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Can this game get any easier?


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Reading my reply again I think I didn't explained myself right.


In the past the progression was with group, FP + OPS etc...

Today since the 69s reaplaced 66s on basic coom vendor and Obroan relics are on normal WZ cooms an u get a bolster without gear you can solo yourself to end game gear without any group...


I loved it! back then when I had to do FP and other group content and interact with people in order to advance in the game... Each hm fp was an adventure - hell first time in KUS hm it was like 2 hours run with the bonus boss and all but that sense of victory at the end was amazing.


this days I have absolutely no reason to do anything except the 5 weekly missions for the ops which will get me far beyond my cap of weekly cooms so I'm mostly in there for the ultimate cooms and the random drop here in there mostly after 2-3 I'll reach the cap and week is over for that toon maybe some pvp or random achievement hunt.


Most end game gear is much more available to soloists is what you're saying? Yes it is. The only time it was more so was when literal BiS could be crafted, which I believe came with 1.2.

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oh yes I remember something vaguely about the time before ROTHC when I had too much money and just bought the whole end game set from crafters except for the 4 parts set I got on raids... I think my detest to easy soloable progression started there.
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Was thinking about it today...

This game became so easy and not challenging I find myself many times go Alt-F4 and back to something else like Eve online or single player games instead on my free time.


It's funny that you should mention EVE online. I remember when i was leveling a sentinel one time and i just got so fed up with how boring everything was. I was so fed up that i stopped playing mid-quest on Quesh, like i was moving towards the next pack of mobs that was part of the objective and i just said screw this and i logged off the game. I then logged onto EVE online got on my miner character and i started mining Veldspar in 0.6 space.

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Again leveling up is so quick that during the latest double xp event my BH got to level 45! and he is still on balmorra!! (imp version).
You can't level to 45 on Balmorra. And your gear gets obsolete quickly for normal FPs. You've been grinding KDY, haven't you?


Next is the fact you can now CRAFT the most powerful items in the game including mods\relics\implants etc....
Not the way you craft leveling gear. Not without two MMG per item. Which only come from raiding. In tiny amounts. Fully crafting a complete set of gear will take almost a stack of MMG and three stacks each of Iso-5 and EEE.


That's several hundred hours of grinding, assuming equal loot distribution.

Yes, you can buy them - all should cost about 100 million credits - but all that means is you pay someone else to grind it out for you.



Last night I dinged 55 on my scoundral.. he had on storage waiting for him full set
So you've cheated.


Well, all right, technically it's not a cheat, it's not even an exploit, it's permitted. But if you were meant to have full sets waiting for you, they'd be waiting for you on every character just like that, starting with your first. If you were meant to mail them, all drops would just come bound to legacy. You wouldn't have to farm reputation and get legacy bound shells and pull mods out and put them in legacy shells and pull out again.


In a single-player game this would've been considered a cheat or an exploit. You've skipped the part of the game that gives you gradually improving gear and just gave yourself best gear. Then you proceeded to do the easiest operation in the game in it, not Nightmare DF it was intended for.


In other words, you've cheated (in a permitted way) and are now complaining that the game's too easy.


I don't know how to break it to you, but one of the consequences of cheating or exploiting in a game is....

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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Oh this game could be so much easier if they wanted to!


And you know what? It wasn't hard at launch either!

We had people dinging 50 within a week of launch. That doesn't exactly scream "difficult" to me.


No, this is, and has always been, a casual game for casual gamers. You want something that's hard-core difficult? You should look for another game.


And there is nothing wrong with that. No game is for everyone. This one happens to be for the ones that care more about story and star wars than for difficult gameplay mechanics.

(and you shouldn't expect anything else since that is basically how all bioware games have ever been. And I should know, I've played them all since Baldurs Gate.)

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'Easy' is a subjective term.


When compared to other games, TOR is far from the 'easiest' game out there in the MMO field. That 'other' game has a version of Story Mode Operations and it's sad how pathetically easy that game's version of Story Mode content is in comparison to our own Story Mode content.


'And' that other game is actively dumbing their own game down to embarrassing levels. Removing their version of Accuracy, Defense, Absorption, Shield Rating and Expertise. Simply put, they're designing their game to make it idiot-proof.


When you take a step back and compare to other games, TOR is actually mentally challenging when it comes to Operations content and basic gearing and stat comparison.

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Reading my reply again I think I didn't explained myself right.


In the past the progression was with group, FP + OPS etc...

Today since the 69s reaplaced 66s on basic coom vendor and Obroan relics are on normal WZ cooms an u get a bolster without gear you can solo yourself to end game gear without any group...


