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Strongholds are legacy wide...


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Ah yes....


Nothing like condemning something before you have sufficient data to determine if you actually have a problem here, or just more options. :rolleyes:


Personally, until Strongholds is released, and we see what the actual Character/Legacy dependencies are (if any), I see no point in getting all worked up about it. AND... how about we stop pretending that the way new something releases in a major patch is the way it will stay forever. ;)


As for the "nobility" and "specialness" of RP... and the /slap in the face meme...... sorry... but RP is no more or less special then any other play style in this game. Evidence: RP servers are RP servers in name only.


Protip: ALL MMOs impose some constraints on RP players (either by design, or as an artifact of design). I'm sure the OP and other avid RPers could troll every MMO forum on the internet about how they are disrespected, slaped in the face and are seeing the sanctity of RP crushed.


Legacy game mechanics > then RP preferences IMO. Why? Because good players are clever and are able to find effective ways to adjust their game experience to overcome constraints placed on them by MMOs. But yeah.. we also have players that would prefer to complain/demand/threaten (I'm generalizing, so nobody take the statement personally), unless the game is immediately redesigned to their personal desires. Most of the intractable players have move on to something else... which is good for them, and good for those who remain behind.

Edited by Andryah
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I will only say one last thing: to those who say "wait until it's out to complain" you couldn't be more wrong.


You complain *before* something is finished so it may be changed in time, once it's done making modifications is much harder if not impossible.

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I... honestly don't get the problem. Nobody forces you to say "yes, my trooper lives here with my sith" in an RP Situation. Nobody will ever see both of these characters inside the house at the same time, so... whats the problem exactly?


The displayed trophies? Those are OOC in most cases anyway, if you're not particularily fond of playing a mass murderer who tends to go on rampages that kill the population of a small city whenever he visits a new planet (you need to get them kill-achievements, after all). If you display trophies, just tell people they are art-pieces in Character.


Again, I don't see the problem.


You don't need to come up with an RP reason for that. The family tree is absolutely useless in RP anyway.


I'm with him. Your Sith isn't going to be on at the same time as your Jedi Master so wuts the problem? RP wise you can just say it's a different house. I'm pretty sure once you go into your stronghold it's an instanced area that you have to be in first before others can just waltz in, so you can basically just rearrange the furniture before invite you other people in. There problem solved.

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I posted it elsewhere but when you use your family tree and head canon to fullest extent, it's not a problem. :p


*My Knight and Consular are cousins, so they can share the Coruscant house.

*My Trooper and BH are brothers, and good friends with my Smuggler, so they can share the Tatooine home.

*Even in my head-canon, my Agent lives on Nar Shaddaa, so he can have that place. My head-canon Kaliyo is in a relationship with Lieutenant Pierce, so I can see the Warrior crew moving in with the Agent for convenience.

*My Inquisitor will selfishly keep the DK house to himself.

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Hell if anything having a Stronghold will go *against* RP: "my Sith lord lives in the same house as my republic trooper and they have displayed trophies from achievements my scoundrel earned. Here you can see the one I got from freeing Revan on my JK, here's the one I got from killing him on my SW..."


Anyone else thinks this is kinda of a slap to the RP community? "Oh you guys want players housing? Sure, but we'll make sure it useless to you guys in particular huehuehuehue"

Do you mail credits or gear between alts of different factions? If so, how do you justify this from an RP perspective?


I mean, isn't it just as silly to fund the enemy out of your own pocket as it is to share an apartment with them? Particularly when the money you just sent from your Jedi Knight to your Inquisitor helped her murder Republic citizens?

Edited by Khevar
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So the community has been asking for player housing since launch, no group more vocal on the subject then those who RP and now that it's finally here they will be completely useless to enhance the RP experience.


Hell if anything having a Stronghold will go *against* RP: "my Sith lord lives in the same house as my republic trooper and they have displayed trophies from achievements my scoundrel earned. Here you can see the one I got from freeing Revan on my JK, here's the one I got from killing him on my SW..."


