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Swtor has nothing to fear from Wildstar!


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My girlfriend and I gave wildstar a chance this weekend and after about 3 or 4 hours of playing it, we glanced at each other and both of us simultaneously said something like "meehhhh, no ..."


While the mechanics beeing nice and fast paced with the telegraph system, the game in my opinion lacks an immense amount of immersion without the cutscenes i got used to while playing TOR.


The major point which turned both of us in favor against it, is the style of characters, colors and the overall look and feel.

In comparison to the "Reduced Comic"-Style of TOR, Wildstars' Comic-Style is so overdone, to quote my girlfriend "This whole game looks like on a LSD Trip". Everything seems to be colored by a lunatic kid with neon crayons :eek:

With TOR's Charakter models already beeing something like all-genetically-enhanced superhumans / superaliens, the models of wildstar are totally out of control, super wide shoulders combined with a wasp like waist on a regular human male, simply akward.


The other point was the strange quest system with those oldskool quests texts and the lack of decisions (yeah, i do it <-> Forget it!). While the path quests were quite nice with all the jumping as explorer, the rest of the quest were again like "go there, bring that", and even as TOR follows the same pattern i feel a lot more involved with all those cutscenes.


The last point was the very laggy performance of the game, not fps wise but having issues with micro lags/hangers. Despite the game only beeing in open beta, overall graphics performance was quite good with my machine constantly running it with around 70-80 fps, but the those micro lags/hangers were akward (and i never ever had something similar in TOR since beta).


So after an overall playtime of around 6 hours we both were happy to fire up TOR :D


This almost exactly matches my experience.


SWTOR is the first MMO I've really played. After building a PC this winter I gave WoW a test drive, got in on an ESO beta weekend, and finally tried SWTOR F2P. I didn't hate WoW or ESO (especially ESO since it definitely had that ES feel which I Iove) but neither of them hooked me like TOR did.


Wildstar did not feel immersive at all even though I'll admit to only playing it for about 4 hours. I'm very spoiled by TOR's cut scenes and it felt like a step backwards in that regard. I also felt the character design was too cartoonish and unoriginal while the world almost had too much going on in it. That probably would've become less jarring with more playtime though.


In the end there was nothing that made me feel I should keep playing WS or abandon SWTOR. I honestly don't understand much of the complaining about SWTOR. It's certainly not perfect but I love it and at times feel intimidated by how much I still need to do to max out my first character even though I'm at LVL 55. I truly don't get some of the whining and constant complaints that just need to be let go. THIS is KOTOR 3 and quite frankly I think it's awesome. I loved KOTOR 1 but stopped playing 2 before I finished since I hated some characters and thought it was too much of the same. A KOTOR 3 never would've been this huge, had this much playtime, or given you the chance to play with other ppl which is one of my favorite things about TOR. Nearly everyone I've grouped with has been helpful and made the game more enjoyable.


I really hope WS and ESO succeed, that WoW continues to succeed, and that people have a great time playing them. They just weren't for me right now. More choices is always better for gamers. I don't feel either poses a threat to SWTOR or the other way around. There are plenty of people to keep multiple MMOs going in this world. Not only that but in regards to SWTOR directly, it seems to be healthy based on profit returns (despite every thread on FB having some moron post, "Ppl still play this?" I'd say $150 mil in profit last year says yes they are) and there's a fantastic little marketing tool coming out in about a year called Star Wars: Episode VII that is sure to drum up more interest in TOR. If they are smart they're going to take advantage of that marketing blitz to push TOR at people who would maybe not have given it a chance otherwise.

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I don't think it's shallow. If you spend 30+ hours a week staring at a computer screen it damn well look good. It's the same reason I could never play WoW, it just looked too cartoony to me. For me it was never about whether the gameplay was good or not. I want both gameplay and design to be good. But what's good for me isn't necessarily good for another so it's still a personal thing. Wild Star doesn't do it for me either so I'm not even going to do the beta.


Although I do not mind the graphics of Wildstar, the leveling process does not have the "hook" for me. I love the combat system and the challenging nature of even trash mobs (the telegraphs and a nice dynamic). However, I cannot hold my interest. I remember leveling my guardian. I wanted to know what would happen next. This is not the case in Wildstar.


