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New version of armor sets without lower section forcably attached to chest.

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I am now formally requesting a version of the below armor sets (chest pieces) that do NOT have the lower section (anything below stomach/waist) attached to the chest piece. Such as flaps, tubes, cloth, jewelry, etc. This means anything below the waist line will not be attached to chest piece in this version. No more flaps. Why do I request this? Because alot of these chest pieces ruin wearing something else for pants/legs because it either clips through the pants/legs or interferes with the look are you striving for all together. This would give people alot more room to experiment and customize their looks without having it destroyed by a flap hanging down ruining it or interfering with the pants/dress/leggings you want to wear.


It has always been my opinion that anything below the waist should be attached to the belt, not chest. I have frankly never understood Bioware's design to do this in all their armor, but it needs to change. Or, make two versions, as I have now requested.


Skilled Hunter Armor Set (in new Hotshot’s Starfighter Pack)

Elegant Loungewear and any and all bikini/dancer outfits.

Relaxed Jumpsuit

Thana Vesh’s Armor Set

Dramatic Extrovert’s Armor Set

Ambitious Warrior Armor set

Vintage Brawler Armor set

Expert Fighter Armor set

Exposed Exovert Armor Set

Elegant/Luxurious Dress (without midsection belt thingy attached)

Frenzied Zealot Armor Set

Noble Commander’s Armor Set


And any other sets people can think of that have a flap or cloth or something hanging below the waist that is attached to chest piece.


Thank You.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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No thanks, I'm particular about my belts and I don't want to be forced into wearing a belt I don't like, just so my chest piece is fixed again.


Sir, try reading the OP again. I am suggesting a NEW version of the armor without things attached to chest piece. If you don't want flaps etc attached to the belt then get the original version where it is attached to chest. I don't see a problem. Furthermore, this gives people alot more ways to customize their looks. Its a win win for both types of people. You don't want it "forced" on you, yet the way it is right now is that people are forced to have things attached to chest and that limits what they can wear with it because of it. Again, this way is a win win for both.


Again, a Classic and Standard version of the armoring is a solution here. Some, like the OP, don't watch the attachments on the chest, some, like myself, nine times out of ten prefer it. Make everyone happy.


Read above comment.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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I've pitched the "flaps as belt" item idea several times, usually to little fanfare. Throwing my support behind this because it would be awesome. I'd love to add a "Kama" to some of the chest pieces that lack them. It would certainly make me a happy player.
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Again, a Classic and Standard version of the armoring is a solution here. Some, like the OP, don't watch the attachments on the chest, some, like myself, nine times out of ten prefer it. Make everyone happy.


Bud, this is the internet. Nobody gets to be happy, let alone everyone!

/sarcasm off


Ok now for the on topic part, I agree with the "belts carry the flaps" idea. Perhaps a toggle like hide head slot for belt flaps?

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Bud, this is the internet. Nobody gets to be happy, let alone everyone!

/sarcasm off


Ok now for the on topic part, I agree with the "belts carry the flaps" idea. Perhaps a toggle like hide head slot for belt flaps?


Just make half a dozen belts with the flaps for now (or even just one) and it fixes my issue. The armor that has flaps now? Ehhh that's trickier.

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Sir, try reading the OP again. I am suggesting a NEW version of the armor without things attached to chest piece. If you don't want flaps etc attached to the belt then get the original version where it is attached to chest.

This please and same thing with the backpacks.


Thanks and nice suggestion.

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Just make half a dozen belts with the flaps for now (or even just one) and it fixes my issue. The armor that has flaps now? Ehhh that's trickier.


Iv'e done some modeling for gaming. The flaps etc would just require turning certain parts of the model off. It's very simple. Those parts can just be attached to belt, copied to it actually, and that doesn't take long either.


I think Bioware could do "Alternate Packs" that have the new versions with changes made to the armor set's I have suggested, and others.


and same thing with the backpacks.


That would be great as well.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Move those ridiculous loincloths to the leg armor piece of the set where they belong.


Leg armor? That sounds interesting and something I had not thought of. I still like the flaps going to the belt just for the modular element.

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Move those ridiculous loincloths to the leg armor piece of the set where they belong.


I can imagine the torrent of guys screaming crying and having tantrums to put a 2 year old to shame if Bioware did this and the aforementioned guys could no longer run around with their "female" toons and comps in just panties....


The forums would shut down with the explosion of guys crying they cant stare at pixelated backsides anymore :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Whatever solution works.


I would think alternate sets would normally disqualify it but minor art effort to enable another cartel entry seems quite reasonable for BW and very desired by me.


Regardless, allow me to avoid the flap!

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/signed 100%


Similar to how BW is currently doing an editing pass on existing armors to make them more revealing, they should do an editing pass on armors (read: bikini outfits) with annoying flaps/doodads. This would also achieve the effect of making them more revealing which is a win/win for everyone. Because you know, virtual T&A sells.

Edited by Projawa
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