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Where/What is your favourite place in TOR so far?


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By that I mean where/what do you think is the best looking area in the game? For me I cant believe how good the Dune sea looks! I give top marks to the people responsible for making it. The sky, the sand and cruzing around my new STAP it was just perfect!


I was woundering what/where is your favourite looking place in game?

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The blade runner city, Nar Shaddar i think but i may have got the name wrong, if you listen closely they even have the theme music from Blade Runner playing in places, its awesome. For those of you who don't know what Blade Runner is go get it from your dvd store and then go visit this place
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Out of all, I'd vote Alderaan as favorite, with Balmora being my least favorite.

Tatooine is awesome too. And I must be crazy, but I like Taris a lot too.

And Nar Shaddaa is amazing, feels like Los Angeles in 2019 in Blade Runner!

EDIT: haha just noticed the post above mine... and I have Blade Runner on Blu-Ray, of course! <3 Ridley Scott movies.

Edited by Korrigan
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Tat by far.


A lot places have interesting visuals. Nar shador ( sp ) But the layout and questing on that planet drove me nuts. One gigantic twisting hallway of grind.


Taris, has been fun so far. Actually kind of a challenge to get through some things there. Look reminds me of half life.


Alderan had nice large areas which didn't have that on rails feeling. But it had a lot of other issues I wont go in to. This planet and Tat got as close to the casual well orgainzed quest hub type layout that WoW uses. Absent a better design style they should have used this style a lot more.


The mini dungeon designs are carbon copy two dimensional grind fest. I almost refuse to go into them anymore. Yay, it's another long hallway with three spawns.

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