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Opt-out of DOUBLE XP


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Turning it into a buff still provides the double XP for the folks that enjoy it (which I would assume would be most folks). It also provides a way for folks to shut it off, and perhaps a way for Bioware to sell it as a CM item down the road.


I think it would be a win all around...with the exception, perhaps of some folks that feel it might be wasted development resources. But I would expect there is that view from a community member or two for almost any change proposed.

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Turning it into a buff still provides the double XP for the folks that enjoy it (which I would assume would be most folks). It also provides a way for folks to shut it off, and perhaps a way for Bioware to sell it as a CM item down the road.


I think it would be a win all around...with the exception, perhaps of some folks that feel it might be wasted development resources. But I would expect there is that view from a community member or two for almost any change proposed.


I, too, would like to see it as a buff. That way all my characters can get it and then use it as they see fit, not just the weekend or timeframe BioWare wants it to run. Plus the 7 people who remind us so much of that CapitalOne commercial can click it off.


But that's probably also why it's not a buff. BioWare wants it to end at a specific time, not last for a duration of logged in time regardless how much calendar time the character remains logged out. They do not seem to have tech in place to remove a buff if it's after a specific time.

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I really really don't like double xp. I can't seem to emphasize that enough. It is the ONLY thing about swtor I am against. Although I will say that double xp events does give me a renewed appreciation for the normal xp we get when double xp is not going on.


Anyway, as I was playing my Living Legend level 55 characters so as not to gain any extra unearned xp and waiting patiently for it to end I was thinking that a way to help would be for swtor to make double xp events a scheduled thing during certain holidays so that it doesn't come as such an unexpected unpleasant surprise to those that do not like double xp. This would also be a benefit to those that do enjoy double xp events since they will be able to better plan for it.

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I really really don't like double xp. I can't seem to emphasize that enough. It is the ONLY thing about swtor I am against. Although I will say that double xp events does give me a renewed appreciation for the normal xp we get when double xp is not going on.


Anyway, as I was playing my Living Legend level 55 characters so as not to gain any extra unearned xp and waiting patiently for it to end I was thinking that a way to help would be for swtor to make double xp events a scheduled thing during certain holidays so that it doesn't come as such an unexpected unpleasant surprise to those that do not like double xp. This would also be a benefit to those that do enjoy double xp events since they will be able to better plan for it.


For me, not having double xp is the only thing I dont like about SW-Tor. I only play when Double XP is active.

So the best idea would be to make doubleXP a buyable item in the CartelMarket (like the Coin for the purse-slot in lord of the rings online). As it is now the 2XP-Events are much to rare.

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For me, not having double xp is the only thing I dont like about SW-Tor. I only play when Double XP is active.

So the best idea would be to make doubleXP a buyable item in the CartelMarket (like the Coin for the purse-slot in lord of the rings online). As it is now the 2XP-Events are much to rare.


No way. Why should people who enjoy the event as it is now (free) have to start to start paying for it?

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I really really don't like double xp. I can't seem to emphasize that enough. It is the ONLY thing about swtor I am against. Although I will say that double xp events does give me a renewed appreciation for the normal xp we get when double xp is not going on.


Anyway, as I was playing my Living Legend level 55 characters so as not to gain any extra unearned xp and waiting patiently for it to end I was thinking that a way to help would be for swtor to make double xp events a scheduled thing during certain holidays so that it doesn't come as such an unexpected unpleasant surprise to those that do not like double xp. This would also be a benefit to those that do enjoy double xp events since they will be able to better plan for it.


Uh... we've known about this for weeks, maybe months.

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No way. Why should people who enjoy the event as it is now (free) have to start to start paying for it?

Your guess is good as mine. Someone always seem to bring it up.


Because of the number of people who seem to like would then be throwing a boatload more funding at the game. More funding means more development resources. More development resources means more stuff being created for the game. More stuff being created for the game means more actual content and not BS garbage "content" for the minority Interior Designer portion of the playerbase.


You know, I used to be able to go on-line and surf the Interwebs for as long as I want for free. Funny how things change in Life based on the necessity of the situation. Heck I used to be able to get a game of bowling for $1.00 a pop. Now it's three times that amount. How unfair is that. If I got something for free (or for a certain price) shouldn't it always be free or that price for ever and ever?

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Because of the number of people who seem to like would then be throwing a boatload more funding at the game. More funding means more development resources. More development resources means more stuff being created for the game. More stuff being created for the game means more actual content and not BS garbage "content" for the minority Interior Designer portion of the playerbase.


