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perma rooted wars


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Seriously? Unless he sucks he soaks up most of their damage and kills at least one of them before going down. Put a single sorc or sniper in the same position and they are dead, sniper, or useless for 8s then dead anyways, sorc. Let's quit acting like everything is equal and anyone can do what a jugg can do.


They simply can't; juggs are at the top of the food chain against anyone but a well played sinn, 50/50, and a sniper who starts the fight with their cc immunity barrier up (I'm really annoyed right now that I can't think of the name, irritating but I digress) and even then I wouldn't count the jugg completely out with all of his defensives, the sniper is not going to just get a free kill.


If anyone denies the current state of juggs they are delusional or attempting to divert attention from the obvious to avoid a nerf. There is little reason to play any other melee DPS spec that does have stealth at the moment. Vengeance is superior to all of them.




you act as though juggs can take giant chunks out of a players health, or kill someone with three moves like carnage can...seriously...


have you even played the damn spec?

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Instead of moaning, try not to be so exposed in group combat - such as Huttball or Queshball etc. ALWAYS have an escape rOOt (LOL route ) planned. Yes it's difficult and annoying but the developers don't play their game, so we just have to adapt.


Lost count how many times I was knocked back in just 5 seconds last night, then snared/rooted x3. But asking Bioware to try and balance their game is like asking them to not add stuff to the Cartel Market, aint gonna happen

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It wasn't presented correctly in this thread but imho there's way too many roots in this game. Not just from melee obviously but many classes have roots on a short CD, which add up, especially classes with AoE/cleave roots.
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Explain how dying in two globals is alright.


I'll do both. It's cause you're facing multiple toons. Also every single ravage is interruptible. Seriously......this conversation has reached levels of ridiculousness.


If U die in two globals then you're bad , once again I'm not talking about solo Mara/ jugg srsly guy.

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Seriously? Unless he sucks he soaks up most of their damage and kills at least one of them before going down. Put a single sorc or sniper in the same position and they are dead, sniper, or useless for 8s then dead anyways, sorc. Let's quit acting like everything is equal and anyone can do what a jugg can do.


They simply can't; juggs are at the top of the food chain against anyone but a well played sinn, 50/50, and a sniper who starts the fight with their cc immunity barrier up (I'm really annoyed right now that I can't think of the name, irritating but I digress) and even then I wouldn't count the jugg completely out with all of his defensives, the sniper is not going to just get a free kill.


If anyone denies the current state of juggs they are delusional or attempting to divert attention from the obvious to avoid a nerf. There is little reason to play any other melee DPS spec that does have stealth at the moment. Vengeance is superior to all of them.



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Ashwinn is just mad that he can't run around and free cast and lol his way to victory. Why should other classes have roots and counters to his sprint and knock back. Its not like he has the ability to spec into his sprint being able to break roots.


I knocked him back but then he leaped me.


i tried to sprint away and then he rooted me.


I'm sorry but have you even tried to play a combat sent? the roots are the only way that they can stay on target. I'm sorry that you got focused by multiple Sents and you had no defensive CD's to counter, and it seems that you were really unlucky to be rooted into place for 7 secs. But lets be honest how ofter does that happen? Lets talk about multiple sorcs chain casting lighting and slowing melee while they melt, that happens every single WZ. Do we complain about it? Well some of us do... but most just see it as a mechanic of the game and something you have to learn to counter.


Getting ganked by multiple engaging targets with all defensive abilities on CD and no healer to save you, you die


Working as intended.


So lets stop crying that you died.

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Ashwinn is just mad that he can't run around and free cast and lol his way to victory. Why should other classes have roots and counters to his sprint and knock back. Its not like he has the ability to spec into his sprint being able to break roots.


I knocked him back but then he leaped me.


i tried to sprint away and then he rooted me.


I'm sorry but have you even tried to play a combat sent? the roots are the only way that they can stay on target. I'm sorry that you got focused by multiple Sents and you had no defensive CD's to counter, and it seems that you were really unlucky to be rooted into place for 7 secs. But lets be honest how ofter does that happen? Lets talk about multiple sorcs chain casting lighting and slowing melee while they melt, that happens every single WZ. Do we complain about it? Well some of us do... but most just see it as a mechanic of the game and something you have to learn to counter.


