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The Capabilities of Legacy Storage


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I think it is better if people have to actually play their alts to get them fully geared. There are already more than enough players with full 78-com-gear on alts but who do not have a first clue how to play the alt.


The current system strikes a balance: you can partly gear your alts using Legacy transfers from your main, but if you want the better relics, earpieces and implants, you have to actually learn to play the alt effectively. I am fine with that.


I agree. This past week I've ran into people who have a mismatch of legacy gear with an odd combination of mods and bad earpiece/implants, who coincidentally had no clue how to play their class.

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Ive got outfits that have been used, would love to transfer them to another toon on my legacy. If its cartel stuff that I've paid with my own money, I don't see why I can't. 'Haters gotta hate' and all that but it boils down to -

My account, my money, my fun.

first thing I'm gonna do anyway is craft top level aug kits and dish them out, mats, the lot. I also have a lot of old tionese/columni/rakata gear that looks great and want to share with my alts. Since its in my cargo bay, then it is mine and legitimately earned.

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It'll be much easier to move gear around via legacy euipment. Right now if I roll a new char I have to login to like 5 or 6 (I forget things) chars to find one of my legacy weapons to mail a crystal to them. With the legacy storage you'll be able to keep all your legacy weapons in one place accessible to all your chars plus pooled crafting mats, stockpiling of random crafted odds and ends for whatever characters you roll in the future and just any additional storage will all be pretty useful.
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I mainly just want the ability to put credits, mats, and BoL or unbound equipment in there, and lots of tabs. Anything else is secondary. Being able to use credits and mats straight from the bank (i.e., not having to withdraw first) wouldn't hurt though. Edited by MillionsKNives
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As for the ability to deposit anything bound to that character into the legacy bank would completely break collections. Just copy the item as many times as you want and throw it in your bank, never having to pay for the unlock. That would likely mean, if they were to add the ability to transfer bound equipment then they would have to remove the free copies from collection for the character you originally bound it to. So even if that character was the one who originally bound the item they would still have to pay to unlock it before making copies.
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I mainly just want the ability to put credits, mats, and BoL or unbound equipment in there, and lots of tabs. Anything else is secondary. Being able to use credits and mats straight from the bank (i.e., not having to withdraw first) wouldn't hurt though.


So much ^this^


I've got 22 chars - including one of each crafter - so that equals

1 tab for Scav mats

1 for Arch

1 for Bio

at least 1 Tab for affection gifts (my main Mara's got 3 tabs and they're split into blue green purple)

1 tab for Blue/Purple Mats for the 4 craftin profs

at least 2 tabs for gear stockpiling

and 1 more because I've probably forgot something.


So I'm looking at needing 8 from the get-go, may as well make 10 the buyable max :D

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It'll be much easier to move gear around via legacy euipment. Right now if I roll a new char I have to login to like 5 or 6 (I forget things) chars to find one of my legacy weapons to mail a crystal to them. With the legacy storage you'll be able to keep all your legacy weapons in one place accessible to all your chars plus pooled crafting mats, stockpiling of random crafted odds and ends for whatever characters you roll in the future and just any additional storage will all be pretty useful.


^ This person gets it. No more hunting around wondering "where did I leave that BoL headpiece again?". Or wishing I had another MMG to get a 78 barrel crafted...forgetting I have 3 sitting on my guardian. etc.

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So it's only useful if it lets you "cheat the system" and "get around" the existing binding restrictions?


Why am I not surprised to see this attitude.


For months, many of the posts and posters clamoring for legacy storage have been claiming that they only want to make it easier for crafters. Now we will be getting legacy storage and all of a sudden it's "useless" unless we can "cheat the system" and "get around" the binding restrictions.

you go from thread to thread complaining about QOL improvements claiming that they are cheats, only for lazy people. YOU have the ability to make the game as hard core as you want for YOUSELF. make an alt, dont get a speeder, dont use rocketboots, dont use stims or heal packs...there are any number of things you can do to make your own experience as hardcore as you want. Instead, you troll the forums wanting to control everyone elses game experience.

If the guys that design the game put a feature in, its not cheating. they are the people trying to keep a game running and keep themselves employed. so they make some trade offs in how they write the game. At the end of the day, they will take the blame or the credit if the game succeeds or fails. There have been games designed for the "hardore" minded..those games failed. I am sure the devs pay a lot of attention as to what is going on in their industry.

