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Negative effect from playing gsf


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Has anybody ever felt physical side effects from playing gsf. Like feeling dizzy or nauseous ?



Just felt like asking the question in case that's a possibility did exist



The only negative effect I'm experiencing from GSF is that I've been ignoring the rest of the game. Apparently there are, indeed, some other things to do in SWTOR.


But no dizziness or nausea. I'm sure it's a possibility for some people. That would really suck.

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There will always be people suffering from motion sickness in games like GSF (and other game styles)


For example, I don't have any problem while playing GSF, but I suffer from motion sickness in FPS games... Just because of the point of view. (dissonance between what I see and what I feel)

As soon as I'm not in first person view, my brain is sorting the information differently... It's not me, so it's normal my body is not feeling the motion

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A couple of my fraternity brothers came to my apartment last night. They all know how nerdy I am, choosing to sit and play GSF vs getting absolutely hammered. Three of them (plus one's blood brother) came and checked out GSF. Not only were they thrilled with the amazing display, but one of them actually mentioned the exact same thing! While I was dogfighting someone in my strike (with a turn spec build), one of my brothers actually said he was getting dizzy. I told him you get used to it. It's the same thing as when you start anything - perspective is gained through repition. By watching more of it (in gradual increased increments), I'm sure they would have gotten their orientation down and began to feel comfortable / not overwhelmed with everything going on enough so that they could watch / play. Very interesting side effect though
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Some people are just more vulnerable to motion sickness than others. I have a friend who can't watch me play GSF without throwing up. Pretty sure they'll never get used to it.


Your friends probably are throwing up because you're so sick at this game. HAR HAR HAR!*


Consult your doctor, and be happy they aren't seizing. One of my frat brothers has bad epilepsy, and this game has so many bright colors it'll definitely set a seizure off. He found that one out the hard way freshman year at our first rave function. Don't they have pills / homebrew remedies for motion sickness?


*Disclaimer: Pun not intended to be humurous to all, if any, audiences

Edited by SammyGStatus
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I haven't made myself dizzy before...and maybe this is embarrassing but...


On more than one occasion, I've moved my body from side to side involuntarily. This typically happens when I'm boosting near an asteroid and something pops up that I wasn't expecting. I jerk/roll one way and my body jerks with me...you know, because somehow that will make me maneuver faster :p


I feel really dumb after it happens, then I nervously check to see if my girlfriend noticed my twitch...


Sometimes you just get into it!

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Myself, I have had no issues, but I have had viewers that are not accustomed to TOR, FPS, or any type of movement tell me that they have gotten nausea, especially since they don't know what the camera will do next.
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It feels a bit weird to watch the dev streams for me, I don't quite feel sick but in my mind I think about how I would fly and when it doesn't match up to what the dev does in game there's a disconnect.


It's prolly also partly the lower fps from a stream compared to when I fly myself.

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