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Money - Credits - Bias


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If there is a reason for this, then i know for a fact that it is eluding me.


If it's for the reason i think it is, then to be truly honest, "it's ***ing stupid".



So my question is this:


Why can't i send credits to other FACTIONS? If i'm republic, i can't send credits to a sith player, and visa versa.




This is just plain and simply STUPID.

Was this not alled because someone didn't want a Double agent to support the other faction, or something?


I really fail to see why this is being restricted to one faction only.



Could someone PLEASE explain this to me.

Edited by Ke-il
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Why would two factions that are on the brink of war have mail service between each other? Just from a logistics standpoint that would be a nightmare, not to mention an intelligence (military type here) standpoint. When the cold war was going on, Americans could not walk into the local post office and mail something to the Soviet Union. same thing here.
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It's a small typo, don't get so bent on something like that.




omg, you are seriously throwing in the "at war with each other crap"? What if i have another character that i want to send money too? Why would that be "such a terrible thing" "oh my lord, this is terrible" The two are at war with each other, and he is sending credits to the other side.



Don't understand how "balance" is a factor here. Guess I am the only one thinking this is retarded..

Other than teh PVPing, you hardly see the other faction, so who gives a damn.


But whatever, if the first comments are like this, then, the rest won't be any better.

So many over reacting.

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Oh I agree with you, but what about smugglers or BHs why cant they have the ability to send credits... they have nothing invested in this war besides money.


As long as there is a neutral AH, the at war argument holds no water.

Edited by VLudovico
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While the lore is fine and all, letting it effect the metagame really is not the way to go. Whether the factions are at war or not should not be an issue. We, the players, are hardly at war and we play what we find interesting. Especially since some classes are faction-specific when they shouldn't be (I.E. Smugglers and BHs). All in all, players should be able to interact however they see fit. If a sith and jedi want to get together and chill in a bar drinking booze, then let them. The game's story is there as a backdrop, it shouldn't actually hinder player interaction since the only thing an MMO is good for is player interaction.
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Why would two factions that are on the brink of war have mail service between each other? Just from a logistics standpoint that would be a nightmare, not to mention an intelligence (military type here) standpoint. When the cold war was going on, Americans could not walk into the local post office and mail something to the Soviet Union. same thing here.


You could send mail to the Soviet Union during The Cold War. Lots of people had penpals and still do with countries that are not considered allies with the US, Cuba, etc.

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I haven't used the neutral GTM yet but, doesn't it cost more to use it?


If so that would be a "tax" on using it, if you were allowed to just send credits you wouldn't be charged the "tax". Although they could put something in to charge that "tax".


The we are at war thing also applies. During war time a person sending money to the other side would be seen as supporting that side. Since you can't change sides in this game the only way to restrict supporting the other side is to limit what interaction you have with them.

Edited by Mownt
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Speaking as a Cuban, yes mail services are available (though quite unreliable - it's a crap shoot if it gets there), though Cuba is not at war with the US, it is under a state of embargo. During the cold war between the US and USSR, there was mail service but the countries were not in an actual state of war.


For a modern example of a communication barrier between warring countries, you can look at North and South Korea. I believe the first "allowed" mail correspondace in 50 years between the two was made in the early 2000's but to my knowlege there is no current mail service between the two, nor with the US for that matter.


Regarding the game, the Republic and the Empire are not in a state of war - the Treaty of Curuscant is in effect (such as it is). That said, given the actual political situation, I personally can accept if communication between the two factions' citizens is restricted.


As for the Auction House, you could say that neutral intermediaries are being used - planet Switzerland :). One could argue the same intermediaries could be used for the exchange of money but that would not be a direct exchange between the final parties (as the email system is). For example, my guess is that your best bet to mail something to North Korea today would be to use an intermediary in China.


That said, you can probably justify the lore either way.

Edited by Cubanito-
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If this was possible to send credits to the other side, and i sent someone 500,000 credits, it's not going to make a huge impact on the game, or cause a catastrophic end to the game and all of a sudden cause that one side to win the invisible battle and tip the scales to their favour.


I seriously fail to see the socalled bad implications of having this ability.

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There is no reason it should not be allowed, lore or other. Each faction should gain money the same rate, if not that's BWs fault. I can still sell a piece of aluminum for 50k at Nar Shadaa as an Operative and buy it with my Jedi. None of it makes sense other than that is the way it is in other games, and thats just BS.
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I actually didn't realize you couldn't send credits to the other faction. I agree that that's a stupid restriction when it's possible to send mail to the other faction. I don't really care which way they go, but it should be all or nothing in my opinion.
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I actually didn't realize you couldn't send credits to the other faction. I agree that that's a stupid restriction when it's possible to send mail to the other faction. I don't really care which way they go, but it should be all or nothing in my opinion.


You cannot send items either AFAIK.

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I just had a huge fight in the CHAT, yes, the chat... being called a trolls for stating this very fact. It's really pathetic the narrow minded view many of these players have.


This always happen, the devs always listen to the d!psh*T trolls who outnumber the people who actualy have good ideas on how to make the game more enjoyable.


This is pissing me off the more i think about it. And it's not like this will ever be made available.


Great how one bad idea can really screw up a game.


MMo community is like any other community, Trolls acting like they are the troll hunters, thinking they are the best. The community pretty much sucks dirt.



So sick of the word troll, everyone uses it but hardly anyone knows what it means anymore.

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