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PvP On ToFN Looks Like This...


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Are you that 300 dps so-called objective guy scratching some guarded operatives' back all game wondering why he wont die? Then at the end of the game that you lose (ofc heheh) you write "**** noob team" and with sky high blood pressure you enter the forum in desperation to change the server? Good luck man, you are not alone!


Well - 300dps? Who said anything about me being dps? I am a healer who usually gets in the average of 800k-1m healing pr wz, 55ish. Heck, it's gone so far that I actually have to THREAT people with not giving heals, if they do not fight at objectives (i.e. mid in NC) instead of going all gung-ho at the enemy respawn. If you die at the enemy respawn, THEY have LESS time to get to the mid-cap than you do. Its common sense.


My alt is a dps though, but not in 55 bracket atm. Even still, the lack of tactical sense is present in ALL brackets. While some people would say "pvp is only for 55 and everything else is not to be taken seriously" - yes, that is perhaps true when it comes to balancing. But newsflash: You cannot balance TACTICAL SENSE. It is present wether you are lvl 10 or 55. True, at 55 you might have more abilities to use, to get your tactics through, but again - if a player is total clueless, it doesnt matter how many "mad zkillz yo" he has.


For the record: I mark healers, wether I am on my healer main or my dps alt. Marking is tactical play.


And I bet you are one of those "pro's" who keeps saying that "high damage score equals wins" - which is a blatant lie. You know gosh darn well that if you kill someone in, lets say, 5-7 seconds, while you are defending some objective, and there won't be comming more enemies your way, your total damage done is less than those smashmonkeys/aoe sorcs who just want high dmg numbers. But guess what - YOU just killed a guy who tried to cap an objective, which could have tipped the scale towards the enemy team. YOU just PTFO'ed.


Can mention another example: Last night, I entered an ongoing wz on my alt, Ancient Hypergate (name of the WZ, not my alt ;) ). My team were behind in score (almost about to end) and things looked grim. I noticed upon arrival that we had 2 people going towards the enemy pylon. I went with them, but stayed behind bricks, out of LoS, leaving those two to draw attention. Result? I ended up capping the pylon while 5 of the enemy teammembers were busy tunnelvisioning the two of my teammembers, while I carefully placed myself in direct opposite direction, so that the green light from their pylon would interfere with the blueish-cap-light you get when you cap. Just with 2 seconds left of the countdown, I captured the pylon, leading to the victory. Perhaps also worth mentioning that I play with no titles on or surname or legacy titles, in order to minimize the red name above my head, functioning as a HUGE "ENEMY HERE!" sign.


My dmg done in that wz? Around 8k, done on my way back to middle - but my contribution by capping that pylon so we had both pylons and thus won the wz, were more important than having big dmg numbers.


You don't seem to see what I write, do you? I mark healers, I attack said healers (and ask for help getting them down, or at least interrupt their freecasting).


I am not one of those guys who keep yelling "noobs" in ops or on fleet or even in tells. I am one of those guys who, in a very psychological way, so even a 5 year old kid can understand, writes "do not fight AWAY from the objectives. Fight while FACING the objectives, so that you can see if a NINJA (read: stealther) tries to CAP (read: get the node). Heck, if I have 5 creds every time a sniper sits at voidstar in trench with his back to the door, and some ninja caps it behind him... Just an example.


Not to mention those who DO call incs, but mainly AFTER they are dead. :) It is not THAT hard to quickly type "e1" or "g2" or whatever.


Now what I don't get is - why people like you begin trashtalking/************ about people who comes to the forums, asking for more teamplay/tactical sense, and instantly gets "shot down" by forum-warriors for saying "hey I play tactical - can you please help by playing tactical as well?"


IF - you are tactical minded as well, why the heck do you guys then attack other tactical minded?


Just wondering...

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whats your ingame nick ? can you type it here?


