're right!

Three out of the six members of the jedi council had brown robes with long sleeves.

*sigh* I never claimed that NONE had them. I am merely saying that your statement that they are traditional at this time is faulty since the majority of the jedi in the material of this era actually DON'T wear brown robes with long sleeves and belts on the inside (you know, movie-style robes).


So, your own perception of what is "traditional" is causing you to post a thousand times about this matter?


You know, I'd love to take you seriously. But I really can't. Sorry. How about you go and enter "Traditional Jedi Robes." into Google images and see what's coming out? You'll see that the simple tunic look is actually what people consider just that.


You've got a notion of how a Jedi should look. You feel that "Traditional Jedi robes!" is a bad term. Yes, we get it. Could you please stop bothering people about it? If you think your personal sense of lore has been crushed, then I've got news for you:


Just because you think that the term doesn't fit...well...it doesn't make the term less usefull. What are we supposed to call them? "Robes that look like the ones in the movies?"... "Brown cloaks with tunics and boots which seem to be Jedi robes.".


Face it. Go to a random, non Star Wars fan person. Ask them to tell you what a Jedi looks like. If anyone describes Zayne Carrick, Uliq Qel-droma or Arka Jeth...well, you've won then.


I'll keep calling them "traditional Jedi robes.". Disagree with that all you want, but finally call it quits. Just because you think it's wrong doesn't mean IT IS.


Again, not reading what I am writing it seems.

I am against the term simply because it is being used as a sort of justification to demand (not request or suggest, but demand) that bioware add the robes to the game.

And you know what? You go up to a random non Star Wars fan person and show them this picture and ask them if that looks like a jedi from Star Wars and they'll say yes.

And that's the point.

Alot of the people asking for the "traditional jedi robes" are doing it not because they can't get their characters to look like a jedi, but because they can't look exactly like they did in the movies down to the last detail.


And that would be fine if they didn't treat it as if bioware had personally insulted them by not including that look in the game.


Again, I'm not opposed to the inclusion of the set in the game.

I'm simply opposed to the way people are demanding that they implement it and suggesting that nothing else is "jedi attire" and that they are the judges of what is and is not jedi clothing.

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So, your own perception of what is "traditional" is causing you to post a thousand times about this matter?


You know, I'd love to take you seriously. But I really can't. Sorry. How about you go and enter "Traditional Jedi Robes." into Google images and see what's coming out? You'll see that the simple tunic look is actually what people consider just that.


You've got a notion of how a Jedi should look. You feel that "Traditional Jedi robes!" is a bad term. Yes, we get it. Could you please stop bothering people about it? If you think your personal sense of lore has been crushed, then I've got news for you:


Just because you think that the term doesn't fit...well...it doesn't make the term less usefull. What are we supposed to call them? "Robes that look like the ones in the movies?"... "Brown cloaks with tunics and boots which seem to be Jedi robes.".


Face it. Go to a random, non Star Wars fan person. Ask them to tell you what a Jedi looks like. If anyone describes Zayne Carrick, Uliq Qel-droma or Arka Jeth...well, you've won then.


I'll keep calling them "traditional Jedi robes.". Disagree with that all you want, but finally call it quits. Just because you think it's wrong doesn't mean IT IS.


I think of traditional as something that has looked a certain way for decades/years. The movie style robes are from a time far into the future, so they're not traditional in this era. That's what I think, and I also think that's what Oddball is saying.


I also don't mind if they add them. But recently they added some skimpier outfits that could be worn by men, and Alec came into a thread about them to complain that these outfits made the game explicit and look like Gay Pride. So he's ok to belittle other people's clothing choices, and be homophobic with it? Well I think with that post he lost the right to "demand" anything. And let's face it, it's pretty much only him posting over and over and over again about these robes. Does he need to create new threads as much as he does? In fact, I bet if he does get the robes he keeps asking for, he won't be happy. He'll still find a way to complain. If I were a dev I would be ignoring him now.

Edited by horrorfaneightys
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I think of traditional as something that has looked a certain way for decades/years. The movie style robes are from a time far into the future, so they're not traditional in this era.