I will still try it for a month. I just do not see myself being as dedicated as I was in SWTOR.

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I was really trying to love Wildstar.


But something about the way they display information and the hectic nature of questing with everything being everywhere just kind turned me off to the game.


in fact it made me resub to swtor and play the secret world again. weird how a game made me play two games I stopped playing because I thought it was that bad.


EDIT: of course wildstar is the jesus mmo to destroy all mmo's much like GW2 used to be heralded before it released.

Edited by keysmachine
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I was really trying to love Wildstar.


But something about the way they display information and the hectic nature of questing with everything being everywhere just kind turned me off to the game.


in fact it made me resub to swtor and play the secret world again. weird how a game made me play two games I stopped playing because I thought it was that bad.


It did not make me resub but the UI does not appeal to me. Wildstar does have addons to negate this but I wonder how many people actually use addons.

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so we've upgraded from using XFIRE as an indicator of game health to REDDIT?




Yes, heaven forbid I point out that the most popular site for discussing almost any topic might reflect the general interest between two subjects based on the number of people reading said topics.


Your right, I'm sure the 200 people reading up on SWTOR are much more valuable than the 1100 people reading up on Wildstar.


Wildstar will put a pretty big dent in SWTOR for a few months. The great thing about SWTOR is that it is FTP, people can easily pop onto SWTOR when ever they want to raid or PvP a little.

Edited by illgot
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Yes, heaven forbid I point out that the most popular site for discussing almost any topic might reflect the general interest between two subjects.


Your own source shows more people subscribing to the TOR subreddit than are subscribed to the Wildstar subreddit.


Your thoughts?

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Your own source shows more people subscribing to the TOR subreddit than are subscribed to the Wildstar subreddit.


Your thoughts?


SWTOR is already established and released and has existed on Reddit longer than Wildstar, yet only has 19% more subscribers.


But in turn Wildstar has over 500% more people currently reading it's forums which is less established.

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SWTOR is already established and released and has existed on Reddit longer than Wildstar, yet only has 19% more subscribers.


But in turn Wildstar has over 500% more people currently reading it's forums which is less established.


So, you're saying TOR is more experienced and well established and more polished. I can't say that I can disagree with your assessment.

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SWTOR is already established and released and has existed on Reddit longer than Wildstar, yet only has 19% more subscribers.


But in turn Wildstar has over 500% more people currently reading it's forums which is less established.


I think we need to look at the validity of the data and your assumptions. First, how popular was reddit when SWTOR was launched? It makes sense that Wildstar would have more active viewers than SWTOR. Wildstar has a wealth of content on the horizon. In addition, people are hoping that Wildstar will see some changes. There is more interest in Wildstar than SWTOR right now.


However, that does not mean SWTOR has to fear WIldstar. They are going to lose people this summer. The loss is due to SWTOR's production schedule during the summer and the nature of the summer season. When 3.0 is released, then an observation should be made.

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SWTOR is already established and released and has existed on Reddit longer than Wildstar, yet only has 19% more subscribers.


But in turn Wildstar has over 500% more people currently reading it's forums which is less established.


Your delusion is next level. Your own logic falters at first viewing. Wildstar is a new game and has buzz due to that. OF COURSE there will be views on it. I mean that is a no brainer. Plus Reddit is used on a higher level in the past year as opposed to when SWTOR came out. Hence why even using reddit as an indicator is flawed since it's popularity is recent and will be superceded by the next big thing!


Come on man. Use some logic. Wildstar is an interesting game and all, but it won't appeal to everyone nor be the next killer of anything. It'll draw in a large crowd then once people have to start paying for it they won't and then it'll have it's own following like EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO POST WOW! This is pure unadulterated logic. SWTOR had hype, GW2 had hype, TSW had hype, ESO had hype and Wildstar has hype. They all end up the same because MMO's are not games that keep the masses' attention. If Wildstar bucks the trend that that would be astonishing and bravo to them, but the game is getting the same feedback every one of its kin get. It's fun, but isn't fun after you play it for a bit. Same that ESO got and everyone else got.

