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Annihilation pvp- Needs to be buffed


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Our bleeds are cleasnable and overall anni just isnt viable in pvp anymore... It is my fav spec and i refuse to play say rage.... Its totally lame man... Reallly gets me down that my fav class spec is the least viable.... errrggggg.... please dont flame me, im just tired of anni only being good in 1v1 situations
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Our bleeds are cleasnable and overall anni just isnt viable in pvp anymore... It is my fav spec and i refuse to play say rage.... Its totally lame man... Reallly gets me down that my fav class spec is the least viable.... errrggggg.... please dont flame me, im just tired of anni only being good in 1v1 situations


Dude, you might wanna take a look at the changes being tested in 2.8 on the pts, did someone say uncleansable dots O.o

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  • 2 weeks later...
Weird to see people asking for buffs when Anni/Watch was the only good marauder spec (That wasn't smash). like it was really strong back in the day... I just came back so this is all pretty new to me.
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  • 2 weeks later...
im interested in this as well. if thats on a PVP dummy anni will be one of best pvp classes/specs in the game again


Using PVE gear, my overload saber dots with both relics procced hit for around 3450 damage. Using PVP gear, 3300 with both relics procced is possible. However, both relics being procced at the same can result in 11000+ mauls for assassin, 12000+ heatseekers for mercs, and 7500+ dispatchs for guardians. Both relics being procced gives an extra 675 mainstat and 675 power.


After trying out annihilation spec on the PTS, annihilation spec will be playable after patch 2.8, but it is not going to be FotM. Annihilation spec still has no burst DPS.

Edited by TheCourier-
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It can do half-decent dps now, i guess.






However it lacks mobility against classes with roots, slows, snares etc and has the cleanse problem. Plus it has some ramp up as well. The 2nd screenshot for example i would have done way better as carnage, maybe not so much numbers (though probably could have done close iif not more) I would have probably killed way more since i wouldn't have been constantly cleansed, kited against 3 healers, etcetc. (i mean.. i killed one of the healers as anni... soooo xD)


It'll do better dps with the buff and will probably be capable of some nice numbers especially now you can't be cleansed, great for pressure comps but will still suffer the root/snare/slowed problem. Carnage is a lot more mobile with the camo breaking those and the increased movement speed (also roots of its own, not to mention mega burst)

Edited by AngusFTW
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Well ...ye.... its on live i don't think a wz has popped on pts since the new huttball was being tested... it was just a derp against 3 healers.. against some superqueueing french (or just 2 french premades who got in together whatever) while i was in a random pug.. just went full tunnel mode :p Now with the uncleansable dots and the buff to there dmg it would have been pretty nice :p

The sentinel below on that scoreboard did 1.8k as nerfed focus :p healerfest..

Edited by AngusFTW
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