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Thoughts on a Legacy Hangar option?


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So I was discussing the idea with some GSF pilots I typically play with about allowing players to have access to a legacy hangar filled with any ships that the legacy has mastered. Notice I said mastered and not bought as that is important to my idea.


Those who do play GSF spend their time perfecting and mastering the ships they like, but when they go to another character in their legacy they have to start all over. Now if we had access either through a cartel coin purchase or through the devs implementing it in code through a patch to all the ships we have mastered across the legacy I think this would bring more people to GSF which would in turn reduce que times.

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So I was discussing the idea with some GSF pilots I typically play with about allowing players to have access to a legacy hangar filled with any ships that the legacy has mastered. Notice I said mastered and not bought as that is important to my idea.


Those who do play GSF spend their time perfecting and mastering the ships they like, but when they go to another character in their legacy they have to start all over. Now if we had access either through a cartel coin purchase or through the devs implementing it in code through a patch to all the ships we have mastered across the legacy I think this would bring more people to GSF which would in turn reduce que times.


Early in GSF Closed Beta, we asked why the Hangar wasn't Legacy-wide to begin with (or at least Legacy-wide per faction). The devs said it just wasn't technically feasible, unfortunately :(


It's been asked about a couple of times since, and that's always the same reply.


More cynically, I suspect it is simply due to BioWare wanting to maximize the amount of GSF progression needed. That extends playing time and increases the chance someone will spend CC to convert Ship Req into Fleet Req.

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.... increases the chance someone will spend CC to convert Ship Req into Fleet Req.


Sadly I will have to say that I have done that. Generally I do that to use the reqs I have earned on ships I do not fly such as my scouts and my GS, and until more recently my SF. Granted I have not bought CC to do this and only do it with my sub grant.


I do not see how it would be too hard for them to do. After all they instituted the collections system.

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That extends playing time and increases the chance someone will spend CC to convert Ship Req into Fleet Req.


I would play more with shared hangars -- would encourage me to level more alts. After 3 alts with different ships, it gets kind of old. No more motivation for me.


They would also make more money if Mastered Ships were shared per OP's idea: people would use cc to change their mastered ship req (which they don't need) to fleet req.


I never understood the 'not technically feasible' part either...think that's Bioware's 'go-to' response to anything ;)

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Early in GSF Closed Beta, we asked why the Hangar wasn't Legacy-wide to begin with (or at least Legacy-wide per faction). The devs said it just wasn't technically feasible, unfortunately :(


Did they ever say whether it was unfeasable to have Legacy perks that are earned once you master a ship? For example once you master a Star Guard you get a legacy wide perk that grants a 10% bonus to Star Guard req earnings?


Something like that might not be much but it would at least give some legacy value to mastering a ship.

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Did they ever say whether it was unfeasable to have Legacy perks that are earned once you master a ship? For example once you master a Star Guard you get a legacy wide perk that grants a 10% bonus to Star Guard req earnings?


Something like that might not be much but it would at least give some legacy value to mastering a ship.


That idea might work but it still leaves the problem of having to remaster a ship you already mastered.

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Sadly I will have to say that I have done that. Generally I do that to use the reqs I have earned on ships I do not fly such as my scouts and my GS, and until more recently my SF. Granted I have not bought CC to do this and only do it with my sub grant.


I do not see how it would be too hard for them to do. After all they instituted the collections system.


You shouldn't feel ashamed of doing so. Think of it this way: by spending CC on GSF, you are telling the devs in completely clear terms, "I like GSF and will spend money on it. Keep focusing resources on making it better."


It's actually one of the few systems in the game where we can spend our money with such clear intent.


With Cartel Packs, BioWare doesn't know what in the pack we are trying to get when we spend CC on it. And with Subscriptions, there's any number of perks someone might subscribe for.

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Ive always thought that it *could* be legacy wide. Though I can see why this hadnt happened, a previous poster was correct, they are attmpting to squeeze more out of the system bu making it character specific. It would be nice though as someone said to have faction wide ship unlocks, maybe not the components but the ships at least could carry over to other characters of the same faction (perhaps as a full mastery perk, like when you purchase EVERYTHING fully upgraded)
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Meh...it was something they needed to have included at GSF launch. Trying to implement any type of hangar legacy sharing now would be far too complicated...


-Do you want it to overwrite some of your existing ships on alts? Do you want the option to have it or not? Does it apply cross-faction?


I don't see Bioware going to that level of difficulty in an update. But it would definitely be cool.

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I understand Biowares position of course for people like me that GSF has reignited an interest in space games, they just make it into a choice of dealing with GSF's shortcomings or going to something that is fun.


Edit: Just a note I wrote that in between restarting the game for the 5th time so i could get off the Esselles.

Edited by General_Brass
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That idea might work but it still leaves the problem of having to remaster a ship you already mastered.


Very true, but at least it would decrease the grind somewhat. Personally I'd prefer a legacy bonus that granted much more than an extra 10% but 10% is better than the nothing we have right now.

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Yeah, I made the mistake of making my gunslinger my GSF main. It's my least played lvl 55 and I'd much rather quest on my sage or shadow while waiting for the queue to pop. Early in GSF queues were fast enough so it didn't matter, now I wish legacy hangers were possible, and would probably spring a hefty chunk of CC to unlock upgraded ships on my sage. For now though, if the queue doesn't pop in 5 min or less I just don't play GSF.
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