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Scoreboard / inflight metrics that matter


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Get outta here with your "dps" or whatever. Those would all be nice to have, but here's what you really need!


> If you shoot at someone and your (you the player) bead was true, but you (you the character) missed because of accuracy or evasion, it should say something like "evade". Anything would be fine here- "0", "miss", "evade", "dodge". The point is that if you instead just clicked into space, it wouldn't say anything. This would do more to train new pilots than probably any other thing, as well as providing veterans a lot of understanding of what the heck is going on in many other situations.


> Shield damage should appear in blue text, hull damage in some other color. This would be a configuration option.


> Shield damage and hull damage should be able to be fathomed on the scoreboard. If you did a lot of shield damage that's nice, but if a pike did more hull damage than you, then maybe that's important to note. Because the "map is not the territory" but people confuse them, we already see many players moving away from hull damage effects because they don't light the scoreboard up, despite being very important.


> Damage done by anyone should be able to be broken down by ship and weapon type. Ex: if you flew a scout and a gunship, I want to see how much damage was done with burst laser cannon - flashfire, cluster missile - flashfire, burst laser cannon - quarrel, slug railgun - quarrel, etc.


> A visual hint for aimed missiles should be available. This is mostly available because of the frequency of the beeping, but it becomes a UI issue when multiple ships are on you. Even good pilots will make mistakes because they mistake one for another when being pressured by multiple pliots. Ultimately, your ability to train your ear is not a good metric for your flying skill- its just an emergent trick that the game offers.


> Ability to break down damage by target on the scoreboard. If you spent the whole game farming McNoSkill, I should be able to see that.


> Ideally a prominent way of showing how much damage is going on via damage overcharge as well. I love scooping these up and blowing people up, but if people are going to look at scoreboards and care, then we should be able to distinguish between a 5x damage overcharge game and one with 0 or 1.







> It's a dream, but an ability to measure peels and other valuable tricks would be nice. I can't think of a way to show that, however.

Edited by Verain
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I like your UI suggestions regarding missile locks and showing damage/miss/evade.


Nothing is more depressing in this game for me than lining up a railgun shot on a turret or drone and flat out missing....Did it evade? Did I just miss somehow? ***?


A lot of the scoreboard changes you mention would be kind of nice, but not that helpful imo. You'd have to search through different menus to find damage per ship, damage done to different targets, etc.


I'd say most people don't really care, just exit the damn thing and queue up again fast that way you don't miss the next game! Oh crap, I missed it now I have to wait 10-15 mins :(


Or if you do care, just take a quick screenshot then exit...but you won't get that level of detail in any one screenshot anyway.

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Get outta here with your "dps" or whatever. Those would all be nice to have, but here's what you really need!


> If you shoot at someone and your (you the player) bead was true, but you (you the character) missed because of accuracy or evasion, it should say something like "evade". Anything would be fine here- "0", "miss", "evade", "dodge". The point is that if you instead just clicked into space, it wouldn't say anything. This would do more to train new pilots than probably any other thing, as well as providing veterans a lot of understanding of what the heck is going on in many other situations.


> Shield damage should appear in blue text, hull damage in some other color. This would be a configuration option.


No idea why it's not that way already, it seems fairly simple and we need that info.


> Shield damage and hull damage should be able to be fathomed on the scoreboard. If you did a lot of shield damage that's nice, but if a pike did more hull damage than you, then maybe that's important to note. Because the "map is not the territory" but people confuse them, we already see many players moving away from hull damage effects because they don't light the scoreboard up, despite being very important.


> Damage done by anyone should be able to be broken down by ship and weapon type. Ex: if you flew a scout and a gunship, I want to see how much damage was done with burst laser cannon - flashfire, cluster missile - flashfire, burst laser cannon - quarrel, slug railgun - quarrel, etc.


This seems more complicated but better info would help players see where they are lacking and it would be an invaluable balancing tool, knowing which weapon is doing more damage then it should would be great.


