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  1. Armonddd who cares what you think...my friend..... the world is going forward with or without your approval. You can be like a ostrich with its head in the sand. Bottom line, SWTOR embraces new technology or it gets replaced with a game company that does... Whether you agree or not with Oculus... the VR technology is coming and there will be gaming companies with the foresight and vision to leverage it. I suspect STWOR will not be one of those companies and that is there decision. And there loss. If a game like Eve Online embraces VR then I'm there, anything to enhance the user experience. Sometimes a paradigm shift needs to occur to take us in directions we never envisioned. Happy gaming in your flat screen world...
  2. When the oculus rift is released just think what VR could do. Other gaming development teams see the use:
  3. We have all these companions that are acquired in the game... why not allow us to use them as a self contained group in Flash points, Heroic Missions, etc....... sometimes is hard to find a group available when you want to do some of this other stuff, and this option would allow a player to be self contained and still get the benefit of doing those things.. This also allows the devoted player to continue enjoying the game self contained as other human players leave the subscription tier to play something else. Allow us to pick and choose what companion(s) we want up to 3 to make a 4 party group and assign what role each would take on in the group. For example: (1) Ship Droid - healer (2) Kahem Val - tank (3) Andonikos Revel - damage (4) Myself - damage and healer as needed
  4. When you sell something on the Galactic Market ... once you are at the point to add the item to create the sale... once the item as been added... return back three values so you can make a better decision on sale price... (1) highest price item (per unit) is being sold (2) Average price item (per unit) is being sold (3) lowest price item (per unit) is being sold Then after that info is displayed after the adding of the item... you could create the sale... The same could be done on searching to buy an item.. also.. but more important for selling
  5. It would be nice to have Multiple Saved Skill Tree Configuration Slots... In my case I use a Sith Sorcerer and I would like to have a skill tree save slot for a "Healer" configuration and a save slot "Lighting" damage configuration... In each configuration I allocate points as I see fit...and save that configuration to the slot... that slot can be activated anytime when not in battle.. Three configuration slots would be nice since there are tree skill trees.. It just allows you to play your toon in three different ways.. and get more out of the one toons possible configuration capabilities... Then as I'm playing I can decide to take on a healing role or damage dealing roll or whatever with the same toon...
  6. This would really be a nice feature for playability....
  7. Speeders with guns.. please
  8. I would like one character to be my crafter.... could you please make it so you could Deactivate a Crafting skill and still keep the points you earned, then learn and Activate another new crafting skill. This way one character could do all the different type of crafting skills. When you need a certain crafting skill you activate from you learned list. When you don't need the crafting skill you Deactivate and still keep you crafting points for that skill. Also give achievements for mastering 2 crafts, 3 crafts, 4 crafts... etc... with special crafting recipes given on achievement.
  9. I'm not talking about that kind of scripting just the ability to chain your abilities to one icon that can be placed into a slot on the task bar... Implementation in GUI I see them creating a window that comes up with 10 slots.... and with all the abilities you have on the right side...then you drag and drop the abilities into the slots .... By each slot when applicable you have a drop down combo box to select a target cast option: Companion Group Member 1 Group Member 2 Group Member 3 Group Member 4 Self When your done adding all your going to... you save the script and it adds a new tree in the "abilities" menu called Chained Abilities. In that section are all the scripts your created for that toon... its toon specific. Then you can drag and drop that newly created icon on the task bar.. and use it...
  10. Other MMO's do this (RIFT) to save keystrokes and mouse clicks and enhance game play. There are so many abilities task bar management as you level up becomes a nightmare if your playing multiple classes. It would be nice to have the ability to create "chained abilities" icons and drop it into the task bar taking up a single slot, but performs multiple ability commands... Also make it so that if a ability is cooling down it goes to the next ability in the script chain. This way you could put the longer cool downs in front and still just hit the one button to go through the chain of commands.. Example Script: Script Name - Heal GM 1 (1) Target Group Member 1 (2) Force Armor (20 sec cool down on same player) (3) Benevolence Script Name - Attack (1) Force Stun (1 minute cool down) (2) Mind Crush ( 15 second cool down) (3) Project (6 sec cool down) (4) Telekinetic Throw, (6 sec cool down) (5) Disturbance (no cool down) One task bar slot ...in the last script performs 5 abilities... now that is a time saver...and greatly reduces user reaction time... Another example: Script Name - Companion Attack: (1) Force Armor --> "Companion" (20 sec cool down on same player) See GUI on how to implement this (2) Companion Attack ( currently selected target) POST 3 Added here for convenience - IMPLEMENTATION IN GUI: I see them creating a window that comes up with 10 slots.... and with all the abilities you have on the right side...then you drag and drop the abilities into the slots .... By each slot when applicable you have a drop down combo box to select a target cast option: Companion Group Member 1 Group Member 2 Group Member 3 Group Member 4 Self When your done adding all your going to... you save the script and it adds a new tree in the "abilities" menu called Chained Abilities. In that section are all the scripts your created for that toon... its toon specific. Then you can drag and drop that newly created icon on the task bar.. and use it... Also make it a subscriber only feature... incentive to subscribe...
  11. In the Star Wars Movies (V, VI) speeders had guns. How about adding guns to the speeder so when we are riding it we can shoot.....
  12. Add Slots for purchase in cartel that store different skill tree builds for a character. This would allow a character to be played using any of the saved skill tree configurations. In the skill tree section the player can choose which saved skill tree configuration to play. One day you might want to play the character one way (a medical skill tree configuration or example) , then the next day you might want to play the same character another way (a damage skill tree configuration). This would add the flexibility to be able to do just that.
  13. My computer screen is a touch screen.. http://www.wacom.com/products/pen-displays/cintiq/cintiq-24hd-touch
  14. Can you add the ability on a touch screen to move your character. Forward, backward, right and left with arrows in the screen. Placement can be made ether on left or right side. You should be able to turn it off. Also put a button in the middle of arrows for jump ...........^ < Jump > .......... ^
  15. The bigger question is why isn't there free flying... its a big universe out there... we should be able to go where we want, when we want and how we want... This part of the game makes it so limiting....a staged linear game... bummer. I had hoped for more freedom....
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