Anyone else thinks this is kinda of a slap to the RP community? "Oh you guys want players housing? Sure, but we'll make sure it useless to you guys in particular huehuehuehue"


I was really looking forward to make customized living quarters to all of my characters, I was already planning to go do OPs and whatever else drops achievement trophies to furnish each's individual house, now? Well it's retroactive so no need to do anything ,a lot of people would have done extra OPs/FPs on alts to furnish their homes it would have really helped with queue and what not.


Why not role play as character and alter ego?

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It maybe that we can only start out with one stronghold (house) but then later buy multiple houses.


You could then make each house themed for a specific character or faction.


It would be against their best interest (money) to limit players to only one house.


I am happy they are legacy wide, but will be happier if I can unlock multiple strongholds.

Edited by illgot
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". . .Here you can see the one I got from freeing Revan on my JK, here's the one I got from killing him on my SW..."


"Focusing on the Most Irrelevant Aspect of Original Post Award" comment...


Since Revan didn't die, your fears are unfounded.


Problem solved.

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Maybe I misunderstood. But I never really saw strongholds as an RP expansion. I got the impression that a lot of people wanted player housing, and asked for it repeatedly in the forums. I didn't think it was just RPers. So I see the expansion as meant for everyone.


Also, although I was expecting a house per character, I am going to reserve judgement until the expansion hits. I mean, I have 13 characters on one server alone- I might prefer legacy versus character as it would be a lot of houses to have to deal with.

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To me this actually aids roleplaying. Couldnt possibly care any less about the lame trophies, those arent IC to roleplayers anyways. RPers don't tend to be the person of the class stories anyways.


My noble Sith family will be quite glad to have a shared holding, their seat of power. It will be on Dromund Kaas so I presume republic characters can't enter it. If it can that would be even better since they have a lost daughter rep side. Would be nice if I can roleplay her there too, along with other people.


The best thing Bioware has done is make them legacy wide, to be honest. you can choose who you use it for.

It would have been beyond useless if it could only be used by one of my characters. Most are a family, so they should all have acces to that same house.

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Make it three, since they haven't exactly confirmed that Republic players will be able to go to Dromund Kaas and Imperial players to Coruscant.


Ohhhhh wait...


The Jedi Knight does go to Dromund Kaas.


You won't be able to buy a house on the other factions Capital planet, so if you only have all Republic or all Sith characters then yes you can buy 3 strongholds, but if you have at least 1 character in both factions then it's 4.

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I just skimmed this thread, so I don't know if someone said this already, bit is it not possible that the strongholds just unlock legacy-wide and every character can decorate the stronhold however they like?


That's how I'm guessing it will work anyway.


(in other words, if you buy the Tattooine stronghold, every character on that legacy gets that stronghold. But they all get to decorate it individually. So when your trooper goes to the stronghold it will look vastly different from when your bounty hunter goes there)

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They can't make everyone happy. They can't make it both per character and legacy wide. I myself only RP in my head, but for the way I think of it this makes a lot more sense. My characters lives are all intertwined such that them living together makes perfect sense. It would be weirder if they all lived alone to me.
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So the community has been asking for player housing since launch, no group more vocal on the subject then those who RP and now that it's finally here they will be completely useless to enhance the RP experience.


It is not only the RP group that has been vocal on this subject, this is a feature that all modern games should have.


I really like that the house is legacybound, that way I can create one nice big home for all my characters.


If you can not stand that your trooper lives with your bounty hunter, buy separate houses and do not enter them with the character you think does not belong there.


Roleplaying is all about adapting to the environment, this has been done since the games were purely letters and words. I am sure you find a way to create your RP experience :tran_default:

Edited by Icestar
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I will only say one last thing: to those who say "wait until it's out to complain" you couldn't be more wrong.


You complain *before* something is finished so it may be changed in time, once it's done making modifications is much harder if not impossible.


Step back and think about what you just said for a moment or two. Now check the record of complaints about bugs and player issues with upcoming patch content + the complaints that nothing was done before the patch went live. ;)


My point? By the time they tease out to us what is coming... the implementation is already so far along that they are only going to address what they believe are severe impacts to the players abilities to experience the new content. Actual feature changes come later.. after players have some time to work the content and Bioware has some time to observe the "as-is" features with the live world wide population.


TL;DR you are wrong about this.