Getting ganked by multiple engaging targets with all defensive abilities on CD and no healer to save you, you die


Working as intended.


So lets stop crying that you died.


Funny thing is I'm not coming about this from a merc point of view. I don't think you have seen how deadly 3 sent/guardian team can be with perma roots. Its being totally shutdown use cc break ms snared again crippling throw snared again ms again snared etc. The snares are a bit overhaul and need to be toned down its basically a guaranteed kill cause whoever they focus can't get away so to those bringing up being focused by multiple people with no snares is fine with me.

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you act as though juggs can take giant chunks out of a players health, or kill someone with three moves like carnage can...seriously...


have you even played the damn spec?


Did I say they can burst like carnage? I said they will live long enough to kill one of the players attacking them whereas the sorc and sniper will all die. As to taking large chunks of damage from players since you pulled carnage out of your backside to shoot down a strawman let's use them as an example. The highest parsing sentinel/mara is currently combat/carnage at 3869 DPS. The highest parsing jugg/knight is a veng/vig at 3865 DPS. You will see in their parses they both hit in excess of 15k+ in a single go.


You will note that while the mara/sent did hit 21k at one point the peaks are usually much closer to the 15k+ range of the veng/vig jugg. On top of that they have much lower valleys whereas the veng/vig jugg is MUCH more consistently high while still pushing those even higher burst phases of 4400+ DPS. They are not combat/carnage burst but not many are. On the other hand they are pushing 200 DPS higher than lightning/tk sorcs/sages with much better survivability and are much more difficult to shutdown. Basically to shut one down you have to kill them. Don't pretend they are weak in the DPS department, you are not fooling anyone.


If you play one and are unable to pull this off perhaps it is because you are a bad. I suggest L2P.

Edited by skarlson
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Did I say they can burst like carnage? I said they will live long enough to kill one of the players attacking them whereas the sorc and sniper will all die. As to taking large chunks of damage from players since you pulled carnage out of your backside to shoot down a strawman let's use them as an example. The highest parsing sentinel/mara is currently combat/carnage at 3869 DPS. The highest parsing jugg/knight is a veng/vig at 3865 DPS. You will see in their parses they both hit in excess of 15k+ in a single go.


You will note that while the mara/sent did hit 21k at one point the peaks are usually much closer to the 15k+ range of the veng/vig jugg. On top of that they have much lower valleys whereas the veng/vig jugg is MUCH more consistently high while still pushing those even higher burst phases of 4400+ DPS. They are not combat/carnage burst but not many are. On the other hand they are pushing 200 DPS higher than lightning/tk sorcs/sages with much better survivability and are much more difficult to shutdown. Basically to shut one down you have to kill them. Don't pretend they are weak in the DPS department, you are not fooling anyone.


If you play one and are unable to pull this off perhaps it is because you are a bad. I suggest L2P.


I am just curious are you talking about a parse for carnage on a dummy? I don't mean any disrespect but the burst from carnage comes from the following as far as I know: Charge into Ravage (with berserk up) and Gore and hope for execute (which allows a force scream in there) then battering for rage and spam massacre for slaughter proc and gore reset and hoping to get RNG execute proc (which you m ay not have even gotten at this point). Slaughter resets gore and then you can force scream with gore (if execute up). Now there's no doubt this is crazy damage when everything falls into place on a parse dummy however try getting past your initial Ravage in this rotation without getting interrupted in any pvp match. On top of that most maras wont charge in for strategic reasons meaning you lose 3 rage at the start anyways leaving only your battering assault for an initial rage buildup. Now if you don't use ravage off the bat (note ravage costs no rage) then sure you can spam massacre for a hopeful execute proc however remember you're only gonna have 6 rage off battering (if you don't charge in) and your gonna burn your slaughter proc before your execute proc hits 9 times out of 10....leaving a lot of potential damage on the table in theory. Keep in mind through all of this your gonna have to keep your target snared which also costs rage and takes away from burst. On top of that most times you can take berserk off the table as you want a predation handy for your teammates for strategic reasons depending on the wz which again takes away from using berserk or bloodthirst.


