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Drive yards = poison.


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Okay, just to make it clear..again....im referencing dps who queue in to the NORMAL flashpoints, as in..hammer station, athis, ect... you know, the normal flashpoints, who run around and aggro everything thinking it's okay to do this and expect the tank to pick up the pieces and get blamed because they die. If you are a dps, wait for the tank to get aggro first, this is all that I am saying.
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Okay, just to make it clear..again....im referencing dps who queue in to the NORMAL flashpoints, as in..hammer station, athis, ect... you know, the normal flashpoints, who run around and aggro everything thinking it's okay to do this and expect the tank to pick up the pieces and get blamed because they die. If you are a dps, wait for the tank to get aggro first, this is all that I am saying.


This is one reason why I like to tank on my assassin or shadow.


If the group starts acting like idiots and pulling whatever they want, I simply force cloak, let them die, and make them run back. Doesn't usually take long for them to get back into the 'let the tank pull' mode.


Also, bad players are just bad.


I have more issues with all the idiot sorcs / sages that run into a group of mobs I've carefully gathered together in a nice tight pack (which the rest of the team is AOE-ing down) and using their stupid knock back to toss the mobs out of the AOE and all over the place.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Okay, just to make it clear..again....im referencing dps who queue in to the NORMAL flashpoints, as in..hammer station, athis, ect... you know, the normal flashpoints, who run around and aggro everything thinking it's okay to do this and expect the tank to pick up the pieces and get blamed because they die. If you are a dps, wait for the tank to get aggro first, this is all that I am saying.


I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just saying the problem doesn't end with normal flashpoints. It goes on into hardmodes and ops at endgame. People power levelling with KDY is all well and good, but if you are new to mmos, you don't learn your role in a flashpoint without them...


I, for one, generally try to obey the roles as much as I can, unless I am goofing off with guildies, in any flashpoint or operation I do.

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Okay, just to make it clear..again....im referencing dps who queue in to the NORMAL flashpoints, as in..hammer station, athis, ect... you know, the normal flashpoints, who run around and aggro everything thinking it's okay to do this and expect the tank to pick up the pieces and get blamed because they die. If you are a dps, wait for the tank to get aggro first, this is all that I am saying.


These issues are not caused by KDY. Incompetent players need no excuse to be incompetent.

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I have more issues with all the idiot sorcs / sages that run into a group of mobs I've carefully gathered together in a nice tight pack (which the rest of the team is AOE-ing down) and using their stupid knock back to toss the mobs out of the AOE and all over the place.


Yes, I HATE this. Especially on the KDY prisoner level where knocking the mobs off the ledge consequently results in the ENTIRE room getting aggroed and the result is usually a wipe.


I had an idiot sorcerer do exactly this just last night even after I warned the group NOT to use a knockback in that part of the instance because, yes, the room will get pulled. (I was tanking on my Juggernaut)


and LOL at the picture posted of KDY traveling back in time in a time machine to create bad players.

Edited by kimdante
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I'm talking about dps deciding it's cool to run around and aggro adds thinking they can get away with it withought getting destroyed and then placing the blame on tanks, healers ect.


In other words....... welcome to MMO PUGs.


I agree KDY was a good move for Bioware to make... but it was a good move for DPS... NOT Healers and Tanks IMO.


KDY embodies the needs of the community for on demand PUGing with zero or near zero wait times for PvE. That actually aggregates DPS more so then other FPs... so I'm not at all surprised to see the complaint levels from some tanks and healers to go up about random DPS behaviors.


You have two solutions:


1) don't PUG. Group with friends and guild mates

2) suck it up and cope.


This is player behaviors you are being critical of in this thread and there is simply no way to address player behaviors such that nobody anywhere at any time is offended by the way other players play.

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Just my 2 cents on this, tanking and healing flashpoints, I've been noticing some pretty bad gameplay on the part of dps as whole, pulling ahead of the tanks, thinking they are invincible and think they can take on whole mobs on themselves, and when they end up getting destroyed who do they blame? The tank.....thanks bioware.