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MMO's are all about the grinds and time sinks. If you want a game that has no grinds or time sinks, there are plenty on the market.


mmos are all about providing entertainment and making a profit. some grinds and some timesinks have been useful to designers in the past. too many will end you up with no customers.

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I think it is better if people have to actually play their alts to get them fully geared. There are already more than enough players with full 78-com-gear on alts but who do not have a first clue how to play the alt.


The current system strikes a balance: you can partly gear your alts using Legacy transfers from your main, but if you want the better relics, earpieces and implants, you have to actually learn to play the alt effectively. I am fine with that.


With weekly locks and weekly caps, having multiple alts leveled close together can become a very time consuming business. I, for once, will NOT agree to spend yet another "oh, look, I can`t do any ops for this week..FUUUU", when I have capped comms on alts that DID spend their time, doing it the "hard way".


And just a lil` FYI - I am rolling a trooper, but my main is/was a BH. I am also rolling a Scoundrel for heals (both PvP and OPs, if I won`t get bored), but I own an Operative healer that was in EWH when I stopped playing one year ago. So, your opinion is not as clever as you might think.


The ONLY toon I have no experience with is my sage, because I only had a jugg and mara on the Empire side, since I REALLY don`t like the Sorc. I have a pretty solid idea of how my build will be, however, and rotation + proc. One hour on a training dummy will make me smarter.


Next time, think before you open your mouth.

Edited by Styxx
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All I want is the ability to dump in mats and unbound items and be able to access / utilize those items across my legacy, preferably from my ship and fleet as well as the new housing, with extra bonus points if my crafting characters can 'auto withdraw' simply by queuing up items to craft.


And I agree with the posters in this thread that feel the game already caters enough to the lazy players with a strong sense entitlement who feel they should be able to play one character and after doing enough SM operations and dailies, be able to gear an army of alts without ever actually playing those alts in end-game content, so allowing the new storage as a means to pass bound items to alts is something I don't feel would add value to the game.


Not to mention the last thing I want to see is more of these self entitled lazy brats rolling need on everything everywhere with a 'my alt needs it' response when called out.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I don't mind it being used for crafting. I understand where your coming from with that. But I also like the idea of being able to send bound stuff between my characters. It saves me a lot of money and time and some of the stuff I have just sitting in my cargo hold could be better suited on another character of mine, but I can't send it because it's bound. Plus to make matters worse the item is either too pricey to be bought again or isn't available any more. Now it's just sitting there wasted.


I could see if this meant you were using it to cheat the system and unbind them so you could sell them on the GTN or something. That's different.

Edited by CassusVerda
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All I want is the ability to dump in mats and unbound items and be able to access / utilize those items across my legacy, preferably from my ship and fleet as well as the new housing, with extra bonus points if my crafting characters can 'auto withdraw' simply by queuing up items to craft.


And I agree with the posters in this thread that feel the game already caters enough to the lazy players with a strong sense entitlement who feel they should be able to play one character and after doing enough SM operations and dailies, be able to gear an army of alts without ever actually playing those alts in end-game content, so allowing the new storage as a means to pass bound items to alts is something I don't feel would add value to the game.


Not to mention the last thing I want to see is more of these self entitled lazy brats rolling need on everything everywhere with a 'my alt needs it' response when called out.

A roll is a roll and there is no difference in me asking if I can roll need on something that could benefit one of my alts with the actual alt being present and rolling need against 3 greed rolls. The chances of actual MAINS having competition in need rolls is lower if I can gear my alts via my main and not each time rolling need on what I have 10 items already, but can`t share them.


I love people who don`t think.


Case: Me and you, in one weekly OP. We both NEED one item from the last boss. My main has it already, let`s assume. We both get to the boss, we both roll need and you lose. 3 more weeks and you still lose rolls - not unheard of.


Now, aren`t you fuming and blaming every God you know simply because I could have passed in a 1 vs 1 roll situation, simply because I can share from the main that has it and doesn`t use it? I know I would and also I`d feel like an idiot for running my stupid mouth without thinking...

Edited by Styxx
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Then its a super pointless addition. I mean if thats all its going to be, it would a whole lot easier for them to just code in more cargo slots in our cargo bays, and make it free for us to Mail things to the other Characters on our Legacy.


The game already lets us move things around with Legacy Gear so why not just make so we can move anything around.....It would make CM gear even more desirable if you could move it around.