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lol wildstar is one of the best games on the market right now. the combat is great, the storyline is awesome and theres so much thats already in it and thats coming. what does tor have? oh thats right no new ops no new flashpoints no new content gsf is now being forgotten about. strongholds is just a cartel market thing for ea to steal more money theres more p2w coming with those jawa vendors and packs.


wildstar is the sleeper hit of the year tor has barely anyone working on it and chances are will be sunset very soon.

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lol wildstar is one of the best games on the market right now. the combat is great, the storyline is awesome and theres so much thats already in it and thats coming. what does tor have? oh thats right no new ops no new flashpoints no new content gsf is now being forgotten about. strongholds is just a cartel market thing for ea to steal more money theres more p2w coming with those jawa vendors and packs.


wildstar is the sleeper hit of the year tor has barely anyone working on it and chances are will be sunset very soon.


IF you feel this way, why are you here? Also, when you say "Pay to Win" I don't think it means what you think it means. :rolleyes:

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IF you feel this way, why are you here? Also, when you say "Pay to Win" I don't think it means what you think it means. :rolleyes:

i wont be here much longer nor will whats left of the small player base. wildstar is going to just take over the market and i'm going to get in early on it.

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lol wildstar is one of the best games on the market right now. the combat is great, the storyline is awesome and theres so much thats already in it and thats coming. what does tor have? oh thats right no new ops no new flashpoints no new content gsf is now being forgotten about. strongholds is just a cartel market thing for ea to steal more money theres more p2w coming with those jawa vendors and packs.


wildstar is the sleeper hit of the year tor has barely anyone working on it and chances are will be sunset very soon.



yeah wildstar looked cool but it failed to deliver.. by the time i was high enough level to try out dungeons i had allready grown bored with the game. i decided to give it another try during open beta and found myself calling it after 4 levels. it's looks awesome but it does not deliver.


also people are allready whining about there being so few people in the open beta and the fans say it's because they dont want to burn out.. if you cant keep em from getting burned out before it's even released and they have'nt even come close to level cap you're defenitely doing something wrong.

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i wont be here much longer nor will whats left of the small player base. wildstar is going to just take over the market and i'm going to get in early on it.


SWTOR is FTP, there is no reason to give up SWTOR completely.

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Yes, heaven forbid I point out that the most popular site for discussing almost any topic might reflect the general interest between two subjects based on the number of people reading said topics.


Your right, I'm sure the 200 people reading up on SWTOR are much more valuable than the 1100 people reading up on Wildstar.


Wildstar will put a pretty big dent in SWTOR for a few months. The great thing about SWTOR is that it is FTP, people can easily pop onto SWTOR when ever they want to raid or PvP a little.


are we counting just reddit or total people.


I'm curious. becasue none of the people I personally know and play SWTOR with - EVER go to reddit for anything. we usually check out dulfy and a few other sites for SWTOR stuff. and well.. developer updates. so... does it mean we don't exist or something?


moreover... we lost couple of people to ESO. we lost none to wildstar. why? its not the same type of game, it appeals to a very specific player and a somewhat different part of the market. I'm sure there will be TOR players who will check it out for a time. but I simply don't see it making much of a dent.


(and no, its not even remotely the best game on a market. becasue there's no such thing as objectively best game, you know given people having different preferences and desires. )

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i wont be here much longer nor will whats left of the small player base. wildstar is going to just take over the market and i'm going to get in early on it.


love that you can predict the future. Amazing that. Can I have next friday's euromillions numbers while you're here?

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i wont be here much longer nor will whats left of the small player base. wildstar is going to just take over the market and i'm going to get in early on it.


SWTOR does a small player base as compared to WOW, FFXIV ARR, ESO (although look at that again in 6 months), and maybe RIFT. However, I think you are neglecting the advantages of having the best IP in the MMO industry. This does not mean SWTOR is better than Wildstar. It just means that this game retains a certain population because of its IP.


I think that Wildstar is a good game. It is challenging and has a really fun combat system. Its housing, vehicles, and crafting are superior to SWTOR. However, I do not get a lightsaber and I cannot use the force. I am not a Jedi nor am I a Sith. I think that a lot of people will leave SWTOR until 3.0. However, a large majority of them will come back during the expansion.


As a disclaimer, I am extremely frustrated with the game right now. I think a lot of the content is "easy-mode" and a sub is not worth the 5 months of no or rehashed content. So do not think I am some BW/ SWTOR defender.

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