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Devs: Will there be Cartel Market skins for the new Strike and Scout?


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So far we haven't heard or seen anything about any new Cartel Ships coming any time soon.


I just figured I should ask, before we invest a bunch of time and requisition into the Bloodmark, Imperius, Clarion and Spearpoint, whether there are going to be any Cartel Market skins offered for any of them...?


If so, it'd be good to release them all simultaneously... I'd be more likely to buy a Cartel Ship if I don't already have the free version half-upgraded.

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I would assume that they would share the same set of skins as the existing scouts and strikes




Sorry, I didn't mean paint jobs. I meant the actual model. Like the Ocula is an alternate "skin" for the Sting/Flashfire. My bad choice of words.

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So what you're really asking is if they're going to make Premium versions of the upcoming Strikes and Scouts?


Good question, I admit... though I'm definitely getting the Clarion. Because X-Wing, dammit! :)

I was so disappointed when I saw what that model of strike fighter would be. I suspected that it would be the strike with a "system" in the load out. In my mind it was going to be the strike version of the flash fire. They however found a way to take the nicest strike model with the component I have been waiting on and neutered it. I have been racking my brain to try and figure out how to make it an offensive ship and it just does not seem possible.
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