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Maybe I misunderstood. But I never really saw strongholds as an RP expansion. I got the impression that a lot of people wanted player housing, and asked for it repeatedly in the forums. I didn't think it was just RPers. So I see the expansion as meant for everyone.


I agree with you on this.


RP is somewhat common in MMOs, but is in no way representative of the majority of players. If RP owned the game.. then most (if not all) servers would be "RP" servers.


But the OP wants to hand us his spleen over this (even though he does not have all the data yet.

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I agree with you on this.


RP is somewhat common in MMOs, but is in no way representative of the majority of players. If RP owned the game.. then most (if not all) servers would be "RP" servers.


But the OP wants to hand us his spleen over this (even though he does not have all the data yet.


I recently created a number of characters on the Progenitor, which is an RP server and dayum... There's RP and then there's that. Seriously some disturbing stuff going there, even for Sith on Korriban. :eek:

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I really like that the house is legacybound, that way I can create one nice big home for all my characters.




That said, while a stronghold is usable across a legacy... NO WHERE yet, that I am aware of, have they said that a legacy is limited to a single stronghold. In fact, they have hinted the opposite (though have not firmly announced so).


Watch... after it goes live.. we will see that you can indeed have multiple strongholds in a legacy AND the OP will be back complaining that he has to actually earn/pay-for each one. :p

Edited by Andryah
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So the community has been asking for player housing since launch, no group more vocal on the subject then those who RP and now that it's finally here they will be completely useless to enhance the RP experience.


Hell if anything having a Stronghold will go *against* RP: "my Sith lord lives in the same house as my republic trooper and they have displayed trophies from achievements my scoundrel earned. Here you can see the one I got from freeing Revan on my JK, here's the one I got from killing him on my SW..."


Anyone else thinks this is kinda of a slap to the RP community? "Oh you guys want players housing? Sure, but we'll make sure it useless to you guys in particular huehuehuehue"


I was really looking forward to make customized living quarters to all of my characters, I was already planning to go do OPs and whatever else drops achievement trophies to furnish each's individual house, now? Well it's retroactive so no need to do anything ,a lot of people would have done extra OPs/FPs on alts to furnish their homes it would have really helped with queue and what not.


Well here is another one for you. You will most likely go to the same instance door as everyone else (just like how we all share archetype ship hangars).

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I don't mind this at all. The one thing I don't want is to have any companions in my stronghold. I want the ability to have none of them there except the droids. Give me this and I will be happy. The only companion I ever use is Treek. She's also welcome in my home any time. Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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I don't mind this at all. The one thing I don't want is to have any companions in my stronghold. I want the ability to have none of them there except the droids. Give me this and I will be happy. The only companion I ever use is Treek. She's also welcome in my home any time.

I think you don't have to place them there, but people like me who want to put many companies from different characters there can do so if they like (have already quite a few ideas which companions I would put standing together)... and I am wondering if I can use Treek from multiple characters to have a small Ewok colony in my stronghold.

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I do not see it as a negative that they are legacy wide. There are 4 different locations, so if you were playing say 8 characters, they would only need to double up. I like that I will be able to visit the same house and use items bound to one character, it feels like it would have been more limiting the other way around.


In LOTRO we only got one house per server and it always said the character you purchased it on name as the location, it was hard to explain why my human was in a strange elf's house. I ended up purchasing a kinship house and using it as an inn for the rest of my characters, but it got really expensive to maintain the less I played. On the other hand, you can have 3+ dimensions in RIFT, and it got very annoying rebuying/crafting duplicate items to decorate that 6th temple. In SWG we got 10 house slots per account, but since you could only have two characters (3 if you unlocked jedi originally) so many people played multiple accounts, usually around 3 per person. So those 30 lots (even though the larger buildings took up several of your allotted lots, 5 for large style homes) got really hard to manage/maintain. I was always losing harvesters because I would forget to pay maintenance on them. In Everquest 2, towards the end you could own up to 25 houses per character. I don't even want to think about how long that would take to purchase/decorate. Most of my alts in EQ just lived in their free 'apartment' anyway.


I really hope 'strongholds' proves to be a popular feature so that developers might consider expanding on it in the future. I would love more planet options (like Alderaan), but I am happy I won't have to repurchase or unlock them over and over again.

Edited by Jessabeans
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