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Tanking Incentives


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I remember a system from another game that could work quite well here, can't remember which game it was tho.


When you went to queue it marked the roles that were low on players and offers extra exp on completion for joining in that role. Most of the time it would be tank or heal highlighted for that since there was tons of dps in the queues.


If that was done here people who field respec would be more likely to queue in the roles that are short on people for the extra exp and the roles that have plenty waiting would get shorter times, everybody wins.

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Playing a healer and a tank for OPS, the two professions have rahter interesting consequences over their DPS colleagues in general.


A tank, by definition you will take a beating, well above and beyond all others, and it shows inthe form of gear repairs that others simply do not experience as much. Also because you are the focus of the public beatings, you burn a much higher number of healing items than others, it comes with the turf and its uderstood, but heal packets aren't free nor cheap. Then of course the Tank is relaly suppossed to hold aggroe and take a beating, right, so what tanks must do to boost their performance, and thus make it safer for all other players? That is right, they ar emore obliged than DPS to burn stims and they go as high 10K a pop. So a Tank has a lot of pressure to perform, master the OPS, spend 10K on stims, nealry as much in med packs through out the OPS, and oh yes, those good ole gear repair bills, and that is given that htye have good professional healing to keep them going, get a rookie and the bills sky-rocket.


A Healer does not have it much better than the tank, just about every new mob, has healer on their mind for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Often it is the healer that gains aggore and is made to pay for it dearly in gear costs, and despite they can heal, in the so often chaotic battlefield trying to keep 15 other players up they are forced to burn med packs on themselves, as ironic as that seems. Like the Tank they actually have a higher dependency to burn those stims, they have a brutal load of customers to keep healed, and debuff free. Have a not so good aggroe holding tank and slow to protect the healer DPS and the Healer repair an doperational bills mount up, big time.


So here we have the Tanker and Healer, which are very stressing professions and to kick them in the groin, they have higher operational costs; the lack of fairness in this is just ironic.


So we want to make these two choices more desirable?


Give the Tank: a 25% Boost on credits earned, to defray their operaitonal costs.

Give the Healer a 20% Boost on credits earned, to defray their operational costs.


So for instance in a well ran TFB SM, a player can normally earn about 100K in credits, not counting sales from drops, but all things being equal the opportunity of inome from drops tend to be rather tiny for the healer or tank, 1 in 16, and then you have the need and greed which can potentiall turn their chance to zip.


So a DPS walks out with 100K, but did not take the standard gear beating, nor was obliged at using a stim

The healer would walk away with 120K, but after the stim and repairs would be down to 100k

and the Tank would recive 125k, but after expenses (stims, repairs, heal packets) would be effectivley down to 100K




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