You know, I used to be able to go on-line and surf the Interwebs for as long as I want for free. Funny how things change in Life based on the necessity of the situation. Heck I used to be able to get a game of bowling for $1.00 a pop. Now it's three times that amount. How unfair is that. If I got something for free (or for a certain price) shouldn't it always be free or that price for ever and ever?


It's not the same thing though. You're not paying more for bowling because other customers complained about it being too cheap. To me, it would make no sense to charge the large amount of players that seem to take advantage of double XP because a few people don't like what is being offered for free. LordArtemis' suggestion of a buff that people could remove is still the best solution to this issue IMHO.

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It's not the same thing though. You're not paying more for bowling because other customers complained about it being too cheap. To me, it would make no sense to charge the large amount of players that seem to take advantage of double XP because a few people don't like what is being offered for free. LordArtemis' suggestion of a buff that people could remove is still the best solution to this issue IMHO.


A buff that comes from an item that you would be charged for.


It makes perfect sense to charge the large amount of players that seem to take advantage of double XP because of the large increase of funding that would bring into the game. You seem to mistake the dislike people have for Double XP because it is free. People don't like it because they have no option to turn it off. The cost is irrelevant. Right now, many suggestions for getting around this are either create a UI element that allow players to toggle it off and on during the events or to eliminate the events and simply offer an item that provides the buff, which would allow players to use it at their convenience. Naturally, the item should be sold in the CM to increase funding for the game - which is basic good business sense.

Edited by TravelersWay
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After reading all 27 pages of posts in this thread it seems that the 2x XP haters can be lumped into 2 groups


1. Those who think that there are just too many people on and doing the things THEY want to be doing, thus making it more difficult for the "regulars" to play the way they normally play.


2. People who don't want to over level their character through a story line.


I for one really enjoy 2x XP and am VERY happy they made it a whole week this time!

For the 2x XP haters there is already a built in Opt Out, several actually.

1. Play your maxed level toons and do the things that the lowbies can't.

2. Don't log in.

3. don't turn in your quests.

4. Level a mirror class in a story line you have already seen before, this will at least get you started on that new Alt.


I like some of the ideas that you have come up with to provide an "anytime" 2x XP and it would be cool if the devs took you up on that, but what you have to realize is that you are the vocal minority here. More people like 2x XP than dislike it. So if Bioware held a popular vote on if they should continue 2x XP weeks or abandon them... you would lose hands down.


Sorry, but the number of people on lowbie through mid-range planets tripled on my server this week, so that speaks to the popularity of the event and I'm sure BW is ecstatic. We may even see another one before Haloween!

Edited by RiVaN_
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A buff that comes from an item that you would be charged for.


It makes perfect sense to charge the large amount of players that seem to take advantage of double XP because of the large increase of funding that would bring into the game. You seem to mistake the dislike people have for Double XP because it is free. People don't like it because they have no option to turn it off. The cost is irrelevant. Right now, many suggestions for getting around this are either create a UI element that allow players to toggle it off and on during the events or to eliminate the events and simply offer an item that provides the buff, which would allow players to use it at their convenience. Naturally, the item should be sold in the CM to increase funding for the game - which is basic good business sense.


I'm not sure it would have that effect though - if they decided to suddenly monetise it, it might turn people away from the game. They would have a valid reason to call this game a bit of a cash grab in my opinion. It would certainly make me think twice about this game if they suddenly decided to charge for an event that was previously free. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be against them offering them in the cartel market, as long as they still provide these free events alongside that. But I think LordArtemis's idea of a buff that is applied automatically during the event, that can be removed by the players is a great idea, and a very good solution to this issue.

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1. Play your maxed level toons and do the things that the lowbies can't.

Not everyone has a maxed level toon in order to do this with.


2. Don't log in.

Why would anyone want to encourage someone not to log into an MMO. I can't count the number of threads that take people to task for saying this very thing.


3. don't turn in your quests.

Double XP affects more than just quest rewards. There are many quests as well that only become available once another is completed. I would say that it would be impossible to advance through the storyline missions by not turning them in.


4. Level a mirror class in a story line you have already seen before, this will at least get you started on that new Alt.

Uhmm, as far as I know, any alt you have or make also gets Double XP, so this misses the point completely. After all, why then would your first suggestion be to play a max level toon?


