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Producer Letter – Galactic Strongholds


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Alright so when Wildstar launches and swtor finally has housing. You can compare the features from each one. I can tell just by the way they are talking freeform movement of everything at your housing plot won't be in. Unless you can have a ferris wheel at your stronghold in swtor they are lacking already lol


Yeah because having a ferris wheel in an apartment is such a necessary thing. :rolleyes:

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I have a question about the cost of unlocking other housing locations.


We know that capital worlds, Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa will having housing and that Nar Shaddaa would cost 4 million credits to unlock normally. Does this mean all houses will have five additional rooms and can be fully unlocked for 4 million, or will different locations have different number of rooms and different costs per room?

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Alright so when Wildstar launches and swtor finally has housing. You can compare the features from each one. I can tell just by the way they are talking freeform movement of everything at your housing plot won't be in. Unless you can have a ferris wheel at your stronghold in swtor they are lacking already lol


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I have a question about the cost of unlocking other housing locations.


We know that capital worlds, Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa will having housing and that Nar Shaddaa would cost 4 million credits to unlock normally. Does this mean all houses will have five additional rooms and can be fully unlocked for 4 million, or will different locations have different number of rooms and different costs per room?


Those are the sorts of gritty details that they haven't gotten around to releasing yet. Expect to see more as we get closer to Early Access, but honestly, I wonder if even 'they' know how many rooms each Stronghold will have.


On a side note, I'm increasingly excited with the idea of the Tattooine Stronghold.


Mandalorian in design, perhaps?


Sandperson cave system?


Underground bunker?


Something up in the stone spires in the desert? Add in some giant worms in the distance and we can have ourselves some Dune RP.

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Will conquering a planet be faction specific (1 guild of each faction) or will only 1 guild from both factions be able to conquer the planet?


If its the second we might see some world pvp to prevent enemy faction from completing quests :rak_03: (unless the quests are instantiated :p)


I think they won´t be instanced, I am interested in what buffs those Guild Capitalships can give you.


I believe they will mark Areas of a planet with those little assets you need to obtain, beeing the same for imps an reps making them contestpoints. You get points for killing Enemies aka Players and taking objectives, would be the most logical in my oppinion. Whoever hast the most as of Id Resettime gains the planet and some buff, 5% on all stats or something like that and a tittle with a nice ring to it: "Conquerer of Alderaan", "Protector of Tython" and so forth.


But what I most want is an ability for guildleaders on a very long cool down to call in support from my capitalship. Something like the Scene in a War Movie were you stand infront of a horde of enemies storming you from all sides and you call in a Nuke on your own position, devastating everything. Guildmembers should receive smaller versions, they don´t get to fire that awesome A - Class nuke but they can call in a bomber squadron or somethin like that:D

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Yeah because having a ferris wheel in an apartment is such a necessary thing. :rolleyes:


Haven't you heard it's the new L33T thing to have , look at my ferris wheel and all bow down to me. Sir Copperfield wants to be the first to own one.


No seriously though can the person going on about Wildstar just stop posting off topic please. If we want to play a dragons lair / banjokazooie MMO then we will do so , not from your stupid rants about it.





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Those are the sorts of gritty details that they haven't gotten around to releasing yet. Expect to see more as we get closer to Early Access, but honestly, I wonder if even 'they' know how many rooms each Stronghold will have.


On a side note, I'm increasingly excited with the idea of the Tattooine Stronghold.


Mandalorian in design, perhaps?


Sandperson cave system?


Underground bunker?


Something up in the stone spires in the desert? Add in some giant worms in the distance and we can have ourselves some Dune RP.


If you get a Karagga the Hutt's statue, plus a Cartel Skiff, you could recreate the skiff battle in Return of the Jedi :D

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Will conquering a planet be faction specific (1 guild of each faction) or will only 1 guild from both factions be able to conquer the planet?


If its the second we might see some world pvp to prevent enemy faction from completing quests :rak_03: (unless the quests are instantiated :p)


Eric answered a question earlier regarding conquests:


Conquering a planet is done through completion of Conquest Events, which are PvE Missions



Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Very excited about this.