I loved it! back then when I had to do FP and other group content and interact with people in order to advance in the game... Each hm fp was an adventure - hell first time in KUS hm it was like 2 hours run with the bonus boss and all but that sense of victory at the end was amazing.


this days I have absolutely no reason to do anything except the 5 weekly missions for the ops which will get me far beyond my cap of weekly cooms so I'm mostly in there for the ultimate cooms and the random drop here in there mostly after 2-3 I'll reach the cap and week is over for that toon maybe some pvp or random achievement hunt.


I'm guessing you forgot about that 99 coms you got in the mail, enough to buy nearly full set of tionese gear AND full pvp set that people got in the mail just for hitting 50 for quite some time, before rise of the hutt cartel was released? nowadays you still need to run dailies to get you


if you want to run more difficult content (which does exist) you are not going to get away with basic gear. or verpine gear. or even occasional oriconion piece. becasue none of them are optimized. quite the oposite.


the bump in what coms can get you? was ALWAYS here. every time new tier of content and gear gets released, old gear gets bumped up.


I swear rose colored glasses of nostalgia must be more powerful than beer goggles

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I have to agree.

There is like no character progression in this game. Most of the classes just go 55, stack power and surge and do their peak dps required. There is no fun optimization or trying different stats or builds in this game, with alacrity being nerfed and crit being useless.

Rotations are being dumbed down, look at the new guardian rotation. Rdps, which is supposed to be challenging have the easiest rotations i have ever seen in my life.

I still remember the days people were asking help to finish the Jedi Knight ending now its so faceroll...

Flashpoints are utterly easy mode and there aren't HMs anymore, just this weird thing called tactical flashpoints which you could easily solo.

At least DF NiMM was something new on challenging gameplay and that is actually nothing more than new futile mechanics added or RNG stuff to ruin your day. Some already got the kill before a week passed :p.

So it did get easier over time.

Edited by Hakkology
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Shoot e'm rocks!!

And scord is almost always the king in highsec though this days it depends on which empire you mine at.




I did quests up to balmorra then I did my pvp daily and did FP as I've got them....

At any rate getting no xp even without XP boost double xp thingy I'll skip doing only my class missions and if that planet line is interesting to do with my frest Alt I'll come back later but unless it's first time I'm doing that chain I won't do it if I'm over level to the point I get no xp.


And yes my friend it's cheating. Indeed.

And that is part of my gripe..... I do ops on my main... I did dailies and I got loads of gear I don't need so what we do this days? mail it to a fresh alt.. back then we just sold unneeded gear and rest we gave to our companions. But can you blame me for doing what everyone else are doing?

This entire bound to legacy is cheating system and no you don't need to grind rep every player gets free 2 sets of armor BOL from GSF.

But overall between cheating and "grinding" alone with new character and feel stupid when my guild asks "hay dude u had full set in storage gear yourself and come heal the raid" I prefer to cheat on that instance over feeling stupid.



Again.. my problem is not that the game meant to be casual... that is all good and dandy.

my problem is they make it dummbed downed version of itself and where it will stop?

I'll grind full set of NiM drops with most pimped stuff then week later it will be on CM? :X



I compared the game to itself in different stages.



oh you dear poor pleb I talked before that! that free 99cooms and free pvp set was much later in greater scheme of things and iirc there was a cry-out back then that it's not cool at all.

Also we had Rakata\BH as top dog pretty much since game release until ROTHC but then 69 went nerf into basic cooms and we got so far 2-3 ranks of new gear in much less time...

It sucks to grind for the best gear only to have it lose it's position month later.



If I want accessible story I'll do that weird psycho thing called reading a book, also I might feel extreme get some friends and go to the cinema to watch a movie.

This is a GAME and with story nice and all it needs some gameplay in it... no ?



As usual keep trolling you only hurt yourself in the long run, Bioware might fire you.

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If I want accessible story I'll do that weird psycho thing called reading a book, also I might feel extreme get some friends and go to the cinema to watch a movie.

This is a GAME and with story nice and all it needs some gameplay in it... no ?


The game has both.


You after gameplay you have HM/NM operations.


But given the f2p model there are probably a lot of people playing it as they would a sprpg, primarily to get the rpg experience. If movies and books were adequate substitute companies wouldn't continue to make those kinds of games would they.

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mail it to a fresh alt.. back then we just sold unneeded gear and rest we gave to our companions. But can you blame me for doing what everyone else are doing?

Of course not. But if you're doing something that bypasses a big part of the game - how can you complain that it's too easy to bypass?


If you were going into DF-DP in hard or nightmare mode, or even NiM TFB and S&V, the game wouldn't be easy at all. High-end gear is there to do high-end content.



I'll grind full set of NiM drops with most pimped stuff then week later it will be on CM? :X

Nah, you can't sell NiM gear.

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They had to make it easy to market it too kids and the lowest common denominator of player after the original dev team was fired.


You DO know that "kids" have the best reflexes, right? And past 27 you are pretty much useless in terms of video games performance, right?


Also, look at the "kids" that are playing and winning tens of thousands in Starcraft 2`s profi scene.