Except that allowing us to move Cartel Market items around so freely would keep us from using Cartel Coins to unlock items account wide as it would no longer be necessary. I seriously doubt they'll allow that. I suspect things that are unbound or bind to legacy will be all we can use it for. Thus we can throw our crafting mats in there and legacy bound items. Nothing more.


And honestly, I'm OK with that. Tossing crafting materials in there would be enough to keep me happy alone.

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So much ^this^


I've got 22 chars - including one of each crafter - so that equals

1 tab for Scav mats

1 for Arch

1 for Bio

at least 1 Tab for affection gifts (my main Mara's got 3 tabs and they're split into blue green purple)

1 tab for Blue/Purple Mats for the 4 craftin profs

at least 2 tabs for gear stockpiling

and 1 more because I've probably forgot something.


So I'm looking at needing 8 from the get-go, may as well make 10 the buyable max :D


Yeah, this will definitely benefit crafters and altoholics. I only have 17 characters, but I use all of them regularly. Whenever I mention how nice a legacy bank would be, I invariably get the reply: "Ya know, you can just mail stuff..."


I think the people saying that mailing is a valid workaround are probably those with few alts, or those who don't regularly log on to their alts... But perhaps they simply have more patience than me ;)

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I don't mind it being used for crafting. I understand where your coming from with that. But I also like the idea of being able to send bound stuff between my characters. It saves me a lot of money and time and some of the stuff I have just sitting in my cargo hold could be better suited on another character of mine, but I can't send it because it's bound. Plus to make matters worse the item is either too pricey to be bought again or isn't available any more. Now it's just sitting there wasted.


I could see if this meant you were using it to cheat the system and unbind them so you could sell them on the GTN or something. That's different.

I would be surprised if legacy storage would accept bound items.


The idea of obtaining "legacy bound gear" is one that started small (back in 1.2 with the capital city vendors) and has grown to exclusive(ish) rewards gotten from limited-time events. Note that the Gree vendor on the PTS has been updated with Legacy Offhands, which is something new.


Having legacy storage bypass the need for legacy gear would reduce the appeal of much of these unique event rewards. As well, there is a credit sink associated with shlepping mods around that would be eliminated if the legacy bank accepted bound items.


I just don't see it happening.


On the other hand, if I could deposit materials in the legacy bank, and use them for crafting on any toon without doing a withdrawl first, I'd be thrilled. Plus as Capt_Beers and NoFishing pointed out, there is much to be said for a single place to find things you're looking for. The more alts you have, with the more cargo tabs unlocked, the easier it is to lose track of stuff.

Edited by Khevar
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Having legacy storage bypass the need for legacy gear would reduce the appeal of much of these unique event rewards. As well, there is a credit sink associated with shlepping mods around that would be eliminated if the legacy bank accepted bound items.


I just don't see it happening.


Legacy gear will always be a cosmetic choice. I, for one, keep only TWO of them - the mara red set and the trooper white and black, whatever their names are. I used the legacy gear from Sand People even and the other from the infenction, back in the first Rack disease - the yellow whatsitsname containment set to move mods around and it really felt like chewing sand. Everything else is down to taste (like my BH and her Hydra full set, which will NEVER change).


As for mods, it`s the same credit sink - you STILL need to pull out the mods from whatever gear they are in, then put them in the Legacy set, only to pull them out again. STILL 2 full pulls - you only exchange emailing them to putting them into your storage. Even if you use one Legacy set to share between toons, you STILL don`t cut any credit sinks, you only put them into your storage, instead of emailing it to whatever toon you need it onto.


It SHOULD accept bound items, since we already all have gotten the free Legacy suits, so might as well cut the damn time consuming mods pulling and micromanagement BS.

Edited by Styxx
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It SHOULD accept bound items, since we already all have gotten the free Legacy suits, so might as well cut the damn time consuming mods pulling and micromanagement BS.

2.7 will see the new legacy offhands, with 2.8 giving early access to legacy storage.


Non-weapon legacy offhands have no cosmetic potential whatosever. The only value they add to the game is to shlep offhand bound barrels / hits / armoring. Plus, they require Grey Helix instead of credits, so you can only grind for the currency when the event is running.


Why add them to the game just to be made obsolete with the next patch?

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2.7 will see the new legacy offhands, with 2.8 giving early access to legacy storage.


Non-weapon legacy offhands have no cosmetic potential whatosever. The only value they add to the game is to shlep offhand bound barrels / hits / armoring. Plus, they require Grey Helix instead of credits, so you can only grind for the currency when the event is running.