I like some of the ideas that you have come up with to provide an "anytime" 2x XP and it would be cool if the devs took you up on that, but what you have to realize is that you are the vocal minority here.


Well, if pure numbers were the only reason to do or not to do something then, we never would have had Strongholds implemented. We will most certainly not have any more PvP options/maps implemented, and we have thusly seen the last of any Raid content added to the game. Considering that Interior Designers, PvPers, and Hardcore PvErs are a minority of the gaming community, makes no sense to spend time and resources on content for them, does it?


I'm not sure it would have that effect though - if they decided to suddenly monetise it, it might turn people away from the game. They would have a valid reason to call this game a bit of a cash grab in my opinion. It would certainly make me think twice about this game if they suddenly decided to charge for an event that was previously free. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be against them offering them in the cartel market, as long as they still provide these free events alongside that. But I think LordArtemis's idea of a buff that is applied automatically during the event, that can be removed by the players is a great idea, and a very good solution to this issue.


Better be prepared to give up playing MMOs then because charging for XP buffs is commonplace in the genre. In fact, one might include it in those "MMO standards" players love to toss around on forums.


I also agree on the removable buff idea - that has been the commonly suggested thing to do.

Edited by TravelersWay
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After reading all 27 pages of posts in this thread it seems that the 2x XP haters can be lumped into 2 groups


I hope you do not mean that we actually hate double xp. I support it and as far as I can see it is great for swtor. As you can see from the title of this thread all I want is to not be forced to take part in it. I just don't want to get double xp (I don't even like getting rested xp).


I just don't see why I have to go to a party just because you want to go.

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Not everyone has a maxed level toon in order to do this with.



Why would anyone want to encourage someone not to log into an MMO. I can't count the number of threads that take people to task for saying this very thing.


I guess it sucks to be you because 2x XP isn't going away and they will likely do it many more times.

Complain all you want, they will do what the masses want and yes that IS WHY they made strongholds, it IS WHY they did away with 8v8 Ranked WZ's and it IS WHY the have done most of what they have done. They crunched the numbers look to see who was doing what and went with what the data told them was a good move, not their decisions haven not always turned out to be good ones, but this one is pretty freakin popular.


Get over it bro. Play through it, find a different way to cope with the stress it causes you or just don't play.

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I guess it sucks to be you because 2x XP isn't going away and they will likely do it many more times.

Complain all you want, they will do what the masses want and yes that IS WHY they made strongholds, it IS WHY they did away with 8v8 Ranked WZ's and it IS WHY the have done most of what they have done. They crunched the numbers look to see who was doing what and went with what the data told them was a good move, not their decisions haven not always turned out to be good ones, but this one is pretty freakin popular.


Get over it bro. Play through it, find a different way to cope with the stress it causes you or just don't play.


Haha! Nothing to get over really. Not really stressed about the situation, but simply pointing out the inconsistencies in your argument. And to further that along, the numbers would indicate that RPers, PvPers, and Raiders are in the minority of the gaming community. Again - it's not all about the numbers when talking about implementing a gaming feature.


I, for one, am glad that Double XP is here to stay as an occasional event - brings more players and money into the game (of course, implementing a buyable buff would bring even more money in). I just happen not to be a member of that crowd during those times because it is not something I enjoy, therefore, I enjoy doing other things (like I am this week - revisiting some old SP and MMO games I haven't gotten around to playing in a while). I, of course, will be back next week once the event is over to continue my leveling normally.

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Haha! Nothing to get over really. Not really stressed about the situation, but simply pointing out the inconsistencies in your argument. And to further that along, the numbers would indicate that RPers, PvPers, and Raiders are in the minority of the gaming community. Again - it's not all about the numbers when talking about implementing a gaming feature.


I, for one, am glad that Double XP is here to stay as an occasional event - brings more players and money into the game (of course, implementing a buyable buff would bring even more money in). I just happen not to be a member of that crowd during those times because it is not something I enjoy, therefore, I enjoy doing other things (like I am this week - revisiting some old SP and MMO games I haven't gotten around to playing in a while). I, of course, will be back next week once the event is over to continue my leveling normally.



There are only inconsistencies in my ideas if you don't realize I was tossing out random ideas intended to get the reader to think creatively in how they might do other things to enjoy the 2x XP week or in your case avoid it.