P.S. dear imperial players with 1000-1500 exp [like 80% have it], if im trashtalking pubs here it doesnt mean that you will play in your ****** gear and come to every thread and talk how you carry , "but bads leaving and other bads joining"


Sure thing:






For the record: I haven't said anything at all about "carrying". Read my posts again please.


Now - your name please?

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Sure thing:






For the record: I haven't said anything at all about "carrying". Read my posts again please.


Now - your name please?


My nick is in my signature, but yesterday i sent gear on my rep toon


While im not playing group rankeds anymore i want to get some pleasure at least from normals


And yes, yesterday i was playing all day , lost 2 or 3 games with 15 games winning streak, empire pvp looks deadly bad from republic point of view

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My nick is in my signature, but yesterday i sent gear on my rep toon


While im not playing group rankeds anymore i want to get some pleasure at least from normals


And yes, yesterday i was playing all day , lost 2 or 3 games with 15 games winning streak, empire pvp looks deadly bad from republic point of view


Hmm Savelki? Looked to me like it was the name of the legacy :) But anyways...


Exactly - it is terribad :( And when you try to reason with people, asking them politely to go for the objective, most of the times you get "FU", "****", etc etc back... Last night, in NC, we had 4-5 players, incl me, at mid. Guess what - I was the only one trying to actually CAP it, while the rest were just tunnelvisioning the reps towards their respawn... I had to type "hey can I get help capping here at mid?" in ops chat, before ONE person actually came to help... :)


Now, I do understand the "THIS GUY HAS TO DIE!"-mentality..I've had it myself. But when this guy actually dies, do they go back to cap? No, they just stay there right outside reps respawn and waiting...meanwhile a ninja goes behind and caps ;)


I must say - I am THIS close on going reps... :(

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Hmm Savelki? Looked to me like it was the name of the legacy :) But anyways...


Exactly - it is terribad :( And when you try to reason with people, asking them politely to go for the objective, most of the times you get "FU", "****", etc etc back... Last night, in NC, we had 4-5 players, incl me, at mid. Guess what - I was the only one trying to actually CAP it, while the rest were just tunnelvisioning the reps towards their respawn... I had to type "hey can I get help capping here at mid?" in ops chat, before ONE person actually came to help... :)


Now, I do understand the "THIS GUY HAS TO DIE!"-mentality..I've had it myself. But when this guy actually dies, do they go back to cap? No, they just stay there right outside reps respawn and waiting...meanwhile a ninja goes behind and caps ;)


I must say - I am THIS close on going reps... :(


I refuse to support objective gameplay in a game that forces people (other than huttbal) to keep at least one player AFK. That is not PvP.


To defend and to strive to cap etc in this game is supporting that a stealth class automatically has to defend. In a pug scenario that is rude, its pointless and its stupid. The warzones in this game are terrible for pugs.

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I refuse to support objective gameplay in a game that forces people (other than huttbal) to keep at least one player AFK. That is not PvP.


To defend and to strive to cap etc in this game is supporting that a stealth class automatically has to defend. In a pug scenario that is rude, its pointless and its stupid. The warzones in this game are terrible for pugs.


In what way do they force players to AFK? Defending / being out of combat doesn't equal being AFK :)


A stealth class doesn't necessary have to defend. Of course it is the best option given that stealthers has an advantage. But there are more to an objectivebased game than just defending: attacking. And if people fail to simply CAP nodes, but rather wants to TDM in an objectivebased WZ, then I don't see any way of winning.


I agree that the WZs in this game sucks big time for pugs.

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In what way do they force players to AFK? Defending / being out of combat doesn't equal being AFK :)


A stealth class doesn't necessary have to defend. Of course it is the best option given that stealthers has an advantage. But there are more to an objectivebased game than just defending: attacking. And if people fail to simply CAP nodes, but rather wants to TDM in an objectivebased WZ, then I don't see any way of winning.


I agree that the WZs in this game sucks big time for pugs.


