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Prophecy of the five...where the real pvp is at


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Prophecy of the Five is where the real PvP is at. It's a no mercy, hardcore, punch you in the face when you ain't looking, server. If you are looking for some real PvP, give this server a shot. I know of many hardcore PvP'rs that are rolling Prophecy of the Five and you will not be disappointed. Tons of PvP guilds are already established. Get in quick!
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Why would you want more Sith if it already has a high Sith population? So you can zerg the republic in open PvP and then claim dominance?


Sounds like a lot of standing around doing nothing for Empire, hoping to find a republic player every few days, while having a two hour wait for a WZ.


The Fatman server, on the other hand, has a balanced Republic/Sith population with some very skilled PvP guilds. Plenty of kills to go around for everyone in a great atmosphere.


- W.

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Why would you want more Sith if it already has a high Sith population? So you can zerg the republic in open PvP and then claim dominance?


Na, we dont need anymore Jedi...the sith's 3 to 1 jedi number advantage will barely make it fair to them as it is.


Roll more sith, we're going to need the numbers to replace all those that will rage quit. ;)

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I don't even know where to start with this.


As a PoT5 player myself, the Repubs simply don't have the numbers to do much of anything. I stopped running Yavin 4 dailies on my Repub toons simply to avoid the aggravation of dealing with no Repub backup on a planet that seems to swarm with Imps.


Now I will admit, that thanks to 12 XP, the Repub numbers are rebounding in the lower brackets, but this resurgence won't last long. And for every player rolling an alt, that is one player not on their level 60 main ensuring the high level bracket gets reasonable queue times (especially on the Repub side).


This server is as dead as the concept of OWPVP. The only reason the lights are still on is because the devs don't know how to transfer legacy items and guild and stronghold assets and they are probably holding out hope that with the 12 XP and new expansion coming that the numbers will rebound.


To be honest, I don't think they will. People who are serious about PVP moved on to another server long ago or unsubbed altogether.

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There are a lot of imps on PoT5, probably 5 imps to 1 pub, but imps barely win WZs against pubs... Everyone knows you can get your PvP dailies done, pub side, like it's easy mode...


If that is indeed the case as you feel, it is only because Imps switched sides to enjoy some easy 12 XP leveling of some Repub alts. This won't last long.


I would even argue that as soon as the changes to PVP are done and players can move warzone comm points to alts, that the problem will even get worse. People will migrate to the Imps more for faster queue times and easier wins and move comms over to alts they won't play just so they have the gear on those alts.


Assuming the lights stay on this server a year from now, I see a future of Repub toons in full DR gear who don't even have valor in the teen levels. Yes, I think we will see fully geared players all but throwing matches because they simply didn't gain the experience playing arenas on alts in ranked.


I just feel on one sided low population servers like PoT5, the changes coming to help the community will only make matters worse and not better.

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