> A visual hint for aimed missiles should be available. This is mostly available because of the frequency of the beeping, but it becomes a UI issue when multiple ships are on you. Even good pilots will make mistakes because they mistake one for another when being pressured by multiple pliots. Ultimately, your ability to train your ear is not a good metric for your flying skill- its just an emergent trick that the game offers.


Making the lock on visual color coded by type of missile would be a great addition to the game.


> Ability to break down damage by target on the scoreboard. If you spent the whole game farming McNoSkill, I should be able to see that.


This one we can kind of already do by checking the messages, we get *Bob killed Bill* message.


> Ideally a prominent way of showing how much damage is going on via damage overcharge as well. I love scooping these up and blowing people up, but if people are going to look at scoreboards and care, then we should be able to distinguish between a 5x damage overcharge game and one with 0 or 1.


A bonus damage indicator, seems like a decent idea.







> It's a dream, but an ability to measure peels and other valuable tricks would be nice. I can't think of a way to show that, however.


In War Thunder when you shoot down a plane that has recently damage an allied unit (be it land vehicle, another fighter, bomber, base, ship, etc) you get points for "type of unit defender".


There could be medals for destroying a ship that has recently damaged an allied ship or turret


I would add:


- The ability to target allied ships


- Being able to click on the mini-map and sending a squadron wide signal: defend, attack or patrol.

You click on the sector then press 5, 6 or 7 and a team messages says "pilot such & such is requesting for help in defending in sector such & such.

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Yeah, the ability to target friendlies is the biggest thing missing from the OP. Being able to tell when allies are in trouble would make it soooo much easier to use support abilities, especially healing abilities.


Other than that omission, I agree w/ the OP, especially the part about distinguishing between bad aim and RNG from accuracy/evasion. Being able to tell if you need to work on your aim or if you just had crappy RNG rolls would eliminate a big source of frustration.

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Some of them are UI elements. Targeting a friendly would also be huge, esp with repair probes. Honestly, even targeting wouldn't be the NEEDED part- just the display with a little green bar would be great. Adding targeting would mean either "target friendly" as a keybind, or a second friendly target- both would be kinda nonintutitive.


A combat log would of course be excellent, but some of these aren't that. I would really like to have the option to shield and hull damage broken out with every shot I make tbh.




And I do think we'd see trends like "hey, wow, clusters are doing double the damage of concussions". Since the devs have this information (and are probably making balance tweaks) making a bit more of it available would probably make the changes more palatable- if in my example, you thought clusters and concussions were comparable but looking at the numbers showed otherwise, you might be like "hrm, well, ok".

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I would like to see some support specific stats on the scoreboard and UI improvements to help support roles.


1. I would like to see healing (hull and shield) shown on the scoreboard.

2. Some thing on the scoreboard to show buffs applied to allies. It's hard to quantify the effectiveness of speed/turning/accuracy buffs to teammates but I would like to see some effort made there.

3. Have the UI show allied health bars at the very least and even better allow us to target allies. It is so hard to know how effective that repair probe or shield projector was or if it was even needed.

4. A hotkey system for targeting an enemy ship or objective. This would place a marker above or around a ship (like marks in ground pvp). This mark could be like ground pvp where it last until taken off or it could be a temporary mark (30sec) and ping the map alerting allies when it is placed (a la League of Legends).


That last one is not really a metric but I just thought of it as I was writing this.

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An announcement saying "A lost a turret" or something along those lines in domination wouldn't be bad. That could actually serve as a way for new players to understand the concept of situational awareness.... Not necessary by any means, but it would serve as the trumpet call for the troops to gtf in gear (I think it's called Reville or something? I-can't-get-em-up-I-can't-get-em-up-I-can't-get-em-up-this-mor-ning). Unneccesary, not a big deal by any means, but it could help people... Then again, I doubt it when trying to strategize in the beginning (Go b and A) and watching half my team go to c only to get destroyed.... Oh teammates Edited by SammyGStatus
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