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VR Addition to Space Battles (when it becomes available end of year)


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I can imagine getting very motion sick from that. Also, on a more philosophical level, I don't like the idea of being so detached from reality, you can look away from the computer screen but with oculus you're completely blind to the real world. You can't tell night from day or how many hours have gone by. Kinda creepy. Imagine putting those on in the morning only to take them off and find out its already dark...
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Armonddd who cares what you think...my friend..... the world is going forward with or without your approval. You can be like a ostrich with its head in the sand. Bottom line, SWTOR embraces new technology or it gets replaced with a game company that does... Whether you agree or not with Oculus... the VR technology is coming and there will be gaming companies with the foresight and vision to leverage it. I suspect STWOR will not be one of those companies and that is there decision. And there loss. If a game like Eve Online embraces VR then I'm there, anything to enhance the user experience. Sometimes a paradigm shift needs to occur to take us in directions we never envisioned. Happy gaming in your flat screen world...
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Armonddd who cares what you think...


Then why did you post on a public forum? If all you want to do is circle jerk technological advances, there's plenty of ways to do that without risking disagreement... though good luck finding a community to circle jerk facebook's VR, since they're completely missing the point (connective vs immersive).


SWTOR isn't going to use VR technology, no matter how much we'd like it to. In fact, I'm pretty sure most games would need to recreate their graphics for VR, if not their entire interface. Most gaming companies these days just aren't willing to do that without the promise of box sales.


And, you know, there's plenty of good reasons to prefer traditional screen gaming. Motion sickness, for one, and time sensitivity, as mentioned above. Even when a good VR system comes out, it's not going to be strictly superior to "traditional" gaming. Not everyone is going to step on the new bandwagon just because it's a new bandwagon, and indeed jumping blindly with the new trends is just as foolish as stubbornly sticking with the old.

Edited by Armonddd
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It will be a screen resolution thing, not overly complicated IMO. there will likely be a new generation of games that will take advantage of the full VR system but I imagine there will be many games that will simply work on the headset (with little to no change mind you)


I dont think I can foot the bill for an Oculus Rift, but when these things come down in price I plan to own one. I could really care less which company owns what, I am interested in technology. And honestly facebook has the potential to do much more with the headset than a smaller company would =/


VR is coming theres no denying that, im honestly a bit surprised at the negativity...... go figure

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It will be a screen resolution thing, not overly complicated IMO.


...there's a lot more to it than simply upscaling the resolution. Even if it were just that, you'd have to literally redraw everything at the higher resolution if you didn't want it to look terrible.


And honestly facebook has the potential to do much more with the headset than a smaller company would =/


That's true, but I don't want to have to log in to facebox to put my headset on, and I don't want my achievements twitted for half the world to see. The point of VR is to immerse yourself in the experience, not to be constantly reminded of the real world.


Of course, if they actually do it right, I'll eat my hat.

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That's true, but I don't want to have to log in to facebox to put my headset on, and I don't want my achievements twitted for half the world to see. The point of VR is to immerse yourself in the experience, not to be constantly reminded of the real world.


Of course, if they actually do it right, I'll eat my hat.



I also would abhor this, I am relatively unconnected and I like to keep it that way =/ Id hate to be forced into social garbage to use a headset.

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I no longer support the oculus rift and would not support this idea.


I think you are overreacting, but not really by much.


The rift wouldn't bring much to a 3rd person game in any event. But when you layer on whatever the heck kind of nonsense MIGHT be associated with it soon, it becomes even less appealing.

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i also would abhor this, i am relatively unconnected and i like to keep it that way =/ id hate to be forced into social garbage to use a headset.



Edited by Verain
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I think you are overreacting, but not really by much.


Also consider that other people will certainly pick up the pace and catch up to where oculus left off. I'd much rather wait for that to happen than fund facebook's monstrosity.

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Given the lack of head motion detection support (Track IR ect.) I wouldn't expect Oculus to be supported either.


They're both basically about changing camera angle with head motion, they just have different kinds of clunkiness in the hardware implementation.


Long run Oculus or Oculus-like solutions will probably be superior, but that's still a ways off.


Looking at other games that have head tracking support, they tend to have better baseline camera manipulation than SWTOR and it's still a pretty big project for them to add head tracking support to that.

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Please tell me someone's seen SAO. If this is where we're heading, I'll be avoiding ANYTHING like Sword Art Online VR devices. It's a cool concept, but connecting to a device like that would A) B extremely difficult to code, and B) A nightmare for what the future could hold.


I've often woken up, hopped on TOR, and played from 8am until 2am the following morning (well, often logged in early. Playing that long is a fun albeit rarer occurrence than I'd like). GSF's got an addiction on me I can't quite shake, so living in darkness isn't too bad :p Just open a window once in a while and remember to eat

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