Defend = Might as well afk, at least if you measure the amount of enjoyment you'll get from watching the map just to be able to say "1 GRASS"


Winning, losing... It doesnt even matter as well, there's no incentive at all to play the maps in a more boring way than possible and as such I will not judge anyone who refuses to take part in the joke that is this game's warzones.

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Defend = Might as well afk, at least if you measure the amount of enjoyment you'll get from watching the map just to be able to say "1 GRASS"


Winning, losing... It doesnt even matter as well, there's no incentive at all to play the maps in a more boring way than possible and as such I will not judge anyone who refuses to take part in the joke that is this game's warzones.


That is true. Most of the times when I defend, I tend to be kinda bored... and really wanting to go and do some damage, killing players at the other objectives. But with the risk of loosing the guarded objective, I would stay. And I wouldnt go afk.- I enter each WZ knowing that I might end up defending. If I won't do the teamwork, I shouldn't be playing teambased PvP.


Needless to say - Huttball is my favorite map ;)


Winning or loosing doesnt matter? Then why play PvP at all? I know, I know...some people just play for fun. But for some people it is actually fun to win, and annoying to loose.


What would it hurt, to actually cap the objectives? It is a win-win situation for both parts: Those who doesnt care about loosing/winning gets satisfied - and those who cares, gets satisfied as well.

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That is true. Most of the times when I defend, I tend to be kinda bored... and really wanting to go and do some damage, killing players at the other objectives. But with the risk of loosing the guarded objective, I would stay. And I wouldnt go afk.- I enter each WZ knowing that I might end up defending. If I won't do the teamwork, I shouldn't be playing teambased PvP.


Needless to say - Huttball is my favorite map ;)


Winning or loosing doesnt matter? Then why play PvP at all? I know, I know...some people just play for fun. But for some people it is actually fun to win, and annoying to loose.


What would it hurt, to actually cap the objectives? It is a win-win situation for both parts: Those who doesnt care about loosing/winning gets satisfied - and those who cares, gets satisfied as well.


Winning or losing as a definition in your scenario only applies if I abide by your rules: that objectives matter. Since they do not matter (since they force people to not participate) I do not judge a win from losing or winning. If you considered yourself winning games vs premades (the better PvP guilds) where they had 500 kills and your team had 20, you're in for a rough surprise. They could have won in 10 seconds but they chose not to, because all players aren't interested in forcing someone to intentionally not participate in the game, a game that takes a monthly fee. And while you still may walk away with a sense of accomplishment from winning said game I will not feel like a looser because it says "DEFEAT" in a 8v8 scenario where my biggest contribution to the team would have been "AFKING" (read: not participating) at a nod.


No I rather do PvP, live as long as possible and kil/heall as much as possible. If I can help my team while doing that I obviously will. But again, can't judge players in any warzone other than huttball for not playing objective :/

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QFT... last night I played 14 WZs... all 14 were lost. Players (kids) on IMP side are seriously tunnelvisioning, no sign of tactical sense, or anything...


I am seriously thinking of rerolling rep... at least I get some people who listen and knows how to play... :/


Well I'll be sure to queue and try to get a group with you. :D


I'm guessing you probably spend the whole time calling them idiots... I wouldn't listen either.

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My nick is in my signature, but yesterday i sent gear on my rep toon


While im not playing group rankeds anymore i want to get some pleasure at least from normals


And yes, yesterday i was playing all day , lost 2 or 3 games with 15 games winning streak, empire pvp looks deadly bad from republic point of view


Idk... when I play regs I win about 75% of my games on imp side, whether it's solo or grouped up it doesn't really matter.

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Hmm Savelki? Looked to me like it was the name of the legacy :) But anyways...


