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Galactic Starfighter Survival Mode


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Thought back on an oldie but goldie when it comes to Star Wars games: Rogue Squadron II on Gamecube. Anybody who has played this game will remember that there was a survival mode at the end of the game where you faced waves and waves of enemy fighters until you were finally taken down.


I got to thinking, with the proper AI programming? We could very easily institute something similar to GSF for swtor.


I imagine it as one-on-one dogfights with AI controlled fighters. The fighters are random, and get progressively more difficult as you play on. No healing between rounds, just stay alive for as long as you can until they finally get you.


I know some people will say "Oh but what about repair bombers, or crew members who repair hull damage?" Well yes that will be a factor, but remember a gunship can knock out a repair bomber without ever putting itself in danger. Anyways, it's just my idea. Thought I'd put it out there.

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The reason you cannot do AI for GSF is the servers cannot handle it.


General AI are complicated in themselves, having a server calculating AI for several instances and on top of everything else it does, is too much. That's why the mobs in the ground game are simply threat tables rather than actual AI.

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This is absolutely false. Freelancer was doing it ages ago. Basic space sim AIs are a solved problem.


Was is true Ai or was it the SWbattlefront type of "AI" where the NPC just randomly jump between invisible predetermined paths, and fire when a enemy ship happens to cross in front of them?

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This is absolutely false. Freelancer was doing it ages ago. Basic space sim AIs are a solved problem.


It can be done, but it'd be a fairly large investment of development resources which could otherwise go somewhere else.


Something I've seen batted around the forums a few times; a TDM mode where you can only spawn each of your ships once. That might be fun to see.

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