There is only something in my post to talk about if you an an argumentative sort who engages in forums pvp as sport when you are bored. (Not excluding myself on that one, I am the argumentative type and enjoy aggressively discussing my point of view)


That being said if you have already found your diversion, your way out of 2x XP, why bother to come to the forums and complain about it at all? Why not stick with your escape and leave others to theirs? Why engage an argument that really doesn't apply to you since you have created your own Opt Out method?

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I hope you do not mean that we actually hate double xp. I support it and as far as I can see it is great for swtor. As you can see from the title of this thread all I want is to not be forced to take part in it. I just don't want to get double xp (I don't even like getting rested xp).


I just don't see why I have to go to a party just because you want to go.


I'm sure it isn't as simple to be able to exclude folks from 2x XP as folks in this thread are making it seem. And yes, given the nature & tone of many folks posts it does seem as though many those who want to opt out dislike 2x XP and have an aversion to the other players they "are forced to deal with" during the event.


To be honest I don't understand the desire to lvl a toon slowly anymore. I enjoy watching the story's as well and I like taking my time with my characters, but at the same time I have 9 level 55 toons, I'm a little sick of many of the planets and if I can get off Tatooine, Balomora and Hoth quicker then I'll take it!

That is why I like some of the ideas in this thread, give us a buff we can purchase that gives us 2x XP anytime we want it, I'm all for that one!

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I'm sure it isn't as simple to be able to exclude folks from 2x XP as folks in this thread are making it seem. And yes, given the nature & tone of many folks posts it does seem as though many those who want to opt out dislike 2x XP and have an aversion to the other players they "are forced to deal with" during the event.


To be honest I don't understand the desire to lvl a toon slowly anymore. I enjoy watching the story's as well and I like taking my time with my characters, but at the same time I have 9 level 55 toons, I'm a little sick of many of the planets and if I can get off Tatooine, Balomora and Hoth quicker then I'll take it!

That is why I like some of the ideas in this thread, give us a buff we can purchase that gives us 2x XP anytime we want it, I'm all for that one!


Thank you for your honesty and for not being belligerent to my position. I want to clarify on the animosity you may be seeing. Whenever someone proposes the idea of being allowed to opt out of the double xp event they are attacked continually and accused of trying to ruin everyone else's fun. I am told that I am taking away precious development resources from more important aspects of the game like flashpoints and other content and that my opinion does not matter because I am in the minority. I am told that I want to use my "decreased" xp gains to cheat and that I don't want anyone else to have double xp.


All of that is untrue and is an unfair representation of our/my position. I do know of a couple of people that do not think double xp is a good idea at all, but even then I do not see those players demanding an end to double xp events. For me double xp is like taping a piece of paper over my monitor so that only half of the screen is viewable. It makes the game unplayable unless I want to play a max level toon with living legend status. I know that is not easy for someone that loves double xp to understand since we both have different philosophies about how to play, but we can respect each other's position.


It really is refreshing that you are not attacking me and making wild claims about my position. Those continual accusations and attacks on my request by others can get frustrating as I try to be respectful and explain my position and why this matter is important to me.


I am happy about the event and am glad a lot of people are enjoying it, but for me the event poses a rather large problem. I am not going to cancel my account because of it. If the event did become permanent then I really would leave the game permanently and I would be rather sad to leave.

Edited by James_four
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I've already played all the planetary quests several times on both sides. I'm good with double XP because then I just need to see the main storyline to level.


I mean how many times do you want to kill the same K'or'slugs and Rakghouls in the same missions to experience it. Pretty much I've done all the quests lightside and Darkside for both Imp and Pub, and now working through all the storylines, Light and Dark.


Leave my double XP alone :)

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Unless someone hi-jacked the thread, no one is asking to get rid of double xp. :p

Just to let them "decline" it for their characters, and to let them earn normal xp instead.


I think it would be great if you could have a toggle to not get the extra xp. I don't want to see where we don't have them any more or have to paid for them.

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There's actually a really simple workaround glitch for this.


1. Enter combat

2. Go to a "save" distance (that's really optional though)

3. Close the game while still in combat (and by this I mean alt tabbing and closing it manually)

4. Log back in


This will disable the double XP feature on this particular character for the current session.

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There's actually a really simple workaround glitch for this.


1. Enter combat

2. Go to a "save" distance (that's really optional though)

3. Close the game while still in combat (and by this I mean alt tabbing and closing it manually)

4. Log back in


This will disable the double XP feature on this particular character for the current session.


I'm going to favorite that so I can echo it whenever I feel the need to post a CapitalOne commercial. Nice find! :D

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