I think you need to read this thread, which was created May of last year and is an offshoot of a less organized thread on a similar topic.


The problem is not KDY. It's the players.

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KDY is definitely not at fault. There have always been bad players in MMORPG's since the dawn of video games but I think when World of Warcraft implemented the LFG tool it made it more ok to be bad... you could still get by and hide behind anonymity.
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Yes, I HATE this. Especially on the KDY prisoner level where knocking the mobs off the ledge consequently results in the ENTIRE room getting aggroed and the result is usually a wipe.


I had an idiot sorcerer do exactly this just last night even after I warned the group NOT to use a knockback in that part of the instance because, yes, the room will get pulled. (I was tanking on my Juggernaut)


It's easy to cause it, lots of classes have abilities with a knockback on them and it doesn't take much to knock a weak mob over the edge there. I've also seen the room aggro due to someone activating the terminal and standing too close to the edge.


If the whole block does aggro it doesn't need to be a wipe. Retreat back to the corridor and let the mobs come to you. They come at different rates, making it easier to pick them off. Surviving a potential wipe is all good fun :D

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My favourite thing is when you tell people how to disarm the body bombs, and they don't. They just keep wailing on the boss until they die.


Considering that that boss is the easiest to solo with my healing companion, yeah, I'd ignore you too. :cool:


Click the healing stations occasionally, don't stack, and you'll be fine.

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It's easy to cause it, lots of classes have abilities with a knockback on them and it doesn't take much to knock a weak mob over the edge there. I've also seen the room aggro due to someone activating the terminal and standing too close to the edge.


If the whole block does aggro it doesn't need to be a wipe. Retreat back to the corridor and let the mobs come to you. They come at different rates, making it easier to pick them off. Surviving a potential wipe is all good fun :D


This. I never issue the warning because I want to see if people do it. If they do it, I tell them to get back into the corridor exactly as you say. Most of the time they listen. When they don't, the run back from the spawn point helps them realize they should have.

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Just my 2 cents on this, tanking and healing flashpoints, I've been noticing some pretty bad gameplay on the part of dps as whole, pulling ahead of the tanks, thinking they are invincible and think they can take on whole mobs on themselves, and when they end up getting destroyed who do they blame? The tank.....thanks bioware.


LOL is this like a "...thanks, Obama" type thing?

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It's easy to cause it, lots of classes have abilities with a knockback on them and it doesn't take much to knock a weak mob over the edge there. I've also seen the room aggro due to someone activating the terminal and standing too close to the edge.


If the whole block does aggro it doesn't need to be a wipe. Retreat back to the corridor and let the mobs come to you. They come at different rates, making it easier to pick them off. Surviving a potential wipe is all good fun :D


It also helps if you play a class with an aoe knockback...so you can send a few mobs back down if you start to get overwhelmed.

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Yes, I HATE this. Especially on the KDY prisoner level where knocking the mobs off the ledge consequently results in the ENTIRE room getting aggroed and the result is usually a wipe.


I had an idiot sorcerer do exactly this just last night even after I warned the group NOT to use a knockback in that part of the instance because, yes, the room will get pulled. (I was tanking on my Juggernaut)


and LOL at the picture posted of KDY traveling back in time in a time machine to create bad players.

I see mercs/mandos do that way more often than sorcs. Lowbie sin/shadow tanks are using it too, I assume in an attempt to get aggro but it's really annoying.
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I particularly do not understand why people refuse to heal up between fights. Even when openly asked about it.


Because as you can see from some of the comments in this thread, people expect others to keep them alive no matter what silly things they do. It doesn't matter if you didn't queue as a healer, or are not spec'd for heals, or don't even have your healing abilities keybound. If your class can off-heal, a lot of people will expect you to waste your time and resources healing them during and between pulls rather than taking responsibility for their own health bar.


The best is when you get a group of all knights, slingers, or shadows, and someone invariably asks in the party chat "heals?" Usually this happens after they've started a pull with less-than-full-health and almost died. It always makes me chuckle, and I usually troll them back with "yeah I respec'd" (on my slinger).

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