The problem is that those robes, in fact, were already in use during the time of the Old Republic. As far as I can see your point, I'd ask of you to see the other sides point of view:


Now, we know that some (and I use that term to show that not 'all') Jedi were wearing the outfits we know from the movies in the game. Going by the statement earlier, it's 3 out of 6. Now, who does tell me that the outfits that are worn in different millenia aren't but 'special' compared to this one?


I mean, yes, there were Jedi who favored a more customary approach to clothing. But is it so far fetched to assume that the look we know from the movies is considered a "traditional robe.", while the things like Uliq-Qel Droma, Lucien Drayy and Zayne Carrick are exceptions to the rule? I agree that there is no definite source that the Jedi robes from the movies were the norm, but where does it say the robes in the comics weren't an exception.


It seems that Jedi garment varied greatly over the millenia in special forms, but some people always stayed true to that cloak and tunic look throughout the ages. I mean, look at one of the earliest pictures of the order:





You'll find this look throughout all ages and millenia, from the Force Wars to the Clone Wars. You'll always find Jedi going back to this design, so it must have some deep rooted thing within the Jedi order. So, in a sense, those tunics are "traditional.". A tradition is something that changes little over a long time, so did those robes. There are always Jedi who'll choose different apparel, for cultural reasons or others. But you'll find Jedi going back to those roots in ALL era's.


Can't this, by all means considered, be "traditional"?


I also don't mind if they add them. But recently they added some skimpier outfits that could be worn by men, and Alec came into a thread about them to complain that these outfits made the game explicit and look like Gay Pride.


What has the OP's behavior to do with the claim to those robes? I never did that, yet I'd like those robes in the game. It's simple for me: When I was 5, my first movie was Star Wars: Episode I. For me, the iconic Jedi look is what Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were wearing in this movie. It sticks to the person, and I'd love to use that look for my Sentinel.


And you know what? You go up to a random non Star Wars fan person and show them this picture and ask them if that looks like a jedi from Star Wars and they'll say yes.


You know what's funny? That you'd use the ONE item in the game, the very ONE and ONLY item to which I said: "Well, I guess that comes close to a movie Jedi. It kind of looks like those robes. I'd just love some more flow and cloak to this, maybe at sleeves.".


What were you trying to gain by posting this? Admiting that this looks like a Jedi to people? Yes, it does. Because that is as close as it gets to the 'traditional Jedi robes' in the game. But it's still not that wide flowing, sleeved design we know.


Adding this picture to this thread was in no way of any help to you. We were discussing why you disagreed on the term 'traditional Jedi robes.' for the movie robes and how it's beeing used... now you post a picture of a robe that looks close to the movie robes and say: "This is how people see a Jedi!". Yes, it is. What is your gain in this tough? You just strengthened my position. THIS is how people imagine Jedi. THIS is how they look in the movies: A cloak (but without sleeves, that's my critic.), a tunic underneath and simple boots.


Oddball, it seems you're trying to grasp every little thing you can. If that makes sense for your position, I don't know. What I find most funny is that you claim that our demand paired with the term 'traditional Jedi robes' is wrong. What is it of meaning to you? That you feel crushed in your opinion? That you think you need to defend your point? I don't think anyone of us cares about it right now. I think with all your nitpicking you made it impossible for anyone to listen to you. You're free to reply to this, I actually think you won't.


Funny sidenote: When I was checking out a cosplayer earlier, she felt the need to clarify something in her comment to someone named "Oddball". Apparently he tried to do the same thing this Oddball did. Since it wasn't related to Star Wars in any way and it was just after exiting this forum into a completely different part of the internet, I found it rather amusing. :cool:

Edited by Alssaran
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The problem is that those robes, in fact, were already in use during the time of the Old Republic. As far as I can see your point, I'd ask of you to see the other sides point of view:


Now, we know that some (and I use that term to show that not 'all') Jedi were wearing the outfits we know from the movies in the game. Going by the statement earlier, it's 3 out of 6. Now, who does tell me that the outfits that are worn in different millenia aren't but 'special' compared to this one?


I mean, yes, there were Jedi who favored a more customary approach to clothing. But is it so far fetched to assume that the look we know from the movies is considered a "traditional robe.", while the things like Uliq-Qel Droma, Lucien Drayy and Zayne Carrick are exceptions to the rule? I agree that there is no definite source that the Jedi robes from the movies were the norm, but where does it say the robes in the comics weren't an exception.