Why add them to the game just to be made obsolete with the next patch?


Since the first legacy weapon, that bow caster, more than a year ago, you could already send EVERYTHING minus hilts, via full legacy sets (either the 2 from that time`s events, or any El Cheapo from the legacy vendors) and the barrels, via the bow caster.


[EDIT] Sword of the Vigilant, Czerka daily BoL can transfer hilts, just saw. Introduced 2.3, but still.


So, effective patch 2.3, we can send EVERYTHING between alts already. I`d like to cut the middleman, as it is, and send DIRECTLY, thank you very much, since I can send ANYWAY.

Edited by Styxx
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So, effective patch 2.3, we can send EVERYTHING between alts already. I`d like to cut the middleman, as it is, and send DIRECTLY, thank you very much, since I can send ANYWAY.

You seemed to have missed the point I made about offhands.


As of 2.0, you could NOT send offhand bound armoring, vibroknife barrels and scattergun barrels. As of 2.7, the new legacy offhands will let you do that (for the first time in the last 12 months since 2.0).


The ONLY reason to add these legacy offhands is for schlepping gear. There is no cosmetic benefit whatsoever. What would be the reason to add legacy offhand gear in 2.7, if 2.8 rendered them completely pointless with legacy storage accepting bound items?

Edited by Khevar
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Legacy gear will always be a cosmetic choice. I, for one, keep only TWO of them - the mara red set and the trooper white and black, whatever their names are. I used the legacy gear from Sand People even and the other from the infenction, back in the first Rack disease - the yellow whatsitsname containment set to move mods around and it really felt like chewing sand. Everything else is down to taste (like my BH and her Hydra full set, which will NEVER change).


As for mods, it`s the same credit sink - you STILL need to pull out the mods from whatever gear they are in, then put them in the Legacy set, only to pull them out again. STILL 2 full pulls - you only exchange emailing them to putting them into your storage. Even if you use one Legacy set to share between toons, you STILL don`t cut any credit sinks, you only put them into your storage, instead of emailing it to whatever toon you need it onto.


It SHOULD accept bound items, since we already all have gotten the free Legacy suits, so might as well cut the damn time consuming mods pulling and micromanagement BS.



I do not expect legacy storage to restrict a player from putting a bound mod into a piece of legacy gear, putting that piece of legacy gear into your legacy storage, pulling it out of legacy storage with your alt, removing the mod from the legacy gear and inserting the mod into your alt's gear. There is a difference between that and putting that bound mod directly into legacy storage to be removed by your alt. The first still carries that credit sink, while the second would cheat the current system by bypassing that credit sink.


IMO, it should NOT accept bound items.

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I don't mind it being used for crafting. I understand where your coming from with that. But I also like the idea of being able to send bound stuff between my characters. It saves me a lot of money and time and some of the stuff I have just sitting in my cargo hold could be better suited on another character of mine, but I can't send it because it's bound. Plus to make matters worse the item is either too pricey to be bought again or isn't available any more. Now it's just sitting there wasted.


I could see if this meant you were using it to cheat the system and unbind them so you could sell them on the GTN or something. That's different.


It would still be cheating the current system as it would "unbind" items, even if the end result is legacy bound. Under the current system, a bound item cannot be directly transferred to an alt. A bound mod can be indirectly transferred to an alt, by using legacy gear, but there are steps that must be completed before that can happen and a credit cost incurred. What many are asking is to be able to cheat the current system and bypass those binding restrictions by transferring bound items directly to alts while avoiding the credit cost by using the legacy storage.

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first it can't be a cheat IF the coders put it in there and there is no mistake,second something this useful may have a monthly fee attached to it.


I think it will have an unlock cost, but I doubt that they would charge a monthly fee for legacy storage since they do not charge a monthly fee for anything now with the exception of a subscription. The closest to charging a monthly fee, IMO, would be making it a subscriber only perk and not making it possible for F2P or preferred to purchase an unlock.

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I do not expect legacy storage to restrict a player from putting a bound mod into a piece of legacy gear, putting that piece of legacy gear into your legacy storage, pulling it out of legacy storage with your alt, removing the mod from the legacy gear and inserting the mod into your alt's gear. There is a difference between that and putting that bound mod directly into legacy storage to be removed by your alt. The first still carries that credit sink, while the second would cheat the current system by bypassing that credit sink.


IMO, it should NOT accept bound items.


personal housing is a HUGE credit sink. they can stand to lose a little on a minor one

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