Exactly - it is terribad :( And when you try to reason with people, asking them politely to go for the objective, most of the times you get "FU", "****", etc etc back... Last night, in NC, we had 4-5 players, incl me, at mid. Guess what - I was the only one trying to actually CAP it, while the rest were just tunnelvisioning the reps towards their respawn... I had to type "hey can I get help capping here at mid?" in ops chat, before ONE person actually came to help... :)


Now, I do understand the "THIS GUY HAS TO DIE!"-mentality..I've had it myself. But when this guy actually dies, do they go back to cap? No, they just stay there right outside reps respawn and waiting...meanwhile a ninja goes behind and caps ;)


I must say - I am THIS close on going reps... :(


More PvP speak you expect all PUGs to understand.

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Well I'll be sure to queue and try to get a group with you. :D


I'm guessing you probably spend the whole time calling them idiots... I wouldn't listen either.


Actually if you've read my posts, you would know that I don't call people names. I try to talk to them in a way that everyone would understand. :)

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More PvP speak you expect all PUGs to understand.


It IS basic understanding.




Voidstar Objective:


As attacker: Place bomb on door. Defend bomb. Profit. Do this all the way to the terminal in the back of the map.


As defender: Keep attackers from placing the bombs on the doors.




Novare Coast (NC):


Capture at least TWO (2) turrets in order to penetrate the opponents shields. When the HP (healthpoints) of the bunker reaches 0 you win. There are three turrets; one west of map, one mid and one east of map. Usually called W, M or E.


Pro-tip: You actually have to CLICK on the glowing terminals which is situated INSIDE the small bunkers, in order to begin capping - not just stay near it.




Civil War:


Basically the same as NC, but with turrets called Grass aka G (grassy area), Snow aka S (Snowy area) or Mid aka MID/M. You can hide behind the turret-cap in order to LoS people while you are capping it. Again, this is done by actively clicking on the glowy terminal.






Grab the ball, get it to the opponents spawnarea (cross the line with the ball) and score. Stay OUT of the green goo and the fire. You can toss the ball to a teammember if you like. If you get killed while carrying the ball, the enemy who made the killblow, gets the ball. If you go stealth while carrying the ball, the ball resets.


In case of a tie, upon time is out, the team who carries the ball (if any) wins.




Ancient Hypergate:


Pylons...ahh yes - the notorious pylons. The map is divided up so that there is a center, with 4 orbs in it, and one pylon situated east and one west of the center. Capturing a pylon grants points. Killing a player grants points. Gathering orbs and bringing them to the pylon YOUR team controls grants points. Team with most points in the end, wins. Again, to capture a pylon, click on the huuuuge glowy thing on the ground.


IF you capture a pylon, and the enemy then captures it afterwards, THEY will get quite a sum of points. IF your team (or the enemy team) has BOTH pylons when the timer runs out and the pylons emit a discharge, the team gets ALOT of points.


The pylons emits a discharge regularly when a timer is out (the timer can be found usually top-right of your screen).




Usually when people say to call "inc" it means that whoever is defending should type in ops (operationschat) that they have incomming by saying the turret and how many enemies are incomming. An example:

On Novare Coast, you are defending EAST, and you see TWO enemies comming in the distance (or they jump you if you arent paying attention) - you quickly type E2 (East - 2 enemies) - by typing only E2, it gives you the time to actually put up a fight, hence stalling the enemy while waiting for backup (unless your team is full of complete tunnelvisioning smashmonkeys who doesnt read chat). Preferably call the inc, BEFORE you die, usually in the beginning of the combat. Calling after, and then complain about no help comes, simply doesn't cut it. :)


Now - what can we conclude from all this? Well - that it is VERY smart to stay near the objective if your team has it, and defend it from being capped by the opponent team. This is best done while FACING the objective (the glowy terminal or door), and have a generally sense of what goes on around you.


IF the opponent has more objectives (caps) than your team, it would be very wise to try and get those caps. Again, I refer to how to actively cap a point. ;)


Other tactics apply in PvP as well in PvE: LoS, stay out of red circles, while green circles USUALLY are okay. Etc etc...


Keyboard-turning: insta-death.