It seems that Jedi garment varied greatly over the millenia in special forms, but some people always stayed true to that cloak and tunic look throughout the ages. I mean, look at one of the earliest pictures of the order:





You'll find this look throughout all ages and millenia, from the Force Wars to the Clone Wars. You'll always find Jedi going back to this design, so it must have some deep rooted thing within the Jedi order. So, in a sense, those tunics are "traditional.". A tradition is something that changes little over a long time, so did those robes. There are always Jedi who'll choose different apparel, for cultural reasons or others. But you'll find Jedi going back to those roots in ALL era's.


Can't this, by all means considered, be "traditional"?




What has the OP's behavior to do with the claim to those robes? I never did that, yet I'd like those robes in the game. It's simple for me: When I was 5, my first movie was Star Wars: Episode I. For me, the iconic Jedi look is what Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were wearing in this movie. It sticks to the person, and I'd love to use that look for my Sentinel.




You know what's funny? That you'd use the ONE item in the game, the very ONE and ONLY item to which I said: "Well, I guess that comes close to a movie Jedi. It kind of looks like those robes. I'd just love some more flow and cloak to this, maybe at sleeves.".


What were you trying to gain by posting this? Admiting that this looks like a Jedi to people? Yes, it does. Because that is as close as it gets to the 'traditional Jedi robes' in the game. But it's still not that wide flowing, sleeved design we know.


Adding this picture to this thread was in no way of any help to you. We were discussing why you disagreed on the term 'traditional Jedi robes.' for the movie robes and how it's beeing used... now you post a picture of a robe that looks close to the movie robes and say: "This is how people see a Jedi!". Yes, it is. What is your gain in this tough? You just strengthened my position. THIS is how people imagine Jedi. THIS is how they look in the movies: A cloak (but without sleeves, that's my critic.), a tunic underneath and simple boots.


Oddball, it seems you're trying to grasp every little thing you can. If that makes sense for your position, I don't know. What I find most funny is that you claim that our demand paired with the term 'traditional Jedi robes' is wrong. What is it of meaning to you? That you feel crushed in your opinion? That you think you need to defend your point? I don't think anyone of us cares about it right now. I think with all your nitpicking you made it impossible for anyone to listen to you. You're free to reply to this, I actually think you won't.


Funny sidenote: When I was checking out a cosplayer earlier, she felt the need to clarify something in her comment to someone named "Oddball". Apparently he tried to do the same thing this Oddball did. Since it wasn't related to Star Wars in any way and it was just after exiting this forum into a completely different part of the internet, I found it rather amusing. :cool:


You seem to be completely missing the point that this argument is between me and Alec.

It's not about the inclusion or exclusion of the movie style robes.


It is about how he goes about demanding the inclusion of them as if bioware has commited some great atrocity by making the robes in the game have short sleeves and belts on the outside of the robe.

It is about how he posts thread after thread after thread on the subject demanding that bioware "fix this".

It is about how he goes into every thread about new cartel packs and points out that there's "no traditional jedi robes" in the pack.

It is about how he claims that this "traditional" look was prevalent and also the "one true look of the jedi" throughout the ages despit the mountain of evidence disproving that.


I don't mind the movie style robes.

I'd be happy if they included them.

I just don't like how he is crusading for the issue as if it was some horrendous affront to his life that bioware didn't include them and that they somehow owe him because of that.


As for that picture, I just picked one of many outfits that look like "traditional" jedi robes (brown robe, white tunic) to point out that it is, despite his many claims to the opposite, quite possible to make your character look like a jedi in-game.


EDIT: Oh and Oddball is a very common username on the internet.

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You seem to be completely missing the point that this argument is between me and Alec.

It's not about the inclusion or exclusion of the movie style robes.


It is about how he goes about demanding the inclusion of them as if bioware has commited some great atrocity by making the robes in the game have short sleeves and belts on the outside of the robe.

It is about how he posts thread after thread after thread on the subject demanding that bioware "fix this".

It is about how he goes into every thread about new cartel packs and points out that there's "no traditional jedi robes" in the pack.

It is about how he claims that this "traditional" look was prevalent and also the "one true look of the jedi" throughout the ages despit the mountain of evidence disproving that.


I don't mind the movie style robes.

I'd be happy if they included them.