I'm glad you moved it back Bioware you made a good choice. I'm just hoping 2.8 isn't just NiM DP and the new GSF stuff. At least I hope the second part of the Forged alliances arc is in there as well.

I'd imagine 3.0 and the RoTHC expansion won't be delayed as 2.9 comes out in August leaving time for 3.0 in November/December.

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I will note how interesting it is that the next few expansions will be coming out in the fall and winter, right when that 'other' game is coming out with its latest expansion.


I love me some competition in the MMO market. Customers always benefit.

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Eric answered a question earlier regarding conquests:


Conquering a planet is done through completion of Conquest Events, which are PvE Missions




Yes i've seen that already but even if they are PVE missions it doesnt mean that pvp cant be involved (like microbinoculars or seeker droid missions.. its PVE but PVP can get in your way)

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1st Thx for that information but....well....


2nd. I understand that u try to inform ur players, a pushback is bad timed. on my server t3-m4 more and more guilds break ppl leaving for other games like eso or ros. games with more and new content.

the new features sounds good and they sound like real pve content, but i fear its a little to late. the most players want pve content, but the last op came out 10/2013.

now there is nim mode, content fopr 2-% of all players and 2 new tac flashpoints which no raiding player visit that often cuz u only get crap comms and crap gear. the most pve players have no new useful content and thats a prob. u did the same mistake again.


i suggest a new small op like toborros yard soon or a nim mode on tobo little easier than df nim.

and i suggest hyping with stronghold information to bind ur players and maybe fish some old players back into boat.

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Does this mean that the Makeb sized expansion due this year is also being pushed back?


Unlikely. They have said repeatedly that they have multiple teams working on different things. What happens with one team's efforts does not effect the other teams' efforts.


And, logically speaking, I can't see how patch content could possibly effect a new expansion's release.


Unless they come out and say that the level-increase expansion is being delayed, assume that it's going to be getting here in late fall, early winter.

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Well whit all new stuff housing is looking much better now. Waiting for next roadmap to get info are we getting lvl cap increase this year (mostlikely no not much time to do second expansion this year when stronholds coming on august) I was on a fence whit wildstar now I can try it out and come back to stronholds.
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The delay does not bother me, especially if it yields a better system. Better to get it built well in the beginning. Especially considering how LOTRO has been unable to do any kind of meaningful upgrade despite wanting to for years now.
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Unlikely. They have said repeatedly that they have multiple teams working on different things. What happens with one team's efforts does not effect the other teams' efforts.


And, logically speaking, I can't see how patch content could possibly effect a new expansion's release.


Unless they come out and say that the level-increase expansion is being delayed, assume that it's going to be getting here in late fall, early winter.

They did say that there will be info about that on next roadmap but I wouldnt keep your hopes up 2 expansions in 4 mounth not looking likely

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They did say that there will be info about that on next roadmap but I wouldnt keep your hopes up 2 expansions in 4 mounth not looking likely


Strongholds will be a large patch, but I'd hesitate to call it an 'expansion.'


I'll maintain my hopes until they give caution that the end-of-year expansion might not make it out in time. Until then, I'll simply assume that things are on track for that expansion.

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Has it been mentioned if we are going to be able to place things like Crew Skill vendors and item modification stations, as well as all the other things we have access to on our ship if we unlock them into Strongholds/Guild ships? I'm seriously hoping so.
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Great question! 2.8 will no longer be the "biggest update to date" as we will be shifting Galactic Strongholds out of it. 2.8 will still be great though, we will have more details about it, and the rest of our plan in Bruce's updated Roadmap. We will have that to you guys in the next few weeks!



You say "it will still be great". Does that mean the sorely awaited chat bubbles will finally be added to the game in game update 2.8? If it's "great" it can only mean that, right? At least in my mind. ;) Edited by Glzmo
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It's good to see things pushed back for the sake of quality and features. Hopefully it'll give the developers enough time to also implement chat bubbles in time for the expansion so we can actually socialize and follow conversations in strongholds, guild ships and everywhere else properly in the 3D space.


They haven't mentioned chat bubbles at all.

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