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And again, the objectives are pointless when 100% of the players cant be expected to adhere to them. The warzones are so poorly designed that you advocating for change will only make you look a fool - never shall we encourage non participation. If you want PvE, click buttons, stand still and wait for pop/spawn/enemy go to a PvE server.


We PvP and objective based PvP is only viable, in the game's current state, with a full premade. Trying to tell a pug to guard is bad form. If you came here and said that you guard 100% of your games that would be commendable, and idiotic. But since you dont, stop with this bs.

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And again, the objectives are pointless when 100% of the players cant be expected to adhere to them. The warzones are so poorly designed that you advocating for change will only make you look a fool - never shall we encourage non participation. If you want PvE, click buttons, stand still and wait for pop/spawn/enemy go to a PvE server.


We PvP and objective based PvP is only viable, in the game's current state, with a full premade. Trying to tell a pug to guard is bad form. If you came here and said that you guard 100% of your games that would be commendable, and idiotic. But since you dont, stop with this bs.


Tell that to the team who lost, because a solo guy (me) capped their pylon in the last second.


I think it is YOU who should stop with your bs. Just because YOU think that the objective based PvP isnt PvP, it doesn't mean that anyone else think or should think the same.


Just because YOU think that it doesn't matter if you win or loose, it doesn't mean that everyone else thinks the same. Stop being so ignorant.


For your information, I have had both good and bad pugs - good ones who listened and followed directions, either from me or from another tactical player.


Again - I have read your posts and I DO understand that you do not want to PTFO. But saying that I should stop with what I am doing is simply too ignorant.


In almost ANY form for PvP, in EVERY MMO THAT HAS PvP, there are objective based WZ/BG/ whatever. If YOU can't handle it, then by all means stop playing it. But DO NOT tell others that they should stop trying to explain how the objectives are played. Got it?


I guard nodes (caps/objectives) when needed be: When there are no other defenders. But since I am either a healer (my main) or a non-stealth dps, this is not the best. But I still do it, for the team. Since...afterall...the WZ's are TEAMbased...right?


I do however agree with you that some of the WZs are of a poor design. But again - every MMO who has objective-based WZ/BGs, are of poor design probably. The question is: How do you work around it, and win? And yes - on countrary to your belief, there ARE players outthere who aims to win. Me included.

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Tell that to the team who lost, because a solo guy (me) capped their pylon in the last second.


I think it is YOU who should stop with your bs. Just because YOU think that the objective based PvP isnt PvP, it doesn't mean that anyone else think or should think the same.


Just because YOU think that it doesn't matter if you win or loose, it doesn't mean that everyone else thinks the same. Stop being so ignorant.


For your information, I have had both good and bad pugs - good ones who listened and followed directions, either from me or from another tactical player.


Again - I have read your posts and I DO understand that you do not want to PTFO. But saying that I should stop with what I am doing is simply too ignorant.


In almost ANY form for PvP, in EVERY MMO THAT HAS PvP, there are objective based WZ/BG/ whatever. If YOU can't handle it, then by all means stop playing it. But DO NOT tell others that they should stop trying to explain how the objectives are played. Got it?


I guard nodes (caps/objectives) when needed be: When there are no other defenders. But since I am either a healer (my main) or a non-stealth dps, this is not the best. But I still do it, for the team. Since...afterall...the WZ's are TEAMbased...right?


I do however agree with you that some of the WZs are of a poor design. But again - every MMO who has objective-based WZ/BGs, are of poor design probably. The question is: How do you work around it, and win? And yes - on countrary to your belief, there ARE players outthere who aims to win. Me included.