I just don't like how he is crusading for the issue as if it was some horrendous affront to his life that bioware didn't include them and that they somehow owe him because of that.


As for that picture, I just picked one of many outfits that look like "traditional" jedi robes (brown robe, white tunic) to point out that it is, despite his many claims to the opposite, quite possible to make your character look like a jedi in-game.


EDIT: Oh and Oddball is a very common username on the internet.


^This^ He posts everywhere in his crusade. As I pointed out, he even went into a thread about outfits that had been campaigned for by other people to complain, in an obnoxious way. It's not about the robes, it's about his behaviour.

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Oddball, I'm sorry. I can't take you seriously anymore. It's very clear what people are asking for. You're arguing for the sake of arguing. I've read all your posts on the subject. I just rarely choose to post in these threads as it's obvious BW does what they want when they want.


There's no missed meaning; no hidden message; nothing complex about what you're saying....at all. You have an issue with verbiage, and it's you who is really missing the point, apparently. It's easily one of the dumbest arguments I've seen on the forums to-date. Call them anything you want, but it's clear what people are asking for.


For the record I also think these threads are annoying. BW knows what they want, and the same crusaders blowing up the forum aren't gonna change anything. I support their message, but not the means they go about delivering it.


If you don't support it cause you think it's a waste of finite resources; well that's fine and dandy. But the arguments you've been making are :| But those walls if text doe......

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Oddball, I'm sorry. I can't take you seriously anymore. It's very clear what people are asking for. You're arguing for the sake of arguing. I've read all your posts on the subject. I just rarely choose to post in these threads as it's obvious BW does what they want when they want.


There's no missed meaning; no hidden message; nothing complex about what you're saying....at all. You have an issue with verbiage, and it's you who is really missing the point, apparently. It's easily one of the dumbest arguments I've seen on the forums to-date. Call them anything you want, but it's clear what people are asking for.


For the record I also think these threads are annoying. BW knows what they want, and the same crusaders blowing up the forum aren't gonna change anything. I support their message, but not the means they go about delivering it.


If you don't support it cause you think it's a waste of finite resources; well that's fine and dandy. But the arguments you've been making are :| But those walls if text doe......


I don't care if you take me seriously or not. That's your perogative.


My discussion is with Alec, not you.

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I don't care if you take me seriously or not. That's your perogative.


My discussion is with Alec, not you.


It's a public forum..... If you want a private two-way conversation send PMs.

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If I post something in reply to Alec and you then take that personally, it's prudent to point out that my discussion was with him, not you.


Don't kid yourself. This is a video game forum. Nothing anyone could say....ever....gets taken personally. I'm just pointing out the ridiculousness of your argument(s).


We all support different things we'd like to see in this game, some bigger than others. There's nothing wrong with that. For example: I don't support the inclusion of anymore romance arcs, whether they be same gender or not. The existing ones lack any real depth or meaning. They are cheap, shallow, cheesy, poorly done, contribute nothing to the story in any real way and would be better left to rp. I think the production of any romance arcs are a waste of finite resources that should be more responsibly allocated to areas of the game that truly need attention and attract subscribers. However, I don't feel the need to troll every sgra thread that pops up from the same crusaders of that.


If that's you're belief on the whole traditional Jedi robe discussion, fine. But arguing over "traditional" and other meaningless semantics as if you're dead *** right is just :| ......and you won't find many who take you seriously.

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Don't kid yourself. This is a video game forum. Nothing anyone could say....ever....gets taken personally. I'm just pointing out the ridiculousness of your argument(s).

We all support different things we'd like to see in this game, some bigger than others. There's nothing wrong with that. For example: I don't support the inclusion of anymore romance arcs, whether they be same gender or not. The existing ones lack any real depth or meaning. They are cheap, shallow, cheesy, poorly done, contribute nothing to the story in any real way and would be better left to rp. I think the production of any romance arcs are a waste of finite resources that should be more responsibly allocated to areas of the game that truly need attention and attract subscribers. However, I don't feel the need to troll every sgra thread that pops up from the same crusaders of that.


If that's you're belief on the whole traditional Jedi robe discussion, fine. But arguing over "traditional" and other meaningless semantics as if you're dead *** right is just :| ......and you won't find many who take you seriously.


You'd be surprised how easily offended people on this forum get when you say an opinion that isn't popular.

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