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Show Droid Companions Some Love


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HK-51, M1-4X and Scorpio. These three companions are awesome but you don't give us the ability to effectively upgrade and outfit them. Sure, they have their droid parts with mod slots, but you don't let us actually rip armorings out of gear we may loot/buy and put it in there. Why? Because they don't count as a head slot, or a chest, etc. Even though if you open up a sensor unit or a motor you see the icon for a helm or a chest on it.


So fix this Bioware, this shouldn't even be an issue. Let us use our droid companions otherwise all they're good for is running crew skills.


Side note for future content? You put in stuff for cybertechs to learn droid parts for these companions, but they're fixed and have no slots so you can upgrade them from what they originally start off with. Namely the schematics from first on Section X, then later CZ-198. Make them mod gear like everything else, please.

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Yes, please. And while we're at this subject of droid love, give us also legacy armor for droids. It can be some new reputation vendor or whatever...


There is already tanking and dps legacy armor for droids available from the vendor at CZ-198

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There is already tanking and dps legacy armor for droids available from the vendor at CZ-198


And clearly somebody didn't actually "read" my post if you did you'd know that I pointed out the following:


1 - The droid pieces do not come with mod slots, they are fixed stats which cannot be updated by ripping armorings, mods and enhancements out of gear looted/bought and...

2 - Even if they did have mod slots, the problem is that you cannot take an armoring from say, a helmet and put it in ANY of the droid pieces because none of them count as a "head" slot even if when you open it up you see the icon for a helmet.


So please, in the future actually read what's been written before you make yourself look like an ignorant fool and wasting everybody's time.

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And clearly somebody didn't actually "read" my post if you did you'd know that I pointed out the following:


1 - The droid pieces do not come with mod slots, they are fixed stats which cannot be updated by ripping armorings, mods and enhancements out of gear looted/bought and...

2 - Even if they did have mod slots, the problem is that you cannot take an armoring from say, a helmet and put it in ANY of the droid pieces because none of them count as a "head" slot even if when you open it up you see the icon for a helmet.


So please, in the future actually read what's been written before you make yourself look like an ignorant fool and wasting everybody's time.


Maybe you should take your own advice and realize that the one you quoted was responding you another poster, not your OP. Why must it always result to name calling? Their point was that there is legacy droid gear. Not moddable, but the one they quoted didn't specify.


Although it kind of sucks that you can't just buy the gear for comms and rip the armorings, you can use the mods and enhancements, and either craft the armorings or buy them off the GTN. This can actually work to your benefit with the tanking mods/enhancements, since you can just buy whichever piece has the best ones over and over without caring about the armoring and ending up with lots of accuracy or alacrity in your droid's tank gear.

Edited by GatorAndy
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There is already tanking and dps legacy armor for droids available from the vendor at CZ-198


That is not legacy armor, those items just require reputation to be purchased. Legacy armor is for example Gree armor, which you can send to your alts.

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Although it kind of sucks that you can't just buy the gear for comms and rip the armorings, you can use the mods and enhancements, and either craft the armorings or buy them off the GTN. This can actually work to your benefit with the tanking mods/enhancements, since you can just buy whichever piece has the best ones over and over without caring about the armoring and ending up with lots of accuracy or alacrity in your droid's tank gear.


Yes I'm aware of that. However the point of the matter is it's only viable because of the fact that crafted armorings are only cost-effective up to a point, after that they become ludicrously expensive in terms of time, mats and money and it's not worth spending that on a companion. Droid companions, either by design or by oversight get the shaft any way you slice it, and it needs to be rectified so that we can use them like any other companion.

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