1. I said objective gametypes in this game are of poor design, not overall. See 2:

2. Huttball makes everybody participate (if they want)

3. People like you that stand still and talk all match are 1) frustrating and annoying 2) underachievers 3) barely play, just write

4. How convenient that its better if YOU do not guard, because of your chosen role. /Eyeroll.


I'll continue being one of the biggest factors my team win in my warzones because thats what being a DPS monster will do, having 15-25 KBS definitely contribute, while you can stand there in your corner of the map and tell people to listen the **** up (as if they'd listen to you, why would they?) :)

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1. I said objective gametypes in this game are of poor design, not overall. See 2:

2. Huttball makes everybody participate (if they want)

3. People like you that stand still and talk all match are 1) frustrating and annoying 2) underachievers 3) barely play, just write

4. How convenient that its better if YOU do not guard, because of your chosen role. /Eyeroll.


I'll continue being one of the biggest factors my team win in my warzones because thats what being a DPS monster will do, having 15-25 KBS definitely contribute, while you can stand there in your corner of the map and tell people to listen the **** up (as if they'd listen to you, why would they?) :)


People like "me" who "stands still"? Who said anything about me standing still and typing the entire match?


Errrr - "how convenient?" Okay - let me ask you this: How is it good for the team if a healer is defending instead of healing the team? By all means - if I were a stealther, I would be more than happy to defend, since I would know that I did my job. Again - non-stealthers can also defend, which I also am- wether I'm playing my healer or my non-stealther dps. Because SOMEONE has to defend- or your team risks loosing the WZ. But somehow you completely forgot that fact.... /eyeroll


Now - about your so-called 15-25 kb and me standing "in my corner of the map talking to people"...










Now tell me again that I "stand in my corner of the map and talk" - at that last picture (the bottom one), the chat you see, were ranging from beginning to the end of that round - yes..that is litterally the amounf of communication there was in that round. Those 11 lines of text, whereas most of them were even BEFORE and AFTER the round. ...does it look like I stand in a corner and talk all the time? No - I issue tactics - BASIC tactics..However, you cant help noticing a player who seems stressed, due to mistyping "right" - probably because he was under attack. Which is why a "R3" (right - 3 enemies) would suffice. Also - he made a classic "mistake" by calling it "right" - instead it should have been called "west" as to the positioning on the map, since "right" of you can vary, all depending on wether you are FACING the door or having the BACK to it, or if you look at the map, and comes to the conclusion that since the door to the "east" is to the "right" on your minimap, it can all cause confusion/misunderstanding.


Oh - please take notice of the objective-scores now that you are at it... and crawl back under the bridge.


INB4 you start talking about "low dmg" - take a notice of my lvl on those pictures. Keep in mind as well - I do not play rage monkey spec - I play pure carnage. At lvl 32, you don't have that many abilities. Yet I manage to pull stuff like that of. Now go and brag about you being a "dps" monster.


Now - if you tell me that while being the so-called "dps-monster" that you are, you are attacking the MARKED healers around the objectives, then you are participating in PTFO'ing and I tip my hat to you. But if you are no more than another smashmonkey who tunnelvisions every enemy player far away from the objectives, disregarding the marked healers, just in order to get high dmg numbers - then Im sorry to bust your bubble - it is not you who brings the team to victory. It is those of your teammembers who caps the points / kills the healers.


FYI, Huttball is also an objective-based WZ... learn to specify. The other WZs also makes people participating if they want. Noone is forcing them to do otherwise.

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People like "me" who "stands still"? Who said anything about me standing still and typing the entire match?


Errrr - how convenient? Mate let me tell you this: How is it good for the team if a healer is defending instead of healing the team? By all means - if I were a stealther, I would be more than happy to defend, since I would know that I did my job. Again - non-stealthers can also defend, which I also am- wether I'm playing my healer or my non-stealther dps. But somehow you completely forgot that fact.... /eyeroll


Your role does not matter


I can guarantee you that not one single player ( that doesnt intend to semi-afk on his dual screen ) will prefer to go guard. Sure, some classes/roles will have a bigger impact on the outcome of the big clash mid (example civil war) but that gives them no more right to go there than the person they're trying to force to guard.


Horrible arguments. When you guard 100% to be a great teammember, we'll talk.


Edit: Are you even on this server? I've done some lowbie PvP lately and dont recognize one *********** name.

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