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Post your "solutions" to World PvP for planets where both factions can fight.


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Before I go ahead and post this I'd like to acknowledge the fact that the likelyhood of this idea ever happening is basically none. Between the time it would take to develop, faction balance and the game's server issues it'd probably be too much. Even so, I can dream.


Earlier in this thread someone mentioned the idea of taking an entire planet and stripping it of NPC's to use purely for PvP. This gave me the idea to take a planet and turn it into essentially a continuous warzone. In the spirit of Bioware's new "Invasion" arc, I figured the best locations for this would be Tython and Korriban. (These would be instances completely seperate from the starter planets, so no worries about the newbies.) I picture the planets having a bit of a redesign with buildings burnt out or partially destroyed, the ground pock marked with craters, crashed starships here and there, etc. Not just because it'd look cool but also to give the planets some more PvP utility (burnt out buildings could be sniper nests, hollowed out starships could contain health or speed boosts, obstacles could be placed for LoS, etc.).


The ultimate goal on each planet would be for the attacking faction to capture the other factions temple (Sith Temple on Korriban, Jedi Temple on Tython) and thus, take the planet. To make the battle actually engaging, and at least somewhat resemble an actual war, it should be harder for the attacking faction to capture an enemy planet than it is for the home team to defend it. To this end, I have a few ideas.



  • The areas immediately surrounding the temples on each planet would still contain NPC's that help in the base's defense; say Jedi/Sith defenders, war droids and turret NPC's. Scattered across the planet there would also be three additional strategic points to capture, each with its own node (I imagine a node that works similar to Novare coast that would represent raising/lowering a faction's banner). Capturing these points would cut off the defenders from their reinforcements and thus, disable some of the NPC's.
    Example: Say for Tython these nodes would be located in the Twi'lek village, the ruins of kaleth, and the gnarls. Capturing the gnarls would cut off the Jedi reinforcements (Jedi NPC's disappear). The ruins would cut off the droids power source (war droid NPC's shut down), and say the village cuts off the twi'leks that man the turrets (gun turrets go silent).
  • The invaders need to hold a three cap to eliminate all of the temple's defenses. Difficult? Yes, but that's the point. Conquering a planet shouldn't be easy, and should require time and coordination. Additionally, it still would be possible to capture the temple without these other nodes, just a whole lot tougher. Spreading the action out also would open up some opportunities for ppl less interested in objectives and more interested in the joy of ganking. Solos could hang out along the paths between nodes (another fun use for downed ships and burned out buildings) and jump stragglers rushing to reinforce their teammates.
  • Capturing the temple would work the same as the other points, with a node to raise the banner. This particular banner may take more time to raise to add to the difficulty. It may make more sense for this node to be inside the temple, but even in my fantasy that would be a cluster****. Rather the node would be atop the temple stairs, right at the entrance, surrounded by NPC's when they're active. The defending team's respawn point would also be near the temple.
  • Functionally, these planets would act like any other warzone, with the key difference being the size and that anyone can enter and leave the instance as if it were any other planet.
  • Bolster would apply on these planets. This would eliminate lowbie ganking as an issue, and additionally would encourage everyone from levels 10 to 55 to come and aid in the defense or siege of the planet. 55's would still have an advantage with superior gear (for the most part) and having all of their abilities.
  • Rewards would work similar to regular warzones. Once you enter the instance you could start to earn medals, though the requirements would be higher than those in regular wz's as you'll likely be staying longer (so say instead of 350k heals, 1mil for a medal. Instead of 1 solo kill, 5. Medals for holding all three strategic points and/or the temple, etc.). Once you leave the instance these medals could be turned in at a terminal for wz/ranked comms, probably at a higher return rate than the reg wz medals. This would act as your daily, once you decide to turn in your medals you wouldn't be able to turn in any more until the terminal resets the next day.
  • If a faction holds BOTH planets they could recieve additional server wide rewards, like say a 5% increase in wz/ranked comm returns. Increase in credits earned from PvP.... use your imagination here. =P


Anyway, I've probably spent enough time rambling about this since it will never happen. Just felt like venting.




I have to say that I really love this idea. If Bioware ever get round to making something remotely based on this idea I will be very happy (if I survive the shock).

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All they have to do is implement rewards for open World PvP, simple.

You make it sound sooo easy but it's not, :p some people claim that there already are rewards for this in the Achievements but really no PvPer is a completionist in that aspect at all. I've gotten multiple achievements from it like the Hanhunter title, but we don't follow that sort of stuff. EAware is doing it wrong and we need to implement most if not all the ideas that have been posted in this thread up till now.

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You make it sound sooo easy but it's not, :p some people claim that there already are rewards for this in the Achievements but really no PvPer is a completionist in that aspect at all. I've gotten multiple achievements from it like the Hanhunter title, but we don't follow that sort of stuff. EAware is doing it wrong and we need to implement most if not all the ideas that have been posted in this thread up till now.


I would love to see more in depth ways to improve PvP. There are excellent suggestions in this thread and I am very impressed with a couple of people.

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Since launch I've been saying that Pilgrim Retreat on Voss is awesome for pvp. Both factions have flight paths right next to each other. If the player base had an incentive to go to Voss, especially this area, it would make for some epic fights. Edited by ReckonerH
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Thank you. Hopefully when I'm gone, BW can look at this thread for advice.


I don't think they will bother...It wouldn't really fit well with their no plan approach to PvP.


They'll just create more events like the Rakghoul resurgence and call that adding to open world PvP due to tight corridors and same quest objectives for both factions.


They'd also have to actually put effort into improving the engine so that there isn't a massive lag fest when 50 players are battling it out on screen...They don't seem to have any plans on improving the engine's performance either.

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