I am very curious when people talk about carnage burst what rotation or series of moves they are talking about to achieve it in a pvp match that is not being interrupted. I mean no disrespect at all I am actually curious.

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Their big burst is gore/ravage+scream or VT, but you can't use it right away and expect to get it off right away. People expect it then. Stay aware of what defensives and CCs have been used by your intended target, and you'll land a lot more full ravages.
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Snipers and sorcs have plenty of roots as well. Yes, getting rooted can be frustrating as ranged, but it is equally, if not more frustrating as a melee.


Incorrect. We have ONE root as Madness, which is all the way at the top of the tree. And it's only 2 seconds. You have to spec Lightning to get multiple "roots" and it's not very viable in a 1v1 situation. it's only good if no one is focusing you. Slow only lasts 6 seconds. and they can just leap to you, slow you, Enraged defense, and outlast any damage yo put out.

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Incorrect. We have ONE root as Madness, which is all the way at the top of the tree. And it's only 2 seconds. You have to spec Lightning to get multiple "roots" and it's not very viable in a 1v1 situation. it's only good if no one is focusing you. Slow only lasts 6 seconds. and they can just leap to you, slow you, Enraged defense, and outlast any damage yo put out.


Where did he specifically mention madness? Hint, he didn't; he said sorcs, and he's correct. Sorcs also have a stun which is a base class ability, whereas jugs do not.


Pro tip: every ravage is interruptible. The root does not persist if the ravage is interrupted.

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Where did he specifically mention madness? Hint, he didn't; he said sorcs, and he's correct. Sorcs also have a stun which is a base class ability, whereas jugs do not.


Pro tip: every ravage is interruptible. The root does not persist if the ravage is interrupted.


This. As Madness you have a root every 9s. That is the lowest CD root in the game. Additionally, madness and lightning can force speed out of roots. As lightning or hybrid, you get 2 AOE roots. Yes, one of those roots only lasts 1s, but it is AOE and has a slow attached to it that is enough to interrupt abilities such as a shadow's force speed. Additionally, lightning and hybrid have an AOE mez whenever their bubbles pop.


Yes, melee have more DCDs to rotate through, but ranged, especially sorcs, have a lot of control abilities that they can rotate through.

Edited by Andrew_Past
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LOL I find it hilarious people think Veng has the burst of Carnage. You have to be truly delusional. 99 percent of the time the only reason why veng has any burst at all is some idiot who is permarooting that one veng jugg, and when he FINALLY catches up his dispatch hits you for 9k assuming it crits. You time your CC/Hardstun on a Vig right, you don't root him/slowly snare him as he slowly advances on you. That's just dumb. If you root a Jugg, you need to run, if they break it, they are coming to you for bloody murder.


Seriously, timing of hardstuns is everything.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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Its overpowered when you have 3 sents on you able to root u one after another built in with there hardest hitting ability.


It's not the roots that are pissing me off with the Sents / Juggs, it's the immunity to my roots / snares / pushbacks that's annoying as hell :p


Makes it damn hard to kite them :D

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It's not the roots that are pissing me off with the Sents / Juggs, it's the immunity to my roots / snares / pushbacks that's annoying as hell :p


Makes it damn hard to kite them :D


Veng jugs are extremely easy to kite. I find veng jugs to be the easiest melee class to kite as a sage. Carnage is harder due to predation, but very susceptible to knockbacks, roots, and stuns.

Edited by Telaan
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Veng jugs are extremely easy to kite. I find veng jugs to be the easiest melee class to kite as a sage. Carnage is harder due to predation, but very susceptible to knockbacks, roots, and stuns.


Bad juggs are easy to kite. Good juggs are nearly impossible to kite, especially if they have force push up.

Edited by jack__
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Bad juggs are easy to kite. Good juggs are nearly impossible to kite, especially if they have force push up.


Regardless of their skill level, I find them to be the easiest to kite. Without unremitting they're very easy to manipulate.

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