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GS suggestions

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Ok now for real discussion.


Actually, on my server, I see less attendance at Galactic Starfighter.

I don't know if this problem is present on all servers, or not.


Why must people make statements like this and not say their server. /sigh. GSF is a lightweight game compared to ground game. Ground game has a level grind and then a gear grind at level cap. GSF only has a "gear" grind. So it is much easier to roll a new toon on a new server. Currently the strongest play seems to be on 4 or 5 servers.


Jedi Covenant - My Server

The Harbinger

The Ebon Hawk


It's also apprently healthy on the PvP servers

Profacy of the Five(Pot5)

The Bastion


So, I think it might be interesting to implement additional features at GS.


Firstly - Decrease waiting time

Add smaller maps and squadrons : similar to arenas (4vs4 ground PvP).

-> Goal: Reduce the waiting time (the waiting time discourages)

I think it's not difficult for "deathmatch - map" to implement smaller map for small squadrons.


This actually only works for low que servers and would really suck on high que pop servers as you've made a game mode they don't need but is still in the rotation. Arenas are a very evolved form of additional gameplay you would have to do more then simply shrink the map to make a 4v4 GSF make sense to all servers.


Secondly - Encourage reroll not discourage reroll

When we have a ship with all capacities, it's discouraging start from 0.

So, suggestions:

- Permit at daily pass (grant 750 ship requisition) and weekly (grant 500 fleet requisition and 2500 ship requisition) pass to be bound to Legacy

- Or more simple, permit at Fleet requisiton to be bound to Legacy


All of this has been proposed many times please find those threads. In short your not telling the devs anything they haven't already heard.


Thirdly - Increase benefit

During the space battles:

- Permit to gain valor in space battle

- Permit to increment "basic" Legacy achievements (example: Manhunter)


I'm not sure Valor worked out too well for ground PvP honestly, we would need something a little more of a 2014 idea. Valor is so irrelevant it's a scale that only goes up over time until it caps.


As for achievements there are already a ton. Fleet Admiral, Space Ace, The Devastator to name the 3 I'm most seeking I'm not sure there is a Manhunter equivalent in GSF but 3/5 of current maps and the rumored "Assault" map(s) are Objective focused not Kill focused. So a GSF Manhunter Achievemnet would poison the well a little.

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Ok before this discussion even starts.


GS = Gunship or Gunslinger


We say GSF for Galactic Star Fighter here just to eliminate confusion.


Post name GS (subject) on Galactif Starfighter section, I don't think people search Gunslinger on Galactic Starfighter section :)

On section "Suggestion box", subject name explicit : Galactic Starfighter.


So I think we don't have any confusion ;)



Edited by DocteurStrange
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Post name GS (subject) on Galactif Starfighter section, I don't think people search Gunslinger on Galactic Starfighter section :)

On section "Suggestion box", subject name explicit : Galactic Starfighter.


So I think we don't have any confusion ;)




Except in this Galactic Star Fighter forum:


GS means Gunship (he said twice now)


Please read carefully

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Post name GS (subject) on Galactif Starfighter section, I don't think people search Gunslinger on Galactic Starfighter section :)

On section "Suggestion box", subject name explicit : Galactic Starfighter.


So I think we don't have any confusion ;)




uh yeah we do have confusion, when I saw the thread title I automatically assumed it was suggestions for gunships, not GSF in general. As mr_sim said GS =/= Galactic Starfighter, among the crowd that plays this game mode GS = gunship. You'll get a much better response from people who play GSF if you use the right abbreviations, but if you use the wrong ones at best you'll confuse people and at worse people won't take you seriously (the whole "if you can't even use the right abbreviations how much do you really know about the debates on the subject" attitude; maybe not fair but part of human nature in sorting insider from outsider).

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It's also apprently healthy on the PvP servers

Profacy of the Five(Pot5)

The Bastion



Sorry near dead on Pot5. At a guess it's currently at about 7 hours a day where you can get a Queue in a reasonable amount of time and that window seems to be shrinking.


I don't know about the bastion but I would have to check it out.


I doubt it's going to stay healthy on the other servers for long. The dynamics of the game seem custom made to alienate most people that play.


This actually only works for low que servers and would really suck on high que pop servers as you've made a game mode they don't need but is still in the rotation. Arenas are a very evolved form of additional gameplay you would have to do more then simply shrink the map to make a 4v4 GSF make sense to all servers.


Lets see, because 4v4 wouldn't be interesting in and of itself ? if nothing else it would let matchmaking actually happen.


All of this has been proposed many times please find those threads. In short your not telling the devs anything they haven't already heard.


LOL I wouldn't be too sure they have heard anything. Having my ships and earnings legacy wide would be a tremendous incentive. Barring that the gear grind in this game should just be done away with.


The stock ships are pretty awful period. I don't care how good a pilot you think you are the only thing they are good for is fighting people that just don't know whats going on in the game. Anyone who is moderately competent in a mastered or near mastered ship will take apart a base build in a blink.


I'm not sure Valor worked out too well for ground PvP honestly, we would need something a little more of a 2014 idea. Valor is so irrelevant it's a scale that only goes up over time until it caps.