If you meant CASUALS, it can be debated that the numbers are even - kids AND imbeciles that like to blame everything else.



One more thing: Eve Online is generally seen as a hardcore game and it`s been constantly growing, and quite possibly has more subs than this game has. So, really, NOBODY came to test it`s skills against THIS game.. ever. And you can`t lose the players that you never had, sorry.


So, the game has turned into the ONLY thing it was ever good for: alting and fluff.

Edited by Styxx
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Again.. my problem is not that the game meant to be casual... that is all good and dandy.

my problem is they make it dummbed downed version of itself and where it will stop?

I'll grind full set of NiM drops with most pimped stuff then week later it will be on CM? :X


Oh good, you managed to sneak in a "this game is all about the CM now" complaint there...


NiM drops are never sold in the CM.

It seems your main complaint in that department is "all the cool looking stuff is on the CM and not in drops" which is a flawed argument in itself. Anything available on the CM can be bought off the GTN.

But the BIS mods cannot be bought on the CM, you still have to work for those.


As for the game being a dumbed down version of itself, it hardly is. There are still difficult content to play. The ride from 1-55 doesn't have to (and shouldn't be) difficult tho. I mean, like many are so happy to say, the game only starts at end game on MMO's.

The fact that the leveling is easy means nothing. If you are claiming that NiM's are easy, then that's another story. But you aren't.

Your main complaint seems to be that there is less of a grind (something that the game used to promote itself at launch) and that is not a bad thing.

Sure you can get rakata level mods at 50 using planetary comms. But good luck doing HM FP's or NiM with that.

Sure you can get black hole gear pretty fast, but that still won't get you competetive in most End-game activities.

There is a reason why it's like that, and that's because the end-game gear has moved on.

It used to be that rakata was end-game gear. Now it's not even something that you'd use at level cap.


MMO's evolve you know.

You don't use the same gear in WoW now as you did when it was launched, do you? No, because end-game is constantly moving and evolving in MMO's.

That's just how it works.

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You DO know that "kids" have the best reflexes, right? And past 27 you are pretty much useless in terms of video games performance, right?


Also, look at the "kids" that are playing and winning tens of thousands in Starcraft 2`s profi scene.


If you meant CASUALS, it can be debated that the numbers are even - kids AND imbeciles that like to blame everything else.



We have in our guild a 74 years old guy and he is one of the most Hardcore players in the game he got an healer and dps and those are his 2 chatacthers he ever made in SWTOR. he geared them already in best set bonus in the game and each week he run all dailies and weeklies with them + he do the nim progression teams runs.


Shadyside is best ever.

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We have in our guild a 74 years old guy and he is one of the most Hardcore players in the game he got an healer and dps and those are his 2 chatacthers he ever made in SWTOR. he geared them already in best set bonus in the game and each week he run all dailies and weeklies with them + he do the nim progression teams runs.


Shadyside is best ever.


He used the term "kid" in a derogatory way. The actual fact is that young persons have THE best reflexes - which tend to degrade from about 27 onwards. They can also play properly, if we look at Starcraft 2 profi scene and their 16 - 21 age bracket. BUT, if you are to pit your 74 years old guildie against a 16 years old, given the same "skills", the younger player will be better, always - you can do many things, but you can`t cheat physiology.


Never said it isn`t possible to perform to some extent at any age, but we shouldn`t blame "kids" for every bad thing we see. And I`d rather have your 74 years old guildie, or a 16 years old smart kid, even as puerile as his age would look to me, than the guy that made the derogatory remarks.

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Without having read all eight pages of this thread (forgive me) - I personally don't think the game is easy. I'm speaking from the point of view of someone who played it for about two months right at release and then came back to it about... 2 months ago. So my playtime now and my playtime back then is at about the same level.


My experience with the game back then was vastly different to the experience I'm having nowadays - and honestly, most of these changes have been purely positive. It wasn't fun to finish a planet, only to find out that you were still missing that one commendation that you needed for the item you wanted. It wasn't fun to be undergeared because your commendations weren't enough to buy all the mods and augments you needed.

And it certainly wasn't fun to have to ask around every time you wanted to do a dungeon.


Since I'm back I still haven't reached level 55 with a single character. In fact, my highest character is probably my Sentinel, who stands proudly at level 35 at this very moment. Granted, that is mostly the case because I'm an avid altoholic, who likes to create new characters on a whim, but it still took me quite some time to get her there. Could it be that you personally perceive the game as easy because, well, you're used to it? If you're familiar with the content and know how everything works, where you need to go and how to do quests in the perfect order to gain the most in the shortest amount of time the game will of course seem easy to you. Because you've been playing it for a while.


I, as someone who isn't too familiar with the content, quite often find myself in challenging situations. Certainly more often than I did when I was still playing WoW a few years back.

Edited by Wylf
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