Well we definitely something to bring more people in.


Bad Matches + Low Rewards = nobody wants to play

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Sorry near dead on Pot5. At a guess it's currently at about 7 hours a day where you can get a Queue in a reasonable amount of time and that window seems to be shrinking.


This statement adds an air of pessimism to your opinions from my perspective.


I think it's simply going to be that GSF only really happens on 3 or 4 servers. It's not ideal but at least there are 3 or 4 strong communities that are going.


The Devs do read the forums they've heard the call for Legacy fleet req. Of this I can 100% assure you. I don't think it;s going to happen though.


I do feel that GSF is really "That thing you do when you hit the H key" I wish there was more then simply titles to put on your ground character from it.

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Well we definitely something to bring more people in.


Bad Matches + Low Rewards = nobody wants to play


adding reputation rewards to GSF matches that can be used to earn rewards from the Kuat rep vendor might help. If there were cool armors, mounts, dyes etc. that could only be gotten by playing GSF that might motivate people to play more.


take the cartel contracts or whatever they are that sometimes drop from CM crates and are required to buy some of the items sold by the CM crate rep vendors; to keep it with the theme of GSF instead of being contracts or something make them "kill trophies" (in essence scraps of enemy ships you shot down as trophies, the more kill/assists you get in a match the more trophies you earn for cool stuff).


I'd also implement a modified reward system where it gives a team 1.5X (or even 2X) the rewards they'd normally earn if they had more 2-3 ship newbies on their team than the other side. That way if matchmaking screws you it helps decrease the damage done to the rewards you get at end game (and if by some miracle you win you'll get a very nice reward). Also set the credit reward to have a minimum of a heroic daily mission (I dunno if the reward currently scales with level as I primarily play on my level 55 but at level 55 make it so you'll always earn at least the equivalent of what you'd have gotten doing a level 55 heroic, if you win you get even more).

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Post name GS (subject) on Galactif Starfighter section, I don't think people search Gunslinger on Galactic Starfighter section :)

On section "Suggestion box", subject name explicit : Galactic Starfighter.


So I think we don't have any confusion ;)




No, there is definitely ambiguity. As has been stated: GS = gunship. That's what I was expecting to see here based on the thread title. You need to clarify.

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This statement adds an air of pessimism to your opinions from my perspective.


I will affirm that I am pessimistic on this topic.


I think it's simply going to be that GSF only really happens on 3 or 4 servers. It's not ideal but at least there are 3 or 4 strong communities that are going.


I don't see that continuing. As was noted elsewhere, the gap between new players and veteran players is ever increasing so the concentration into a few active communities means they have the greatest discouragement to new players. An official server that people could freely transfer to might help, or it might magnify the problem. But once again without new players to grow the game it's very hard to see the community stabilizing.

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the gap between new players and veteran players is ever increasing


How do you figure? My mastered ships aren't getting MORE mastered, you know? Meanwhile, if I play 10 games, the skill I gain is definitely less than someone with four games under his belt.


The gap betwixt new and old is DECREASING, in fact!



The real danger is this: the game is sorta narrow compared to some games. It's really what it says, and it doesn't bribe you with a bunch of crap or lie to you or try to min/max your dopamine or blah blah blah. It's just a good game, and when the community tires of it legitimately it won't have queues like it does today. They can keep it fresh, of course, but I dunno HOW fresh.


IMO it's the best part of all of SWTOR.

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How do you figure? My mastered ships aren't getting MORE mastered, you know? Meanwhile, if I play 10 games, the skill I gain is definitely less than someone with four games under his belt.


The gap betwixt new and old is DECREASING, in fact!


You are in a mastered ship and have what 500, 1000, more than a 1000 games under your belt ?


I'd say that's a pretty big gap that isn't shrinking.

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You are in a mastered ship and have what 500, 1000, more than a 1000 games under your belt ?


I'd say that's a pretty big gap that isn't shrinking.


Your assumption on matches played is way off the mark I think. Yes there are a few people who may have hit the thousand match mark but they are very few in number.


For the record I'm at about 400 matches, I've played since Dec 3 and never missed a weekly on my GSF main.


Second I only fly my mastered ship(s) about 30% of my flight time, usually when my team is loosing. The rest of the time I fly unmastered ships to get them upgraded. Sure I mostly see a marked increase in my performance when I switch to my mastered(Quell usually) and there are players I never see in anything but their Master Flashfire. Yet most veterans I think are looking for exciting matches not just being on the winning side of a Roflstomp.


The formula is clear though. You need to take your medicine for 100 matches, that's about 2 months if your only clearing your daily. I think it took me around 2 months the first character I leveled in Swtor ground game, certainly even longer to gear at level 50.

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I think I would like to see an semi open space zone (think outlaws den for ground pvp). This open zone would have both pve targets piloted by AI, and be an open pvp area for newbie pilots. Req's could be earned by completing objectives. I think the zone should have a ship cap on it so experienced players cannot harrass new players and have diminishing returns on the reqs earned to encourage players to get into the "real" gsf matches. Edited by dailus
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